View Full Version : I've got a spare lower AR-15 reciever should I finish it?

General of Darkness
17th May 2012, 03:32 PM
I was just thinking about it because I got an email on some nice prices on AR-15 uppers at Spikes Tactical. Heck all I gotta do is get the upper and a buttstock and it done, but I've already have 4 completed rifles and 2 shot guns.

I guess the question is, is spending $600 worth it with all the guns I already have?

EDIT - It probably is. :)

17th May 2012, 03:34 PM
sell it and buy some ammo

17th May 2012, 03:36 PM
buy $600 worth of ammo like h said. you already have 4.

17th May 2012, 04:23 PM
or finish the gun, sell it, then buy more ammo

17th May 2012, 04:33 PM
It may be nice to have a spare lower. but you can sell it and build an upper.

To me, it would make more sense to make another upper so you can expand your ammo capability. what if you run out of .223, but can get a case of 7.62x39? I'd make an upper in these calibers in order -- 1.) 7.62x39mm [lots of cheap, surplus ammo out there.] -- 2.) .300 Whisper/300 AAC Blackout to give .30 cal capability to your AR using .223 brass. -- 3.) 5.45x39 a much better round than the 5.56x45 also there is surplus to be had too. -- 4.) 9mm -- make a sub gun.

What I'm going with here is the capability to shoot all NATO or Warsaw Pact ammo, which will be in abundance compared to other awesome rounds -- but may be more scarce during SHTF like 204 Ruger, 20 Tactical, 20 Practical, .458 SOCOM

General of Darkness
17th May 2012, 04:45 PM
It may be nice to have a spare lower. but you can sell it and build an upper.

To me, it would make more sense to make another upper so you can expand your ammo capability. what if you run out of .223, but can get a case of 7.62x39? I'd make an upper in these calibers in order -- 1.) 7.62x39mm [lots of cheap, surplus ammo out there.] -- 2.) .300 Whisper/300 AAC Blackout to give .30 cal capability to your AR using .223 brass. -- 3.) 5.45x39 a much better round than the 5.56x45 also there is surplus to be had too. -- 4.) 9mm -- make a sub gun.

What I'm going with here is the capability to shoot all NATO or Warsaw Pact ammo, which will be in abundance compared to other awesome rounds -- but may be more scarce during SHTF like 204 Ruger, 20 Tactical, 20 Practical, .458 SOCOM

I've got rifles in 223, 7.62x.39 and 7.62x.51 going to different ammo upper doesn't make that much sense, but maybe doing an upper in 7.62x.39 might. Dunno, but I think the other guys are right, time to add more ammo, I already have about 7,000 rounds.

17th May 2012, 04:45 PM
I'll buy it off ya for 20 bucks!


General of Darkness
17th May 2012, 04:47 PM
I'll buy it off ya for 20 bucks!


Heimdhal, it's finished with the trigger assembly installed. Change that $20 to $250 and we can have a conversation.

17th May 2012, 05:30 PM
I can get a stripped lower and LPK for under $150.

I counter offer with 15$ Final price. Not a penny more, you pay shipping!


17th May 2012, 06:27 PM
I've got rifles in 223, 7.62x.39 and 7.62x.51 going to different ammo upper doesn't make that much sense, but maybe doing an upper in 7.62x.39 might. Dunno, but I think the other guys are right, time to add more ammo, I already have about 7,000 rounds.

If I would have known that, I would have recommended something different. I'd say go all in on ammo, or 1/2 ammo 1/2 silver [you can buy other things you may be short on with the PM, or buy an SKS and the rest of the FRNs towards 7.62x39 for trade during SHTF [but that may make more sense for here].

17th May 2012, 06:48 PM
50BMG are Liberty Teeth. If everyone had one we'd be in better shape as a country

17th May 2012, 07:25 PM
50BMG are Liberty Teeth. If everyone had one we'd be in better shape as a country

"They aren't afraid of guns because they have bigger guns" -- Louis Farrakhan

Dunno, I'm leery of that statement. The .50 BMG is a BIG bullet that requires a big rifle that's heavy and cumbersome and costs maybe $5 per round. They have their place, but not one in every set of hands [IMHO]. I think an AK/AR/SKS/Tromix is better for most people at just about any budget.

17th May 2012, 07:48 PM

if you want to go big time.:o

17th May 2012, 08:08 PM
if you want to go big time.:o

Yeah, the .50 Beowulf is awesome. But if you run out of ammo, all you have in your hands is a club.

During SHTF, getting 325 gr .50 bullets and large pistol magnum primers may be a bit difficult. Just sayin'....

General of Darkness
17th May 2012, 08:26 PM
Yeah, the .50 Beowulf is awesome. But if you run out of ammo, all you have in your hands is a club.

During SHTF, getting 325 gr .50 bullets and large pistol magnum primers may be a bit difficult. Just sayin'....

