View Full Version : Anonymous proves abovetopsecret.com == DOD/CIA front; logs traced

19th April 2012, 03:37 PM
TheNocturnalEgyptian: I have not verified this information, but I want to provide it to you so that you are informed of the news.

I apologize for the broken links, they are not my fault, nor are they fixable.

************************************************** *


Abovetopsecret.com is DOD controlled and funded psyops

William Irvine is Skeptic Overloard and Mark Allin is springer. Irvine is confirmed CIA.


Did a trace route on their Ip address:




The Above Network
P.O. Box 118
Comanche, Oklahoma 73529
United States

Created on: 17-May-97
Expires on: 18-May-15
Last Updated on: 22-Apr-07

Administrative Contact:
Irvine, William
The Above Network
P.O. Box 118
Comanche, Oklahoma 73529
United States
9179686652 Fax --
Technical Contact:
Irvine, William
The Above Network
P.O. Box 118
Comanche, Oklahoma 73529
United States
9179686652 Fax --


Commanche, OK? Their website says they are located in New York.
Written queries may be sent to:

The Above Network, LLC
Owners and operators of AboveTopSecret.com
450 Seventh Avenue
Suite 2000
New York, NY 10123


Pay Schedule # 023-38 Issue Date: 03 Oct 2006

SUBJECT: NAF Pay Ranges for the Comanche, OK Wage Area

TO: Commanding Officers of Military Departments and DoD Component Installations in the Area

The NAF Pay Ranges shown below have been established under authority of DoD Directive 5120.42

"Department of Defense Wage Fixing Authority--Nonappropriated Fund Compensation Programs,"
http://www.cpms.osd.mil/wage/scheds/naf ... 38-NF.html
Key words: Nonappropriated Fund Compensation Programs
Meaning these funds paid are outside of the DOD budget, i.e black or secret programs.

IP Address 213.206.128 213.206.129 213.206.130
Node Name Gov-bb21-lan-14 Gov-bb22-lan-15 Gov-bb23-lan-16
Location Langley, Virginia
MS 60
Network Used whois.nic.mil (for military network information)
It gets deeper. I believe that Commanche, OK is a remote site, and they have some DOD people there maintaining servers, etc.
Name Server IP Location
ns0.dnsmadeeasy.com US
ns1.dnsmadeeasy.com Reston, VA, US
ns2.dnsmadeeasy.com Reston, VA, US
ns3.dnsmadeeasy.com Reston, VA, US
ns4.dnsmadeeasy.com Reston, VA, US

Company Type:
Limited Company

Company No:

Company Address:
1 Sackville Close
Participant in this: Mark Allin COO The Above Network, LLC

Bill Irvine, The Above Network, LLC sits on the "Long Tail" Committee

From Linkedin:

William Irvine's Experience

The Above Network, LLC

(Internet industry)

Currently holds this position
The Above Network, LLC

(Internet industry)

January 2007 — Present (2 years 10 months)

VP Interactive
Cossette Communications

(Internet industry)

2000 — 2006 (6 years)

His website:

John Lear was ran off ATS years ago example
one of many threads ATS censored and 404 before was deleted I screen capped it BUSTED example
Signs Under Attack! abovetopsecret.com EXPOSED!!!
1) Mark Allin (Springer) Lives in Comanche Oklahoma... and the P.O. box of the LLC is registered to a post office center in comanche OK... thus, why the whois comes back to there...

2) Their Host is located in Plano Texas... They use The Planet for hosting if I remember correctly... that is why you can tracert back to Plano TX... there's a huge data center for their hosting provider down there...

3) Mark Allin the oil guy is not the same as the guy you're looking for... if you want something interesting, look for Valhall, springer's wife... She is (or was) a halliburton employee...
Posted by SkepticOverlord
Then he goes on to make fun of it.
CLASSIC intelligence modus operandi!
When you see a visitor trolling your website regularly from Buffalo, NY... its Bill (S.O.) checking up on you guys.
We are Anonymous
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget

19th April 2012, 03:47 PM
Looks like and reads like a standard psyop, " alien conspiracy " " 9/11 conspiracy " ,
those that learned about 9/11, NeoCons, wars, etc, didn't learn from going to
websites like that. That is what is used to smear everyone as loons.

A few websites out there have been outed pretty good.
They usually have forums associated with them.

Have a quick look,


Who is paying for the slick graphics ? lol

Do they out the real criminals, NeoCons, etc, NO !

Edit add, watch some of the videos, who's manufacturing the video's ?
They have time and expertise for that, they refer to their own forum
and posters as references, they have sensational bogus stories, and

It's a poison the well operation, smear by association, etc, their
own website and the web itself, to cover for real crimes of real
criminals. Sites like that are most likely run by those that have
the most to gain by disinfo, the 9/11 criminals, the NeoCons.

19th April 2012, 03:55 PM
GLP and ATS both fit into the mold that you could see emerging from about 1999 to 2001, both were huge red flags and I quit even clicking their links. I had some suspicious computer problems after being there, cleared them up and never returned.

19th April 2012, 03:58 PM
Dont you think the system has a way of hiding their ip address'? Come on....

AboveTopSecret = DOD/CIA


Why doesnt Anonymous tell us this? They 'supposedly' have all kinds of 'secret' documents that always just happen to exclude the Talmudic secret hand....

