View Full Version : Ron Paul Projected 400 + Delegates , April 20 2012

20th April 2012, 08:38 AM
Definitely close 2nd Place.


http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/375107_186347934815678_135882309862241_280248_2416 75286_n.jpg

MUST WATCH, chart and video same source, very level headed analysis.

Ron Paul Projected to be in 2nd Place with 380 Delegates!



We know for a fact that these " official " numbers are blatant lies.
We have documented this on this forum, so have others.
Republican Delegate Count - Election 2012 - NYTimes.com (http://elections.nytimes.com/2012/primaries/delegates)

Ron Paul Winning Delegates With Santorum Support Coalition (http://www.policymic.com/articles/7019/ron-paul-winning-delegates-with-santorum-support-coalition)

With the suspension of Rick Santorum’s presidential campaign, mainline Republicans immediately began reporting that the race was over, and that Mitt Romney was the GOP nominee for the presidency. But Romney supporters may have started celebrating prematurely. If recent events are any indication, Ron Paul is a dangerous competitor.

First, Rick Santorum’s supporters have begun uniting with Paulistas on an anti-Romney slate at state conventions. Bolstered by this arrangement, Ron Paul is gathering large numbers of delegates even in states where he performed poorly in the initial voting. In Colorado, a state where Paul came in last place, a Paul/Santorum “Conservative Unity Slate” has captured the plurality of delegates (http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/apr/15/colorado-further-evidence-ron-paul-will-challenge-/), with Ron Paul leading the coalition. In addition, the Paul/Santorum alliance removed Romney supporter Ryan Call, Colorado State Party Chairman, from his seat as Delegation Chairman, as well as placed two of its own members on the state’s Rules Committee.

Similarly, in Minnesota, three district conventions were held, with Ron Paul winning every delegate (http://www.examiner.com/elections-2012-in-wilmington/ron-paul-wins-minnesota-colorado-delegates-to-republican-national-convention). Much is also suspected in Missouri (http://fox2now.com/2012/04/11/ron-paul-supporters-hope-to-dominate-missouri-delegation/). And in states where Paul performed well, the effects are predicted to be even more dramatic.

Second, Ron Paul has the best chance to win over Evangelicals and even more Santorum supporters, as seen in events past and present. Remember that it was Ron Paul who won the Evangelical Values Voters Summit straw poll back in October of 2011. And recently, Paul declared his willingness to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (http://articles.businessinsider.com/2012-04-13/politics/31336407_1_israel-from-tel-aviv-evangelical-leaders-business-insider), symbolizing the city’s status as de facto capitol of the Jewish state. Moves like these help Ron Paul grab the support of Evangelicals reluctant to vote for Romney, a “Massachusetts moderate” and Mormon.

Finally, a recent poll by Rasmussen shows Ron Paul as the only candidate capable of beating Barack Obama. (http://www.huntingtonnews.net/28922) Republicans focused on removing Obama from office would be wise to support the candidate who stands out as truly different from the president. Unlike Romney, Ron Paul is not a “moderate” but rather a refreshingly sincere figure whose third-party style rhetoric is something so many Americans have been waiting for.

Onwards to Tampa!

Rumors of Ron Paul campaign demise greatly exaggerated | Washington Times Communities (http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/mar/31/rumors-ron-paul-campaign-demise-greatly-exaggerate/)

Reuters reports (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/31/us-usa-campaign-paul-idUSBRE82U07Z20120331) that Paul is far behind in Wisconsin and that his supporters have finally conceded that he can’t win the nomination.

None of this is true. Romney has not secured 568 delegates. Hundreds of those delegates won’t be determined until Republican state conventions, many of which haven’t happened yet.

As I’ve reported (http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/mar/21/ron-paul-benefits-brokered-convention-jay-leno/) before, there is very credible evidence that Ron Paul will emerge from those conventions with the majority of delegates in many states. Texas, New York and California haven’t even held their primaries yet. Those three states alone control over four hundred delegates.

YouTube - Ron Paul wins the St Charles caucus do-over in Missouri - Fox2 News (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meo-hfmbqV8&feature=youtu.be)

YouTube - Ron Paul Sweeps Minnesota Delegates! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSjDdDLdl0g&feature=g-u-u&context=G2a6b187FUAAAAAAAJAA)

Must Watch, some media acknowledge his support.
YouTube - Ron Paul Kicking Ass In Delegate Count! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVERRwBiv1g&feature=related)



All this accomplishment despite the fraud exposed, media disrespect
and biased coverage. Where is the Fourth Estate ? Nonexistent ! Not
only is the MSM propagandist, they have even demonstrated hatred
for Ron Paul and his supporters and are operating as a Fifth Column.

20th April 2012, 08:45 AM

(http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/11581-ron-paul-delegate-strategy-working-alaska-gop-tries-to-block-paul-delegates-from-state-convention)Paul's Strategy Working; Alaska GOP Tries to Block His Delegates From State Convention

Written by Joe Wolverton, II Friday, 20 April 2012 09:10 Despite the best efforts by the mainstream media to black out all news related to Ron Paul, word is leaking out that the Texas Congressman’s strategy to win delegates is succeeding.

First, the news from Missouri (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/mo-lt-gov-race-one-112000189.html)is very encouraging to those who recognize in Ron Paul the best hope for a President who will honor his oath of office to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

On March 17, the Republican Party Caucus held in St. Charles County, Missouri, made national news after confrontations there resulted in two arrests and the failure of the group to award any delegates.

Last week, the county GOP tried again and this time the police were not involved, and delegates to the state and district conventions were elected and every one of the 147 delegates who will attend the two conventions will represent Ron Paul.

Paul’s Show Me State success comes despite the fact that former candidate Rick Santorum won the caucus vote in Missouri with 55 percent of the vote. Presumed nominee Mitt Romney finished second with 25 percent, and Ron Paul came in a distant third with only 12 percent of the vote.