Not to mention the weight and size of the rifle, but also the ammo. That's the main reason I build my DPMS 308 with 16 inch barrel, weight, size and stopping power plus it's accurate a lot farther than a .223 or AK with the shorter barrel. If anyone is interested I can weigh the 308 and AR-15 plus provide pictures.

17th May 2012, 09:03 PM
A 16 inch barrel just does not do the 308 justice. Strongly consider going to a 20 inch. 4 inches doesnt matter very much in over all length or compactness, unless you're operating INSIDE a sedan (and even then) and you will really bring the round into its intended role iwth the added stability, accuracy and velocity.

with 7.62x39 you arent dropping significantly by going to a 16 inch barrel. So where the x39 is IMPROVED by a longer barre but was designed for carbine length barrelsl, 308/x51 was intended as a RIFLE cartridge and is handicapped when operating in a carbine platform. Just for a comparison.

General of Darkness
17th May 2012, 09:18 PM
A 16 inch barrel just does not do the 308 justice. Strongly consider going to a 20 inch. 4 inches doesnt matter very much in over all length or compactness, unless you're operating INSIDE a sedan (and even then) and you will really bring the round into its intended role iwth the added stability, accuracy and velocity.

with 7.62x39 you arent dropping significantly by going to a 16 inch barrel. So where the x39 is IMPROVED by a longer barre but was designed for carbine length barrelsl, 308/x51 was intended as a RIFLE cartridge and is handicapped when operating in a carbine platform. Just for a comparison.

It would be interesting to know the average range of an actual encounter with rifles. My guess, less than a 100 meters. The 16 inch 308 will be spectacular. Past 400 meters you're looking at a bolt action rifle, like a Remmington 700 which aren't expensive. Just saying.

18th May 2012, 08:36 AM
Look man, you wanna be tacticool, its your money, have fun. Same reason you bought that shit XCR in x39.

But heres the reality:
Average range probably WOULD be less than 100. If thats what you're expecting and you've already got 5.56 and x39, then dont even bother with the .308.

You dont NEED a bolt for 400+. I can shoot my AK open sights at 400+ and the round is still a good wounding round at those ranges, but its not consistently accurate enough, better for harrasment and cover fire (just like 5.56 which remains accurate at those ranges, but begins to lose its wounding ability). THats fine with me.

You're far better served with other, existing platforms than some tacticool, AR platformed 16 inch barrled .308. Theres a reason praticaly no military in the world uses a 16 inch barrels .308. They have some populatrity with brush hunters who are taking hogs and deer, but that doesnt mean you're getting "spectacular" performance.

Even the Fn FAL, one of the most widley used .308 military platforms had only 1 or 2 variants with barrels less than 20 inchs. One was a para and it wasnt in wide use.

But hey, hang out on ArfCom some more and get all tacticooled out. Its not my FRN's. Im trying to help you save yours by keeping you from building an inferior weapons platform and handicapping your rounds while using them in a role that others platforms and chamberings are better suited for.

Twisted Titan
18th May 2012, 09:32 AM
Ammo ammo ammo ammo......the guns are useless without ammo.

I'm no fan of reloading because the brass has been compromised and too many things can go wrong in the process.

Just leave it to the pros.

18th May 2012, 03:08 PM
Not to mention the weight and size of the rifle,

Weight and size will be about on par with a regular AR. That round is not much longer than a .223

18th May 2012, 03:15 PM
But heres the reality:
Average range probably WOULD be less than 100. If thats what you're expecting and you've already got 5.56 and x39, then dont even bother with the .308.

I agree on this. Lots of people have been planted over the 5.56 and the 7.62x39.

mick silver
18th May 2012, 04:19 PM
sell it G o D there better guns for the money . i have one and i will never buy one again . it a toy in my safe that i played with one time . buy a ak 47 there better gun thats why everyone around the world own one

General of Darkness
18th May 2012, 05:24 PM
Look man, you wanna be tacticool, its your money, have fun. Same reason you bought that shit XCR in x39.

But heres the reality:
Average range probably WOULD be less than 100. If thats what you're expecting and you've already got 5.56 and x39, then dont even bother with the .308.

You dont NEED a bolt for 400+. I can shoot my AK open sights at 400+ and the round is still a good wounding round at those ranges, but its not consistently accurate enough, better for harrasment and cover fire (just like 5.56 which remains accurate at those ranges, but begins to lose its wounding ability). THats fine with me.

You're far better served with other, existing platforms than some tacticool, AR platformed 16 inch barrled .308. Theres a reason praticaly no military in the world uses a 16 inch barrels .308. They have some populatrity with brush hunters who are taking hogs and deer, but that doesnt mean you're getting "spectacular" performance.

Even the Fn FAL, one of the most widley used .308 military platforms had only 1 or 2 variants with barrels less than 20 inchs. One was a para and it wasnt in wide use.

