View Full Version : Obama administration to suspend thousands of deportations of illegal immigrants 'who

28th April 2012, 06:47 AM
Obama administration to suspend thousands of deportations of illegal immigrants 'who pose no risk to national security'

Republicans criticise Homeland Security deportation review as 'backdoor amnesty'

By Daily Mail Reporter (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Daily+Mail+Reporter)
UPDATED: 09:19 EST, 19 August 2011

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The federal government will suspend deportation proceedings against many illegal immigrants who do not pose a threat to national security or public safety, the White House has announced.
Republicans have decried the reform as backdoor amnesty, while Democratic congressional leaders praising the move said it would ease the way for individuals who came to the United States illegally as children and have already spent years in the country to stay and work legally.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano detailed the changes, on behalf of President Barack Obama, in a letter to Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, a long-time sponsor of immigration reform.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/19/article-0-0D780B5000000578-908_468x312.jpg Reform: Under President Barack Obama, over 1.4million people in all have been removed from the country for immigration violations

'Together with the Department of Justice (DOJ), we have initiated an interagency working group to execute a case-by-case review of all individuals currently in removal proceedings to ensure that they constitute our highest priorities,' wrote Ms Napolitano.

New cases placed in removal proceedings will get similar treatment, she said.


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A joint Homeland Security/DOJ working group will develop specific criteria and a process for identifying low-priority removal cases that call for prosecutorial discretion.

Homeland Security will begin reviewing all 300,000 backlogged deportation cases, according to Mr Durbin's office.

'Young people should not be punished for their parents' mistakes.' Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, chief sponsor of the DREAM Act

Attorneys for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement will individually review every case scheduled for a hearing in the next few months.

Identified cases will be closed 'except in extraordinary circumstances,' which will require approval to proceed.

Individuals whose cases are closed will be eligible to apply for immigration benefits such as work authorization.

Mr Durbin and others had written the President several letters this year on the Administration's enforcement policies.

Mr Durbin, chief sponsor of the recently introduced 2011 Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, praised the Administration's move on Thursday in a statement which said if fully implemented, 'the new process should stop virtually all DREAM Act deportations.'
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/19/article-0-0D5045E100000578-357_468x359.jpg Change: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano detailed the changes, on behalf of President Obama, in a letter to Senator Dick Durbin on Thursday

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/19/article-2027911-0D7E1BDD00000578-664_468x342.jpg Effort: Senator Dick Durbin, chief sponsor of the 2011 Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, praised the administration's move

The DREAM Act would pave a path to legal status and eventual citizenship for illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children, lived in the country for at least five years, and completed two years of college or military service, among other requirements.
'The Obama Administration has made the right decision in changing the way they handle deportations of DREAM Act students,' Mr Durbin said.
'Every amnesty encourages more illegal immigration, costs taxpayers who pay for government benefits, and displaces American workers.' Texas Republican and Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Lamar Smith, criticises the DREAM Act.

'These students are the future doctors, lawyers, teachers and, maybe, Senators, who will make America stronger.'
The new process announced on Thursday will consider such 'positive factors' as student status as criteria for identifying low priority cases.
But Ms Napolitano's letter also said: 'It will not provide categorical relief for any group. Thus, this process will not alleviate the need for passage of the DREAM Act or for larger reforms to our immigration laws.'

Republicans have said that if passed the DREAM Act would effectively constitute amnesty and encourage illegal immigration, and criticised the idea that the administration should implement similar policies on its own.
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/08/19/article-2027911-0D7E1BE400000578-934_468x345.jpg Disappointment: Undocumented college student Jorge Herrera, 18, protests in Los Angeles in December, 2010 after the Senate rejected the DREAM Act

Representative Lamar Smith, a Texas Republican and Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, said of the DREAM Act: 'Every amnesty encourages more illegal immigration, costs taxpayers who pay for government benefits, and displaces American workers.'

This week Mr Obama reiterated his support for comprehensive immigration reform but pledged stricter enforcement of high-priority removal cases involving illegal immigrants with criminal records.

In fiscal year 2010, a record year for total removals, ICE deported 79,000 more aliens who had been convicted of a crime than it did in FY2008, when Mr Obama took office.

Under Mr Obama, over 1.4million people in all have been removed from the country for immigration violations.

28th April 2012, 07:11 AM
Ones who were born here are too smart to work for less than nothing. Not so immigrants. So the obvious solution in order to get lawns mowed, children cared for, housework, cooking and other jobs which pay nothing is to fill the vacancies with newly anointed legal green card holders. Liberals would have you believe they do it for humanitarian reasons but what good does it do you to build an estate if nobody will work for you?

28th April 2012, 08:16 AM
The immigrants standing outside the local Home Depot here charge $15 per hour. All tax free. That's a lot better than a legal job making $20 per hour, or maybe even $25 an hour, after getting gouged by taxes. Of course, the immigrants do not work every day, only when needed. I still often wonder how they do in a given month.

28th April 2012, 01:34 PM
I smell potential votes is the real reason... and least give them the "hope" that something will come of this...

mick silver
28th April 2012, 07:06 PM
solid what about all the free shit they get ...... like a home , food , health care , and pay nothing in taxes . dam i could live good if i was to get all that

28th April 2012, 08:28 PM
solid what about all the free shit they get ...... like a home , food , health care , and pay nothing in taxes . dam i could live good if i was to get all that

Yeah..I figure they make a better living than I do.

29th April 2012, 03:48 AM
It's to eradicate the aryan race on behalf of world jewry.

Votes? that part is rigged already.