Mike Carter, a candidate for Missouri Lieutenant Governor (http://www.mikecarter.com/), was present at both caucus meetings and describes the very different atmosphere and outcome:

The March 17th venue wasn't expecting such a huge turnout. It swirled with rumors of rampant establishment-candidate favoritism, rule bending and disagreements about decorum. Tensions were high and things got out of hand. When we reconvened on April 10, things were much improved. The event was very organized and successful; of course, Ron Paul won very handily.

The GOP in Missouri is clearly dealing with new and growing forces within the party; the Ron Paul effort is more committed and organized than any party has witnessed in recent history — even more so than Obama's '08 machine. Paul's successes are steadily creeping up in several areas around the country, including Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, Alaska, Maine, Texas and many more.

There is convincing evidence that Carter may be correct in his assessment of the actual delegate landscape in the Republican Party’s bid to take control of the White House from Barack Obama.

Take for example this headline from a Real Clear Politics story (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/news/ap/politics/2012/Apr/14/romney_lost_colo__caucuses__gets_most_delegates.ht ml) about the awarding of delegates in Colorado: “GOP has chosen 13 Romney delegates and six Santorum delegates. The remaining 17 delegates are unpledged, meaning they are free to choose any Republican candidate for president.”

In light of that information, the relevant inquiry becomes which of the other two Republican presidential hopefuls — former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul — will win the support of these 17 unpledged delegates in the convention?

The likely answer is not surprising in light of the experience in Missouri. The Real Clear Politics article posits that, “Many would-be delegates criticized Romney, and some dejected Santorum fans teamed with Ron Paul supporters to push what they called a 'Conservative Unity Slate' to look for a non-Romney presidential candidate.”

In fact, word out of Colorado (http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/apr/15/colorado-further-evidence-ron-paul-will-challenge-/) is that the push to elect ABR (“anybody but Romney”) was more successful than the article suggests.

Todd King of Lewis, Colorado, is one of those 17 ABR delegates. King is an avid advocate of a Ron Paul presidency and has committed to cast his vote for Paul at the national Republican Convention in Tampa in August.

In an article published in the Communities section of the Washington Times, Thomas Mullen reports the answer King gave him when asked about the breakdown of the 17 uncommitted delegates: “13 unpledged delegates, including me, will vote for Ron Paul on the first ballot. One unpledged delegate will vote for Santorum. The remaining three unpledged delegates, also known as the 'delegates at large,' are the state GOP Chairman, the state GOP National Committeman and the National Committeewoman. Those three will likely vote for Romney. They usually vote for the frontrunner so as not to make waves,” King claims.

It is important to recall, if for no other reason than as a point of reference, that when the popular vote was counted, Rick Santorum carried the state with 40 percent of the total ballots cast for him, former Massachusetts Governor Romney finished second with 35 percent, and Ron Paul, once again garnered a mere 12 percent of the caucus votes cast.

However, with the foregoing story of the commitment (or noncommitment) of delegates in mind, Ron Paul leapfrogs the other Republicans in the race for the White House, landing in a tie for the final count of delegates that will throw their support to the Texas Congressman when it really counts — in Tampa in August on the convention floor.

Once again, this scenario reinforces the widely held notion (among Paul voters) that popular vote, despite the colorful, virtual reality hype given to it by television news networks, is nearly meaningless compared to the more realpolitik value of a delegate-by-delegate campaign strategy such as that being followed by Ron Paul.

The news isn’t good from every corner of the country, however. As was reported on the Ron Paul 2012 campaign website (http://www.ronpaul2012.com/2012/04/18/ron-paul-campaign-condemns-alaska-gop-illegal-exclusion-of-all-non-romney-delegates-to-state-convention/), the Republican establishment in Alaska is overtly working to prevent Paul supporters from awarding their man the delegates representing our 49th state.

According to the report, GOP State Chairman Randy Reudrich (pictured above) is trying to “disenfranchise Paul and other non-Romney delegates to the party’s upcoming state convention.”

The Paul campaign is concerned about the efforts of Alaskan officialdom to block its access to the state convention (and ultimately the national convention) because as it reckons, their man “won a significant portion of delegates at the Alaska State House district conventions already held.”

Furthermore, given the suspension by Rick Santorum of his presidential campaign, the Paul camp is counting on the conversion of many of those delegates previously committed to Santorum to the cause of constitutionalism and its only presidential spokesman — Ron Paul.

Exactly how is the Alaska Republican Party trying to stack the delegate deck against the libertarian-leaning Ron Paul? Here’s the story from the Paul campaign website:

The Alaska Republican Party state convention is set to be held from April 26th-28th, and all previous communications to would-be delegates have stated that a delegate fee of $250 would be accepted up until the convention registration deadline, which is 2:00 p.m. Alaska Time on April 26th. However, on Monday the 16th state party chairman Randy Reudrich called a state committee meeting at which he stated that delegate fees would be accepted no later than 48 hours from the time of the meeting, which would be Wednesday, April 18th. However, on Tuesday the state party said that delegate fees had to be paid by 6:00 p.m that evening. As individual delegates and campaigns scrambled to pay delegate fees, the state party erected bizarre and allegedly extra-legal obstacles in front of Paul, prolife, and other non-Romney delegates, and communications between self-identifying non-Romney delegates and state party personnel degraded.

A Santorum supporter mused as to what could compel Reudrich to concoct such a scheme in the first place: “They are saying that GOP state chairman, Randy Reudrich, was promised a Romney job in Washington. He better hope that’s the case because he is finished in this state.”

Regardless of the self-serving motivations behind the placement of such impediments in Ron Paul’s path to the White House, the candidate is not going to take such malicious manipulation of the electoral process lying down. In a letter to Randy Reudrich from the law firm (http://c3408770.r70.cf0.rackcdn.com/4.17.2012%20Ltr%20to%20Alaska%20State%20GOP.PDF) representing the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, Reudrich is informed that:

Should the Alaska Republican Party fail to appropriately address these issues immediately, and conform its behavior, the Paul Campaign will pursue all of the legal remedies available to ensure that the process is fair and legal and that the rights of citizens participating in this process are not violated.

