View Full Version : police show up to wrong address, shoot owner's dog because it barked at them

18th April 2012, 01:18 PM
otbwtb, otb.



AUSTIN, Texas (CBS Houston) – An Austin police officer fatally shoots a dog after showing up at the wrong address for a domestic violence call.

When police officer Thomas Griffin arrived to the address last Saturday, he witnessed Michael Paxton playing Frisbee with his dog, Cisco.

According to reports obtained by CBS Houston, the officer yelled at Paxton to show him his hands. The police car dashboard cam then caught Cisco coming to his owner’s rescue by barking at the officer. The officer responded by yelling, “Get your dog!”

Griffin then opened fire on Cisco, killing the dog.

“The dog ran to his feet, he lowered his aim and shot the dog and raised his aim back up at me and told me to get back,” Paxton told WAFB-TV. “My dog never made a move to attack him other than the challenging him and barking. He ran to his feet.”

The Austin Police Department issued an apology for the incident. Per department policy, an investigation always takes place after an officer fires their weapon.

Police did not answer why the officer used a firearm instead of a stun gun.

“We are not going to second-guess our officer,” Sgt. David Daniels told KSEE-TV. Sgt. Daniels also added that officers have a right to use their weapons if they feel threatened by animals.

Paxton says the dog had never bitten anybody and would not have bitten the officer.

“He shows that behavior, then he sniffs you and wants to be scratched,” Paxton told KSEE-TV.

Paxton and his supporters have set up a Facebook page called “Justice for Cisco” which already has more than 60,000 supporters. He is discouraging any negative comments about the officer.

“I can’t bring my dog back, but I want something positive to come out of this,” he told KSEE.

Officer Griffin is still on active duty.

Celtic Rogue
18th April 2012, 01:25 PM
It is my hope and desire that that fucking asshole that shot that poor dog has a karmatic experience of having his groin consumed by other dogs till his death. What a scary time we live in.

18th April 2012, 01:27 PM
i love the part i bolded. police are now free to shoot things because of their "feelings."

Silver Rocket Bitches!
18th April 2012, 01:57 PM
The pig probably feels nothing over this. They have zero empathy.

Twisted Titan
18th April 2012, 02:03 PM
He will be rewarded with a promotion pay raise and more power.

18th April 2012, 02:56 PM
What goes around.

18th April 2012, 03:02 PM
Let's hear it Solid.

--L L--

18th April 2012, 03:06 PM
Let's hear it Solid.

--L L--

Isn't Solid still on paid leave?

18th April 2012, 03:11 PM

hes lucky there where not two of them.....

18th April 2012, 03:14 PM
Shit yeah, I forgot he is banned.

Solid, if you're reading this, I am just poking fun at you, but I do fully expect you to defend the cop as usual.

18th April 2012, 03:15 PM
Standard mo for the popo anymore.

18th April 2012, 05:41 PM
Just thinking out loud on this one but ...

A UCC filing on the mutt would have made his owner the creditor first in line for the assets (of the hound). Say he valued the dog at $100,000 and some third party stepped in interfered with this line of credit. So now go back on the officer for the value of the dog. Lien him up.

I have heard it said that any property found in a county (or city) not covered by a UCC filing belongs to that county (or city).

18th April 2012, 05:50 PM
Yeah, and if we shoot their dogs we go to jail forever for the crime of killing a cop. Their dogs are special but ours aren't.

General of Darkness
18th April 2012, 05:52 PM
Oh course the cop was an affirmative action Leroy. Thanks jews.


EDIT - You'll notice how the script LIES. At 2:12, the cop says in the audio, AS I'M WALKING UP ON HIM, the script shows AS I'M WALKING TO HIM. The audio is the truth, he was WALKING UP ON HIM. His probable state of mind, "I'm going to show who him who the fuck is boss", the "SCRIPT", I'm walking to him, to HELP.

18th April 2012, 07:05 PM
I would flip the f out if anyone shot my dog, cop or not. Most people have no clue when it comes to animal behavior, police especially should have to have training on that. Wishful thinking, I know. A 'pit bull' forum I'm on had a story a long time ago about a champion show dog that got shot by a cop because he ran out of the house when they pulled up, everyone on the forum blamed the owner for allowing the dog to go outside. While I wouldn't allow my dog out because I know what the cop would probably do, I think it is ridiculous that it was some how the owners fault for the cop being trigger happy.

willie pete
18th April 2012, 07:12 PM
shooting an innocent dog or an innocent man, woman or child; same difference....no biggie, to them

18th April 2012, 07:26 PM
Shouldn't they have a protocol for dogs where they shoot a warning shot to see it it scares the animal off first?

