View Full Version : SS bodygaurds will now have chaperones when out and about.

28th April 2012, 09:31 AM
Apparently getting a higher caliber employee is a no-go. They might not look the other way when asked.

Embarrassed by a prostitution scandal, the Secret Service will assign chaperones on some trips to enforce new rules of conduct that make clear that excessive drinking, entertaining foreigners in their hotel rooms and cavorting in disreputable establishments are no longer tolerated.

The stricter measures, issued by the Secret Service on Friday for agents and employees, apply even when traveling personnel are off duty.

The policies, outlined in a memorandum obtained by The Associated Press, are the agency's latest attempt to respond to the scandal that surfaced as President Barack Obama was headed to a Latin American summit in Cartagena, Colombia, earlier this month.

The embattled Secret Service director, Mark Sullivan, urged agents and other employees to "consider your conduct through the lens of the past several weeks."

Sullivan said the rules "cannot address every situation that our employees will face as we execute our dual-missions throughout the world." He added: "The absence of a specific, published standard of conduct covering an act or behavior does not mean that the act is condoned, is permissible or will not call for — and result in — corrective or disciplinary action."

"All employees have a continuing obligation to confront expected abuses or perceived misconduct," Sullivan said.

Ethics classes will be conducted for agency employees next week.

The changes were intended to staunch the embarrassing disclosures since April 13, when a prostitution scandal erupted in Cartagena involving 12 Secret Service agents, officers and supervisors and 12 more enlisted military personnel who were there ahead of Obama's visit to the Summit of the Americas.

But the new policies raised questions about claims that the behavior discovered in Cartagena was an isolated incident: Why would the Secret Service formally issue new regulations covering thousands of employees if such activities were a one-time occurrence?

"It's too bad common-sense policy has to be dictated in this manner," said Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. "New conduct rules are necessary to preventing more shenanigans from happening in the future, and whether these are the best, and most cost effective, rules to stop future misconduct remains to be seen."

The rules did not mention prostitutes or strip clubs. But they prohibit employees from allowing foreigners, except hotel staff or foreign law enforcement colleagues, into their hotel rooms. They also ban visits to "nonreputable" establishments, which were not defined. The State Department was expected to brief Secret Service employees on trips about areas and businesses considered off-limits to them.

During trips in which the presidential limousine and other bulletproof vehicles are transported by plane, senior-level chaperones will accompany agents and enforce conduct rules, including one from the agency's Office of Professional Responsibility.

The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., praised the new rules as "very positive steps by the Secret Service to make clear what is expected of every agent and also makes clear what will not be tolerated."

The Secret Service has forced eight employees from their jobs and was seeking to revoke the security clearance of another employee, which would effectively force him to resign. Three others have been cleared of serious wrongdoing. The military was conducting its own, separate investigation but canceled the security clearances of all 12 enlisted personnel.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano assured senator this week that the incident in Colombia appeared to be an isolated case, saying she would be surprised if it represented a broader cultural problem. The next day, the Secret Service acknowledged it was investigating whether its employees hired strippers and prostitutes in advance of Obama's visit last year to El Salvador. Prostitution is legal in both Colombia and El Salvador.


28th April 2012, 09:42 AM
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?::)

28th April 2012, 09:50 AM
So basically, our Secret Service agents need babysitters. This is embarrassing, the whole world must be laughing at us now.

28th April 2012, 09:54 AM
This is all some sort of false flag hegelien dialectic thing.

These guys have always been hounds and why now is it a problem.

There is a reason the media ran this story..

28th April 2012, 10:31 AM
all this means is that prostitutes will cost twice as much, since the agents will now have to pay an extra our for their "baby sitter" to not talk.

This whole thing is a complete non-event. Its masking something else, Im guessing the new cyber security bill. It also serves to demean the image of Americans even more.

28th April 2012, 10:44 AM
All of this is unnecessary. Simply purchase male chastity belt for all agents (don't let them have the key).

28th April 2012, 12:31 PM
So basically, our Secret Service agents need babysitters.


Mossad agents have already been assigned to "chaperone" our government agents.

::) for our own good

28th April 2012, 01:00 PM
All of this is unnecessary. Simply purchase male chastity belt for all agents (don't let them have the key).

or maybe the Feds could just be watched by the "FoDS" (Federation of Dick Stabbers).

28th April 2012, 02:28 PM
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?::)

More guards, at taxpayer expense, of course.

28th April 2012, 03:26 PM
so now the Proletarian guard needs an Etiquette Manager.

another Jobs for Jews program ?

28th April 2012, 03:46 PM
Secret Service also partied before Kennedy assassination
It's a part of the Kennedy assassination many people don't know about.

On the night before President John F. Kennedy was killed, 10 members of his Secret Service detail were partying at a Fort Worth club called The Cellar.

Farris Rookstool is a former FBI analyst, who served as custodian of the John F. Kennedy assassination files.

"Nine out of the 10 had consumed alcohol, [of] which four of those agents were also assigned PPD, or presidential protection detail, in the follow up car behind President Kennedy’s motorcade," Rookstool said.

In sworn statements, the agents admit to drinking on the night before the death of President Kennedy. The documents state that some the agents left their post at the Texas Hotel to party with waitresses at The Cellar, who served drinks wearing only their underwear.

Some of agents didn't get back to their rooms until five the next morning.

"Some of these agents that were out until five in the morning, that were supposed to be guarding the president's suite, bragged to the owner of The Cellar, Pat Kirkswood, that they were out having a few cocktails while they got the Fort Worth Fire Department guarding the presidential suite," Rookstool said.

He said among those drinking was Agent Clint Hill, who you see running to the back of the presidential car and being helped by Jaqueline Kennedy after her husband had been shot.

"Reaching the rear end of the car, Clint blamed himself," Rookstool said. "Not based on the alcohol, but the fact is, had he gotten to the back deck of the car, he was hoping to shield the first lady as well as perhaps the President.”

The Secret Service investigated the agents, but found that the drinking did not impair them or slow down their reactions when the President was shot. None of the agents were disciplined or fired.

"The Warren commission was very upset when they found out," Rookstool said.

Now, nearly 50 years later, a similar investigation is shaking the secret service.


One wonders if Obama is in trouble for refusing to attack Iran.

28th April 2012, 08:47 PM
Obama wraps #WHCD talk: I had more material prepared but I have to get the Secret Service home in time for new curfew

www.breakingnews.com (http://www.breakingnews.com)

29th April 2012, 12:57 AM

One wonders if Obama is in trouble for refusing to attack Iran.

as Israel ass-kisser's go, Obama is second in line only to the Bush/Cheney admin.