But hey, hang out on ArfCom some more and get all tacticooled out. Its not my FRN's. Im trying to help you save yours by keeping you from building an inferior weapons platform and handicapping your rounds while using them in a role that others platforms and chamberings are better suited for.

Well you don't have to be a cunt about it. FYI - I also have a heavy barrel FN, BUT I might take your advice and see what a nice 20 inch barrel go for, you have any suggestion you filthy whore. :)

18th May 2012, 06:15 PM
Well you don't have to be a cunt about it. FYI - I also have a heavy barrel FN, BUT I might take your advice and see what a nice 20 inch barrel go for, you have any suggestion you filthy whore. :)

Oh, Im always a cunt!

Maybe I got a little preachy though. My point was only that if you've got a 308, dont handicap it. I really like the .308 round as a great, all purpose, power house round with lower recoil than full size battle cartridges like say a 30-06 or x54r (both of which I also REALLY like).

As for barrels, I couldnt even begin to suggest. There are so many and as I've never doen a custom build in .308 I havent looked into it near enough to give expert advice. Ive shot lots of .308's though!

If you've got a HB FN FAL, then I really WOULD scrap the lower to get more ammo or parts or something. That gun will do everything you need and more and certainly far more than an ar 10 with a 16 inch BBL.

I'd say gun wise, you've got your bases covered. Get an AK would be my only other suggestion, and some glocks ;)

....and a Heimdhals Hybrid Holster.............

18th May 2012, 06:18 PM
....and a Heimdhals Hybrid Holster.............

Always a salesman. ;D

Good holsters too.

18th May 2012, 06:30 PM
Always a salesman. ;D

Good holsters too.

Hey, I've learned a thing or two from the Izzies ;)

General of Darkness
18th May 2012, 06:34 PM
Oh, Im always a cunt!

Maybe I got a little preachy though. My point was only that if you've got a 308, dont handicap it. I really like the .308 round as a great, all purpose, power house round with lower recoil than full size battle cartridges like say a 30-06 or x54r (both of which I also REALLY like).

As for barrels, I couldnt even begin to suggest. There are so many and as I've never doen a custom build in .308 I havent looked into it near enough to give expert advice. Ive shot lots of .308's though!

If you've got a HB FN FAL, then I really WOULD scrap the lower to get more ammo or parts or something. That gun will do everything you need and more and certainly far more than an ar 10 with a 16 inch BBL.

I'd say gun wise, you've got your bases covered. Get an AK would be my only other suggestion, and some glocks ;)

....and a Heimdhals Hybrid Holster.............

Heim, since my previous post, I've done some research and the 16" compared to a 20" is a loss of about 17 FPS, which means distance, and I was also made aware that the shorter barrel is a heck of a lot louder, but out to about 300 - 400 yards there's no difference.

You are right about the Glocks, pull trigger and they go bang.

18th May 2012, 06:45 PM
Yeah, the .50 Beowulf is awesome. But if you run out of ammo, all you have in your hands is a club.

During SHTF, getting 325 gr .50 bullets and large pistol magnum primers may be a bit difficult. Just sayin'....

I agree. The beowulf is a back up for bigger things. Just need to load up on ammo.

If you are not ready, it doesn't matter if the shit hits the fan.

18th May 2012, 07:00 PM
What you also lose is stability in your round, which is important when you get into longer ranges. I dont think 17 FPS is accurate, try a couple hundred unless you're hand loading specificaly for your barrel. You'll also increase barrel whip (harmonics) and felt recoil. I've shot a SoCom m1a with 16 inch bbl and an m14 side by side. There was a significant difference.

And yes, they are louder, which may not mean much to the guy at 400 yards, but it may mean an awfull lot to you inside a house. Just stuff to think about.

18th May 2012, 08:46 PM
Have you considered a 9mm upper? Great for close range/quarters. Enough penatration to be affective. Little chance of over penatration like 223 or 308.

General of Darkness
18th May 2012, 08:56 PM
Have you considered a 9mm upper? Great for close range/quarters. Enough penatration to be affective. Little chance of over penatration like 223 or 308.

I already have, what I'd consider, too much of a variance on ammo. If I had 9mm hand guns maybe, but my handgun is a 45.

18th May 2012, 10:17 PM
More than one handgun might be worth it.

Here's a Glock 21 police trade-in for $409 shipped, not sure if it's a deal.
Glock 21 Gen 3 45ACP with Night Sights and (2) 13 rd magazines 409 shipped (http://www.budspolicesupply.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/11/products_id/10872)

from here (http://slickdeals.net/f/4492834-Glock-21-Gen-3-45ACP-with-Night-Sights-and-2-13-rd-magazines-409-shipped)

19th May 2012, 04:23 AM
I already have, what I'd consider, too much of a variance on ammo. If I had 9mm hand guns maybe, but my handgun is a 45.