Calls from The New American to the Alaska Republican Party asking for comment on the letter from the Ron Paul 2012 campaign's legal counsel were not returned by press time.

20th April 2012, 08:55 AM
Will Paul have enough delegates to force a brokered convention? If they force a second vote, Ron Paul could snatch the GOP nomination.

20th April 2012, 09:04 AM
Will Paul have enough delegates to force a brokered convention? If they force a second vote, Ron Paul could snatch the GOP nomination.

At this rate, for all we know, Ron Paul will win the nomination outright. With the MSM touting mitty as the declared favorite, a lot of the R's will think he has it in the bag and stay home, let alone get involved in any of the delegate processes and RP's people will certainly not stay home and are already involved in being delegates. There's still half the states to be decided and more that have state conventions upcoming, TX and CAL are huge states in terms of delegate counts and neither are very mitty friendly.

20th April 2012, 09:14 AM
At this rate, for all we know, Ron Paul will win the nomination outright. With the MSM touting mitty as the declared favorite, a lot of the R's will think he has it in the bag and stay home, let alone get involved in any of the delegate processes and RP's people will certainly not stay home and are already involved in being delegates. There's still half the states to be decided and more that have state conventions upcoming, TX and CAL are huge states in terms of delegate counts and neither are very mitty friendly.
I hardly dare to believe such a thing!!!

20th April 2012, 09:29 AM
At this rate, for all we know, Ron Paul will win the nomination outright.

That would be rich. The MSM is practically framing it already as Obama/Romney and then Ron Paul comes out as the winner at the convention. That would be highly entertaining.

Seriously, you could promote an Obama vs. Paul debate like a prize fight.

20th April 2012, 09:32 AM
I hardly dare to believe such a thing!!!

I certainly understand Neuro but at the same time don't we have to dare sometimes to believe? I wonder what the betting line was circa 1774 with us against Britain? If there was a Vegas equivalent at that time surely it had to be at least 5000 to 1? IDK what the odds were but astronomical would about sum it up, yet here we are.

20th April 2012, 09:56 AM
That would be rich. The MSM is practically framing it already as Obama/Romney and then Ron Paul comes out as the winner at the convention. That would be highly entertaining.

Seriously, you could promote an Obama vs. Paul debate like a prize fight.

In a one-on-one debate where the MSM could no longer ignore him, Paul would absolutely destroy Obama. It would be glorious: the blazing light of truth melting the lying brown pile of shit and lies.

20th April 2012, 10:17 AM

20th April 2012, 05:48 PM
They're scairt! ;D

Romney asks GOP delegates to sign pledge, but some refuse (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/04/20/romney-asks-gop-delegates-to-sign-pledge-but-some-refuse/)

Posted by
CNN Political Reporter Peter Hamby (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/tag/cnn-political-reporter-peter-hamby/) Scottsdale, Arizona (CNN) - Members of the Republican National Committee gathering in Arizona were invited to meet with Mitt Romney in private Friday and have their pictures taken with the presumptive GOP nominee, but there was a price of admission: loyalty.
RNC members and state GOP chairmen were welcomed into the private reception only after signing a form pledging to support Romney as a delegate to the national convention in Tampa.

– Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker (http://twitter.com/politicalticker)
All 168 members of the committee have a vote at the convention as "superdelegates" – and one of Romney's supporters on the RNC estimated that over 100 members signed the form.
The Romney "delegate pledge form" asked members to sign their name and "pledge to vote for Mitt Romney at the 2012 Republican National Convention on all ballots until Mitt Romney has been nominated."

Signers were given the option of declaring their support publicly or privately by checking one of two boxes.
Several state Republican chairmen who have not publicly endorsed a candidate - including party leaders from South Carolina, Ohio and California - signed the pledge.
Romney spoke only briefly and spent roughly 20 minutes shaking hands and posing with members in a photo line.
"This is where all the power is, huh?" Romney joked as he entered the room to applause. "Thank you for all your work. Thank you for your help."
Not everyone was allowed to join in the fun.

All three members of Iowa's conservative RNC delegation – party chairman A.J. Spiker and committee members Steve Scheffler and Kim Lehman – attempted to enter the reception but were rebuffed after refusing to sign the delegate pledge.

The dispute became heated in the hallway outside, with the Iowans demanding to know why they had to sign a form to get their picture taken with the former Massachusetts governor.
Several of Romney's deputies on the committee assured the trio that they could keep their support a secret by checking the appropriate box, but they refused to do so.
"They don't trust us," a frustrated Scheffler said after the argument. "I have said I will support the nominee when we have a nominee, no ifs, ands or buts."
The Iowa delegates were later given the opportunity to pose for a photo with Romney at a luncheon for RNC members, after the private event for supporters.

20th April 2012, 06:02 PM
Doesn't anyone remember Hillary/Barack trying to swing as many Super Delegates as possible at the last minute?

Me thinks the R's don't want Mittens shoved down their throats like McPain was.

It's not over 'til the fat lady sings!

20th April 2012, 06:11 PM
The method that Ron is using is the one that Obama used to get elected, the delegate strategy. The major difference is, is that the 2012 strategy for RP was set into motion 4+ yrs ago, mitty thought he had it shoed in and is squirmin' now.

20th April 2012, 06:13 PM
Mittys a done deal, he will clean floors if wanted anywhere.

20th April 2012, 06:31 PM
Mittys a done deal, he will clean floors if wanted anywhere.

He and the GOP ain't done yet and they will not go down easily, nor will the D's, MSM. MIC or the rest of the slime. We ARE a force! Just by talking about it right here and now gives it life!

21st April 2012, 12:58 PM
Some great news out of MN!!! Here's some snippets I'm tracking.

Twitter: "3/3 in cd2 and 3/3/ in cd4. Clean sweeps."

“@JoeRepya: After visiting CD 2 convention I'm amazed at the number of Ron Paul people. All 3 RNC delegates to Ron Paul supporters. MNGOP appears dead.”

" Neo-cons were gnashing their teeth all day here in CD-4."

