View Full Version : Obama's Plan To Seize Control Of Our Economy And Our Lives

30th April 2012, 10:20 AM
President Obama has made clear that he’s determined to continue pushing his “progressive” agenda, regardless of constitutional limitations on his power. He aims to have his way by issuing more and more executive orders.

The most ominous sign of possible things to come appeared on March 16, 2012, when President Obama signed executive order 13603 about “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”

This 10-page document is a blueprint for a federal takeover of the economy that would dwarf the looming Obamacare takeover of the health insurance business. Specifically, Obama’s plan involves seizing control of:

* “All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals”

* “All forms of energy”

* “All forms of civil transportation”

* “All usable water from all sources”

* “Health resources – drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment”

* Forced labor ( or “induction” as the executive order delicately refers to military conscription)

Moreover, federal officials would “issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources.”

Each government bureaucracy “shall act as necessary and appropriate.”

To be sure, much of this language has appeared in national security executive orders that previous presidents have issued periodically since the beginning of the Cold War.

But more than previous national security executive orders, Obama’s 13603 seems to describe a potentially totalitarian regime obsessed with control over everything. Obama’s executive order makes no effort to justify the destruction of liberty, no effort to explain how amassing totalitarian control would enable government to deal effectively with cyber sabotage, suicide bombings, chemical warfare, nuclear missiles or other possible threats. It’s quite likely there would be greater difficulty responding to threats, since totalitarian regimes suffer from economic chaos, colossal waste, massive corruption and bureaucratic infighting that are inevitable consequences of extreme centralization. Such problems plagued fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, communist China and other regimes. Totalitarian control would probably trigger resistance movements and underground networks like those that developed in Western Europe during the Nazi occupation. Totalitarian control could provoke more political turmoil than there was in the Vietnam War era of the 1960s. There would probably be a serious brain drain as talented people with critical skills escaped to freedom wherever that might be. Canada?

There’s nothing in executive order 13603 about upholding the Constitution or protecting civil liberties.

Obama’s executive order seems to assume that the next war will be like World War II or World War I, where vast armies of unskilled conscripts went at each other. But current trends suggest that future conflicts are more likely to involve smaller numbers of military personnel – highly-trained professionals, perhaps thousands of miles away from a battlefield, who remotely-control drones, pilotless combat helicopters, unmanned ground vehicles, unmanned ships, mobile security robots and related military technologies.

Even if Obama’s 13603 were no different than previous national security executive orders, it’s more worrisome because it was issued by the president who rammed Obamacare and runaway spending bills through Congress, who racked up $5 trillion of debt and surrounded himself with hardcore “progressives” hostile to the private sector and America as we have known it.

In what circumstances, one might ask, would a president try to carry out this audacious plan?

Executive order 13603 says with ominous ambiguity: during “the full spectrum of emergencies.”

Well, the United States is already in a state of national emergency declared by President George W. Bush on September 14, 2001 and extended last year by President Obama.

To better understand the potentially explosive impact of his plan, let’s take a tour through the dark world of executive orders, a type of presidential power that most people know little, if anything, about.

Many presidents have pushed to expand their power beyond constitutional limits, particularly during crises. Issuing executive orders is the easiest way to do it. A president doesn’t have to propose an executive order, debate the issues, endure hearings or solicit votes. An executive order can be issued in a few minutes — behind closed doors and away from bright lights.

Much More to Read here---> http://www.forbes.com/sites/jimpowell/2012/04/29/obamas-plan-to-seize-control-of-our-economy-and-our-lives/

30th April 2012, 12:19 PM
= Obama putting his stamp on Bush/Cheney's martial law plans.

it used to be called "Continuity of Government".

they got so much Martial Law plans i wouldn't be surprised if some company comes out with "Martial Ware" software, to help them manage their martial law.

or maybe they'll just use an Excel front-end hooking up to an Oracle SQL database.

this is one of those contracts that they would subcontract to Oracle, or possibly to a Northrop Grumman "Government Systems" division. or General Dynamics.

30th April 2012, 02:25 PM
The only thing Obmama plans for is original recipe or extra crispy...

30th April 2012, 02:35 PM
It has not now nor has it ever been "our" economy. The economy (which "they" focus on ad nauseam ) belongs to "them". You go begging with your hat in your hand and crawling on all fours for a bit of it but you don't do so as a principal but rather as a slave (an employee, a fiduciary relationship rather than a beneficiary relationship).

