View Full Version : Manly P. Hall - Gulliver's Travels Part 1/6
17th April 2012, 06:31 PM
17th April 2012, 07:39 PM
you should keep this in the other manly p hall thread that you started. I listened to a few of his youtubes last weekend. It would be nice to keep all of the thoughts together. just my opinion.
17th April 2012, 09:43 PM
I was wondering what the heck his whole point was... until I got to part 4 at about 3:30. At this time he discusses exactly the problem we are currently facing with Government, who makes up Govt and what they do.
Do you know when were these lectures recorded? Mr Hall died in 1990.
oh -oh begining Part 5 he's talking about how we need an NWO...... perhaps
17th April 2012, 10:09 PM
Interesting read
"While the black
magician at the time of signing his pact with the elemental demon may be
fully convinced that he is strong enough to control indefinitely the
powers placed at his disposal, he is speedily undeceived. Before many
years elapse he must turn all his energies to the problem of
self-preservation. A world of horrors to which he has attuned himself by
his own covetousness looms nearer every day, until he exists upon the
edge of a seething maelstrom, expecting momentarily to to be sucked down
into its turbid depths. Afraid to die — because he will become the
servant of his own demon — the magician commits crime after crime to
prolong his wretched earthly existence. Realizing that life is
maintained by the aid of a mysterious universal life force which is the
common property of all creaeures, the black magician often becomes an
occult vampire, stealing this energy from others. According to mediaeval
superstition, black magicians turned themselves into werewolves and
roamed the earth at night, attacking defenseless victims for the life
force contained in their blood."
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