View Full Version : Everything Will BE Fine

14th May 2012, 10:56 AM
We used to have an anecdotal report thread. Was that an older forum? Anyway, I have a little report from my microcosm.

Working in a fairly protected and well-funded industry, we have been blessed with ever-growing earnings.... until 2008. We hit a little bump in 2009 and now we are starting to feel a BIG bump. Desperation is starting to become palpable. I tested the waters in the past to see who I could warn and got nothing but ridicule or happy platitudes from people so I kept my yap shut.

Not only are orders being delayed and cancelled, but there is a paradigm shift with our customers. Now they are learning to do without the things they considered essential before. The icing on the cake was a request to cancel an order that was already issued because this major international company does not have enough money to pay their bills for the rest of the year, so they are looking to recapture expenses already paid and prorate them if possible.

But everything is getting better, right?

14th May 2012, 10:59 AM
We used to have an anecdotal report thread. Was that an older forum?
