View Full Version : frustrating sheep!

sugar plum
24th April 2012, 02:45 PM
I think the hardest thing for me about being awake (granted, I'm not read up on the EXTENT of all the conspiracies, but I know enough to know that the government is out to get all of us) is being alone with my MIL when she gets in a lecture mood about something about which she feels strongly. I'm on a trip right now with the boys and husband's family, and I'm all alone!!!

She knows there's something wrong with the government, but that seems to be about as far as she takes it. She (and others) won't understand our distrust and paranoia about cops and the government in general. That gets really hard for me when I'm the only one awake in a group of people.

Today's lecture was about vaccines....She can't understand why we haven't vaccinated our boys yet. Now, we are going to give them tetanus without the pertussis. She feels VERY STRONGLY that we should vaccinate against polio and rubella (telling me that if I were ever pregnant in my first trimester around someone with rubella, our unborn baby WILL have defects...). You know, Horseshoe3 and I are not stupid about vaccines, and she's acting as if we don't care about the health of our children!!

She tries to get into my head about her ideas every so often when I'm "cornered", and it gets very frustrating when I'm the one more awake than she is!!

24th April 2012, 03:45 PM
I feel for you sugarplum.... I had the MIL from mars..... Easiest thing to do is to blame it on her son (your husband) ;) you gotta do what you gotta do to get through the trip.

My favorite one was well you know_______ ,and he is the boss. What can I do?

Oh and block her let it go in one ear and out the other ! [(:)]

24th April 2012, 03:48 PM
Very frustrating! I have realized that some people just refuse to even think about our 'conspiracies' so what I do is sometimes bring up a small detail of whatever is on my mind at the moment. I am pretty subtle to the sheep but I plant seeds. One acquaintance with a head as hard as a rock, over the course of a summer and maybe 10 or 12 beer drinking events he recited back to me some of the stuff I was planting. I mean he wasn't even close to being awake but them seeds did sprout. I was actually proud that he acknowledged that some stuff just isn't right.

24th April 2012, 04:11 PM
pretty much except for my direct family and a couple friends, everyone else prefers to stay in the matrix.

I have one friend who is convinced he is so right on politically, I don't even talk politics with him. nobody is more enlightened than he, because he listens to CNN, Obmama is the best president ever, If it weren't for the big O's health care his parents would be dead now, the only reason the big O can't get more things done is because of the republican congress. Typical spoon fed idiot. So much schooling, sooo little understanding.

24th April 2012, 04:13 PM
I quit talking to sheep.

It isn't worth my time.

24th April 2012, 04:56 PM
When sheep start talking like they "know" so much and are insulting you . . . Start asking them the real questions. Don't tell the answers, but ask some questions . . .

About the relationship with Autism and vaccines.
About building 7, the dancing Isralies and 911.
About "sneak and peek" from the Patriot Act.

Then follow up with "I can send you some links . . . ." End of Conversation!!

Old Herb Lady
24th April 2012, 05:18 PM
vaccines+aborted human fetal tissue generally shuts em up right quick.

24th April 2012, 06:15 PM
"Even if you tell the truth, perhaps because you tell the truth, no one will believe you."
-Satanic axiom

The tough part is to have compassion for these people that are so hopelessly entrenched in the matrix. These people lack the capacity of to see the truth, and that is very sad indeed.


24th April 2012, 06:48 PM
I feel your pain. Although with my own family, not in-laws. I found research to be the best way to reach them, the more I know and can come back with intelligent arguments the more they listen and research on their own.

24th April 2012, 06:54 PM
i don't do it anymore. i preached to them for 5 years. it's their fault now.

24th April 2012, 07:05 PM
I talked to some sheep last night.

They were amazed with my garden. I got cornered into a conversation basically.

Anyhow, after talking for 15 minutes or so they had to go home to watch "Dancing with the Stars", I shit you not.
Don't have a computer, just a teevee, barbie and star wars collections.


