View Full Version : IRS To Revoke Passports of 30,000 U.S. Troops

18th April 2012, 11:22 AM
IRS To Revoke Passports of 30,000 U.S. Troops? (http://www.infowars.com/irs-to-revoke-passports-of-30000-u-s-troops/)

Active duty soldiers would be ensnared by new tax law
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The U.S. Army could be 30,000 troops lighter if a new law allowing the IRS to suspend travel rights of Americans it claims are tax delinquent passes Congress – the Internal Revenue Service says active duty soldiers owe a total of around $390 million in back taxes.

“About 30,000 active-duty troops and a similar number of reserve-component members owe the Internal Revenue Service a collective $390 million in back taxes, according to IRS data,” reports WTLX (http://www.wltx.com/news/national/article/184364/142/Government-Says-Troops-Owe-390M-in-Back-Taxes).

A new law buried within a transport bill that has already passed the Senate and is expected to pass the House shortly would empower the IRS to revoke passports of Americans accused of tax delinquency.

“There is no requirement that the tax payer be guilty of or even charged with tax evasion, fraud, or any criminal offense — only that the citizen is alleged to owe the IRS back taxes of $50,000 or more,” reports the Daily Economist. (http://www.thedailyeconomist.com/2012/03/bill-in-congress-could-suspend-your.html)

As we have highlighted (http://www.prisonplanet.com/irs-travel-ban-revoking-citizenship-by-stealth.html), although the bill is completely illegal in that it violates Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3 of the United States Constitution, experts say the Republican controlled House is like to pass the provision because it will raise an estimated $750 million dollars in extra taxes.

Federal employees would also be ensnared by the new measures. IRS figures show (http://www.masslive.com/politics/index.ssf/2012/04/sen_scott_brown_intorduces_bil.html) that in 2010, “98,000 federal employees owed a combined $1 billion in back taxes.”

Furthermore, members and employees of the U.S. Senate owe over $2 million dollars in unpaid taxes.


Twisted Titan
18th April 2012, 12:40 PM
Exemptions will quickly be made for the meat sheilds.

Provided they re enlist

18th April 2012, 12:45 PM
"Stop quoting the law, we have swords."

18th April 2012, 12:46 PM
Show me 1 soldier who owes $50,000 in back taxes......Then, can you show me 30,000 of them?

Not that im defending this, but truth is supreme, not propaganda.

18th April 2012, 12:55 PM
One of our betters wants a private island party for his daughters bat mitzvah, needs a few extra bux

18th April 2012, 01:03 PM
Show me 1 soldier who owes $50,000 in back taxes......Then, can you show me 30,000 of them?

Not that im defending this, but truth is supreme, not propaganda.

Yeah - I dont get this.

using these figures, $390 mil / 30000 solders = $13,000 each on avg.

kind of far from their $50K limit

18th April 2012, 01:10 PM
I guess the articles are completely worthless unless someone highlights the more pertinent parts.


18th April 2012, 01:12 PM
Indy media has been taking sensationialism lessons from the EZOG MSM.

18th April 2012, 03:54 PM
Federal employees would also be ensnared by the new measures. IRS figures show (http://www.masslive.com/politics/index.ssf/2012/04/sen_scott_brown_intorduces_bil.html) that in 2010, “98,000 federal employees owed a combined $1 billion in back taxes.”

Furthermore, members and employees of the U.S. Senate owe over $2 million dollars in unpaid taxes.

So what you want to do is identify these people and process them through this new IRS policy. I'm sure the IRS would welcome assistance from tax payers to identify those who might be affected by this. It would be a shame if elected members didn't have a passport now wouldn't it?

Hatha Sunahara
18th April 2012, 03:57 PM
What we are seeing is a 'trial run' for this idea. They are not really trying to apply it to military people. I doubt that collecting taxes from the military is a significant problem--certainly not one deserving of such arcane treatment.

I would suggest that they are using this proposal to gauge how much opposition they will encounter when they apply it to all of us. If all it gets is a big yawn, they know we're all still sound asleep, and you can expect it to be applied wider and more severely soon. If it meets a lot of opposition, like SOPA did, it will come back in ten different more specific incarnations over a period of time until people stop resisting. If we're asleep, they sock it to us. If we're awake, they wear us down until we go back to sleep. It's to tighten their control over us--so that we will never have the means or the will to resist them. This is the 'money power' at work. The IRS is a private corporation that is a collection agency for the NWO. The government doesn't need tax money. They get all they need by borrowing it from the Fed. The Fed needs the tax money because that is the interest on the debt the government owes them. The NWO's biggest asset is their slaves. But they won't work unless they think they are free. TPTB are playing with a delicate balance with this measure. Try to remember the Soviet Union. The more repressive the government got, the less productive the people became until it all collapsed. This measure, and the increasing jurisdiction of the TSA and Homeland Security, and their increasingly paranoid gestures can do nothing but reduce the productivity of the people. The speed with which we are seeing these desperate measures being introduced suggests that a collapse is planned fairly soon. If you look around, you might see the replacement system that will take over after the collapse happens. The group that pushes Agenda 21 will be part of that replacement system. Many of the UN organizations will be given real power over people. We won't have any revolution, or even a collapse. We will just have a big 'coup'. Maybe this is what they refer to in the Protocols of Zion which talks about 'the day of the smash'. It will all happen in one day. That means it will be a coup. All the machinery is in place, but the faces will change because of this coup. There will be a quick-morph reorganization, and presto, the NWO is here. There is an excellent book on this topic by Edward Luttwak called Coup D'Etat--written in the late 1960s.


18th April 2012, 04:19 PM
Wow I don't want to accept that as the final answer. RP is a huge cog in their wheels and that is most likely why he is ignored hoping not to wake the sheep all at once. We are witnessing history in the making right now and I am glad to be here at this time. I would like events to be different but none the less I am glad to be here.