View Full Version : Traitors In the Ron Paul Camp ! Sibel Edmonds blows the whistle !

28th April 2012, 01:42 PM
Sibel Edmonds is a key person in exposing the NeoCons.
Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds? MUST READ ! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55247-Who%E2%80%99s-Afraid-of-Sibel-Edmonds-MUST-READ-%21)

Must Watch, Ron Paul declares war on them.
Ron Paul vs. Neocons (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57552-Ron-Paul-vs.-Neocons)

NeoCons hate Ron Paul, they own Romney.
Bollyn, The Zionist Plot to Stop Ron Paul , INCREDIBLE ! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58446-Bollyn-The-Zionist-Plot-to-Stop-Ron-Paul-INCREDIBLE-%21)

WTF is a key NeoCon involved in all the swindles doing in a high level position ?

Sibel Edmonds has 7 articles on this and was first to blow the whistle.

This is must reading, if you really want to know what is going on.

All Ron Paul supporters, make it your business to know these criminals.

Ron Paul already called them out big time, they hate Ron Paul .

Excellent Article full of excellent links, Sibel Edmonds Blog.

The Greatest Plot Against the Ron Paul Camp To Date (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2011/08/30/the-greatest-plot-against-the-ron-paul-camp-to-date/)

Tuesday, 30. August 2011

Who ‘Really’ Is this Bruce Fein?

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero

Last week, right after publishing my article (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2011/08/24/rep-jean-schmidt-found-guilty-of-accepting-500000-in-%e2%80%98indirect%e2%80%99-turkish-lobby-payment/) on Congresswoman Schmidt and Bruce Fein’s brilliant foreign lobby money rechanneling-laundering scheme, and to my shock, I found out about this (http://www.dailypaul.com/175892/ron-paul-campaign-welcomes-constitutional-law-heavyweight-bruce-fein-as-senior-advisor):
The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign announced today that constitutional and international law expert Bruce Fein will join the campaign as senior advisor on legal matters.
“Bruce Fein’s participation adds to our campaign’s already intellectual heft, enabling us to more broadly engage the conversation about constitutionality, civil liberties and the dangers to national security of an increasingly interventionist foreign policy,” said Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.
While some at Rep. Paul’s Camp were busy celebrating and cheering the announcement as a brilliant strategic move, I was frantically gathering cases and research notes, corresponding with current and former colleagues from the intelligence community who had come to support Rep. Paul, and communicating with a few friends with Rep. Paul’s Campaign who were equally troubled by this development.

I understand the ‘cheering’ side of Paul’s camp as they have been excited and impressed by the in- writing-and-words-only side of Bruce Fein. Not so different than those who were fired up and sold on the in-words-only rhetoric and promises staged by President Obama. The Constitutional Scholar Fein and the Constitutional Expert Obama. A Great Penman Fein and the Great Orator Obama…and of course the contradicting realities and the contradicting facts.

However, in this case, there are already too many established facts and too much history on Mr. Fein, and way too many rational and realistic people among Paul supporters to ring the alarm bells and counter this great threat before it’s too late. I will go as far as calling the penetration of the Ron Paul camp by Bruce Fein ‘the greatest threat to Paul’s camp to date,’ and will make a solid case for this characterization based on glaring and alarming facts; facts and concerns shared by several loyal Paul advisors today.
Who is the real Bruce Fein? Why there are so many different versions of Fein – one contradicting the other? How do his real actions and intimate associations stand in stark contrast to Ron Paul? What is the most likely plot in planting Mr. Fein within Paul’s campaign?

Foreign Lobby & Influence Peddling

Ron Paul has been consistent and exemplary in his strongly held principles on the Foreign lobby and influence peddling; a rarity in the US Congress. He has displayed intense disdain for foreign lobbying and foreign influence. He even considers congressional ‘junkets’ as another means to be compromised (http://articles.latimes.com/1997-02-10/news/mn-27270_1_overseas-travel): stressing that he would not travel abroad on agenda-driven foreigners’ dime: “I just think it’s unnecessary for congressmen to travel overseas, and the people in our district were on my side,” he said in an interview. “You don’t need to go to Bosnia to understand we have no business there.”

With Bruce Fein you have exactly the opposite stand. He has been a crusty foreign lobbyist making millions of dollars peddling his foreign bosses’ interests and influence in Congress and government agencies. For Fein it has never mattered who the foreign client or what their agenda. He does not care whether his foreign clients are criminals or terrorists or dictators. As long as they pay him handsomely he’ll sell their agenda and interest no matter what they may be. The words ‘principle’ or ‘taking a stand’ have never entered this foreign lobbyist’s dictionary or comprehension:

One minute, on behalf of one set of his foreign designated ‘terrorist (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberation_Tigers_of_Tamil_Eelam)’ bosses, Bruce Fein is busy selling the need for a genocide declaration by the US Congress against one nation (http://www.asiantribune.com/?q=node/18328):
“For the past year I have written about Bruce Fein in many articles that have been widely published and circulated. He is reportedly paid $100,000 per month to tell lies in Washington about the Government of Sri Lanka… Who are the American individuals backing this group? Where are they getting their money to pay Bruce Fein? Does former US Ambassador Blake have something to do with them…”

