View Full Version : Gilbert mass killing: Border militia leader identified as shooter

2nd May 2012, 05:57 PM
First I read about this

Gilbert mass killing: Border militia leader identified as shooter

[/URL] by Jim Walsh and Lindsey Collom - May. 2, 2012 05:22 PM
The Arizona Republic

A border militia leader on Wednesday shot and killed four people at a Gilbert home, including a toddler, before committing suicide, sources said.
Sources identified the shooter as Jason "J.T." Ready, a reputed neo-Nazi who made headlines when he launched a militia movement to patrol the Arizona desert to hunt for illegal immigrants and drug smugglers.
http://l.azcentral.com/imgs/icon_new_photo.png [URL="http://www.azcentral.com/photo/Community/Gilbert/22279"]Gilbert shooting leaves 5 dead (http://www.azcentral.com/community/gilbert/articles/2012/05/02/20120502gilbert-shooting-multiple-victims-abrk.html#comments)
http://l.azcentral.com/imgs/icon_new_video.png "J.T." Ready's desert vigilante group (http://www.azcentral.com/video/1618188464001)
http://l.azcentral.com/imgs/icon_new_photo.png Profile: J.T. Ready (http://www.azcentral.com/photo/News/Other/22282)
At least one person survived the shooting, and was being treated at Maricopa Medical Center.
Authorities have not identified the other victims, but reached by phone Wednesday afternoon, Hugo Maderos said the victims were his ex-wife, Lisa; their daughter, Amber; Amber's boyfriend, whose name The Republic is withholding until his next of kin could be notified, and Amber's 18-month-old baby, Lilly.
Maderos, who lives in Tampa, Fla., said Ready lived at the home with his girlfriend, Lisa.
Ready was a former Marine who headed the the U.S. Border Guard, a militia-style group that routinely performed armed patrols in the southern Arizona desert. Early this year, Ready had formed an exploratory committee for a run as Pinal County sheriff.
In a statement of organization filed Jan. 11, Amber Maderos was listed as treasurer of the Committee to Elect J.T. Ready. Her name was nowhere to be found in amended paperwork filed March 12.
Gilbert police spokesman said Sgt. Bill Balafas the gunman's motives is unknown. Authorities recovered two handguns and a shotgun from the scene, Balafas said.
Members of the anti-terrorism task force are at the scene and providing personnel to the Gilbert Police Department, according to an FBI spokesman.
The shootings occurred sometime after 1 p.m. in a residential area in the 500 block of West Tumbleweed Road, near Warner and Cooper roads.
Balafas said the youngest victim was taken from the scene to Maricopa Medical Center, where she was pronounced dead.
"There were signs of life, that's why we transported her," Balafas said. "This is a domestic situation. We do have a witness that our investigators are interviewing."
Balafas said the witness saw at least part of the incident.
DeAnn Rawson, 38, who has lived in the Lago Estancia neighborhood for 13 years, said she was "sick to my stomach, as you can tell everyone driving by is absolutely shocked."
Rawson stood on a street corner and answered drivers who rolled down their windows to ask what happened.
"I would have come and got her," Rawson said of the youngest victim. "It makes me mad. I can't have children and you have other people doing things that are insane."
Gary Davis, who also lives in the neighborhood, stood outside Wednesday afternoon, watching the commotion.
"There's no excuse for taking a child's life," Davis said. "Nothing ever happens in this neighborhood. It's a shock to us."
Mesquite Junior High School, along with nearby Gilbert Elementary School, was placed on "modified lockdown" status -- meaning classes go on as normal, but students are not allowed to leave and no one is allowed to enter the building --- until 2 p.m.
Witnesses in the neighborhood said a SWAT team sealed off part of the area and that investigators told residents to remain indoors.
Nearly an hour after the shootings occurred, police were milling around the neighborhood of stucco homes with red-tile roofs. Police tape cordoned off three separate areas of Tumbleweed Road.
Republic reporter JJ Hensley contributed to the report.

General of Darkness
2nd May 2012, 06:15 PM
When I was on VoR I interviewed JT one or two times and we talked several times up to a year ago I think, and even though I'm not in ANY movement these days I'd still get text messages from JT.

I received a text message from JT on 4/23/2012 and it states the following.

BLM & S.O. evicting campers from Veloi Ranch to protect drug loads. Heads up.

He was suicided, I'm a 100% sure of it. If the FBI gets involved I fully expect to get a call.

I have ALL the text messages he sent with pictures everything.

3rd May 2012, 07:15 AM
Wow. Suicide - 2 shots to the back of the head right? ::)

I wonder if Fast and Furious is somehow connected to this.

Some GSUS threads including JT:

JT Ready (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?58481-JT-Ready&highlight=JT+Ready)

Popular U.S. website urges Americans to move North (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?31377-Popular-U.S.-website-urges-Americans-to-move-North&highlight=JT+Ready)

JT Ready to be on Alan Colmes tonight at 7:30 Pacific Time (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?32135-JT-Ready-to-be-on-Alan-Colmes-tonight-at-7-30-Pacific-Time&highlight=JT+Ready)

Heavily-armed citizen militia group plans to patrol smuggling corridor (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?30259-Heavily-armed-citizen-militia-group-plans-to-patrol-smuggling-corridor&highlight=JT+Ready)

This Week in Disorganized America, Jul. 9, 2010 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?31450-This-Week-in-Disorganized-America-Jul.-9-2010&highlight=JT+Ready)

This Will End Badly! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?30165-This-Will-End-Badly!&highlight=JT+Ready)

Occupy Phoenix: Where the cops don't dare act like thugs (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?55396-Occupy-Phoenix-Where-the-cops-don-t-dare-act-like-thugs&highlight=JT+Ready)

3rd May 2012, 07:23 AM
It Is Not The Manner of the Romans (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60837-It-Is-Not-The-Manner-of-the-Romans)

U.S. justice: "Just kill him." (Obama administration)

3rd May 2012, 04:02 PM
Here is some positive info and background on JT.


