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17th April 2012, 07:12 PM
Mitt Romney's Hopelessly Narcissistic View of Animal Cruelty
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Romneys participated in a nationally televised interview with ABC News' Diane Sawyer last night, during which they had the opportunity (thanks to Dogs Against Romney) to answer questions about the famed "dog-on-roof incident" in which the Romney's admit to travelling (at least once, and perhaps frequently) with their family pet strapped to the roof of their station wagon as if he were luggage.

Mitt Romney, when asked by Sawyer if he would do such a thing again, said "Certainly not...," which would have been a fantastic answer had he not been compelled to add a totally narcissistic qualifier, "...with all the attention its received."

I repeat: "Certainly not with all the attention its received."

In other words, Mr. Romney still sees nothing wrong with what he did (despite the fact that 68% of Americans say it was "inhumane") and the only reason he wouldn't do it again is to avoid personal political backlash.

It is stunning - and disappointing - that the Romneys just don't get it.


17th April 2012, 07:34 PM
Pretty crazy.

Even if I had a fully sound proofed ultimate comfort box designed by nasa, I still wouldn't strap it to the roof of my car.

One thing goes wrong on the highway, and that's it.

17th April 2012, 08:05 PM
First off I think that mitty and co. just didn't want to deal with the dog close quarters and that's just odd as to me if it's the family pet. Add the fact that he's a weasel about it and he's a pussy/PC'er to boot.

Now for the story....

When we left Costa Rica it was me, my friend and the driver. We had a ton of stuff and 2 dogs (1 prego) and a cat, there was no choice but to put the animals on the roof along with the other cargo. The trip from the jungle over the huge mountain range and to the shipping port/airport was a fucking nightmare, lol. Everytime you heard a noise it was like OMFG, did we lose one? The feeling made ya sick inside. These animals were/are my friends' kids pets, to NOT come home with them is not acceptable. They all made it back..in one piece and the one gave birth to 5 good pups.

So....to do it and think nothing of it, to me speaks ill of a person. Flopney didn't have to make that choice, he's just an asshole.

17th April 2012, 09:21 PM
When I have read about this in the past, Romney said the dog really enjoyed it. Wtf? My dog would do anything I asked of him, does that mean it's the best or most responsible thing?

Last summer a woman was hiking with her mastiff as she was training for a marathon and had no water (100 degrees outside), the dog started to have a heatstroke on the mountain and they were not able to get him to a vet in time and he passed away. All of this because of the owners stupidity. My point being that a loyal dog will do anything for their owner and it is the owners responsibility to do what is safe for the dog. If he can't do something that simple how can anyone expect him to do anything good for the US.

18th April 2012, 05:18 AM
This is hilarious, Romney's chutzpah, but still, if it was his dog, he can do whatever the hell he wants with it for all I care.

I'm not an animal rights guy, I'm a property rights guy. Fuck, I eat animals. (not dogs though)

18th April 2012, 07:11 AM
I was in Whitefish, Montana awhile back and saw a vehicle going down the street with a big old hairy red dog. His head was sticking up out of the sunroof and he had his paws on the roof. Looked like he was enjoying the hell out of the ride.