The next minute, on behalf of another well-known foreign mob (http://reporting.sunlightfoundation.com/2009/defense-contractors-join-turkish-lobbying-effort-in-pursuit-of-/) boss, Bruce Fein is busy peddling influence and selling Congress his foreign bosses’ anti-genocide (http://reporting.sunlightfoundation.com/2009/turkeys-influence-over-lawmakers-surfaces-in-ohio-hearing/) agenda:
“In 2007, Ayasli transferred $30 million in stock to fund a new endeavor, the nonprofit Turkish Coalition of America. The organization is headquartered in a Washington suite that has also been listed as the address for the Turkish Coalition USA PAC, the lobbying firm of Lydia Borland (who has represented the Turkish government), and the law firm of Bruce Fein and Associates (Fein comprises half of the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund)…”

“materials put out by the Turkish Coalition of America and authored by a lawyer, Bruce Fein, who now represents Schmidt in the complaint, say that Congresswoman Schmidt has on numerous occasions voiced her opposition to such resolutions and maintains that the historical question is not appropriate for Congress to legislate. The congresswoman, based on her independent research, does not believe the tragic events constitute genocide…”
Bruce Fein sees no problem with representing foreign groups like this (http://multinationalmonitor.org/hyper/mm0996.09.html):
Fein hit the jackpot in 1991 when he signed on to represent Mozambique’s notorious guerrilla army, RENAMO, which was seeking to overthrow its country’s leftist government. When Fein came on board, RENAMO’s reputation has hit bottom…

Even the Reagan and Bush administrations kept their distance from RENAMO, despite their anti-Communist rhetoric…

Fein, however, eagerly signed up to flack for Dhlakama’s terror army. Like most foreign lobbyists, he bilked his client for huge sums of money while performing virtually no work.
Mr. Fine, who now fakes and preaches non-interventionism and anti-influence peddling only to echo Ron Paul, in real life (http://multinationalmonitor.org/hyper/mm0996.09.html) has been practicing the exact opposite:

“Now, Fein has returned to lobbying and is working for a client that has the dubious distinction of making RENAMO look good: The Sudan. That country’s government is barred from receiving U.S. foreign aid because of its support for terrorism and because of its revolting human rights record. Amnesty International reports that the Sudanese government not only assassinates and tortures its “enemies,” but that paramilitary forces have kidnapped scores of children, who are believed to be held in domestic slavery by their abductors or taken to camps in remote rural areas, where they are trained for military service”

Here is another on-the-spot description (http://www.asiantribune.com/node/13802) of Real Bruce Fein as a crusty “Beltway Prostitute”:
“Well, well, well. Wasn’t Bruce Fein just recently condemning the Government of Sri Lanka for trying to put an end to the LTTE? But this time he’s defending a sovereign government for protecting itself – rather than slandering it using falsehoods. Now you see what I mean when I earlier referred to Mr. Fein as a “Beltway prostitute.” He will accept money from anyone who can pay the price – regardless of where that money came from, or who his legal and public relations services might unjustly hurt. What an embarrassment to the US legal profession.”
You see, for Mr. Fein pimping the Congress on behalf of foreign clients is about dollars. Nothing more; nothing less. Whether it is advocating additional foreign aid for one country while our nation is being bankrupted, or dragging our Congress to get involved with domestic meddling and the affairs of another foreign country, Bruce Fein has never been about the United States’ interests; just the opposite. Give Fein the dollars and he’ll sign up to lobby for any one: terrorists, corrupt foreign governments, mobsters, assassins …

Long pocketed as a ‘lobbyist’ by Pakistan (http://www.fara.gov/docs/5111-Exhibit-AB-19970807-EGO23E04.pdf), Sudan (http://books.google.com/books?id=Z-cDAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA31&lpg=PA31&dq=%22bruce+Fein%22+Lobbyist&source=bl&ots=qVbl9SBhIi&sig=xUaLoBTpTuzQid2PIzVer5BAoMM&hl=en&ei=fc9VTvaKJMnX0QGPnO2rDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBgQ6AEwADgU#v=onepage&q=%22bru), Turkey (http://thestressblog.com/2006/05/10/philip-giraldi-on-sibel-turkey-israel-the-neocons-and-the-mic/), Tamil (http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items09/210209-2.html), and others, Bruce Fein is the exact antithesis to Ron Paul’s principled position on issues related to foreign lobby, corruption and influence peddling in government.

Overt Neocon Ties & Covert Israel Pedigree

Ron Paul has been in staunch opposition and a counter to Neocon agendas and field players. Whether on the Israel lobby and agenda driving the hawkish currents in our nation today, or the corporate war machine interests guiding our foreign policy practices, Paul has consistently stood firm and unrelenting.

