View Full Version : Rubio: The newest Teleprompter reading monkey with a shirt (Politician)

25th April 2012, 04:08 PM
Watch Rubio lose the last page to his speech, and cannot go on with an organic thought of his own. He MUST read what has been written.........by someone else!


General of Darkness
25th April 2012, 04:13 PM
He's a zionist beaner is what he is, plain and simple. Open the border shill, etc etc. Fuck him.

25th April 2012, 04:23 PM
Obviously the puppet masters want him as Mitten's VP and this is why MSM has been pushing him and his version of the DREAM act on us.
I think it has been about 2 weeks this "tryout" has been in progress and I am sick of him already.
A standard Zio-whore who couldn't give a crap about this nation.
World, blah, blah, blah.

General of Darkness
25th April 2012, 04:27 PM
Obviously the puppet masters want him as Mitten's VP and this is why MSM has been pushing him and his version of the DREAM act on us.
I think it has been about 2 weeks this "tryout" has been in progress and I am sick of him already.
A standard Zio-whore who couldn't give a crap about this nation.
World, blah, blah, blah.

Hey Down, check out those fucking ears. I'll bet he's a jew. As with dogs, it's always genetics, genetics, genetics.

25th April 2012, 04:34 PM
I don't care if a guy wants to get his speech right. To me- no big deal.

But for this guy to pal up with Romney in Pres /VP.... it is one comedy after another. Lemme splain it Lucy.

Obama is an illegal alien. TPTB foist him up to be president in violation of constitutional requirements.
John McCain is born in Panama. He cannot be president but he is the one put on the Repub side.
Romney's father was a Mexican citizen. This disqualifies Romney as NOT a natural born citizen.
Rubio was born in Miami to Cuban parents. He too is NOT a natural born citizen.

Have we got any other illegals we can run as president?

Hatha Sunahara
25th April 2012, 08:58 PM
Oh, the irony hits me squarely.

We're in the middle of a class war, and the enemy is propping up a candidate that wants to be our leader. And most of us are too dumb to see it.

Somebody thinks Rubio appeals to Hispanics. And most likely to women. He's got the emotions that Romney lacks. I think he's a puppet just like Obama. What bums me out is that my idiot cohorts will vote for these howdy doodies--just like they did for Obama. And there's nothing I can do about it. Jim Sinclair has the right idea. He's leaving.


26th April 2012, 09:28 AM
Amazing how they are spinning this event.

It's not every day that Washingtonians have to fight for an open chair at the Brookings Institution for a Wednesday-afternoon foreign policy event. But since it was Florida Sen. Marco Rubio doing the talking, two days after a campaign trail appearance with Mitt Romney, the think tank had a barnstormer on its hands.

Rubio, a young, charismatic Republican at the center of speculations over Romney's running mate, arrived onstage with Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman, a former Democratic vice presidential candidate, to show off his foreign policy chops.

Because of this guessing game, almost every word Rubio utters in public from now until the moment Romney makes his choice will be dissected, prodded and scrutinized. Whether he likes it or not, events like these are the start of a long spring training.

Every seat was filled, with reporters and onlookers lining the walls. An overflow space with the speech displayed on a screen was set up down the hallway. Thousands more tuned in on computer live streams. Due to a reported threat to Rubio this week, security agents stood on watch outside the building.

Euros have some minor awareness this guy is a POS.

Neoconservative Marco Rubio wants to rule the world
While Rubio did list some Democrats that he likes (Roosevelt, Truman, Scoop Jackson), he really seemed to want to send a message to the Republicans that he dislikes. This is the relevant section:

“Until very recently, the general perception was that American Conservatism believed in a robust and muscular foreign policy … But when I arrived in the Senate last year I found that some of the traditional sides in the foreign policy debate had shifted. On the one hand, I found liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans working together to advocate our withdrawal from Afghanistan, and staying out of Libya. On the other hand I found myself partnering with Democrats … on a more forceful foreign policy … I recently joked that today, in the US Senate, on foreign policy, if you go far enough to the right, you wind up on the left.”

Rubio’s target is obvious: Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and those elements of the Tea Party Right that dissented on Libya. Given that it barely scraped 20 percent in most primaries, it’s amazing how much the Paulite revolt seems to have upset the Republican establishment. In fact, Rubio’s entire speech (and it’s a long one) reads like a step-by-step rebuttal of the Paulite critique of neoconservative foreign policy – the belief that America has a moral duty and a strategic interest to promote global democracy.

26th April 2012, 09:46 AM
I don't care if a guy wants to get his speech right. To me- no big deal.

I agree but it gets to a point where these 'leaders' cannot even connect words together coherently to form sentences in the English language. They have no organic thought in their minds. They have no moral center or moral compass. No wonder there are no longer real live televised debates anymore.

The people they tell us our the 'smart' ones are actually mind dumbed drones on auto pilot feeding their shallow ego's.

I could likely blindfold Rubio, spin him around 3 times and drop him off on a random corner in his own state and he would NEVER find his way home.

26th April 2012, 11:17 AM
^ ^ ^ Agreed. The problem is all these dumb ass politicians can't explain their convictions because they don't have any, until someone gives them a piece of paper to read. Remember when Rick Perry tried to copy from Ron Paul's domestic policy but couldn't even remember which parts of government he wanted to cut? That's why all questions at any of these dumb town hall meetings are screened before hand, so the writers can provide the answers ahead of time. God forbid a politician knows enough about his convictions to be able to explain them without the help of written aids.