View Full Version : Florida Woman To Cops, "You Can’t Tell Me What To Do. Obama Owns This Muther Fucker"

General of Darkness
27th April 2012, 08:19 AM
See Solid, another example of their very high IQ.

Rowdy Florida Woman Explains To Cops, "You Can’t Tell Me What To Do. Obama Owns This Motherfucker!"

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A woman who was causing a disturbance on a Florida street rejected a cop’s demand that she stop using profanities by explaining, “Fuck you nigger. You can’t tell me what to do. Obama owns this motherfucker!”

That logic on the part of Tamaria Epps did not sit well with Fort Pierce cops, who last Thursday arrested the 20-year-old for disturbing the peace. Epps, pictured in the mug shot above, is free on $375 bond and is scheduled to be arraigned on the misdemeanor count on May 24.

According to a Fort Pierce Police Department report (http://i.cdn.turner.com/dr/teg/tsg/release/sites/default/files/assets/obamaownsthis.jpg), cops encountered Epps when they responded to break up a fight between two girls at a school bus stop. As the officers separated the combatants, Epps “started to yell profanities at the crowd.” When an officer asked her to refrain from cursing in front of juveniles, Epps reportedly responded, “Fuck you. This is a free country.”

She then invoked the president’s name and his reported ownership of “this motherfucker.” Epps added, “Fuck all Y’all. Y’all can’t do shit to me.” Police responded to that assertion by placing Epps in handcuffs, but not before she spilled liquid on them from a plastic cup she was carrying. Asked what was in the cup, Epps responded, “Budweiser.”

While Epps claimed she was at the bus stop to prevent the fight, three witnesses told cops that she was actually there to join the brawl.

27th April 2012, 08:40 AM
General, you can't take this example, and a handful of others posted on this forum, and apply it to millions of others who happen to have the same skin color.

What I do find interesting though, is the one good thing about Obama being black, is the message that it sends. It basically tells all black people that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything, even being president. No more race victim card can be played. The smart folks get that, they see where they are...where they want to go in life, then set goals, and start making progress. No more excuses.

Then again, you have folks like this one, who think because we have a black president...the are 'entitled' to a special treatment, because they are black too. Like this gal you posted.

Anyway, right now I'm pissed at Indian people. I had to work with a large group from India yesterday, and when done my hands smelled horrible, like ass. I don't know how that happened, but I now know what the Ganges river must smell like. I tried lava soap, and even that didn't take the smell away. Gojo worked though...note to self, buy gojo soap.

Waking up this morning, I'm sicker than I've been in a long while. Fever, the works. I will never set foot in that country.

27th April 2012, 08:51 AM
General, you can't take this example, and a handful of others posted on this forum, and apply it to millions of others who happen to have the same skin color.

What I do find interesting though, is the one good thing about Obama being black, is the message that it sends. It basically tells all black people that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything, even being president. No more race victim card can be played. The smart folks get that, they see where they are...where they want to go in life, then set goals, and start making progress. No more excuses.

Then again, you have folks like this one, who think because we have a black president...the are 'entitled' to a special treatment, because they are black too. Like this gal you posted.

Anyway, right now I'm pissed at Indian people. I had to work with a large group from India yesterday, and when done my hands smelled horrible, like ass. I don't know how that happened, but I now know what the Ganges river must smell like. I tried lava soap, and even that didn't take the smell away. Gojo worked though...note to self, buy gojo soap.

Waking up this morning, I'm sicker than I've been in a long while. Fever, the works. I will never set foot in that country.

So Solid, let me understand you. You feel it is wrong to generalize about negros based on anecdotal experiences. Then you go on to denigrate all Indians because your hands smell like ass (your word) after working with some of them. What were you doing, giving them free rectals?

27th April 2012, 09:04 AM
So Solid, let me understand you. You feel it is wrong to generalize about negros based on anecdotal experiences. Then you go on to denigrate all Indians because your hands smell like ass (your word) after working with some of them. What were you doing, giving them free rectals?

Ha! Well, I won't say what I was doing, but those guys were dangerous. For the most part, I was just trying to keep them from getting injured. They were nice people. When I introduced myself, I asked where they all were from. They looked at me, one guy said "We are from India. Too many Indians and not enough Chiefs." lol.

That smell, and being sick now, by God man I will never visit that country though.

27th April 2012, 09:14 AM
i hear the opposite from obama. to me he says, "see, i was lucky. but you guys, you, you, you, you, guys need some help. from the folks, gotta help folks out. and that's what, what, what, what we're gonna do come november!"