Mr. Fein’s public pedigree (http://www.americanfreedomagenda.org/About/feinbio.htm) makes it fairly easy to spot his overt ties and links. For example: he has been an adjunct scholar with the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Enterprise_Institute). By now I think the majority of Americans know about AEI’s claim to fame:
“AEI is the most prominent think tank associated with American neoconservatism, in both the domestic and international policy arenas.[10] Irving Kristol, widely considered a father of neoconservatism, is a senior fellow at AEI, and many prominent neoconservatives—including Jeane Kirkpatrick, Ben Wattenberg, and Joshua Muravchik—spent the bulk of their careers at AEI.”
A well-known couple of facts about AEI:
1- In order to be accepted by AEI, to become one of their scholars, proven neoconservative inklings (http://www.lewrockwell.com/spl2/return-of-neocons.html) and ties (http://www.alternet.org/story/15481/?page=2) are the never-waivered prerequisites.
2- AEI seeks candidates who put Loyalty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States) and Allegiance (http://www.antiwar.com/orig/lind1.html) to Israel above all.
John Mearsheimer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Mearsheimer) and Stephen Walt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Walt) state in their controversial bestseller, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Israel_Lobby_and_U.S._Foreign_Policy), that the tone of the right-leaning component of the Israel lobby results from the influence of the leaders of the two top lobby groups: AIPAC (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIPAC), and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conference_of_Presidents_of_Major_American_Jewish_ Organizations). They go on to list, as right-leaning think tanks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Think_tank) associated with the lobby, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_Institute_for_Near_East_Policy) and the American Enterprise Institute (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Enterprise_Institute).
Acceptance to the tightly knitted and guarded AEI Neocon community also extends to family members and religious affiliations. Bruce Fein has passed both litmus tests in becoming a highly-regarded member of AEI. His wife, Mattie Fein, has been a vocal hawk, neocon propaganda distributor (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Institute_for_Persian_Studies), and a very familiar face within the Beltway (http://mre.pimpinturtle.com/2009/09/18/republican-mattie-fein-exploring-challenge-for-harmans-seat--shes-not-much-of-a-traditional-republican-shes-more-of-a-ron-paul-republican.aspx) neocon community:
In 2007, Fein penned an opinion piece in the Washington Times calling on the United States to pledge military support to Iranian dissidents in the event of an uprising. Fein, whose father is of Iranian descent, was identified in the piece as the founder and president of the Institute for Persian Studies.
While Fein’s AEI and neocon connections and strong ties are overtly stated, his loyalties and allegiance to Israel and the Israel lobby are not; that is, until you start digging. A former AEI member who now works as a congressional aid stated, ‘Bruce Fein was liked and trusted there as ‘one of them,’ a real Jewish man loyal to Israel and its interests.’

Fein has been successful in playing both sides of this field, and keeping his Israel related activities and ties mainly covert. However, in 2010, Fein’s wife, Mattie Fein, began expressing the couple’s views on Israel and Israel’s interests less covertly. Some attribute that to Mattie Fein’s desperate need and her fierce competition with Harman over Israel lobby dollars. Here is Mattie’s response to the test question by the Zionist community:
7. Would you support Israel taking military action to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons? Under what circumstances?
The United States should support whatever Israel believes is justified by national security worries over Iran.

And here is Bruce Fein’s buddy from AEI, the scandalous John Bolton (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_R._Bolton), who’s been backing (http://spectator.org/blog/2010/10/25/john-bolton-supporting-gops-ma) the Fein couple including Mattie Fein’s fundraising and campaign (http://filmladd.com/?VertigoInCalifornia):
I was privy to some of the logistics involved in setting up the fundraiser that Bolton held for Mattie’s campaign. It amazed me how quickly some establishment Republicans tried to steal the thunder of Bolton’s appearance through various subterfuges and poaching, and it is a credit to the man’s character and timber that he refused to be a part of it. He was there to endorse Mattie Fein against Jane Harman, and he wouldn’t let third parties screw that up.
Mattie Fein’s established Neocon pedigree, her hawkish propaganda and activities nicely echoes Bolton’s own (file:///C:/Users/Matthew/Documents/Boiling%20Frogs%20Post/Neocon%20Bolton%20wants%20to%20bomb%20Iran). Some liken the relationship to mentor-protégé dynamics that began with the marriage to Fein and entry into the AEI circle.

The Question of Ethics …or Lack of

Even Ron Paul’s foes would admit that he has been a man of principle throughout his life; both inside and outside his congressional career. Those who may disagree with his political platform and stand would acknowledge his adherence to ethical practices, whether in his personal-family life or career.

Bruce Fein’s career on the other hand, in contrast to his writings and well-played public role, has been driven by lucrative foreign lobbying deals, influence peddling in the halls of Congress, the State Department and the CIA, and all that mostly for foreign agendas directly in conflict with those of Americans. Not only that, his regard for ethics as an attorney appears to be nonexistent. In his most recent scandal involving indirect funneling of foreign lobby dollars to Rep. Jean Schmidt, he was determined (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2011/08/24/rep-jean-schmidt-found-guilty-of-accepting-500000-in-%e2%80%98indirect%e2%80%99-turkish-lobby-payment/) to have been intentionally misguiding (http://www.armtown.com/news/en/trt/20110808/160975/) his client on the sources of $500,000 dollars in legal fees:
In a statement released on August 5, the House Ethics Committee ruled that Rep Jean Schmidt has received multiple improper gifts totaling $500,000 from the Turkish Coalition of America (TCA) between 2008 and 2010. The Committee ruled that Schmidt must pay the money back, However, she will not face sanctions by the House as she was able to pin the blame for her behavior on her attorneys Bruce Fein and David Saltzman
You can read the full report by the House Ethics Committee here (http://issuu.com/communitypress/docs/schmidtreportwithattachments). It remains to be seen whether anyone will go after Bruce Fein and his license for this highly scandalous case and ethics violations. His two possible explanations for this case would be: 1- I did not tell my client that my legal representation of her case was part of foreign lobby money funneling to her; 2- My client was fully aware of the foreign lobby bribery nature of my legal representation and services, but to protect her and my foreign bosses I took the blame. Under either explanation one glaring point remains clear, and that is the lack of ethics on behalf of the involved attorney-Bruce Fein. On the other hand, Mr. Fein appears to have had practice in riding ethics related scandals and waves. At least in the scandalous ethic violations case (http://patterico.com/2011/02/14/questions-about-bruce-fein%E2%80%99s-ethics/) involving Bruce Fein and his partner Ephraim Chukwuemeka Ugwuonye, Esq.