Where would one even start a discussion with those sheep?

24th April 2012, 07:21 PM
my mom has called me paranoid and crazy. she's an obama supporter.

i feel ya...

24th April 2012, 07:27 PM
Anyhow, after talking for 15 minutes or so they had to go home to watch "Dancing with the Stars", I shit you not.
Don't have a computer, just a teevee, barbie and star wars collections.

There is sheepdom and there is just plain dumbass. Of course this tends to go hand in hand somewhat, but there are reasonably intelligent people out there who are sheep. Sometimes it's because of apathy or they may be cursed with the happy-go-lucky, head-in-sand personality type.

If they are dumbasses, I find it's best to avoid them at all costs. Even if they have the best intentions they are nothing but trouble. If they have a few brain cells, it's always worth my time to plant a few seeds of thought, carefully tailored to suit their predispositions.

24th April 2012, 07:28 PM

24th April 2012, 07:41 PM

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. ... so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it

24th April 2012, 07:42 PM
My family and friends listen carefully when I try to enlighten them. Seriously. But I deliver it in good measure, rather than all at once. They accept some of it right away, and the rest they simply ponder. They know I'm on to something.

That's the thing: With all the shit that's going on, a lot of people are now starting to think that the "extremists" are on to something.

sugar plum
24th April 2012, 09:23 PM
Thanks for letting me vent you guys.

We have a strange situation...both sides of our family hate Obama, and most will vocalize that there's something wrong with the government, and my MIL respects our opinions about politics.....But when I get paranoid about getting pulled over when I see signs for a drug checkpoint, I get "Most cops aren't like that" from my SIL when I tell her about the woman who got thrown in jail for buying Sudafed across county lines. Also, when we voice opinions about subjects such as medicine or raw milk, we're written off as off our rockers! My husband gets accused of being too much like his grandpa, and his mother (my MIL) won't open up to learn about WHY....Perhaps because my SIL is a nurse and she'd feel as if she's betraying her daughter???? But Mamboni is a doctor and one of us. IT'S NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, PEOPLE!

It's hard for me when my MIL gets seemingly offended by our views and tries to convince ME that her son is off his rocker and just being stubborn like his grandpa!!

Twisted Titan
24th April 2012, 09:41 PM
Beware being too rational in the country of the insane...... the intergrated person is not made King or Queen.

They get lynched.

A Huxley

24th April 2012, 09:51 PM

I'm about the same as Chad. it's been years now, years of..... well... you know. Buy PM's, don't completely 100% believe everything that is said on the TV, listen to candidates campaign promises then look at what actually happens, etc.

I know this is a bad attitude but you know what? Fuck it. I've said my piece and tried to go against the tide incessantly to NO avail. Some of these people may be my blood, but there is only so much that one can do.

24th April 2012, 09:54 PM
When you first wake up you are looking around you and screaming at everyone, "Wake up! Everything is a lie! We live in the Matrix!" Of course, people don't wake up. They just roll their eyes, giggle at you, and usually get angry with you for trying to wake them up.

This is a very depressing period since you feel more and more alone. You eventually comes to terms that most humans are soulless and dead inside, so you probably will start hating humanity. It makes sense why humanity is and always will be enslaved: Since most people are pushovers and will do whatever anyone of "authority" tells them since they are collectivist minded that way. Most humans are like this. If they weren't then there would be no wars, since no one would show up to fight them. There would be no taxes since no one would pay them. Humanity is enslaved since it's in our very nature to be slaves. At least most humans. The few non-slave like humans at the Lower Classes of society feel lost and trapped and I think everyone on this forum can relate since it's really frustrating and hopeless.

