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20th April 2012, 04:36 AM
GOP tries to one-up Obama in quest for dog-loving voters (http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-obama-dog-meat-campaign-20120419,0,1889109.story)



20th April 2012, 07:29 AM
I can't help but laugh about the insanity of all this. The economy, the wars, the impending war with Iran, inflation, monetary policy, corruption, taxes, regulations, et al. and the national issue at the moment is one candidate who strapped a dog to his car and the other candidate who ate some dog meat? No wonder we're screwed!

20th April 2012, 08:01 AM
I can't help but laugh about the insanity of all this. The economy, the wars, the impending war with Iran, inflation, monetary policy, corruption, taxes, regulations, et al. and the national issue at the moment is one candidate who strapped a dog to his car and the other candidate who ate some dog meat? No wonder we're screwed!

I was listening to WLS before I walked into work this morning. This was their topic of conversation. That's what I get for listening to zio-news media.

20th April 2012, 08:10 AM
I can't help but laugh about the insanity of all this. The economy, the wars, the impending war with Iran, inflation, monetary policy, corruption, taxes, regulations, et al. and the national issue at the moment is one candidate who strapped a dog to his car and the other candidate who ate some dog meat? No wonder we're screwed!

The Zionists control both right and left arms of the media. They will preoccupy the masses with supersillious and trivial topics such as this while they continue to loot the nation. Unfortunately, most gentiles are either too trusting, too ill-informed or too lazy to figure out what is being done to them. A person does not awaken from his stupor until he feels a sharp and severe pain - suddenly, he is wide awake and asking what is happening. Apparently, there's not enough pain out there - yet.

20th April 2012, 09:08 AM
A person does not awaken from his stupor until he feels a sharp and severe pain - suddenly, he is wide awake and asking what is happening. Apparently, there's not enough pain out there - yet.

They have presciptions for this pain you speak of. They're called anti-depressants... Lots of people are on them.

20th April 2012, 09:11 AM
They have presciptions for this pain you speak of. They're called anti-depressants... Lots of people are on them.

Damn good point! We are so fooked.

20th April 2012, 11:07 AM
Zimmerman quoted "If I had a dog it would look like the dog Obama ate"