I started with that famous quote from Marcus Tullius Cicero because it applies to this report and the plots delivered from within. When it comes to Ron Paul’s Campaign no one would ever have to worry about known snakes and neocons like Paul Wolfowitz or Richard Perle. The enemy sent to you will be one who talks just like you; speaks your words and shouts your slogans. And does so very convincingly. I have tried to be brief with carefully and well-sourced facts and cases to provide a factual profile for the real Bruce Fein. Considering the facts and who Mr. Fein is, and has been, why would he methodically go about attaching himself to Ron Paul and his campaign? After consulting with several well-respected and trust-worthy sources, the troubling answer was summed up in two possibilities:
1- This is a commonly used ploy by the establishment to penetrate Ron Paul and his camp which has been gaining momentum. This is where the plant carries inside information and strategic plans to the establishment, and simultaneously tries to exert negative influence over decision making and strategy-setting processes.
2- The plant willingly and knowingly becomes the fall-guy bringing down the target candidate. Highly damaging and scandalous information about the plant would be strategically released to the media-public, and the candidate suffers the ultimate consequences.
Personally I am leaning more towards the second possibility and here is why:

I was privy (http://asbarez.com/69244/fbi-insider-links-turkish-lobby-to-bribery-and-blackmail/) to the extensive rap sheet maintained on Mr. Fein, his foreign mob bosses and their operations at J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI. Mr. Fein is well aware of this rap sheet and the FBI’s long-maintained operations. I know with certainty that if released by the FBI, whether partially or completely, it would be used as ongoing front-page headlines by the media, to bring down the entire Paul campaign before the primaries. Ron Paul already has a highly-respected constitutional scholar who is articulate, eloquent, passionate, and most importantly, trust-worthy, clean, and from outside the poisonous capital beltway. That person is Tom Woods. Paul does not need this man Fein. He does not need this glitzy-oily foreign lobbyist who stands in total contrast to Paul’s platform.

I like Ron Paul. I support his stand on foreign policy related matters and his objectives on what need to be changed. I applaud Paul’s stand on our liberties, and I back his quest for a much smaller government. I have done so for years. Please don’t let the establishment succeed in their plot. Bruce Fein is the greatest threat to Paul’s movement to date. He would be a stain – a taint; not one easily removed after the fact. Please begin the countdown, and have Ron Paul remove this man from the campaign as a trusted advisor and insider. Let the countdown begin today; at this hour -at this very minute. Before it is too late.
# # # #

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Tags: AEI (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/aei/), American Enterprise Institute (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/american-enterprise-institute/), Boiling Frogs Expose (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/boiling-frogs-expose/), Boiling Frogs Report (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/boiling-frogs-report/), Bruce Fein (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/bruce-fein/), Criminal (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/criminal/), Ethics Violations (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/ethics-violations/), FBI (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/fbi/), Hawks (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/hawks/), Israel (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/israel/), Israel lobby (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/israel-lobby/), Jean Schmidt (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/jean-schmidt/), John Bolton (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/john-bolton/), Mattie Fein (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/mattie-fein/), Neocon (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/neocon/), Pakistan Lobbyist (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/pakistan-lobbyist/), Ron Paul (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/ron-paul/), Ron Paul Camp (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/ron-paul-camp/), Ron Paul Revolution (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/ron-paul-revolution/), sibel edmonds (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/sibel-edmonds/), Sudan Lobbyist (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/sudan-lobbyist/), Tamil Lobbyist (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/tamil-lobbyist/), Turkish American Coalition (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/turkish-american-coalition/), Turkish Lobbyist (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/turkish-lobbyist/), Zionist (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/tag/zionist/).

Posted in Bruce Fein– The Greatest Threat to the Ron Paul candidacy (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/category/bruce-fein_the_greatest_threat_to_the_ron_paul_candidacy/) by Sibel Edmonds

17 Responses to “The Greatest Plot Against the Ron Paul Camp To Date”

Readers of Sibel Edmonds are some of the most awake of all to the real criminals and what they got away with. This is must reading and I urge you all to stay on this, the NeoCons never went away.

28th April 2012, 01:44 PM

Sibel Edmonds, " it is all the same people " " all crimes "

Paul Craig Roberts

How Can Bush Bring Freedom to Iraq When He Brings Tyranny to America?