Hatha Sunahara
30th April 2012, 03:11 PM
How does that square with this:



Liar, liar, pants on fire.


30th April 2012, 03:16 PM
Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Not really. He is telling it like it is (altho on dialup I don't do videos frequently).

His statement is somewhat similar to the Nazi general who stated that peace was always offered by the invader and that war existed for the benefit of the defender. The invader would like to seize all infrastructure intact with no body count. It is the defender that insists upon repelling the invader.

Consent or die. Your choice.

Hatha Sunahara
30th April 2012, 03:44 PM
Is the government at war with the people?

'Consent or die. You choice.' sounds like what a cop will tell you before he shoots you. Not really a government of laws, is it?

Are executive orders substitutes for legislated laws? Or are they just the whims of the president? (or his money power bosses?)


30th April 2012, 03:55 PM
Is the government at war with the people?
Of course.

'Consent or die. You choice.' sounds like what a cop will tell you before he shoots you. Not really a government of laws, is it? Law is contract. Learn to recognize a contract offer. Be selective about what you accept.

Are executive orders substitutes for legislated laws? Or are they just the whims of the president? (or his money power bosses?) You have a choice. You can recognize them as laws or you can recognize them as policy statements for the executive branch. Executive orders are similar to judicial "orders" which are nothing more than clerical documents that represent one man's opinion. Many seem to view these judicial "orders" as being real orders. They are not and cannot be unless they are issued by a PANEL of judicial actors and even then you had to consent to being bound by those orders. A piece of paper has no more power or authority than a STOP sign.

Hatha Sunahara
30th April 2012, 04:36 PM
You have a choice. You can recognize them as laws or you can recognize them as policy statements for the executive branch. Executive orders are similar to judicial "orders" which are nothing more than clerical documents that represent one man's opinion. Many seem to view these judicial "orders" as being real orders. They are not and cannot be unless they are issued by a PANEL of judicial actors and even then you had to consent to being bound by those orders. A piece of paper has no more power or authority than a STOP sign. Regardless of their legality, you either obey, or Obama sends a drone out to kill you. We have no 'rights'. And our rulers have no limits to what they can do to us?

Who turned the constitution into a farce? Was it us by not asserting our rights? Or was it them by 'teaching us' that we don't really have rights--just privileges? This really is a class war, but that term is 'politically incorrect'. Maybe we all need to go out and do some shopping to get this off our minds. Eventually, the guns are going to come out, and questions will only be allowed after the shooting has stopped.


30th April 2012, 05:43 PM
Regardless of their legality, you either obey, or Obama sends a drone out to kill you. We have no 'rights'. Check to see if you have REMEDY before espousing RIGHTS.

And our rulers have no limits to what they can do to us? Sorry if you now perceive you are not involved with a system as described by your grade school teacher. I expect she was only teaching what HER perspective was.

Who turned the constitution into a farce? The constitution you are referring to came into being slightly after the Northwest Ordinance. It's intention was to provide government for territories. That is the ONLY authority it has and as long as you are in a territory you will fail to be impressed by the "fairness" of a congress with ultimate authority over you.

Was it us by not asserting our rights? Or was it them by 'teaching us' that we don't really have rights--just privileges? Drawing privileges. Accepting U.S. citizen status.

This really is a class war, but that term is 'politically incorrect'. Maybe we all need to go out and do some shopping to get this off our minds. Eventually, the guns are going to come out, and questions will only be allowed after the shooting has stopped. As long as you are a citizen then the proper term is "civil disobedience". Disputes between the several States and the United States are termed International. If you are domestic then you might be involved with a "civil"action (war).

30th April 2012, 06:14 PM
The only thing Obmama plans for is original recipe or extra crispy...

You be talkin bout the Mrs.!! :p

Uncle Salty
30th April 2012, 06:22 PM
The puppet masters give Obama pieces of paper and say sign on the dotted line or we reveal you were born in Kenya.

Simple as that. He is just taking orders. He is a pawn. To have any emotional distaste for Obama is just a waste of energy. Like Mitt would do anything different? The game is rigged for us to lose...until we collectively say no.

Hatha Sunahara
30th April 2012, 09:37 PM
Yes, Obama is owned by the elite. He does their bidding loyally. But that doesn't change the fact that Americans are mostly sheep. And that's why this charade works. The wolves are running the show.
