View Full Version : IRS Ban on Travel Masks Fed’s Takeover of America

21st April 2012, 03:27 PM
IRS Ban on Travel Masks Fed’s Takeover of America
Susanne Posel Apr 18th, 2012 0 Comment

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
April 18, 2012

The collection agency for the Federal Reserve known as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is working with legislators to gain control over the rights of Americans. Without the right to due process, the IRS can simply claim a citizen owes $50,000 dollars or more to their illegal operation. This accusation alone will give their agency the right to revoke American’s travel rights and even remove the right to own a firearm.

With the help of Representatives like Barbara Boxer of California, a bill rapidly working through Capitol Hill (passed through the Senate and is currently up for review in the House) will give the IRS power to:
Accuse Americans of delinquency of tax payment without due process
Revoke their passports and travel rights
Place the accused in a centralize database
Authorize the removal of their right to own a firearm

No formal charges are required. Simply the accusation from the IRS is sufficed to strip American citizens of their Constitutional rights.

“There is no requirement that the tax payer be guilty of or even charged with tax evasion, fraud, or any criminal offense — only that the citizen is alleged to owe the IRS back taxes of $50,000 or more,” reports the Daily Economist.

In essence, these blacklisted citizens would be remotely labeled “domestic terrorists” and treated as such.

Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel bragged to the Brady Center that the ‘No Fly’ list. Emanuel proudly stated that those on the “no fly” list could not own a firearm because of their suspicious status.

Moreover, the IRS and this bill will suspend travel rights to more than “30,000 active-duty troops and a similar number of reserve-component members owe the Internal Revenue Service a collective $390 million in back taxes, according to IRS data,” reports WTLX.

And federal employees are not immune to this revoking of their rights. IRS figures show that in 2010, “98,000 federal employees owed a combined $1 billion in back taxes.” As well as a shocking amount of members of the Senate combined owe an estimated $2 million dollars in unpaid taxes.

As this move by the Federal Reserve, with support by our elected officials, empowers the IRS to bully all citizens of America into paying an unconstitutional tax, we can clearly see that the central banking cartels are in charge of the US and not any branch of US government; including their puppet Barack Obama.

This more toward suspicion without accusation is the slow and incremental tip-toe by the global Elite toward an encompassing takeover of our American Republic and transform it into a Fascist dictatorship. The Obama administration, through the NDAA, signing statements, and executive orders has continued the process started by certain previous Presidents. And this has all happened right under our noses. Without much resistance by the American public, our US Constitution is being shredded.

The time has come to stop complying with this system.

The global Elite will not stop until they have their One World Government. There is no negotiating. They demand total submission of the populations of all nations and countries.

We out number them dramatically.

We can stop them once we unilaterally stop complying with their takeover.


21st April 2012, 03:29 PM
The passport is and always has been an instrument used in war. What better evidence do you need to know where the lines are being drawn?

21st April 2012, 04:57 PM
another form of Capital Controls brought to us by the Land of Freedom ?!

i think bullshit measures like this will lead to asylum groups, where people who have paid their taxes, own land, etc., give a place to stay to like-minded people who have fallen out of the system and want a garden and a roof over their head.

if you want to leave the US, you can still do it, on both the Mexican and Canadian borders. in the case of Mexico, nobody asks to see your passport Southbound - at least nobody ever asked to see mine. of course, in Mexico, you need good street skills, because it's a Wild Wild West.

as far as Canada - it's only 13 miles from Washington State to Vancouver Island. once you're on the Island, the ferry will get you to the mainland.

i wonder if any countries will offer asylum for US tax refugees. Iceland perhaps ?

21st April 2012, 07:50 PM
Record number renounces US citizenship: IRS (http://www.presstv.ir/detail/236639.html)


Tue Apr 17, 2012 6:27AM GMT

Nearly 1,800 Americans have in 2011 renounced their citizenships or turned in their so-called Alien Registration Cards to avoid sharing more information than necessary with the US government.

“Disclosing joint accounts I hold with my wife and anyone I ever want to do business with - that’s just too much,” said Peter Dunn, a dual US-Canadian citizen currently residing in Canada, quoted by Reuters on Monday.

Americans living and working abroad are, according to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, not only forced to pay taxes to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the US agency responsible for collecting taxes, but also obligated to report all their bank accounts and retirement funds to the agency.

Failure to report these details to the IRS means breaking US law, for which the penalty is up to USD 50,000 or 50 percent of any undeclared accounts held overseas.

“My wife’s account is none of their business,” said Dunn, who is married to a Canadian.

Dunn, who had earlier in the month renounced his US citizenship, said that the policies of the IRS were “driving us away.”