21st April 2012, 01:31 PM
I certainly understand Neuro but at the same time don't we have to dare sometimes to believe? I wonder what the betting line was circa 1774 with us against Britain? If there was a Vegas equivalent at that time surely it had to be at least 5000 to 1? IDK what the odds were but astronomical would about sum it up, yet here we are.

it's sort of ironic.

it reminds me of the "Audacity of Hope" - wasn't that the book title, written by the Obama-esque scum-bag we would like to see un-seated ?

the basic idea being - Don't Give Up on Ron Paul.

overall, i would like to understand the details of Delegates clearly. it sounds like Ron Paul has enough delegates to be a force at the convention.

an Obama-Paul contest would be a dream come true.

21st April 2012, 04:46 PM
MN update...

https://twitter.com/#!/rebeccapeiche...25226524602368 (https://twitter.com/#%21/rebeccapeichel/status/193825226524602368)

So here's what we have:

CD1: 2 Paul, 1 Romney
CD2: 3 Paul
CD3: 3 Paul
CD4: 3 Paul
CD5: 3 Paul
CD6: 3 Paul
CD7: 1 Paul, 2 Santorum
CD8: 2 Paul, 1 unknown


Paul: 20
Santorum: 2
Romney: 1

And one more from CD8 that is unknown.

21st April 2012, 05:11 PM
MN update...

https://twitter.com/#!/rebeccapeiche...25226524602368 (https://twitter.com/#%21/rebeccapeichel/status/193825226524602368)

So here's what we have:

CD1: 2 Paul, 1 Romney
CD2: 3 Paul
CD3: 3 Paul
CD4: 3 Paul
CD5: 3 Paul
CD6: 3 Paul
CD7: 1 Paul, 2 Santorum
CD8: 2 Paul, 1 unknown


Paul: 20
Santorum: 2
Romney: 1

And one more from CD8 that is unknown.

Ha ha! WOW!

23rd April 2012, 07:36 AM
Ron Paul Wins Minnesota Delegates by a Landslide

By David Weigel (http://www.slate.com/authors.david_weigel.html)
Posted Monday, April 23, 2012, at 9:14 AM

A few weeks back, when Rick Santorum was arguing that he could power out delegate wins by organizing the little-noticed state conventions and caucuses, I agreed with him. And then Santorum quit. This left the state delegate pool hot and panting for Romneymentum, right?

Not quite yet. Over the weekend, Minnesota held congressional district conventions. Now, the state's February caucus -- one of the trio of non-binding contests Santorum won early that month -- went 45 percent for Santorum, 27 percent for Paul, and only 17 percent for Romney. The Associated Press and other groups went on to estimate (http://www.thegreenpapers.com/P12/MN-R) that Santorum would win 17 of Minnesota's delegates, Paul would win 10, and Romney 6. Wrong. Ron Paul dominated the CD conventions. According to a tweet from RNC committeewoman Pat Anderson, Paul took 20 of the 24 (http://twitter.com/#%21/patandersonmn/status/193855672230739968) delegates available in the CDs.
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7088/7105912997_ea45c4da26.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/58372028@N00/7105912997/)
That's 20 delegates more than the zero (http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/primaries/results/state/#MN) that Paul got from Minnesota in 2008. Keep watching this. The Paul movement spent five years prepping for a guerilla delegate campaign, and they're going to be the last Republicans who refuse to settle for Romney. This was the point of Paul's non-alignment pact with the frontrunner. With Santorum out and Gingrich staggering like an extra in Re-Animator, Paul's movement is free to take over the state contests.

http://www.slate.com/blogs/weigel/2012/04/23/ron_paul_wins_minnesota_delegates_by_a_landslide.h tml

23rd April 2012, 08:09 AM
An update for Oklahoma!

District 1: 3 delegates and 2 alternates - Santorum and other. Ron Paul - 1 alternate. Note, we lost the almost the whole thing by 2 votes.

District 2: Unknown, but I believe we lost the whole thing by a handful of votes to Santorum supporters.

District 3: Total Ron Paul domination! All 3 delegates, all 3 alternates and both Electors are Ron Paul supporters.

District 4: (toady) Total Ron Paul domination! All 3 delegates, all 3 alternates and both Electors are Ron Paul supporters.

District 5: Near total Ron Paul domination! All 3 delegates, all 3 alternates and one Elector are Ron Paul supporters. One elector is a weak Santorum supporter.

Next month is the state convention, where we will hopefully wim the rest of our delegates for Ron Paul. We're looking at a little rules change to ice the cake.

Santorum was the winner in the Oklahoma primary race, so delegates pledged to him are essentially free. There was some discussion by the establishment about us throwing our support behind Romney, but we decided that doesn't really work for us. We've go a little housekeeping to do at the State convention in May.

23rd April 2012, 08:17 AM
Of course you hear not a peep of this anywhere outside the Ron Paul supporters. Everyone is so sure its Romney now, they are ignoring not only Paul, but the whole process altogether. Thats good for Paul.

I've still no doubt in my mind that this is all 100% rigged. O'Romney was chosen and they will do whatever, no matter how illegal, how in your face, how outright blatant and corrupt, to make sure its Romeny. I wouldnt put it past them to straight up say at the GOP Convention that "Ron Pauls delegate votes will NOT be counted." Straight out.

But, I digress. This is still GREAT news for Paul as it puts the GOP in a position where they can NOT ignore him. Whether they treat him like a saint or like a lepor, they WILL be forced to recognize that this man exist and there in lies the risk of "animating" the people by their decisions.

Its gonna be interesting in August........

23rd April 2012, 12:28 PM
These are the most concrete numbers I can find, from various sources.

Ron's not going to get 1144 delegates, but if we can stop Mitt from getting there the brokered convention is still possible.