" There is nothing American about AEI "

" If this is "freedom and democracy," what is tyranny? "

Ron Paul’s Chief Attorney Bruce Fein & His Clients (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2011/09/08/ron-paul%e2%80%99s-chief-attorney-bruce-fein-his-clients-2/)

Conflict of Interest? Compatible Interests? You Tell Me

Last month, on August 23, Bruce Fein became (http://www.dailypaul.com/175892/ron-paul-campaign-welcomes-constitutional-law-heavyweight-bruce-fein-as-senior-advisor) Ron Paul’s Chief Legal Advisor. In other words, Ron Paul became Bruce Fein’s Client. I have written in length about Bruce Fein as a crusty Beltway Foreign Agent (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2011/08/30/the-greatest-plot-against-the-ron-paul-camp-to-date/) and his involvement and guilt (http://issuu.com/communitypress/docs/schmidtreportwithattachments) in the recent scandal (http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2011/08/24/rep-jean-schmidt-found-guilty-of-accepting-500000-in-%e2%80%98indirect%e2%80%99-turkish-lobby-payment/) involving Congresswoman Jean Schmidt. I’ve written extensively on this issue. Today I just want to list here some of Bruce Fein’s clients, and then ask you to consider and define the situation in terms of ‘interests.’ Here are a few well-known clients (http://deadlinelive.info/2011/09/01/the-greatest-plot-against-the-ron-paul-camp-to-date-by-sibel-edmonds/) of Mr. Bruce Fein as exhibited by his lobbying firm:

A Few Foreign Nation Clients
Saudi Arabia
A Few Clients from the Banking & Fed Megas Pool
Bank of America
Morgan Stanley
Standard Charter Bank
Oil Industry
Exxon Mobile
Chevron Texaco
Military Industrial Complex
General Electric
International-Imperialistic- Parasitic Organizations
World Bank
United Nations

You see, there exists no conflict of interest among these Fein clients. When it comes to imperialistic and exploitative operations, the target puppet nations, the greedy oil and military industrial complex players, and the corrupt-criminal mega banking industry work hand-in-hand. Are you with me so far?

On the other hand, last time I checked Ron Paul challenged the Fed & the corrupt mega bankers. Last time I heard, Ron Paul unequivocally was voicing his disdain for US led international and imperialistic institutions such as the World Bank and IMF. Last time I looked, Ron Paul was on the ‘no-no list’ for the Military Industrial Complex lobby.

Now Ron Paul is Bruce Fein’s client. The above predators are also Bruce Fein’s clients. So what are we talking about here?

A Gigantic Conflict of Interest?

Compatible Interests?

If you think it is neither, which one of these clients’ interest comes first? Let me give it a bit of perspective with one example:

The Turkish clients paid Bruce Fein $500,000 in less than two years for him to represent their interests. How much is the Ron Paul campaign willing to pay Bruce Fein in order to surpass Turkey’s client value to Fein? How much must th Paul campaign pay Bruce Fein for its interests to be put before those of Saudi Arabia, all those mega banks, MIC…?

These questions are yours to answer, and you may want to ask Bruce Fein directly. On September 12, Monday, at 12:30, Bruce Fein will be at Busboys & Poets (2021 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009). Please let me know what answers you find.

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28th April 2012, 02:27 PM
From the author of this.
The great tomato bubble. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56587-The-great-tomato-bubble.)




The Ron Paul Campaign boldly attacked every leading Republican in the 2012 race EXCEPT for Mitt Romney?

Paul's attack ads hurt the "frontrunner" Newt Gingrich.
Congressman Ron Paul has never been known as a political "bomb thrower". His style is to present his ideas is a calm and articulate manner. To hard core supporters, Paul's apparent "timidity" in going after his corrupt and lying opponents has been a source of frustration. It therefore came as a pleasant surprise when the Paul campaign launched a barrage of blistering attack ads aimed at the then Iowa "frontrunner", Newt Gingrich. The ads labeled Gingrich as "a serial hypocrite" and helped to sink Gingrich's poll numbers.

TV commercial slams Gingrich as a "serial hypocrite."

YouTube - Ron Paul Ad - Newt Gingrich Serial Hypocrisy 60 second (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1Jzi3HBCS2M)

The Paul campaign then launched similar attack ads against "another serial hypocrite", Rick Santorum.

With the help of an articially media-created "surge", Senator Rick Santorum came in 2nd place to Mitt Romney in the Jan. 3, 2012 Iowa Caucus. Rather than attacking the frontrunning Mitt Romney, the Paul camp again focused on a 2nd tier candidate, launching stinging attack ads against Santorum.The ads labeled Santorum as "another serial hypocrite" and accused him of "betrayal". Ouch! Great stuff, but Romney again got a free pass! (UPDATE: Ron Paul has since called Santorum a "fake", both in TV ads and to Santurum's face in a CNN debate!

Previously, Paul had also personally went after Herman Cain, Michelle Bachman, and Rick Perry when they were among the "frontrunners"....but never Mitt Romney!

Rick Perry: Ron Paul was the first candidate to call attention to Governor Rick Perry's controversialscheme to have every Texas school girl injected with a vaccine for certain sexually transmitted diseases. This TV debate attack so angered Perry that he aggressively confronted Paul during a commercial break, grabbing Paul's arm and wagging a finger in his face.

Herman Cain: When Cain replaced Perry as a "frontrunner", Paul chose to directly confront Cain (not Romney) during a PBS debate. He called out Cain as a former member of the Board of the Federal Reserve, and "a true insider."

Michelle Bachmann: During an appearance on the Jay Leno show, Paul created controversy when he said of Bachmann: "She hates Muslims." But during that same interview, Paul said of Romney: "He's a good man."

Why does Mitt Romney ALWAYS get a free pass?