I think the best way to resist at this point is to turn inwards. To do everything you can with you knowledge to improve your situation and life. I'm in the process of doing this, and it makes the world feel less shitty since it empowers me. The system is in the process of a collapse, and it's unknown if the Elite will be able to transition it into a new system or not but it doesn't matter. You should be worrying about surviving this collapse and improving yourself. I'm always finding new ways to improve my health, intelligence, and so forth. You cannot save the world, that only happens in the movies.

Live by example as best as you can, and then you will be more of an authority figure by your own deeds and more people will listen to you.

I focus on alternative medicine and diet. My health has radically improved. This has given me credibility amongst my family and friends. Now some people in my family and friends listen to the other stuff, and I've been able to partially wake them up to what's going on to an extent. People who want to wake up completely can only do it themselves if they want it.

Also this:


24th April 2012, 10:00 PM

I know this is a bad attitude but you know what? Fuck it.

Same here. Fuck it.

http://fishingnetwork.net/forum4/images/smilies/219_fisherman_fishing_at_a_lake.gif http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/smileys-and-emoticons/camping/smileys-camping-068148.gif

Shorty Harris
25th April 2012, 05:35 AM
Piss on em. I too have spent years trying to talk to those around me, and I just got tired of banging my head against the wall. After all is said and done, For the most part, all you end up doing is tweaking your melon...and in the end the wall remains.


25th April 2012, 05:57 AM
I quit talking to sheep.

It isn't worth my time.

Mama Chan to PlatinumBlonde--you talk to dumbshit people, then you get mad..

I got tired of getting mad.

25th April 2012, 06:12 AM
Mama Chan to PlatinumBlonde--you talk to dumbshit people, then you get mad..

I got tired of getting mad.

Why are they dumbshit people? Because they don't agree with you? Because they're not interested in researching the things you're talking about?

IMO, most humans are sloths by nature. They just want to do their thing and be left alone. They don't want to hear about high level conspiracy and a treasonous government.

Write this down folks. Most people don't change until THEY HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE! Most people in this world ARE NOT LIKE YOU!

Most here have an above average (over 100) IQ. That means the odds of dealing with someone dumber than you in your day is GREATER THAN 50%. Think about it.

25th April 2012, 06:16 AM
sp, you said something is wrong with our government. If you read the proptcols THAT is exactly the enemies aim...to get us to revolt against our own government. The problem is,has and ever will be the 5th column currently instigating and propagating and financing ALL the trouble WITH and WITHIN out government and country...the jews.

25th April 2012, 06:35 AM
To echo what many have stated here, the large majority of people want to conform and live comfortably within the herde with their rituals, creature comforts and government-provided zeitgeist. This is the human condition and it has always been this way, especially in the developed world. Being awake and aware is a bittersweet condition. Your mind is alive, inquisitive and active. You see things others do not. So interaction with others becomes a long series of disappointments, frustrations and contentions. Now and then you will run into a like minded individual. He will become a lifetime and steadfast friend. As for everyone else, it's like being a politician in Washington. Harry Truman said it best "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." To paraphrase, if you want a friend while living awake within the Matrix, get a dog. Personally, I keep my interpersonal interactions to a minimum and spend more time with my three dogs than anyone else. My wife and kids are awake and we have a good family relationship. We have a few friends and neighbors who "get it" because we live in a rural community which tends to attract "rebels" and "non-conformists." Live is short and time is too precious to waste proselytizing before the deaf and the dumb. When you do decide to attempt to unplug someone, be very selective and commit only so much effort to it. Then move on. Remember, to the large majority of folk, we here at GSUS are the fringe wackos.

sugar plum
25th April 2012, 06:36 AM
Live by example as best as you can, and then you will be more of an authority figure by your own deeds and more people will listen to you... This has given me credibility amongst my family and friends. Now some people in my family and friends listen to the other stuff, and I've been able to partially wake them up to what's going on to an extent. People who want to wake up completely can only do it themselves if they want it.