How the hell do all the mailman seem to survive going house to house all the time?

This looks like the place....light it up!

19th April 2012, 07:40 AM
Damnit, that clip got me so mad! I honestly don't know what I would do if I were the owner of the dog in that situation. Some pig shows up on my property and kills my dog...I might get shot next. I would probably come off as a raving lunatic tossing swear words at that pussy cop like my name was Dice Clay.

Revenge would be my dish of the day.

Clips like this push me further into the "get the fk out of this country" crowd.

19th April 2012, 07:56 AM

I sure as hell wouldn't be apologizing to the cop that just killed my dog.

19th April 2012, 07:59 AM
I didn't see the clip but glad I didn't. The owner was apoligizing to the cop? For what?

19th April 2012, 08:00 AM
That cop is a fucking pussy, and I'll tell you why I think so.

My cat jumped up onto the neighbor's fence on Sunday (normally I don't let him outside without strict supervision, as he is deaf and there are four pitbulls that have killed at least one local cat living next door). He got out and on the fence, thankfully I was standing right there. One of the dogs hit the fence hard and knocked him on to the other side, immediately grabbing him and trying to shake him to death.

I was over that fence in about 1 second, immediately punching that dog in the neck as hard and as fast as I could - the dog dropped my cat almost immediately, and in spite of the fact he was hurt, the cat was over that fence in a flash. I fully expected the dog to then attack me, but just I stared him down and he barked a few times and took off.

Sometimes you just gotta be bigger than your adversary, and show no fear.

But no, kop "feels" the least bit threatened and responds with deadly force.

If anybody should not be armed in public, it's a contemporary cop.

19th April 2012, 08:08 AM
That cop is a fucking pussy, and I'll tell you why I think so.

My cat jumped up onto the neighbor's fence on Sunday (normally I don't let him outside without strict supervision, as he is deaf and there are four pitbulls that have killed at least one local cat living next door). He got out and on the fence, thankfully I was standing right there. One of the dogs hit the fence hard and knocked him on to the other side, immediately grabbing him and trying to shake him to death.

I was over that fence in about 1 second, immediately punching that dog in the neck as hard and as fast as I could - the dog dropped my cat almost immediately, and in spite of the fact he was hurt, the cat was over that fence in a flash. I fully expected the dog to then attack me, but just I stared him down and he barked a few times and took off.

Sometimes you just gotta be bigger than your adversary, and show no fear.

But no, kop "feels" the least bit threatened and responds with deadly force.

If anybody should not be armed in public, it's a contemporary cop.

Seriously where is the freaking manhood that a dog bark scares you to the point of shooting it. I got mauled by a dog very similar to the one in this discussion when I was 7 years old. I peed my pants and got over it. Both me and the dog lived to see another day.

What kind of weakling, wearing freaking body armor (no beat cop is without a vest and numerous weapons) is so terrified of his shadow he can't deal with a dog moving towards him?

There is a serious lack of MEN in this country. Nothing but scared little boys, to put it nicely.

19th April 2012, 08:12 AM
what i want to know also is what is up with all of these cops continually showing up at the wrong address? every interior of every cop car i've ever seen looks like skynet they have so many computers, gps things, etc. how in the year 2012 is it possible to get the wrong address? the pizza kid can get the right address, and he has a rusted out 1987 honda.

19th April 2012, 08:16 AM
what i want to know also is what is up with all of these continually showing up at the wrong address? every interior of every cop car i've ever seen looks like skynet they have so many computer, gps things, etc. how in the year 2012 is it possible to get the wrong address? the pizza kid can get the right address, and he has a rusted out 1987 honda.

Pizza delivery kids have more brains in their index fingers than most cops I've met.

19th April 2012, 08:29 AM
what i want to know also is what is up with all of these cops continually showing up at the wrong address? every interior of every cop car i've ever seen looks like skynet they have so many computers, gps things, etc. how in the year 2012 is it possible to get the wrong address? the pizza kid can get the right address, and he has a rusted out 1987 honda.

I think the person reporting the domestic dispute gave the dispatcher the wrong address.

19th April 2012, 08:51 AM
I get the feeling a lot of the reason everyone's dog is getting offed these days is the new BLT training.