Total delegates needed to win nomination: 1144
Romney Delegates: 547
Delegates Romney needs to wrap up nomination: 597
Bound delegates left in winner-take-all states: 132 (UT, DE, NJ, CT*)
Bound delegates left in proportional states: 631 (CA, NY, RI, NC, OR, KY, AR, TX, SD, NM)
Unbound delegates left in remaining states: 213
Delegates left in non-binding primary/caucus states: 89 (MO**, NE, MT)

*-becomes proportional if no candidate gets a majority (over 50%)
**-24/52 delegates already selected (12 went to Mitt)

Assuming Mitt wins all of the winner take all states and takes all of their bound delegates, he would still need to get 246 more delegates to reach 1144. I'm not sure exactly how each state proprtionally hands out their delegates, so I assume it's also very possible Mitt will fall short of 1144. This is assuming he wins all the winner take all states left. If Gingrich or Paul can steal one or two of those, that would be huge.

NY : Winner-take-all by district, unless no candidate get's 20% (unlikely) in which case it's proportional for that district.

RI : Proportional by district, 15% threshold.

NC : Proportional state-wide, no threshold that I'm aware of.

OR : Proportional state-wide, 3.5% threshold.

KY : Proportional state-wide, 15% threshold.

AR : 12 of 36 proportional by district, majority takes all 3 otherwise splits 2-1 between top two vote-getters; 21 of 36 proportional statewide, 15% threshold to get 1 delegate, then anyone with a majority takes the remaining, if no one has majority the remaining are split proportionally.

TX : Proportional state-wide, 0.51% threshold, proportional per CD

SD : Proportional state-wide, 20% threshold.

NM : Proportional state-wide, 15% threshold.

Here's where insanitoriums delegates come into play.


23rd April 2012, 12:47 PM
Already posted, worth watching again, I am reading into what RP is saying,
not just what he said, the Ron Paul strength is real.

Ron Paul supporters and analysts are conservative in counts,
this is the way I am reading them and everything going on,
Ron Paul I think knows this, hence his comments above,
he is optimistic and downplaying it at the same time, even
joking about " secret " .

Imagine if Ron Paul got Santorum supporters ?

Ron Paul should play the games the NeoCons/AIPAC played.

Take the whole Evangelical vote. ;D " I support Israel ! "
Ron Paul to Evangelical Ministers: I'm in! | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012 (http://www.dailypaul.com/226090/ron-paul-to-evangelical-ministers-im-in)

RMSMC :: Santorum Supporters Ensure Ron Paul’s Colorado Delegate Coup Catches Attention of Mainstream Press (http://www.collegian.com/index.php/blog/politics/2012/04/santorum_supporters_ensure_ron_pauls_colorado_dele gate_coup_catches_attention_of_mainstream_press)

Ron Paul Still in the Race with Millions in Funding and Zero Debt : (http://theintelhub.com/2012/04/20/ron-paul-still-in-the-race-with-millions-in-funding-and-zero-debt/)

YouTube - CONFIRMED: Ron Paul WON Minnesota! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFcHxdirCKk)


CNN , RNC Chairman speaking, getting rid of Ron Paul


24th April 2012, 05:43 PM
Same source doing the delegate analysis as above OP.

More confirmation of Ron Paul delegate strength.

YouTube - Ron Paul WINS Iowa!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kf1WLyn2Ik&feature=player_embedded)


We got these coming soon.

Deleware ?
Pennsylvania ?
Rhode Island ?
New York ?
Connecticut ?

25th April 2012, 01:49 PM
Who's he gonna take for a running mate?

27th April 2012, 11:42 PM
Just Say No to GOP and their Election Fraud (http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/just-say-no-to-gop-and-their-election-fraud/14206)

Saturday, 28 April 2012 04:48

http://www.davidicke.com/images/stories/April201293/390293_303510343028129_100001074970735_872190_8721 71103_n.jpg

'The Republican Party has released its first commercial piece for Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama for the national election in an attempt to ram this fraud down the American people’s throats while at the same time it is not being reported in the mainstream that Ron Paul is winning state after state as the delegates gather to make their intentions known. These criminals that make up the establishment Republican Party should be arrested.

Mitt Romney has not secured the GOP nomination and what we are seeing is an attempt to bypass the established process and disenfranchise we the American voters, not just as individuals voting in the beauty contests, but also as delegates with an absolute constitutional right to decide who will be the GOP candidate for president in 2012.'

Read more: Just Say No to GOP and their Election Fraud (http://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/just-say-no-to-gop-and-their-election-fraud/14206)

28th April 2012, 08:40 AM
Could be a court case?

Rule #11a states:
(a) The Republican National Committee shall not, without the prior written and filed approval of all members of the Republican National Committee from
13 of 41
the state involved, contribute money or in-kind aid to any candidate for any public or party office except the nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing deadline for that office. In those states where state law establishes a nonpartisan primary in which Republican candidates could participate, but in which the general election may not include a Republican candidate, the candidate endorsed by a convention held under the authority of the state Republican Party shall be recognized by the Republican National Committee as the Republican nominee

This from the Romney Site:
“Governor Romney’s strong performance and delegate count at this stage of the primary process has made him our party’s presumptive nominee,” said RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “In order to maximize our efforts I have directed my staff at the RNC to open lines of communication with the Romney campaign.”

UPDATE: The RNC has made good on their word to help Romney and have done so extremely quickly. Check out the new video they made entitled A Tale of Two Leaders
Are they allowed to do that?

28th April 2012, 11:12 AM
Are they allowed to do that?

Easy as a Republic to Monarchy.

29th April 2012, 03:24 PM
Ron Paul Delegates Targeted By Government & Added To Terrorist Watch Lists?


30th April 2012, 07:29 PM

30th April 2012, 10:18 PM
This Ben guy is saying 66 delegates for RP and 600+ for Romney.

The Alaskan delegates name is "Nomdeplume". really?

1st May 2012, 09:52 AM
Rumors of Ron Paul campaign demise greatly exaggerated

TAMPA, March 31, 2012—In their mad dash to create the long awaited general election narrative, media outlets have pronounced Ron Paul’s campaign dead.

They now speculate about what his supporters may do when he drops out. The Associated Press reports (http://elections.nytimes.com/2012/primaries/delegates) that Romney has over ten times the delegates that Ron Paul has secured. Reuters reports (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/31/us-usa-campaign-paul-idUSBRE82U07Z20120331) that Paul is far behind in Wisconsin and that his supporters have finally conceded that he can’t win the nomination.