I have noticed that my MIL seems open to things like D3 and iodine because I've told her I take it every day and take higher doses when I don't want to get the kids' colds....She has asked me on this trip even if she can use my D3 and iodine....So like I said, it depends on her state of mind and who's around her at the time!!

EDIT TO ADD: I just have to laugh, though, when Horseshoe3's cousin asks me if we still have gold (to which I just looked at him and grinned) and he starts telling me how we should get rid of our gold and get gold certificates or whatever....HAHAHAHAHAHA

25th April 2012, 07:08 AM
I have noticed that my MIL seems open to things like D3 and iodine because I've told her I take it every day and take higher doses when I don't want to get the kids' colds....She has asked me on this trip even if she can use my D3 and iodine....So like I said, it depends on her state of mind and who's around her at the time!!

EDIT TO ADD: I just have to laugh, though, when Horseshoe3's cousin asks me if we still have gold (to which I just looked at him and grinned) and he starts telling me how we should get rid of our gold and get gold certificates or whatever....HAHAHAHAHAHA

What kind of iodine? How do you take it and what does it do?

25th April 2012, 07:09 AM
Why are they dumbshit people? Because they don't agree with you? Because they're not interested in researching the things you're talking about?

IMO, most humans are sloths by nature. They just want to do their thing and be left alone. They don't want to hear about high level conspiracy and a treasonous government.

Write this down folks. Most people don't change until THEY HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE! Most people in this world ARE NOT LIKE YOU!

Most here have an above average (over 100) IQ. That means the odds of dealing with someone of below average intelligence in your day is GREATER THAN 50%. Think about it.

This was an observation that someone else made NOT me..

25th April 2012, 07:30 AM
So much schooling, sooo little understanding.

some of the stupid-est and/or most dishonest people i've met had PhD's and/or MD's.

25th April 2012, 09:04 AM
I have noticed that my MIL seems open to things like D3 and iodine because I've told her I take it every day and take higher doses when I don't want to get the kids' colds....She has asked me on this trip even if she can use my D3 and iodine....So like I said, it depends on her state of mind and who's around her at the time!!

Be careful with D3. The synthetic vitamins forms of D3 (water-soluble) are actually bad for you and don't absorb very well.

Vitamin D3 supplements come in two forms:

oil (cod liver oil-based) - fat-soluble vitamin D, includes liquid drops or gel caps.
dry powder (lanolin-based) - water-soluble vitamin D, includes capsules or tablets.

Source (http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/about-vitamin-d/how-to-get-your-vitamin-d/vitamin-d-supplementation/)

You want to get it from an animal source. The best source is fermented cod or skate liver oil (the expensive stuff). Don't get the cheap cod liver oil either. The cheaper cod liver oil has fillers and they add the synthetic D3 to fortify it, but it just makes the cheap cod liver oil into a clusterfuck. Cheap commercial cod liver oil production includes alkali refining, bleaching, winterization (which removes saturated fats), and deodorization (which removes pesticides but also Vitamins A and D.) So, in other words, the process actually destroys the fat-soluble Vitamin D, and almost all of the Vitamin A.

The best brand is from a company called Green Pasture. Here's a chart which can assist you in your diet so you can get Vitamin D in a healthier way.


I eat whole anchovies daily, with the head, eyes, guts, bones, and everything else. I also take the Green Pasture's fermented cod liver oil. When I first got into alternative medicine I was heavy into taking all the vitamins, but the more I research and experiment I find better results by getting my vitamins/supplements from actual food sources. This is a lot harder to convince someone to do though.


25th April 2012, 10:22 AM
some of the stupid-est and/or most dishonest people i've met had PhD's and/or MD's.Of course. What is our education system? An indoctrination camp. A degree is proof of being indoctrinated. They make it a challenge and expense to attain degrees so that those who attain them are proud of their "accomplishment" and thus see themselves as superior to those who haven't.