Mitt Romney is as much of a hypocrite, liar and scumbag as Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Michelle Bachman, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum are. During the 2008 Republican Primary TV debates, Romney would actually laugh out loud as Ron Paul was speaking!
Romney's history of breathtaking "flip-flops", support of liberal policies, support for the 2008 TARP Bailout, and his "chicken-hawk" dodging of the Viet-Nam War draft, would make for devastating attack ads! And yet, even as Romney continues to lead in national polls while racking up wins in state after state, there is only token criticism from the Paul campaign. Indeed, Paul even praised Romney as "a good man" and "someone who understands how the economy works." And when Romney clumsily stuck his foot in his own mouth by saying: "I'm not concerned about the very poor." - it was Ron Paul who rushed to Romney's defense (http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/04/paul-defends-romney-on-poor-comment/), pointing out that Romney was quoted out of context. A noble act to be sure....but WHY help your opponent when he's in trouble? Why the double standard Ron?

WHAT IF the campaign had run anti-Romney TV ads such as this Grassroots You Tube video? Romney could have been beaten in the early states and his campaign may have collapsed!

YouTube - The REAL Mitt Romney: Flip-Flopper Extraordinaire (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KHAHOzx2-I4)

Have GOP moles infiltrated the Paul campaign?
Who is Jon Downs?

The man responsible for the highly effective attacks ads that hurt Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum is Jon Downs, a long time DC based political ad man who had worked for George Bush's campaign in 2000. Downs not only describes himself as "a mainstream Republican", but candidly admits: “I wouldn’t consider myself a member of his (Ron Paul's) army.” (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/campaigns/the-man-behind-the-ron-paul-ads/2011/12/08/gIQAQ3BfqO_story.html)
Downs is a hired mercenary, not a true believer. The Gingrich & Santorum attack ads, coupled with the pass that Downs has given to GOP darling Mitt Romney,must be viewed through this political prism. The destruction of Newt and Rick helped Romney as much, or more, as it did Paul!

What does Mrs. Downs have to say about this?

Jon Downs is married to Alicia Downs, a long time Republican political operative who served as a Regional Political Director for the Republican National Committee!!! Alicia is currently serving as a consultant for Mitt Romney's political action committee! (here) (http://ronpaulusa.blogspot.com/2011/12/man-behind-ron-paul-ads.html) The Establishment blog known as Politico (http://www.politico.com/) even named Alicia Downs as "one of the top 10 politicos to watch! (here) (http://www.targetpointconsulting.com/pages/executive_team)

Other possible acts of sabatouge:

When grassroots activists organized a professional direct mail campaign (Super Brochure Project) unnamed "campaign staff" took cheap shots at the creative and beautiful mailing piece. Online activists began fighting among themselves over the funding of the Brochure mailings.
Days before the Iowa Caucus, the campaign told volunteers to NOT come to Iowa to monitor potential vote fraud. "We have it under control", the activists were told. Strange anomolies took place in Iowa, but the campaign never tried to prevent the real possibility of fraud.
The campaign's "Phone-From-Home" initiative was so poorly managed, that numerous volunteer callers reported being yelled at by angry voters because they were being called 5-6 times per day by the Paul campaign! This happened so frequently, and was never corrected, that is suggests internal saboutauge.
Ron Paul ran weakest among Senior Citizens. Amazingly, there were no Senior specific ads to win this important demographic. When the campaign should have been targetting Seniors and attacking Romney, it chose to keep wasting money attacking 2nd tier losers instead!
While all of his rivals were busy with final days campaigning, Paul returned to Texas the weekend before the Iowa Caucus. The media ridiculed him for this and his polls numbers dropped. The campaign played right into this media hyped public relations mistake. This inexplicable move was beyong dumb!

UPDATE: February 11, 2012: Victory in the February Maine Caucus was clearly stolen from Paul by Romney's operatives. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QApII_DbDik) Paul's stronghold counties were not even counted! To appease its supporters, the campaign issued a mildly worded statement of concern. But Ron Paul 2012 did not even attempt to contest the dubious final count. An opportunity to expose Mitt Romney, and really shake things up, was deliberately passed up!

UPDATE: February 25, 2012: Finally, Santorum himself is now stating what TomatoBubble.com has suspected since December of 2011, that Paul and Romney are in cahoots - and that Paul is playing the part of "wingman"! (http://blog.chron.com/txpotomac/2012/02/santorum-accuses-ron-paul-of-being-mitt-romneys-wingman-in-bid-to-derail-him/)

Who is Doug Wead?

Doug Wead is Senior Advisor to Ron Paul 2012. He is a GOP operative who worked for George Bush and Lee Atwater. Wead also worked for Ron Kaufman (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5HOCPCSEvE&feature=youtu.be), a DC lobbyist who is Senior Advisor to the Romney campaign. Wead refers to the corrupt George "Read My Lips" Bush 41 as "a man of integrity." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Wead) While working for Texas Governor and future President Bush 43, Wead secretly tape recorded Bush the Younger. After the 2000 election, he made the NY Times aware of the tapes, and released numerous excerpts - some a bit embarassing to Bush. Wead broke no laws, but he did betray the trust of Bush by taping him without consent. Prominent commentators referred to Wead as "scum" and "the lowest form of debris." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Wead) And this is the man that RP 2012 chose to orchestrate it's campaign?