None of this is true. Romney has not secured 568 delegates. Hundreds of those delegates won’t be determined until Republican state conventions, many of which haven’t happened yet.

As I’ve reported (http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/mar/21/ron-paul-benefits-brokered-convention-jay-leno/) before, there is very credible evidence that Ron Paul will emerge from those conventions with the majority of delegates in many states. Texas, New York and California haven’t even held their primaries yet. Those three states alone control over four hundred delegates.

In many states, there is no cause-effect relationship between the popular vote and the delegates awarded to each candidate. Delegates are awarded via a completely separate process that doesn’t utilize the popular vote totals in any way. The purpose of the popular vote is to inform the eventual delegates of the preferences of voters in their states. That’s why many of those states allow Democrats and independents to vote. They want the delegates to know who those voters prefer. That tells them who has the best chance to win in the general election.

In most years, the media can get away with reporting on the nomination contest as they are now. They can assume that the candidates will receive roughly the same percentage of delegates from each state as the percentage they received in the popular vote. That isn’t accurate reporting, but it usually comes out in the wash, especially as far as the winner is concerned. However, there are many things different in this year’s race and there is a good chance that much of the media are going to look silly come August.

First, Mitt Romney is probably the weakest Republican “frontrunner” in several decades. Remember, Republicans weren’t exactly energized by John McCain and he soundly defeated Romney four years ago.

Romney’s campaign has been able to get supporters to take fifteen minutes to stop at a polling place and pull a lever, but it’s much more difficult to get them to participate in a delegate process that takes months to complete.

Ron Paul’s supporters are completely the opposite. While he has not pulled off a “beauty contest” win, his supporters are willing to walk through fire to see him become president. They have learned Robert’s Rules of Order, stayed behind after caucus popular votes, and taken over the delegations in many counties in caucus states.

The Iowa Republican Party has confirmed (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/15/rick-santorum-ron-paul-iowa-delegates_n_1347743.html?ref=mostpopular) that Paul and Santorum are in a dead heat for the state’s delegates and that Paul may win the majority. That bears no resemblance to the popular vote in Iowa’s caucus, where Santorum narrowly defeated Romney and Paul came in third.

The devotion of Paul’s supporters isn’t only a factor in the caucus states. In those states where the popular vote does bind the delegates to the winner, there is still an important question. Who are those delegates? Do they truly support the winner of the primary vote? Or are they Paul supporters?

There is no reason to believe that Paul is not well represented among delegates in those states as well. Their delegates are obligated to vote for the winner of the primary during the first round of voting at the RNC. However, if no candidate gets 1,144 votes, even they are now unbound and can vote for any candidate on the second ballot.

If it becomes necessary, that vote could be very interesting.

The media started this election cycle by completely ignoring Ron Paul’s campaign. As his poll numbers rose and the crowds at his rallies grew into the thousands, they began giving him grudging respect. Now, they want to pronounce his campaign over and even go so far as to speak for his supporters.

There’s only one problem. Paul and his supporters aren’t going anywhere and this race is far from over. The Paul campaign’s senior advisor Doug Wead documents (http://dougwead.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/the-ronulans-are-among-us-how-ron-pauls-delegate-strategy-is-actually-working/) many examples of Ron Paul’s delegate strategy yielding much better results than the media are reporting. Assuming he’s right, Romney is unlikely to clinch the nomination during the first vote at the national convention. If he doesn’t, Paul’s understated army of delegates could mean big surprises in Tampa.


1st May 2012, 10:13 AM
I am in my 60's and consider myself pretty "aware", having had my eyes opened for well over a decade. That being said, I must admit that this is the first election cycle where I have learned about the twists and turns of the delegate process as it varies from state to state. Not different from the electoral "college". We must thank the RP campaign for bringing this issue more into the sunlight and spotlight. I wonder how many others in this house have gained an education on the delegate process only in this cycle. Never too late to teach an old dog new tricks, no?

2nd May 2012, 07:32 AM


2nd May 2012, 07:58 AM
Had to share that last video, for a guy as unelectable as he is he sure gets a lot of people to come to his events even though they are not advertised on MSM... Is there any doubt why they are censoring the internet?

2nd May 2012, 12:10 PM
Had to share that last video,

This video?


2nd May 2012, 12:15 PM

2nd May 2012, 12:19 PM
Yep that one.

2nd May 2012, 12:26 PM


2nd May 2012, 12:38 PM
Anyone find a Firefox extension that downloads Youtube recently?

I have 2 plugins and both don't work on the youtube.

2nd May 2012, 01:58 PM
This whole delegate thing is hard to figure out. My wife thinks it isn't right, If Romney gets the majority of votes in any given state, it stands to reason that the delegates from that state are being sent to the convention to represent those peoples choice. I tried to explain to her that Romney's supporters are evidently lukewarm otherwise they would be showing up to be selected as delegates. I know I'd be plenty pissed if RP won at the ballot box but Herman Cain got all the delegates.

2nd May 2012, 02:38 PM
Ron Paul’s stealth state convention takeover

Posted by Rachel Weinerat 10:13 AM ET, 05/02/2012

Remember Ron Paul?

He has yet to win a primary. All his other fellow long-shots have dropped out (or will by the end of the day). The Republican National Committee is calling former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney the “presumptive nominee.”

Yet at state conventions around the country, Paul supporters are increasing the candidate’s support by taking over state party committees and educating fellow Paul fans in arcane rules.

While at many conventions Romney backers are split between numerous would-be delegates, Paul supporters are showing up in droves and voting with discipline for a delegate slate.

With a plurality of delegates from five states, Paul supporters could nominate him from the

A brokered convention is still unlikely. But a strong showing among delegates could help Paul score a speaking spot and some control over the party platform. 

Here’s the latest on Paul’s strength in state committees and conventions:

At Massachusetts’ state convention less than half of Romney’s 27 chosen delegates won tickets to Tampa. Paul supporters were chosen instead. While all of the state’s delegates are committed to vote for Romney, the delegates get to decide on the party chairman, platform, and VP nominee.

