View Full Version : What is Zionism ....err I mean Communisim? Youtube video

Twisted Titan
30th April 2012, 09:01 AM

Twisted Titan
30th April 2012, 09:03 AM
Replace the commentators words with Zionist and you have a extremely effective explaination of their manuevers and methodology.

30th April 2012, 09:25 AM
A Khazar telling us what communism is.

General of Darkness
30th April 2012, 09:36 AM
A Khazar telling us what communism is.

Let's not forget Benjamin Freedman.

30th April 2012, 09:40 AM
Communism: A political philosophy developed by Zionist Jews designed to undermine and destroy Western-Christian traditions, political and economic systems, impoverish gentile populations and enslave them in an endless cycle of war-debt-toil.

30th April 2012, 12:17 PM
Communism: A political philosophy developed by Zionist Jews designed to undermine and destroy Western-Christian traditions, political and economic systems, impoverish gentile populations and enslave them in an endless cycle of war-debt-toil.

And ultimately, genocide..

30th April 2012, 12:56 PM
it's beginning to look like the US lost the Cold War.

the USSR may have broken up - but the US gov. is becoming more & more Sovietized.

i.e. run by Jews.

30th April 2012, 01:18 PM
Good find Twisted.

it's beginning to look like the US lost the Cold War.

Agreed. The Perestroika Deception (http://philologos.org/guide/books/golitsyn.anatoliy.1.htm) was meant to put the West asleep.....

(1) "...The democracies of the United States and Western Europe are facing a dangerous situation and are vulnerable because their governments, the Vatican, the elite, the media, the industrialists, the financiers, the trade unions and, most important, the general public are blind to the dangers of the strategy of 'perestroika' ... The democracies could perish unless they are informed about the aggressive design of 'perestroika' against them." (pg. XIX)

(2) "...I could not imagine that American policymakers, and particularly the conservatives in both the Republican and Democratic parties, despite their long experience with Communist treachery, would not be able to grasp the new manoeuvres of the Communist strategists and would rush to commit the West to helping 'perestroika' which is so contrary to their interests.

(3)"It has been sad to observe the jubilation of American and West European conservatives who have been cheering 'perestroika' without realising that it is intended to bring about their own political and physical demise. Liberal support for 'perestroika' is understandable, but conservative support came as a surprise to me." (pg. XIX)

of course the West lost the Cold War. Afterall, it was a cold war. We kept building weapons for an external war, while the COmmunist used infiltration, subversion and deception to bring us down.

We dont have any external threats to this country. Our problem is SELLOUT. Our problem is not external aggression, its INTERNAL treason.

Ive stated it manay times here, The Soviets are still our biggest enemy. The Chinease work for them.
