View Full Version : Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death

General of Darkness
3rd May 2012, 08:30 AM
then what did you bury at sea? I think the majority of us on gsus knew that this was all bullshit.

Pentagon admits it has no photo evidence of Bin Laden's death Special

Like this article (http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/323364#ixzz1tnrX5xz5)http://www.digitaljournal.com/images/chevron-w.gif275
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By Elliott Freeman (http://www.digitaljournal.com/user/256544) May 1, 2012 in Politics (http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/Politics)
31 comments (http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/323364#ixzz1tnrX5xz5)

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Pentagon officials recently disclosed to the Associated Press (AP) that they could not find any photo or video evidence to confirm that Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed in the Navy Seal raid in Pakistan a year ago.
AP has submitted more than 20 requests for information surrounding the raid on Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound to the U.S. Government under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In response to the request for visual evidence of Bin Laden’s death, the Pentagon stated that it could not find any pictures or video footage (http://www.armytimes.com/news/2012/03/ap-bin-laden-freedom-of-information-act-requests-031512/) of the raid itself or of Bin Laden’s dead body. It also told AP it could not locate any images of Bin Laden’s body that were taken on the U.S.S. Carl Vinson, the Navy aircraft carrier that reportedly lowered him into the sea after his death. In addition, the Pentagon admitted that it could not find an autopsy report, death certificate or results of a DNA identification test for Bin Laden, in spite of claims made by President Obama and reported by CBC News (http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2011/05/04/afghanistan-pakistan-osama-bin-laden.html) that a DNA test was performed. These admissions follow a related FOIA response by the Department of Defense in February, in which it stated that it had no emails concerning the Bin Laden raid that were sent prior to its execution. The Atlantic Wire (http://www.theatlanticwire.com/politics/2012/02/bin-laden-death-photo-foia-case-focuses-his-burial-sea/48504/) reported in February that the CIA claimed it had visual proof of Bin Laden’s death, but the Pentagon’s admission that it does not have any evidence of this kind still raises significant questions, since its jurisdiction includes the Navy Seals that conducted the raid and the Navy ship that buried Bin Laden at sea. The latest revelation drew the suspicion of Lt. Col. Robert Bowman (ret.), the former director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force. “It makes the official story sound very fishy,” Bowman said in an interview with Digital Journal. “Without proof, I’m not buying it carte blanche.” Bowman also pointed to the reports that Bin Laden died in 2001 or 2002, which have been supported by former FBI counter-terrorism chief Dale Watson (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/2135473.stm), former assistant Secretary of State Steve Pieczenik (http://www.examiner.com/article/bin-laden-video-released-by-us-pieczenik-calls-it-bogus), former U.S. foreign intelligence officer Angelo Codevilla (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1212851/Has-Osama-Bin-Laden-dead-seven-years--U-S-Britain-covering-continue-war-terror.html)and other intelligence experts. “This smacks of a cover-up,” Bowman added. Some organizations contend that the cover-up extends beyond the Bin Laden raid, including Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (http://www.ae911truth.org/), a group of over 1,600 technical professionals that is calling for a new 9/11 investigation. "The raid is not the only part of the Bin Laden narrative that doesn't add up," said founder Richard Gage, AIA. "It's also highly unlikely that Bin Laden and Al Qaeda had access to plant the explosives that brought down the Twin Towers and Building 7." Meanwhile, President Obama called for a time of remembrance and contemplation on the anniversary of the raid. "I think for us to use that time for some reflection, to give thanks to those who participated is entirely appropriate, and that’s what’s been taking place," he said on Monday, according to McClatchy News (http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/04/30/147210/obama-rejects-criticism-that-hes.html). It remains to be seen how the public will reflect on the lack of credible evidence surrounding the demise of the world’s most wanted terrorist.

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/323364#ixzz1toxaBdkz

3rd May 2012, 09:20 AM
They heap lies upon lies, and then admit to the public that they are lying, and no one does a single thing about it. The people just roll their eyes and sing the anthem.

3rd May 2012, 09:39 AM
then all of those senators "who were taken in to a room and shown the photos" last year are all lying. typical.

3rd May 2012, 09:41 AM
You Conspiracy Theory wackos crack me up. Don't you see that the Seals spent months planning this raid to the smallest detail. Obviously, they forgot to bring a camera or cell phone, obviously.Besides, how could anyone have anticipated that folk would want photos of the event after the fact? ::)

3rd May 2012, 09:44 AM
Pretty funny how one can find plenty of pictures of US soldiers smiling and posing with tortured naked Iraqis and Afghanis, with their thumbs up, but there is not a single trophy photo of the capture/kill of the greatest official enemy of America.

Seems about right.

3rd May 2012, 09:49 AM
I don't even know what to say.

They have been harping about the 1 year anniversary of the raid.

Since we know the boogie man wasn't there, what was the real target?

3rd May 2012, 09:54 AM

3rd May 2012, 09:55 AM
Obviously, they forgot to bring a camera or cell phone, obviously.



After a Secret Service guy snapped this pic at a party last month him and his buddies got fired in Columbia over not paying a hooker.


3rd May 2012, 10:15 AM
What really happened...



3rd May 2012, 10:16 AM
Haha Joboo, they have their "serious faces" on.

3rd May 2012, 10:21 AM
Haha Joboo, they have their "serious faces" on.

Amazing eh?

They were all watching a live streaming televised event of it, but no videos or photos actually happened.

Simply amazing.

3rd May 2012, 10:24 AM
No. They were reading some of the thread topics on this forum. That's why they had those faces on.