Paul backers in Alaska were elected as party chairman and co-chairman but failed to change the rules to give Paul the state’s 24 delegates. (He will get six.)

Paul supporters are a majority in the Iowa GOP’s State Central Committee, and he’s set to claim a majority of the state’s delegates despite finishing third in the caucuses.

They dominated the caucuses in Louisiana, carrying four out of six congressional districts with a tie in a fifth. That means 74 percent of the state’s convention delegates will be Paul backers.

In Minnesota, Paul won 20 of 24 delegates allocated at congressional district conventions, and he’s expected to take more at the statewide convention.

Paul supporters teamed up with backers of former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum in Colorado to get 13 delegates.

The candidate has also picked up small delegate gains in states where Romney won big — for example, five delegates in Pennsylvania and four in Rhode Island. 

Attempts to replicate these successes are taking place in other states across the country — for example, the upcoming state convention in Nevada.

“Taken together, these victories and those yet to happen forecast a prominent role for Ron Paul at the RNC,” Paul campaign manager John Tate said after the Colorado and Minnesota gains. “They also signal that the convention will feature a spirited discussion over whether conservatism will triumph over the status quo.”

Paul has only 80 delegates to Romney’s 847, according to an AP count. When all the various state conventions are over we’ll see how much support he’s gathered — and whether Romney should have paid more attention. 


2nd May 2012, 03:40 PM
Even the left is covering this, covers a few states.

May 01, 2012 MSNBC

YouTube - "Ron Paul Won Minnesota & Washington State!" Rachel Maddow (THIS IS HOW WE DO IT BABY!) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQMtlah4Iec)


Ron Paul Wins Louisiana Caucus | Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/29/idUS57517+29-Apr-2012+BW20120429)

"Ron Paul Wins Louisiana

Caucus Wins four and a half of six congressional district caucuses, securing 111 of 150 or 74 percent of delegates elected yesterday to the state convention"

SURPRISE! Ron Paul Destroyed Mitt Romney In Massachusetts This Weekend - Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/ron-paul-destroyed-mitt-romney-in-massachusetts-republican-delegate-elections-2012-4)

Ron Paul Supporters Join Joe Miller to Take Over Alaska Republican Party | Alaska Dispatch (http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/alaska-gops-new-chair-god-prevailed-victory-ron-paul-supporters)

It's very possible Ron Paul has more delegates as of right now.
Look at the links in this thread if you have doubts, Ron Paul
supporters are being conservative in counts and Romney counts
are way overdone by MSM, Ron Paul doesn't even exist to
MSM for the most part. The OP does not take into account
Santorum, they are going over to Ron Paul, more confirmation
every day, and Mitt Romney has other issues to deal with now
as well, he may even lose delegates pledged to him with time,
and many are secret Ron Paul supporters, LOL .

This is outdated. Ron Paul takes Santorum delegates.


2nd May 2012, 07:50 PM
The vid that was taken off YT...here is it's replacement, much better IMHO.


2nd May 2012, 08:12 PM

10th May 2012, 05:46 PM
May 2nd , It's very possible Ron Paul has more delegates as of right now.


Same source as OP, analysis, openly states it for first time.

Consider analysis, issues in this thread, it is very possible.

RNC tricksters show fear as well.

Ron Paul Is Our "August Surprise"


Ron Paul needs to take the gloves, especially on the NeoCons in the Romney camp,
they are sitting ducks waiting to be easily plucked, Mr Rape Scan Bush TSA is
one of his chief advisers.


Mitt Romney named Michael Chertoff (http://www.politickernj.com/51511/romney-taps-chertoff-campaign-advisor), the Israeli agent who supervised the destruction of the crucial evidence (http://www.bollyn.com/the-911-cover-up-the-destruction-of-the-steel-evidence) of 9/11, co-chair of his counterterrorism and intelligence advisory committee in October 2011. The 9/11 cover-up continues.

The protest vote. Obama does not stand a chance against Ron Paul.
YouTube - Obama Nearly Loses Fight With Prison Inmate In West Virginia! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=HukGeJFZI_0)

10th May 2012, 06:38 PM

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Romney Must Be Hearing More Ron Paul Footsteps

Michael Tennant explains (http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/item/11312/romeny-takes-swipe-at-ron-paul%1As-budget-blueprint):

For a man who seems to have the Republican presidential nomination sewn up, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s decision to attack the policies of his only rival who has not dropped out of the race, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), is curious indeed. Paul has proposed slashing $1 trillion from the federal deficit in his first year in office and balancing the budget in three years. He has argued that much of this deficit reduction could be achieved by ending America’s overseas military operations, closing foreign bases, and bringing the troops home.

Romney, however, will have none of it, reports the Washington Times.

“My job is to get America back on track to have a balanced budget,” he told attendees at a suburban Cleveland town hall event Monday. “Now I’m not going to cut $1 trillion in the first year,” he added — a clear jab at Paul’s plan.

“Why not, someone in the crowd apparently asked,” according to the Times.

“The reason,” Romney explained, “is taking a trillion dollars out of a $15 trillion economy would cause our economy to shrink [and] would put a lot of people out of work.”

This, of course, is pure Keynesian economics — the idea that the economy cannot grow without massive government spending. History proves otherwise: The economy stagnated while the government spent more and more during the Great Depression, but it took off when federal spending plummeted after World War II.

For all his vaunted business acumen, Romney has apparently forgotten that the government cannot spend $1 trillion without first taking it from the private sector. Therefore, if the government fails to spend that money, it is not being taken out of the economy; it is merely being left in the hands of its rightful owners. As a result, it gets put to use meeting people’s needs and improving their standard of living. When the government takes it, however, it is used to meet politicians’ desires for reelection by redistributing wealth and rewarding political cronies. One trillion dollars left in the private sector will do infinitely more good than that same cash will do when confiscated by government.