Who is Bruce Fein?

Bruce Fein is another high level "advisor" to the Paul campaign. Fein has worked for warmongering neo-conservative/Zionist think tanks such as The Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. As a paid scholar at The Turkish Coalition of America, Fein denies that the post World War I Armenian Genocide was deliberately engineered by secular & Zionist elements within the Turkish regime (Young Turks). As a paid apologist for both Zionism and the Turkish state, Fein sells the DISGUSTING AND BIGOTED LIE that Armenian deaths were caused by disease, famine, and "murders by Muslims." It is beyond doubt that organized Zionism HATES Ron Paul. So, the fact that a Jewish Zionist Muslim-Hater would be working for Paul is very suspicious!

Do you get the picture now?

All that money that Paul's supporters donated to fund the ads against Gingrich & Santorum, appears to have been spent on Romney's behalf! Wead, Fein, & Downs are collecting big paychecks, while destroying Romney's enemies with Paul's money!

Did the GOP Establishment set a trap for Ron Paul, using double agents who refused to attack Romney as their pour poison (disguised as "expert advice") into Paul's ear? The phony pretext given for this no-attacks-on-Romney "strategy" is that they wanted to "first narrow the field down to just Paul and Romney." When (and if!) the race does narrow to Romney vs. Paul, expect any "attack ads" on Romney to be watered down, too little, too late, and not nearly as brutal as the previous attacks which hurt the other candidates.

The only opportunities to have killed Romney's Juggernaut were in the womb (Iowa) or in the cradle (New Hampshire)

The Romney Express, having won Iowa and New Hampshire, is now STREAMROLLING! Eventually, the other candidates may drop out and endorse "Mitt The Inevitable." Giddy with joy over a 2nd place finish in NH, the gullible Paul supporters who so blindly embraced the SUICIDAL Don't-Attack-Romney-Until-The-Others-Are-Out-Of-The-Race scheme are delusional if they think that Romney can be stopped now. This is why Romney, the same man who laughed in Paul's face in 2007-08, was so nice to Paul in 2011-12.

Ron Paul and his son-in-law / campaign manager Jesse Benton were much too trusting in hiring life-long agents of the criminal GOP. The Paul campaign could easily have taken out Mitt Romney. Just 1 week before the Iowa Caucus, Paul was actually leading!But Paul failed to deliver an Iowa death blow that would have catapulted his campaign and convinced the fence sitters to open up their wallets. Ron Paul was betrayed from within, his campaign being nuetered and misdirected by professional con-men of the first rank who had offered their "help" to a naive Ron Paul who is known for his loose management style.

28th April 2012, 02:51 PM

28th April 2012, 03:05 PM
The Fein thing so far has not surfaced or hasn't been fulfilled yet. I am more concerned though with this Downs business, I reckon we'll see though. Now that it's just us and mitty any kind of Tom foolery will be easily spotted and I sincerely hope that's NOT the case. But...thanks Magnes for having this on the radar!

28th April 2012, 03:32 PM
i remember in the news about 6 or 9 months back, about the Ron Paul campaign hiring a Jewish Politico.

i didn't remember the name, but i think it's this guy, Bruce Fein.

i didn't like it then & i don't like it now.

but if it can help Ron Paul WIN - especially if the guy brings some sharp elbows or media management skills to the campaign - oh but wait a minute.

based on Ron Paul's invisibility in the MSM, it doesn't look like Fein helped Ron Paul in that regard.

it reminds me a little bit of Clinton hiring the NY Jew Dick Morris.

14th May 2012, 05:47 PM

Moles in the Ron Paul camp, this man is warning delegates not to call the
Ron Paul office but Doug Wead directly because of,

WARNING: Romney Campaign Is Paying People To Gather Information About State Delegates | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012 (http://www.dailypaul.com/231975/warning-romney-campaign-is-paying-people-to-gather-information-about-state-delegates)

"He is now paying people to find out who Ron Paul delegates are. If you have been selected as a delegate, please do not give up our hand before we can play it."

" Contact Doug Wead @ dougwead@gmail.com if you have not already done so. Do not call the Ron Paul campaign office. I swear they have moles in there for Romney and the GOP. "

Complains about not being able to get bumper stickers too, disorganization, etc,

Many people complaining and suspecting moles, etc,

YouTube - Ron Paul Delegates DO NOT TELL ANYONE YOUR STATUS! Mitt is trying to disqualify you. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je8kp8ZUv6A)


" where I live, almost everyone on the delegate list was a Ron Paul supporter "

14th May 2012, 06:16 PM
i remember in the news about 6 or 9 months back, about the Ron Paul campaign hiring a Jewish Politico.

i didn't remember the name, but i think it's this guy, Bruce Fein.

i didn't like it then & i don't like it now.

but if it can help Ron Paul WIN - especially if the guy brings some sharp elbows or media management skills to the campaign - oh but wait a minute.

based on Ron Paul's invisibility in the MSM, it doesn't look like Fein helped Ron Paul in that regard.

it reminds me a little bit of Clinton hiring the NY Jew Dick Morris.

I think this is one of those posts, a portend of what is to come. With the recent letter or email that everyone is saying means Ron Paul is out. It's very subtle but its a mind F&^k! Designed to take the wind out of the RP camps sails.