3rd May 2012, 11:01 AM
Didnt a Federal Judge just rule that the Government does not have to release the pics of Osama?

Found it:



So the picture that doesnt exist, should be kept from the public. I got it now.

Twisted Titan
3rd May 2012, 04:22 PM
Dude we are living in the effing twilight zone at a level so exponential even scientific notation can't quantify it.

General of Darkness
3rd May 2012, 04:30 PM
Dude we are living in the effing twilight zone at a level so exponential scientific notation can't quantify it.

Post of the year.

3rd May 2012, 04:39 PM
Leaked dead Osama bin Laden photo or not? (http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not)

http://photo-journ.com/wp-content/themes/weaver/images/icons/date-1.pngPosted on May 4, 2011 (http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not) by http://photo-journ.com/wp-content/themes/weaver/images/icons/author-1.pngJohn Le Fevre (http://photo-journ.com/author/john-le-fevre/)
http://photo-journ.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Osama-bin-Laden-dead-1.jpg (http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not) Is this photo purporting to show a dead dead Osama bin Laden a fake or real photo of the Saudi-born businessman and the world’s most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden?
Late on the evening of Tuesday, May 3, 2011, image No1 was posted on LiveLeak (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4e2_1304436213) purporting to be a leaked US administration photo of a dead Osama bin Laden being cradled in the hands of a US special forces soldier. The photo ran with the caveat: “Note: Liveleak cannot confirm the authenticity of this Osama Bin Laden dead picture”
http://photo-journ.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Osama-bin-Laden-dead-1-450x337.jpg (http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not/osama-bin-laden-dead-1)Photo purporting to be a leaked photo of a dead Osama bin Laden but clearly showing a wound on the right side of the victims head

http://photo-journ.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Osama-bin-Laden-dead-2-450x337.jpg (http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not/osama-bin-laden-dead-1-2)aPhoto purporting to be a leaked photo of a dead Osama bin Laden but flipped to show a wound to the left eye as described

http://photo-journ.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Osama-bin-Laden-dead-3-450x337.jpg (http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not/osama-bin-laden-dead-1-3)Photo purporting to be a leaked photo of a dead Osama bin Laden #3, but with the green "night vision" coloring removed

http://photo-journ.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Osama-bin-Laden-dead-4-450x337.jpg (http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not/osama-bin-laden-dead-1-4)Photo purporting to be a leaked photo of a dead Osama bin Laden #4 - slight manipulation of brightness & contrast and enlargment

Internet observers quickly pointed out that reports from the White House had previously stated that Osama bin Laden had been killed by a single gunshot wound to the left eye, and Photo #1 clearly shows a wound above the right eye.
When the image purporting to be that of the dead Osama bin Laden is flipped horizontal nothing immediately looks out of the ordinary.
As some web commentators stated, one would expect better quality photos coming from the killing of Osama bin Laden. No doubt if he was still alive, Walter Cronkite would have been on the lead chopper.
Knowing that the White House watched the killing of Osama bin Laden live it is reasonable to suspect that any leaked image is likely at this early stage to be from the video feed. Stripping out the green “night vision” look produces Photo #3.
Photo #4 purporting to be that of a dead Osama bin Laden has had some minor enhancements to brightness, contrast and been increased in size marginally.
What do you think? Is this dead Osama bin Laden photo fake or real?

Footnote: Early on the morning of Tuesday, May 4, 2011 the US CIA issued a warning to people not to open eMails purporting to contain attached photos of Osama bin Laden dead as such eMails contain a computer virus.

Latest media reports on the killing of Saudi-born businessman and most wanted terrorist (or freedom fighter) Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden’s last hours come into focus as White House revises its story (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/03/osama-bin-laden-death-raid?CMP=twt_gu)
While US officials amend narrative of raid, Abbottabad residents describe Bin Laden’s ‘mansion’ and the brothers who built it
US admits bin Laden unarmed when shot (http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/05/04/3207020.htm?WT.mc_id=newsmail)
It has emerged Osama bin Laden was not armed when he was shot dead by US commandos at his compound in Pakistan. Bin Laden was shot above his left eye, reportedly blowing away a section of his skull.

Backlash at Bin Laden ‘Execution’ (http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/home/backlash-at-bin-laden-execution/439225)
West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt called the raid “clearly a violation of international law.” He said it could have incalculable consequences in the Arab world at a time of unrest.

Obama makes solemn trip to Ground Zero (http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/05/06/3209196.htm?WT.mc_id=newsmail)
US president Barack Obama has visited Ground Zero in New York to pay tribute to those killed in the September 11 attacks, praising Manhattan firefighters and police and meeting with families of those killed in the attack orchestrated by Osama bin Laden. The visit came as US officials revealed that only one person fired on the American special forces and bin Laden was killed at the start of the raid.

Read more: Leaked photo of US troops with dead Osama bin Laden (http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not#ixzz1tqwjVUUX) http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-orhttp://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not#axzz1tqwGiHoL-not#ixzz1tqwjVUUX (http://photo-journ.com/2011/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not#ixzz1tqwjVUUX)

3rd May 2012, 04:53 PM
Previous post is an obvious Photoshop fake for many reasons. Most obvious one is that corpses do not have muscle tone. A dead face appears to be sleeping. That Osama face is smiling or grimacing- impossible in death. I know.

3rd May 2012, 04:56 PM
Should be able to determine from the flag badge on the souldiers arm which is the original version of the image. Does the star section face to the front or the rear when on the right arm? What about the left arm?