10th May 2012, 07:13 PM
This whole delegate thing is hard to figure out. My wife thinks it isn't right, If Romney gets the majority of votes in any given state, it stands to reason that the delegates from that state are being sent to the convention to represent those peoples choice. I tried to explain to her that Romney's supporters are evidently lukewarm otherwise they would be showing up to be selected as delegates. I know I'd be plenty pissed if RP won at the ballot box but Herman Cain got all the delegates.

Why can't Romney win delegates like Ron Paul?

TAMPA, May 10, 2012 – With his wins in Maine and Nevada last weekend and imminent wins at state conventions in six more states (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WJ52iU60zA), it appears that some of us were correct when we said (http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/mar/31/rumors-ron-paul-campaign-demise-greatly-exaggerate/) over a month ago that rumors of Ron Paul’s campaign demise were greatly exaggerated.

The media continues to insinuate that there is not only something underhanded about Paul’s strategy, but something fundamentally wrong with what Politico describes (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0512/76125.html#ixzz1uTCF2I3T) as “the country’s cumbersome and arcane system for nominating presidential candidates.” According to this narrative, Paul’s supporters are “undermining democracy” by using said “arcane rules” to nullify the wishes of the electorate.

One could argue that Paul’s strategy is perfectly legitimate (http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/may/3/ron-paul-delegate-strategy-perfectly-legitimate/) and that the process is deliberately set up the way it is to ensure that only informed and committed voters become delegates and choose the nominee. It is a republican rather than a democratic electoral process.

This process doesn’t disenfranchise anyone because everyone has an equal opportunity to become a delegate. The rules are not (http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/may/8/media-just-wont-let-ron-paul/?cache) “arcane.” Arcane means that the information is only available to some people. The rules for how one can become a delegate and how the nominee is chosen are published on the Republican Party website in each state and are equally available to everyone.

That brings us to the real question, representing the other side of all of the passive-aggressive attacks on Paul’s strategy and the nominating process itself.
Why can’t Romney simply employ the same strategy as Ron Paul? Why can’t he win delegate majorities in states where he won the popular vote?

As far as I know, no one has conducted a poll of primary or caucus voters asking them why they did not participate in the delegate selection process. That means that one can only speculate as to why people who support Romney in the popular vote don’t tend to go on to become delegates. However, there are things we know about the requirements for participating in the popular vote versus the requirements for becoming a delegate.

The rules vary from state to state, but for the most part, one need only be registered to vote in the primary or caucus. In some states, one must be a registered Republican to participate in the popular vote. In others, Democrats and independents can participate.

If one meets those minimal qualifications, one may cast a vote in the primary or caucus. One does not have to be informed on the issues or even know who is running. That doesn’t necessarily mean that all or even most participants in popular votes are uninformed. However, there is no requirement that they are informed and there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that this may be a problem.
For example, a CNN poll (http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/01/08/nh.issues/index.html?iref=mpstoryview) following the 2008 Republican primary found that John McCain had strong support from voters who said that they disapproved of the Iraq War, even though McCain had recently said that it would be fine with him if the U.S. stayed in Iraq for a hundred years. Were these voters unaware of McCain’s position?

More recently, 40% of Democratic primary voters in West Virginia voted for a convicted felon who is currently serving a 17-year sentence for extortion in a federal prison in Texas. While this was clearly a protest vote against Obama, voters interviewed by the Charleston Daily Mail (http://www.dailymail.com/News/201205090244) said they didn’t even know who Keith Judd was.

Are these the results the media are so afraid will be overturned?
This could never happen in the delegate selection process. By the time that a candidate for the RNC delegation has participated in the local caucus, the district or county conventions, and finally the state convention, he not only knows who all of the candidates are but can likely recite their policy positions. He’s heard them over and over during that process.

During all of that debate and campaigning, he may also have learned that the other candidates are right about a few things, even if he disagrees with them on most others. Sometimes, supporters of competing candidates even form coalitions (http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/reawakening-liberty/2012/apr/15/colorado-further-evidence-ron-paul-will-challenge-/) to achieve common interests.

Delegates are also required to be more committed to their candidates than primary voters. Those local, district, county and state conventions aren’t exactly exciting. In fact, they’re downright boring, unless you really care about U.S. domestic and foreign policy and your candidate’s positions.

So, Romney does overwhelmingly better in contests that don’t require the participants to be informed on the issues or even know all of the candidates. They can say they’re against a war but vote for its biggest proponent. They can vote for a candidate even if they are unaware that he is doing time in a federal prison. Their candidate may be the only one they’re aware of because he gets far more coverage by the media and far more advertising money from Wall Street and other special interests. They aren’t required to know that or even be curious about it. All they have to do is register and make a 15-minute commitment to pull a lever behind a curtain.

Ron Paul does overwhelmingly better in contests that require delegates to commit months of their time to the process, to hear the arguments of the other candidates ad nauseum and make arguments for their own candidate in return, and sometimes even form coalitions with the delegates supporting other candidates in order to achieve common goals.

Which process would you rather see determine the nominee for president?


10th May 2012, 07:39 PM
This whole delegate thing is hard to figure out. My wife thinks it isn't right, If Romney gets the majority of votes in any given state, it stands to reason that the delegates from that state are being sent to the convention to represent those peoples choice. I tried to explain to her that Romney's supporters are evidently lukewarm otherwise they would be showing up to be selected as delegates. I know I'd be plenty pissed if RP won at the ballot box but Herman Cain got all the delegates.

One big problem with what your wife thinks is people on Romney's side cheat. They have been caught cheating in almost every state where the votes are counted in the caucus process. The cheating in places like South Carolina where there is only touch screen voting and no paper trail goes undetected.

10th May 2012, 07:55 PM

10th May 2012, 07:55 PM
One big problem with what your wife thinks is people on Romney's side cheat. They have been caught cheating in almost every state where the votes are counted in the caucus process. The cheating in places like South Carolina where there is only touch screen voting and no paper trail goes undetected.

I haven't really gotten into here but it's called "algorithmic vote flipping", it is highly debateable and not easily proven. Graphs and mathmatics are NOT easy for me but here's a link that explains it, kind of.


12th May 2012, 08:36 AM
