View Full Version : Dershowitz goes pro pedophilia

26th April 2012, 10:51 PM

http://desertpeace.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/alan-dershowitz-1-2.jpg?w=477 (http://desertpeace.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/alan-dershowitz-1-2.jpg)

Alan Dershowitz cannot go any lower than he has gone in recent days…

Aside from the witch hunts he orchestrates on US Universities, the hatred that he spews out on a daily basis in defense of zion, he is now the victor in a Brooklyn child sex abuse legal case;

An appeals court has reversed the child sex abuse conviction of Brooklyn travel agent Baruch Lebovits, who was sentenced in 2010 to up to 32 years in prison.
Alan Dershowitz, chief counsel for Lebovits on appeal, called the unanimous reversal by a four-judge appellate panel a “total victory.”
Considering the man seems quite wealthy, there is no justification for him taking on this particular case. One can’t help wonder if Dersh would have been there if the defendant’s name was Feeney or MacPherson….
Lebovits Abuse Conviction Is Overturned

Brooklyn Travel Agent Was Sentenced to 32 Years


getty images

Cleared: Baruch Lebovits was sentenced to 32 years in prison for allegedly molesting boys. An appeals court reversed the conviction amid questions about testimony against him.


An appeals court has reversed the child sex abuse conviction of Brooklyn travel agent Baruch Lebovits, who was sentenced in 2010 to up to 32 years in prison.

Alan Dershowitz, chief counsel for Lebovits on appeal, called the unanimous reversal by a four-judge appellate panel a “total victory.”

Lebovits was not acquitted outright but instead had his conviction reversed, which could allow the District Attorney to retry the case. But Dershowitz doubted prosecutors would be able to mount a new case.

“Under the circumstances it will be impossible for the prosecution to successfully retry the case because we now have overwhelming evidence that will require that the case be thrown out,” Dershowitz said on April 25.

Lebovits, who was convicted of eight counts of sexual assault, was the most high-profile conviction secured by Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes since the D.A. launched a campaign against child sex abuse in the ultra-Orthodox community three years ago.

The case against Lebovits, a Boro Park travel agent, began to unravel in April, 2011, when police arrested Samuel Kellner on charges that he paid at least one of Lebovits’ alleged victims $10,000 to falsely testify he had been abused.

Kellner was also charged with trying to extort $400,000 from Lebovits’ family in return for keeping other alleged victims from coming forward.

Hynes stood by the testimony of the one boy who did testify at trial that Levovits had abuded him. That secured Lebovits’ conviction.

Lebovits was released on bail and placed under house arrest pending an appeal, which was argued by Dershowitz earlier this year.

On April 24, a panel of the Supreme Court Of The State Of New York Appellate Division ruled that although prosecutors had sufficient evidence to bring a case against Lebovits, they acted in several ways that prejudiced the trial.

27th April 2012, 06:05 AM
The case against Lebovits, a Boro Park travel agent, began to unravel in April, 2011, when police arrested Samuel Kellner on charges that he paid at least one of Lebovits’ alleged victims $10,000 to falsely testify he had been abused.

Kellner was also charged with trying to extort $400,000 from Lebovits’ family in return for keeping other alleged victims from coming forward.

If it is true that false witnesses were used, the trial was a sham. If there were real child abuse events, it would seem that letting the pedo walk the streets provides more opportunity for someone to take out the trash. I hate false accusations just as much as child abuse.

27th April 2012, 12:08 PM
it sounds like a case where there was fire as well as smoke.

makes me wonder if evidence was tampered with deliberately.

can't help but see his name as DerWoShitz.

Twisted Titan
27th April 2012, 01:39 PM
I don't give a rat @$$ they can rape,terrorize,blackmail each other....it isn't none of my business what the jew does to his own.

My problem is when they bring that $h!t to my doorsteep