View Full Version : seriously infected, with some very, very serious anti-Semitic views

1st May 2012, 04:06 PM

The Anti-Defamation League, known for its blind and biased allegations, has once again decided to go after Mel Gibson, even after repeated and fruitless attempts (http://search.adl.org/search?entqr=0&access=p&output=xml_no_dtd&sort=date:D:L:d1&ie=UTF-8&lr=&client=adl&q=mel+gibson&ud=1&site=adl&y=10&oe=UTF-8&proxystylesheet=adl&ip= to bring him down in the past. It seems like any smear against the actor and director , irrespective of its nature and origins, sets off the engine behind the League to once again launch an attack. This time it’s the amazingly dubious letter and “damning” tape recording released by disgruntled screenwriter Joe Eszterhas. Even if we forget for a moment Gibson was taped at his own house without him knowing it, and we hear nothing damning in these recordings, the fact that the League is turning to such a dubious source to reenact its past smears is the tell-tale sign of an organization determined to ruin a career. It’s always fun to watch Jackie Mason on the subject:
Even before the official release of The Passion of the Christ in 2004, national director of the ADL Abraham Foxman described Gibson as “the portrait of an anti-Semite.”
Probably conscious that his bias was perhaps a bit too obvious, Foxman the very next day doubled back and said: “I’m not ready to say he’s an anti-Semite”- after which he spitted out a last splash of venom, saying that Gibson “entertains views that can only be described as anti-Semitic.” In November 2003, he repeated the slurs directed at Gibson: “I think he’s infected”, Foxman then said, “seriously infected, with some very, very serious anti-Semitic views.” Later, Foxman- again- backtracked on the anti-Semitic accusation, telling Diane Sawyer that, no, Gibson is not an anti-Semite and, no, The Passion of the Christ is not an anti-Semitic movie.
Yes… well no.. well yes…well no. Foxman can keep up this word-game going for an astounding amount of time. Foxman has continued his smears in the years after 2004, openly calling for Gibson to be censured. “In his heyday”, Foxman said in 2008, “he (Gibson) was No. 1 in Hollywood, the most sought-after star, the people’s choice, the icon. Then he revealed himself as an anti-Semite, and look where he is today. That’s the beauty of America.”
After the latest “incident” with Eszterhas (not an incident really- “weak smear” is more accurate) Foxman repeated his strange and estranging comments. Foxman:
“Had these allegations been made against any other actor, we would be skeptical, and certainly one could chalk them up to the words of a disgruntled screenwriter whose script was rejected. But with Mel Gibson, they follow a distinct pattern of anti-Semitic conduct…. The latest revelations would be surprising if not for the fact that it fits nicely into a pattern of a serial offender, a serial hater, and a serial bigot.”
The ADL’s preoccupation with individuals who do their utmost to compose stories that transcend all this nasty nothingness is a thing to be marveled at. We can do nothing but stare silently at the Anti-Defamation League busying itself with attacking truth tellers, while they say nothing about globalists openly calling for global governance and worldwide population reduction. And yes, that includes Israeli citizens. The ADL prides itself in “fighting extremists” such as Alex Jones, (http://www.adl.org/special_reports/rage-grows-in-America/alex-jones.asp) but remains eerily silent when it comes to real extremism, such as- say- mass death being openly announced. It is true, the issues we cover here are quite extreme. If that makes those reporting on them extremist conspiracy theorists intent on blowing up a federal buildings- well, let’s round up all those who investigate anything, drive them into camps and warm up the oven. After all, they might be domestic terrorists.
Take for example a 2009 publication issued by the EU-chapter of the Club of Rome titled ‘The Crisis, Global Governance and the Road to Copenhagen (http://www.clubofrome.at/news/sup2009/dl_mar_brusselsnews.pdf)’ (click to find out whether this issue is a conspiracy theory or no). In this newsletter put out under auspices of His Royal Highness Prince Philip of Belgium (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), the statement reads:
“The recent events should generate the required lucidity to undertake for the 30 years to come a collective and reasonable management and allocation of natural resources. (…). They should lead to the mutualisation of the planet resources with sound global governance; (…). Otherwise there is a significant risk that humanity will fulfil Malthus’ theories, where “natural” adjustment (in form of famine, disease, epidemic, natural catastrophes, war…) would put back the world population in line with the available resources.”
Very extremist. Very bigoted.
“Many measures”, the pamphlet reads, “leading to solutions of these problems are known and the Club of Rome has long been advocating for many of them: geo-engineering, zero waste & zero carbon policies, energy taxes, de-growth of consumption in many areas…”
I better stop quoting the Club of Rome. Doing so might constitute a dangerous and extremist conspiracy theory.
In their witch-hunt for extremism, why doesn’t the ADL go after the White House, the UN, the Counsel on Foreign relations- as well as the annual Bilderberg conferences while they’re at it. Enough extremism there to keep you busy till rapture.
Please also don’t forget to pay a visit to the former president of the European Commission Jacques Delors who on September 7, 1992, gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affairs titled ‘The European Community and the New World Order (http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/92/81&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en)’ in which he speaks of “world government”, “transferring sovereignty” and a “worldwide single market”.
“I would add”, stated Delors, “and I will not go into detail- that economic integration, unless it is backed by a strong political will, will not in itself produce stronger international institutions or help create world government.”
In searching for extremism it will also be worth while paying a visit to John P. Holdren’s office. You will probably find a copy of his book Ecoscience there. Have him read back the book to you and ask him to elaborate.
If the Anti-Defamation league is serious about its claim to go after extremism, it would be wise to stop attempting to hang Gibson and other truth-tellers from the highest tree. If the League loves fighting extremism, as it claims, it would have a field day going after the New World Order.

1st May 2012, 04:11 PM
I come to expect this, after all we are a Nation ruled by a foreign cuntry... Thus = the Jew S A

1st May 2012, 04:23 PM
Fucking awesome.....Jackie Mason is new favorite Jew.

He DESTROYED Abe Foxman......On live television mind you.

"Abe Foxman fears actually working for a living, than he does anti-semitism".........CLASSIC!

1st May 2012, 05:36 PM
That was awesome.

Ok, so here's my question?

Is Jackie Mason c.o. in this case? Or is he a "failed" interview that didn't deliver the skewed story line that faux news wanted?

1st May 2012, 05:47 PM
hell yes!!

1st May 2012, 05:57 PM
That Cavuto dude kept trolling "Yeah, but our listeners need to understand Mel is a bad bad guy"

1st May 2012, 07:13 PM
Remember they play both sides of the fence, people. Don't forget.

1st May 2012, 07:16 PM
I've always liked Jackie Mason, but I never really knew why... until now.