Marylouise Serrato, head of American Citizens Abroad, a Swiss-based organization, has also reported that many Americans are being pushed away from their citizenship due to the act.

“Americans abroad are terrified. We’ve had people pay tens of thousands of dollars in fines,” Serrato said.

“Up to this point, we never heard of anyone renouncing, or if they did, they didn’t talk about it,” said Serrato, adding that “Now, we’re seeing a lot of people speak openly about it and comes to us for information.”

The IRS had in 2011 recorded as many as 1,788 Americans renouncing their US citizenships. The number is a record high since the IRS began publishing such data in 1998. Overall, the IRS records some 1,100 renunciations a year.

An estimate of 6.3 million US citizens live abroad.



General of Darkness
21st April 2012, 08:21 PM
This is AMERIKWA NOW. We are slaves to the fucking jews at the Federal Reserve and the jew politicians who push the agenda of the jew banks. It's a circular situation, and the only way out is THRU the jew. ;)

Twisted Titan
22nd April 2012, 01:45 AM
Accuse Americans of delinquency of tax payment without due process
Revoke their passports and travel rights
Place the accused in a centralize database
Authorize the removal of their right to own a firearm

Are you friggen kidding me???

Does anybody have the specific language in the bill that out lines this???

22nd April 2012, 03:43 AM
This is going to be so easy for them , keep inventing new laws building data bases which take over until everyones a crook with all rights gone totally because they say so because its on the data base thats it...........

the tax office is a sham with no right to an exsistance let alone interfering with other peoples rights .....

22nd April 2012, 05:58 AM
Maybe 10% of the population owns a passport. The masses will not care.

22nd April 2012, 05:07 PM
Maybe 10% of the population owns a passport. The masses will not care.

you inspired me to look that passport % up. Number really spiked ~5 years ago when it became necessary for travel to Canada & MX, stemming from the warrenterra hoax. It's now around 38%. One of these sources says in 1989, it was only 3% holding passports, which I'm skeptical of- sounds like bad data. Maybe they meant 3% applied for new or renewed pp's-- which don't expire for 10 years. It's the % holding current valid pp's I'm interested in.

Record Number Of Americans Now Hold Passports (http://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewbender/2012/01/30/record-number-of-americans-now-hold-passports/)

How Many Americans Have A Passport? (http://www.theexpeditioner.com/2010/02/17/how-many-americans-have-a-passport-2/)

23rd April 2012, 08:18 AM
If a right can be rescinded then it was never a right to begin with, simply privilege.

Say what you will but I have a right to bear arms and there is literally nothing that can rescind that right.

Hatha Sunahara
23rd April 2012, 10:37 AM
Does anybody know how a Sovereign/Freeman deals with passport issues? Can you print up your own passport that complies with your laws? Would anybody recognize such a passport?


Hatha Sunahara
23rd April 2012, 10:57 AM
Check out this web site:


Also, watch this video:




23rd April 2012, 06:42 PM
I imagine we could just stroll across our open southern border.

23rd April 2012, 06:51 PM
i would just like to point out that the world passport is still a passport. and if you go on that website, the documentation you have to fill out + the fee is almost exactly the same as a regular passport. so i guess i missing the big win here...

23rd April 2012, 06:55 PM
Does anybody know how a Sovereign/Freeman deals with passport issues? Can you print up your own passport that complies with your laws? Would anybody recognize such a passport?


U.S. citizens are required to have passports to RETURN to the U.S. If you are not one of these then there is no requirement that you have a passport.

I have heard of people going after U.S. national passports instead of U.S. citizen passports.

(5) years ago I returned from Mexico three times using an Iowa Republic photo ID. Each time the ID was inspected carefully and I was deemed fit to pass. I have a larger ID intended for international travel. It has been apostiled for Canada and Mexico. I expect I would send a copy of it to the foreign embassy of the country I intended to visit (along with an apostile for that country) and ask ahead of time whether for a declaration of it's use in private travel to that country. Possibly a visa would be required.

23rd April 2012, 07:22 PM
Now I understand the 16,000 new IRS hires. They will be taking on additional responsibilities besides the Obama healthcare mandate. It's all in their plans.


23rd April 2012, 08:08 PM
Check out this web site:


Also, watch this video:




Well I watched the video, and at 4:49 he shows his world passport & the number on it is 000001. At 5:00 BO's world passport is shown w/ number 341311.
So I wonder if he started/is associated with the website (I didn't look to see if there was an affiliation).

Also, his comments that this was the first time he wasn't called into the office, "Oh, is that xyz? He's fine" says a voice in the background; as if the customs people are very familiar w/ him. I say selective editing as well. What was in his binder? And I'm surprised they let him reach down to get it...