15th May 2012, 05:18 PM
I think this is one of those posts, a portend of what is to come. With the recent letter or email that everyone is saying means Ron Paul is out. It's very subtle but its a mind F&^k! Designed to take the wind out of the RP camps sails.

If you are right, I hope RP regains control in the next day or two and immediately makes an unmistakable announcement.

15th May 2012, 05:32 PM
I think this is one of those posts, a portend of what is to come. With the recent letter or email that everyone is saying means Ron Paul is out. It's very subtle but its a mind F&^k! Designed to take the wind out of the RP camps sails.

Well, if that were the desired outcome someone miscalculated BIGTIME! This is totally galvanizing the grassroots!!

15th May 2012, 08:01 PM
RY's take, a leader in exposing the NeoCons, gets linked to WRH often,
and is on WRH Radio with Rivero often, on the ball on all major issues.
Strong supporter of Ron Paul and he knows what is going on.
Strong supporter of Sibel Edmonds and Karen Kwiatkowski, leaders
in exposing the NeoCons, Ron Paul's greatest enemies.

" In light of Jesse Benton sending out an Email saying Paul quit
this is the guy saying Paul wanted to move the capital in Israel that Paul wants a deal with Romany bla bla and hes the guy that went on CSPAN to "defend" Ron Paul and did so with the most piss poor arguments I have ever heard. They waste money on stupid ads. the best ads are made by fans on youtube. Why not offer a 10k prize for the best ad that will get them pouring in! Benton is POISON "

Ry's analysis, " Ron Paul can win this. "


APRIL 6 2012 Warning about Benton.


Karen is one of the key people outing Feith and OSP, she worked there.
Says the entire State Department is full of Israeli's.
Current Congressional Candidate.
YouTube - "Ron Paul is The Man." US Air Force Lt Col, Karen Kwiatkowski (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rocjJQIj6QM)

Karen can be Ron Paul's Vice President, she would be perfect.

Well, if that were the desired outcome someone miscalculated BIGTIME! This is totally galvanizing the grassroots!!

This week is the last week people have to register as Republicans,
if they can trick people not to register, they take some people off
the voting. Maybe not a lot but maybe some, many procrastinators.
I am just looking at the timing of this, this may be the reason.

23rd October 2012, 08:43 PM

Source: “Jesse Benton was Fired from C4L, Ron Paul is Very Upset”


High Level contacts from within Ron Paul’s inner circle who have disclosed on a condition of anonymity, that “Jesse Benton was actually fired from C4L and stole all the lists (C4L, RP12, LPAC) before he left. Ron Paul is very upset.”

Update 9/17:

Multiple sources are reporting that Jesse Benton was indeed pushed out of Campaign for Liberty, due to his unpopular status within the Liberty movement. Many donors were citing Jesse to be
the reason why they weren’t donating to Campaign for Liberty anymore.

[ people didn't trust Doug Wead as well, not just Benton ]

[ Do Not Email Doug Wead If You Are A Delegate! | Peace . Gold . Liberty (http://www.dailypaul.com/232221/do-not-email-doug-wead-if-you-are-a-delegate?page=3) ]

DailyPaul.com (http://dailypaul.com/) founder Michael Nystrom is also reporting similar information on DailyPaul, “I just got word from a trusted source that this information (LibertyChat.com (http://libertychat.com/) article) is indeed true, and that details should be forthcoming shortly”.

Update 9/17:

LibertyChat.com (http://libertychat.com/) reached out to Carol Paul for comment on our initial report. Carol responded tonight by saying the “entire story is false”.

Check back on this link daily for updated information regarding this breaking story.

From the author of this.
The great tomato bubble. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56587-The-great-tomato-bubble.)


" Why does Mitt Romney ALWAYS get a free pass ? "


Ron Paul's Senior 2012 Campaign Adviser Doug Wead gives WeAreChange an exclusive interview about the Ron Paul RNC delegate controversy, criticism of Jesse Benton, and the real reason Ron Paul didn't attack Mitt Romney during the campaign.

Ron Paul could of destroyed Romney just by exposing the NeoCons in his campaign,
BUSH II Admin, etc . I always said on here Ron Paul needs to get meaner and take
the gloves off.

Ron Paul goes after same NeoCons but not for his campaign ? WTF ?

Ron Paul vs. Neocons (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?57552-Ron-Paul-vs-Neocons)

SIBEL EDMONDS, Resurrecting the Neocons (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?63684-SIBEL-EDMONDS-Resurrecting-the-Neocons)

Bollyn, The Zionist Plot to Stop Ron Paul , INCREDIBLE ! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58446-Bollyn-The-Zionist-Plot-to-Stop-Ron-Paul-INCREDIBLE-%21)


Twisted Titan
23rd October 2012, 10:57 PM
*Paul's apparent "timidity" in going after his corrupt and lying opponents has been a source of frustration.

Because people actually believed that paul was trying to work outside the system.

when you look at his actions vs his supposed intellegence you can not come much to different a conclusion.

The man is a gatekeeper of The Matrix

painful but true

mick silver
24th October 2012, 06:15 AM
i have posted on here about paul not gettin up and telling it like it is . but no he layed back for some unknowed reason . that one reason i stop giving . if he was not willing to stand up and yell , no need for me to give . he knows a lot that would of shut down dc in a heart beat why not used it . if your trying to wake up the sheep why not do it in a big way