View Full Version : How to permanently end unemployment

19th April 2012, 09:10 AM
I came across this gem from the one and only John Maynard Keynes himself, on how to end unemployment.


If the Treasury were to fill old bottles with bank notes, bury them at suitable depths in disused coal mines which are then filled up with town rubbish, and leave them to private enterprise on the well-tried principles of laissez faire to dig them up again… there need be no more unemployment and, with the help of the repercussions, the real income of the community and its capital wealth also would probably become a great deal greater than it actually is…

This is so ridiculous as to be laughable! Yeah, let's not worry about producing anything of value like food, clothing, equipment, etc. - all we have to do is bury paper money underground and everyone will work digging and burying and before you know it we'll all be prosperous and wealthy!

19th April 2012, 09:22 AM
While it is laughable it's also pretty damn sad. This is the guy who's economic model our fiat system is based on. No wonder we're so screwed.

19th April 2012, 10:32 AM
That Keynes fella was queer in more ways than one.

In a way, it's just a beautiful system.

Like a Dr Seuss book.

19th April 2012, 10:48 AM
What do you expect from Berkeley? The monument to stupidity of American education.

You can't graduate from here with honors without believing LIES!

Here's an example with Hovind (at Berkeley) who was imprisioned for telling people the truth (below)

19th April 2012, 10:48 AM

19th April 2012, 01:19 PM
I came across this gem from the one and only John Maynard Keynes himself, on how to end unemployment.


This is so ridiculous as to be laughable! Yeah, let's not worry about producing anything of value like food, clothing, equipment, etc. - all we have to do is bury paper money underground and everyone will work digging and burying and before you know it we'll all be prosperous and wealthy!

How does such a twisted moron become revered as an economic theorist? And when you try to show these Keynesian's the error of their ways, they simply become indignant and hostile, even in the face of the entire fiat tower of money babel crumbling all around us. It is truly pathetic. These bastards deserve to be execuated for all the pain, suffering and death (i.e. financial suicides) they have caused with their central banking fucked up experimentation on other people's lives.