View Full Version : Do You Think Social Security Is a Good Deal?

6th May 2012, 07:12 AM
Another article on the "benefit" conferred by social (in)security.


A friend of mine has written articles and extensive treatises on the law for most of 20 years under the pseudonym of “Valiant Liberty”. This man is largely unknown to most people in legal reform, but he’s almost certainly one of top five or ten “gurus” in the country.

He might object to being described as a “guru” because “guru’s” usually have a public persona but my friend prefers to avoid most public interaction.

Nevertheless, he knows his stuff.

“Valiant Liberty” recently wrote an extensive article on Social Security. He sent a copy of that article to me and and gave me permission to republish on this blog. I rarely republish other people’s articles on my blog, but as I said, “he knows his stuff”.

If you’re interested in Social Security, this article is worth your consideration.

6th May 2012, 07:14 AM
Social Security.

7th trump
6th May 2012, 07:58 AM
Another article on the "benefit" conferred by social (in)security.

Holy crap Palani!
Thank You for the link.
I didnt know this even existed. It mirrors what I've been saying about taxes and Title 26 to a "T"!

Social Security is the #1 problem with this country.

Only thing missing t ocomplete the article is that the article doesnt mention that the idea and structural engineering of SS came from the communist Bolshevics who presently dictate from Russia. Roosevelt was a closet communist who joined the USofA into the ILO (International Labor Organization....the "arm and hammer" of the soviet flag).

6th May 2012, 08:19 AM
Social Security is the #1 problem with this country.

In my opinion it is close to the top of the list but settling the (un)Civil War is the first priority. You will find all other symptoms evaporate after the root cause of the evil is corrected.

6th May 2012, 08:24 AM
you pay into the fund in current dollars.

you - theoretically - get paid back with dollars 30 or 40 years later.

what could possibly go wrong ?

6th May 2012, 08:35 AM
Whats your definition of 'Good Deal'?

6th May 2012, 09:05 AM
Whats your definition of 'Good Deal'?

Four aces and a one eyed Jack is a good deal but a straight Royal flush is a "Better Deal".

6th May 2012, 09:09 AM
If into good deals then consider that you are permitted to sign up for social security one day, cancel the account the following day and apply for and receive benefits for life just by applying on the closed account.

This is hearsay from a guy called Lloyd Schmidt but I have no reason to dispute his account.

6th May 2012, 09:15 AM
Anytime your capital is siezed by the government for "public investment and trust" it's a bad deal.Then the government adds insult to injury by inflating the currency, further devaluing the capital returned to you. SS is a cancer on the free market; it discourages savings and investment; it robs privateurs of opportunity investment; it enables government deficit financing; it rewards sloth and idleness.

6th May 2012, 11:00 AM
Whats your definition of 'Good Deal'?


Social Security is a better deal than a Flesh-Eating Bacteria infection, in most cases.

6th May 2012, 11:37 AM
Our dear son Palani says he wants us to come live with him. Says he will feed us and
pay for all our medical. What a sweet boy!

::) like that is gonna happen...lol.

Hatha Sunahara
6th May 2012, 12:46 PM
Mr. Valiant Liberty seems to enjoy jerking our collective chains. Stupid slaves, it's all your fault. You should have read the f****ng contract/law/whatever, done your due diligence, used your brains instead of conforming and obeying. What's missing here is the answer to the question that most of us have once we've been scolded for our stupidity--how do we get out? He opened that door perhaps just a milimeter if that much. It is obvious that the whole system is a fraud, but what hoops do you have to go through to get out of it? He seems to imply that you would have to sue the government for fraud. Or you would have to engage is some legal action in the courts to abandon your social security account.

Somewhere I got the impression that all one needed to do was to go down to the Social Security office and ask them for a form to 'opt out'. I couldn't remember where I read that, so I did a search on opting out of Social Security, and most of the links say you cannot do it. I even ran into this link to the Social Security System itself that says participation is mandatory.

http://ssa-custhelp.ssa.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/435/~/opting-out-of-social-security (http://ssa-custhelp.ssa.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/435/%7E/opting-out-of-social-security)

This is a .gov web page. Is this evidence of the fraud they are perpetrating on the American People? Don't they say elsewhere that participation is voluntary? Didn't they call it Social 'Security' instead of Social Insurance (which is what the Canadians call theirs) because the government cannot compel you to buy insurance?

How much deeper does this fraud go? I know that the US went bankrupt in 1933, and handed over the slaves, the land (no more allodial titles), even the national parks to the creditors--who do not wish to be known--but they own everything in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

It would be nice to know how to get out of Social Security without having to go to court to fight for it.

I found this in the Forms section of the Soc Sec Web Site:

http://www.socialsecurity.gov/online/ssa-521.pdf This is for form SSA-521 Request For Withdrawal of Application. They probably deny all of these.


6th May 2012, 03:33 PM
Mr. Valiant Liberty seems to enjoy jerking our collective chains.

I believe it is hard to present information of this sort without having it perceived as "dumb shit, what did you do this for?" But what is done is done and there is no earthly use to crying over deeds done in the past. Ask forgiveness and move on.

Just because a number has been associated with your name there is no need to apply for benefits. In fact if you have never received benefits then the action of paying into social security can be viewed as supporting the poor and elderly (and foreigners).

How to get out of it? Don't use the number. Return the card. It is not your account so you cannot close it but if you feel the contract is fraudulent then cancel it nunc pro tunc. Contracts are dynamic. They change all the time.

6th May 2012, 03:35 PM
like that is gonna happen...lol.

While I have no obligation to support YOUR parents I do have an obligation to support mine. That obligation does not extend to committing an illegal act.

Hatha Sunahara
6th May 2012, 09:37 PM
In my opinion it is close to the top of the list but settling the (un)Civil War is the first priority. You will find all other symptoms evaporate after the root cause of the evil is corrected.

By this you mean the insurgency that turned the US into the USA Inc.? The 14th Amendment? Or what exactly do you mean by settling the (un)Civil War? It was about sovereign rights.


7th May 2012, 01:02 AM
http://www.socialsecurity.gov/online/ssa-521.pdf This is for form SSA-521 Request For Withdrawal of Application. They probably deny all of these.


Someone should try it and see how it turns out.

7th trump
7th May 2012, 04:17 AM
By this you mean the insurgency that turned the US into the USA Inc.? The 14th Amendment? Or what exactly do you mean by settling the (un)Civil War? It was about sovereign rights.

The civil war means nothing as all the Act Congress passes arent in the way of any American to remain/obtain the People.
SS doesnt have a mandate in the Act. Administrative regulation 301.6109-1(d) specifically state an individual doesnt have to voluntaeer into the program so the 14th amendment doesnt mean squat unless you are of colored skin.

7th May 2012, 04:35 AM
the 14th amendment doesnt mean squat unless you are of colored skin.

Keep thinking that. Remember civil rights apply to all U.S. citizens and the status of U.S. citizen has been precisely defined by the 14th amendment. The concept of a U.S. citizen prior to the (un)civil war was as a warehouse for immigrants until they could obtain settlement in a state. Now the several States are relegated to administrative subdivisions of the federal government (so saith the CIA Factbook).

7th May 2012, 04:42 AM
By this you mean the insurgency that turned the US into the USA Inc.? The 14th Amendment? Or what exactly do you mean by settling the (un)Civil War? It was about sovereign rights.


The account on the (un)civil war can be closed when the debt is marked paid in full or defaulted.