Rest in peace Hero.

3rd May 2012, 04:33 PM
JT seemed to me to fit the profile of an agent provocateur like Hal Turner. Former Marines, Neo-Nazi connections, and most important---- mainstream media coverage. I bet he was murdered, set up by the government, from what I heard, the Mexican drug cartel. Makes sense, if the cartel was caught it would look like a cartel hit, not a government hit job.

Cartel Murder Suspected, Military, FBI, ICE, Homeland Security Flood Area

By Mike Harris Onsite in AZ

Miltary trucks are arriving at the murder scene in Arizona, The FBI, ICE, Homeland Security, State and local forces all there for what the news across the nation and the world had wrongly reported as a murder suicide involving a believed one time militant extremist.

The police press conference today, blaming the incident in domestic violence is a “cop out” as far as we are concerned. The police say the military has to be there because the “ammunition and ordinance” stored in the home was too confusing for normal people to deal with, like, perhaps, to “leave there” as they should.

An informant has revealed that the neighborhood schools were put on lock-down as the Police were in the process of securing the crime scene. If the Police really suspected that this was a domestic violence murder-suicide, why the school lock-down?

What Law Enforcement does not want the American public to realize is that the Mexican Cartels can operate with impunity in any American neighborhood and there is nothing law enforcement can do to protect the public. Law enforcement is trying to prevent wide spread panic in the civilian population and potential racial reprisals against illegal aliens in the USA.

The chemical drums found may very well be rain water. After the Gabby Giffords shooting, Gabby and so many others, police statements along with military presence has become something of a signature we have begun to understand, the more departments and agencies, the further from the truth we get.

Our sources tell us that Jason Todd Ready, originally thought to be the killer, was an FBI Confidential Informant. But informing on what? White supremacists he was one time aligned with, the “occupy movement” he attempted to join or cartel drug smugglers that his organization, US Border Guards, has been working to stop.

Ready’s group, sometimes a few, sometimes Ready alone, military gear, armed to the teeth, patrolled the Arizona border with Mexico and publicly claimed to be putting a “dent” into cartel business.

Whether this is the reason for the deaths, now considered mass murder or some other reason, one potentially complex as any dealings with so many agencies can be, is the reason, only time will tell.

The possibilities now expand with every moment, drugs, weapons, diamonds, terrorists, local political payoffs, racially motivated killings, any of these, all of these are possible. What has happened is that a “murder/suicide” that would have rated a detective and coroner has now brought a military task force and every FBI agent from the region.

Why other members of the press missed the FBI agents, the military uniforms is testimony to how you can shoot a Federal judge or member of congress in broad daylight and stand trial unscathed. There is a smell in Arizona, millions in cartel money flowing in, Operation Fast and Furious running guns to drug terrorists with taxpayer money, government officials only inches away from millions of dollars that make the difference, a very thin difference between Arizona being part of the United States and a minor “outcropping” into “Gringoland” for billionaire cartels who have the wherewithal to test any and all, threats, money, it is all on the table.

Or is this just a family murder and a government with too much time on its hands?


3rd May 2012, 04:36 PM
Looks like they're combing the residence to make sure nothing is found that connects JT to the government, that would be embarrassing...

General of Darkness
3rd May 2012, 04:41 PM
learn2swim, who the hell knows, but I didn't get that from JT, he NEVER asked anything from ME unlike the "supposed" white national that told me he was a felon and asked me to buy a pistol for him. I was like WTF, don't ever, ever ask me to do something illegal. I haven't heard from him in years.

3rd May 2012, 05:26 PM
I don't think JT was out to get individuals like yourself. How does it sound on the news that neo-nazis are patrolling the American/ Mexican boarder? Makes it look racist to enforce boarder laws, coincidence? And, it makes national news too, coincidence? When there's a citizens rally in Arizona to support an illegal immigration Bill, JT shows up with his neo-nazi group in support of it. That makes everyone in support of the Bill a neo-nazi (that's not true) but that's how it works with the media. The nationalist trying to get you to buy him a gun was probably already in trouble with LE, and tried to set you up to get his charges dropped.

3rd May 2012, 05:33 PM
i'm beginning to think the term "neo-Nazi" is a loaded term used by the Zio-media to describe people who may be a "regular guy".

if they want to paint someone as a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD man, they call him a "Neo-Nazi".

OOOOOH ! Booga Booga ! oh he MUST be a bad man, he's a NEO-NAZI.

of course, to the SPLC, anybody who knows that the Holocaust is a psy-ops term used to describe a wildly exaggerated persecution of Jews in WW2 Europe ... is a Neo-Nazi ?

the Zio-media uses the term without defining it.

Hitler was nowhere NEAR the monster that Obama, Netanyahu, and Bush/Cheney are or were.

General of Darkness
3rd May 2012, 05:49 PM
i'm beginning to think the term "neo-Nazi" is a loaded term used by the Zio-media to describe people who may be a "regular guy".

if they want to paint someone as a BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD man, they call him a "Neo-Nazi".

OOOOOH ! Booga Booga ! oh he MUST be a bad man, he's a NEO-NAZI.

of course, to the SPLC, anybody who knows that the Holocaust is a psy-ops term used to describe a wildly exaggerated persecution of Jews in WW2 Europe ... is a Neo-Nazi ?

the Zio-media uses the term without defining it.

Hitler was nowhere NEAR the monster that Obama, Netanyahu, and Bush/Cheney are or were.

GD I think you're on to something my friend.