Anonymous = MOSSAD

19th April 2012, 04:03 PM
Dont you think the system has a way of hiding their ip address'? Come on....

AboveTopSecret = DOD/CIA


Why doesnt Anonymous tell us this? They 'supposedly' have all kinds of 'secret' documents that always just happen to exclude the Talmudic secret hand....

Anonymous = MOSSAD

Damn I was going to put

inb4 Anonymous = mossad/cia/mi6/aliens etc

but I was too slow.

19th April 2012, 04:07 PM
Is there any damn difference between the Mossad, DoD etc...? Nope, most folks won't put that together, some will though!

19th April 2012, 04:09 PM
Anonymous exposes Above Top Secret Dot Com as a DOD CIA front , page 1 (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread831728/pg1)


Anonymous exposes Above Top Secret Dot Com as a DOD CIA front , page 1. privacy. Pages: ATS Members have flagged this thread 1 times ...
www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread831728/pg1 (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread831728/pg1)


guess this is one thread that they didnt exactly like

404 page not found

19th April 2012, 04:20 PM
Anonymous exposes Above Top Secret Dot Com as a DOD CIA front , page 1 (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread831728/pg1)


Anonymous exposes Above Top Secret Dot Com as a DOD CIA front , page 1. privacy. Pages: ATS Members have flagged this thread 1 times ...
www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread831728/pg1 (http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread831728/pg1)


guess this is one thread that they didnt exactly like

404 page not found

I clicked the thread link.....And guess what advertisement was on the right side?


I guess i was right.....LOL

19th April 2012, 04:24 PM

19th April 2012, 04:26 PM
I thought this was common knowledge.

Some folks came up with similar evidence a good 5 years ago. It was part of why I registered at GIM in 2008 - silly me, I thought GIM was legit - lol.

I don't ever want to be a MOD for GSUS, but I would enjoy having access to the various server logs. I would make it a point to routinely expose the users coming in from anything related to .gov or corporate thug types.

19th April 2012, 04:59 PM
I don't ever want to be a MOD for GSUS, but I would enjoy having access to the various server logs. I would make it a point to routinely expose the users coming in from anything related to .gov or corporate thug types.

You're Hired ! :)

oh, ah ... never-mind ... i just remembered - i'm not JQP.

General of Darkness
19th April 2012, 05:20 PM
I thought anonymous was CIA also.

All I have to say is, "Can you feel the love"


Twisted Titan
19th April 2012, 05:28 PM
Hat tip to all the Backbone people at GSUS.

You guys stick your neck out for all of us.

If I may be so bold to speak for the Forum I would to say thank you for all your efforts as we live in very troubling times where its easier to melt into the shadows rather then stand up and be counted

19th April 2012, 06:15 PM
Has anonymous been definitely outed as a front/psyop for the spooks? Wasn't LOLSEC just taken down by a squeal?

19th April 2012, 06:16 PM
I clicked the thread link.....And guess what advertisement was on the right side?


I guess i was right.....LOL

Actually you might be getting them from cookies. Been spending a lot of time at the AIPAC and ADL websites? ;D

19th April 2012, 06:28 PM
I clicked the thread link.....And guess what advertisement was on the right side?


I guess i was right.....LOL
This is the type of add you would expect to see at a conspiracy web site,,,,,,,,[(:)]

19th April 2012, 07:06 PM
Has anonymous been definitely outed as a front/psyop for the spooks? Wasn't LOLSEC just taken down by a squeal?

Anonymous is multi-faceted; it is leaderless resistance. There are still leader-types, of course, but it is so fragmented that it cannot be taken down in the traditional sense - only portions of it can be taken down. This being the case, of course the FEDS have realized that they can pose as anonymous if they need to. But why bother? There are subsets of anonymous that have stolen millions of dollars, so 'anonymous' is fair game.

20th April 2012, 04:43 AM
You're Hired ! :)

oh, ah ... never-mind ... i just remembered - i'm not JQP.

Donald Trump? Is that you?

20th April 2012, 06:50 AM
Anonymous is multi-faceted; it is leaderless resistance. There are still leader-types, of course, but it is so fragmented that it cannot be taken down in the traditional sense - only portions of it can be taken down. This being the case, of course the FEDS have realized that they can pose as anonymous if they need to. But why bother? There are subsets of anonymous that have stolen millions of dollars, so 'anonymous' is fair game.

Right. There are all types of agents involved in anonymous. There are tons of script kiddies that dont know what real hacking is as well.

There are some genuine rabble rousing types, but honestly, do not put any trust behind the overall intentions of the group.

Personally I wouldn't go near anon with a ten foot pole and I used to hang around some black hat crowds.

20th April 2012, 07:29 AM
Right. There are all types of agents involved in anonymous. There are tons of script kiddies that dont know what real hacking is as well.

There are some genuine rabble rousing types, but honestly, do not put any trust behind the overall intentions of the group.

Personally I wouldn't go near anon with a ten foot pole and I used to hang around some black hat crowds.
I think part of it is genuine resistance movement, part of it is infiltrated by agents... What 'black hat crowds' were you hanging around?

16th August 2012, 03:11 AM
Thought I'd poke this given some recent discussions. Might be some tips for discovery in amongst this lot.