Since it's difficult to achieve the false objective of paper intellect, the process weeds out many who lack perseverence. Some of these educated people do have the capacity to wake up. The key to unlocking their minds is to get them to question the very institutions who sold them paper degrees.
If you can get them to understand the Federal Reserve, the next step is to emphasize the fact that universities deliberately omit information about how the Fed really works.
I recently got an educated retired govt employee to admit that during the course introduction of an economics course, the Professor stated that "he was not going to get into the Federal Reserve".

25th April 2012, 10:53 AM
Ive been "truth tellin" since the early 80's and believe it or not it's gotten a lot easier, a whole lot easier. There wasn't an internet at that time either for folks to be able to look up and reference/research, so usually you were dismissed as bat shit crazy, ostracized, physically fought etc..etc... Back then it was photocopied material from books w/ sources attatched and time spent in the library and that's if anyone was willing to expand their horizons.

25th April 2012, 10:55 AM
some of the stupid-est and/or most dishonest people i've met had PhD's and/or MD's.

You remind me of this cartoon:


25th April 2012, 10:57 AM
so, specifically, what's wrong with tablet form d3? i take it everyday. how is it hurting me?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
25th April 2012, 11:00 AM
Pity them. They know not what they don't know.

25th April 2012, 11:20 AM
What kind of iodine? How do you take it and what does it do?

We take Lugol's solution. It comes in a dropper bottle.

The simple explanation for iodine is that while the liver is the physical filter for your blood, the thyroid is the chemical treatment plant. Iodine is stored in the thyroid and as the blood passes through, iodine is released to attack pathogens.

Here is an article that explains more:


25th April 2012, 11:21 AM
Easiest thing to do is to blame it on her son (your husband) ;)

Thanks a lot.

Spun Gold
25th April 2012, 11:24 AM
After reading this thread I dont feel so bad about living a hermits existence. I too have given up on waking others. I leave their innocence intact and let them enjoy the last few pleasures and their magical thinking. Sad. I have lost too many friends and family permanently by constantly urging them to wake up. No more. What a blessing to be able to read this forum and not feel so alone. :-)

25th April 2012, 11:41 AM
Welcome to the forum.

25th April 2012, 11:50 AM
Welcome SG!

25th April 2012, 11:59 AM
After reading this thread I dont feel so bad about living a hermits existence. I too have given up on waking others. I leave their innocence intact and let them enjoy the last few pleasures and their magical thinking. Sad. I have lost too many friends and family permanently by constantly urging them to wake up. No more. What a blessing to be able to read this forum and not feel so alone. :-)

A couple of my old friends visited my apartment from out of town and I could see they looked at me differently because I did not have or use these modern (plug in) kitchen conveniences like rice cookers or food processors. I use a hand can opener, hand whisk, chop with a knife, etc. To me everything is a scam, big refrigerators, big stoves, etc.

I feel liberated

25th April 2012, 12:02 PM
After reading this thread I dont feel so bad about living a hermits existence. I too have given up on waking others. I leave their innocence intact and let them enjoy the last few pleasures and their magical thinking. Sad. I have lost too many friends and family permanently by constantly urging them to wake up. No more. What a blessing to be able to read this forum and not feel so alone. :-)Welcome to GSUS. I'll never give up. I'm pretty careful not to cause myself much grief in waking others. You just have to think up ways to approach them based on their personalities. Most people want to sleep. When the alarm clock goes off they want to throw it across the room and go back to sleep. Just duck, smile and rewind it.

25th April 2012, 12:18 PM
The most frustrating time for me was when I first starting realizing how things really roll. Tried soooo hard to get my dad to invest in some precious metals. Did not succeed....:( I don't bother talking about these things anymore with him when I do he just gives me the "look". He knows I'm dead right but doesn't want to hear it.

I did however finally talk my brother into buying a few rolls of silver maples. --H H--

I still don't think he fully understands investing in PMs though. I'm just waiting for silver to go sub $30 and him to start bitching.>:(

25th April 2012, 12:48 PM
Welcome to the Asylum Spun Gold. :)

25th April 2012, 01:03 PM
so, specifically, what's wrong with tablet form d3? i take it everyday. how is it hurting me?