27th April 2012, 09:31 AM
Ha! Well, I won't say what I was doing, but those guys were dangerous. For the most part, I was just trying to keep them from getting injured. They were nice people. When I introduced myself, I asked where they all were from. They looked at me, one guy said "We are from India. Too many Indians and not enough Chiefs." lol.

That smell, and being sick now, by God man I will never visit that country though.

It's times like these you need Hand Santizer (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60710-Anyone-tried-Hand-Sanitizer&highlight=sanitizer).

I know what you mean though. Spent some time in Vancouver BC, a lot of tourist indians there. Also singapore, malaysia. many many indians. Queuing can be tough. Shallow infrequent breaths.

27th April 2012, 09:32 AM
i hear the opposite from obama. to me he says, "see, i was lucky. but you guys, you, you, you, you, guys need some help. from the folks, gotta help folks out. and that's what, what, what, what we're gonna do come november!"

crap, i forgot to put 2 "uh's" in there.

27th April 2012, 09:36 AM
I can see it now........:

Obama: "Tamaria Epps looks just like my daughter....."

27th April 2012, 09:39 AM
I can hear it now......

Obama: "Tamaria Epps sounds just like my wife....."

27th April 2012, 09:44 AM
Anyway, right now I'm pissed at Indian people. I had to work with a large group from India yesterday, and when done my hands smelled horrible, like ass. I don't know how that happened, but I now know what the Ganges river must smell like. I tried lava soap, and even that didn't take the smell away. Gojo worked though...note to self, buy gojo soap.

Waking up this morning, I'm sicker than I've been in a long while. Fever, the works. I will never set foot in that country.

they weren't talking about building a Jenkem factory, were they ?

27th April 2012, 09:48 AM
they weren't talking about building a Jenkem factory, were they ?

Dammit Gunny, couldn't you wait 'til after lunch to mention that?

27th April 2012, 11:11 AM
Ha! Well, I won't say what I was doing, but those guys were dangerous. For the most part, I was just trying to keep them from getting injured. They were nice people. When I introduced myself, I asked where they all were from. They looked at me, one guy said "We are from India. Too many Indians and not enough Chiefs." lol.

That smell, and being sick now, by God man I will never visit that country though.

You do know they shit in the shower, mash it down the drain with their feet and wipe their ass with their left hand and not paper... right? Now you ponder the ass smell, well it's probably ass after all.

27th April 2012, 11:55 AM
You do know they shit in the shower, mash it down the drain with their feet and wipe their ass with their left hand and not paper... right? Now you ponder the ass smell, well it's probably ass after all.

Is this true? I sure hope not.

27th April 2012, 11:56 AM
Dammit Gunny, couldn't you wait 'til after lunch to mention that?

small price to pay for Happiness ! :)

OK, so i'll change the subject.

i was wondering - you remember that episode where Michael Jackson's hair caught on fire ?

well, i was just thinking - what if this lady was packing Flammable Mousse (Hair Mousse) and they tased her ? The Ocifer could get burned.

i bet by the end of 2013 ... no, make that 2014 ... someone will get tased and their hair will catch fire.

27th April 2012, 12:14 PM
Is this true? I sure hope not.

Hope I didn't get Hep A. What I don't understand is how that smell got on the posterior of my hands. Also, I washed with hot water and lava soap afterwards. The smell was still there. I then washed with hot water and gojo soap. That took the smell away. I showered after my shift before handling any food.

Doc, or anyone, can initial symptoms of Hep A resemble a bad cold? Everything I've read says symptoms don't show up for a few weeks.

27th April 2012, 02:49 PM
Is this true? I sure hope not.

When I first heard it I thought it was BS, but then I looked a little more into it. Check it yourself, they claim it is more sanitary to use your left hand then to use paper or some wiping instrument. Now think about all them doctors and nurses in the big hospitals...

27th April 2012, 03:22 PM
When I first heard it I thought it was BS, but then I looked a little more into it. Check it yourself, they claim it is more sanitary to use your left hand then to use paper or some wiping instrument. Now think about all them doctors and nurses in the big hospitals...

Also, they view your left hand as your unsanitary hand. IE...your ass wiping hand. Don't offer to shake with that hand, and if they see you eating food with that hand they will look in disgust.

Pretend you are one handed. You have your ass hand, and the hand that does everything else. Pretty crazy culture, if you ask me.

27th April 2012, 03:34 PM

27th April 2012, 09:30 PM

They code all night while I am asleep for 5 dollars. When I wake up, I get some crazy shit that doesn't remotely address the requirements, and I wake them from their slumber to yell at them. Then they spend all day fucking it up again, so I can spend all day trying to figure out what they are smoking again. Rinse, repeat.

After a while, the whole damn project smells like a New York cab and everyone is puking.

Too much curry, I guess.

Then we give them another contract.