View Full Version : idea for a new subforum

18th April 2012, 09:30 AM
i'm posting this out here for visibility, but mods, feel free to move it to communications if need be.

i was thinking it would be neat to have a "projects" type subforum. it could be used for people to post step-by-step instructions on "how to" do/make things.

for example, i did a thread in preparedness awhile back on how to make a hobo stove with step-by-step instructions & pictures.

i realize you could do this currently in the appropriate sub-forum, but i thought it might be neat to have one place where they would all be listed.

i think it'd be great to have people posting their expertise in project format for everyone else to print out and use themselves. what got me to thinking about it was JDRock's post on "how do i make/upload mp3's?" somebody could write an article with steps, take screenshots, and make that in to a project for such a subforum.


Old Herb Lady
18th April 2012, 09:59 AM
Fantastic idear Chad !

(-x x-)

18th April 2012, 10:01 AM
Fantastic idear Chad !

(-x x-)

thanks; i'm sure there's some cool herb type stuff you could clue us in on :) a lot of times people post links to other sites, but i'm really interested in how people right here do things, as we all have a special sort of crazy.

18th April 2012, 10:08 AM
Don't hold your breath. It took what 2 years to get some new smilies. [()];)

18th April 2012, 10:08 AM
ooo i love looking at other people's projects! i used to be addicted to the projects subforum on somethingawful.com. there are some really smart people out there....

i think this is a cool idea!

18th April 2012, 10:16 AM
Don't hold your breath. It took what 2 years to get some new smilies. [()];)



18th April 2012, 10:35 AM
i'm posting this out here for visibility, but mods, feel free to move it to communications if need be.

i was thinking it would be neat to have a "projects" type subforum. it could be used for people to post step-by-step instructions on "how to" do/make things.

for example, i did a thread in preparedness awhile back on how to make a hobo stove with step-by-step instructions & pictures.

i realize you could do this currently in the appropriate sub-forum, but i thought it might be neat to have one place where they would all be listed.

i think it'd be great to have people posting their expertise in project format for everyone else to print out and use themselves. what got me to thinking about it was JDRock's post on "how do i make/upload mp3's?" somebody could write an article with steps, take screenshots, and make that in to a project for such a subforum.


I like this idear..

18th April 2012, 10:38 AM
Good idea since the search function sucks ass here. There have been a few that have got lost over the while. So many sub forums right now I dont know what section to look in.

18th April 2012, 11:14 AM
Why not just include a tag for the thread like "how to" or "project"?

We might have like 10 project threads per year, and they are all going to be in a subforum that very few will see.


18th April 2012, 11:57 AM
Why not just include a tag for the thread like "how to" or "project"?

We might have like 10 project threads per year, and they are all going to be in a subforum that very few will see.


that's not true, palani will probably fill it up with at least 500 "how to get out of any law" instructional posts.