To keep it simple: Synthetic vitamins don't absorb very well, so they can just build up in your system, and become toxic over time. Vitamins from food are in balance with how your body was designed to absorb vitamins so this usually doesn't occur.

This is why a lot of people who take synthetic calcium supplements get really bad gallstones, but people who get calcium from food sources like raw milk and/or bone broth don't have these issues.

25th April 2012, 01:04 PM
what does a buildup of d3 cause?

25th April 2012, 01:11 PM
Sorry for hijacking this thread guys, we probably should start a second thread on this issue.

Anyways, just look up Vitamin D toxicity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypervitaminosis_D). The point is with synthetic vitamins/minerals they can build up in various parts of your body, and literally just sit there. Look up the symptoms of the toxicity of those vitamins/minerals. I used to tell people to take the synthetic vitamins myself, but after researching the stuff heavily, I found out I was doing it wrong. You can still pop pills (though food is still better,) but just do it from food based supplements that have the vitamins you need. It means a bit more research, and sometimes more costs.

The best source for Vitamin D is fermented cod liver oil, or fermented skate liver oil.

I've had discussions arguing in favor of synthetic vitamins against Old Herb Lady in the past who emphasized staying away from them and sticking to nature. I believe she was/is correct now, and now hold the same belief after my own usage and positive results.

25th April 2012, 01:12 PM
what does a buildup of d3 cause?

from: http://www.nutritional-supplements-health-guide.com/vitamin-d3-overdose.html

Excess vitamin D3 causes a buildup of calcium first in the fluids of the digestive tract, and then in the bloodstream. Calcium mixed with fiber makes a kind of "concrete" that causes constipation. The impact on the bowel can cause vomiting, nausea, and lack of appetite.

As the overdose continues, the symptoms spread. There can be a buildup of calcium in the kidney causing kidney stones. The additional calcium activates calcium channels in the heart and blood pressure rises, also stressing the kidneys. Calcium crystals can be deposited in the skin, in muscles, and even in the brain and eyes, although few people continue taking vitamin D3 overdoses long enough for the condition to become permanent.

25th April 2012, 01:36 PM
My reading on the subject says that it's fairly difficult to become Vitamin D3 toxic. If you stay at or below 5,000 IU per day as an adult you will be fine. During the spring and summer months, liberal sun exposure can replace oral vitamin D3 supplementation. Don't shower or wash your skin after sunbathing - let the vitamin D formed in the skin get absorbed.

25th April 2012, 03:20 PM
My reading on the subject says that it's fairly difficult to become Vitamin D3 toxic. If you stay at or below 5,000 IU per day as an adult you will be fine. During the spring and summer months, liberal sun exposure can replace oral vitamin D3 supplementation. Don't shower or wash your skin after sunbathing - let the vitamin D formed in the skin get absorbed.

You're just being an enabler!


25th April 2012, 08:56 PM
Thinking about this on the way home. I'm not frustrated with people so much as I am the high profile perpetrators in the institutions that generate the lies, like media, government, academia, etc. A recent lie that's cropped up is the preservation of federal low-interest college loans. (They don't mention that these rates are primarily provided for students of a certain demographic profile.) Also, I read an article this week about how we need to stop restricting residential building in Massachusetts because otherwise prices will skyrocket and become unaffordable. Mind you, this is being written as the nation has just undergone a 20%-60% haircut in home prices (depending where you live), while politician fight about how to artificially prop up home prices. So one hand is trying to prop them up while the other is trying to suppress them.

It's this type of misdirection that angers me, and not so much the sheep who don't see it. As Libertytree said, the fight to inform people has more potential now than it has in a long time, so I will continue to take opportunities as they present themselves.