View Full Version : Man who fathered 30 kids says he needs a break—on child support

18th May 2012, 10:58 AM

Man who fathered 30 kids says he needs a break—on child support

Desmond Hatchett, 33, of Knoxville has children with 11 different women, reports WREG-TV (http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylt=AtXldSXwyKmx73ntCIpfjyYSH9EA;_ylu=X3oDMTFoNjR mYmZuBG1pdANCbG9nIEJvZHkEcG9zAzEEc2VjA01lZGlhQmxvZ 0JvZHlUZW1wQXNzZW1ibHk-;_ylg=X3oDMTM4NTFiZnFwBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRw c3RhaWQDNDRmYmI4NDMtZTFhMC0zNjI2LTg2ZGUtYTU5NDM5Mm Q5YmUwBHBzdGNhdANvcmlnaW5hbHN8dGhlc2lkZXNob3cEcHQD c3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=0/SIG=12rosg9c8/EXP=1338573102/**http%3A//wreg.com/2012/05/16/tn-man-fathers-30-kids-but-cant-support-any/).

The state already takes half his paycheck and divides it up, which doesn't amount to much when Hatchett is making only minimum wage. Some of the moms receive as little as $1.49 a month. The oldest child is 14 years old. Hatchett explains how he reached such a critical mass: He had four kids in the same year. Twice. Back in 2009 when Hatchett was in court to answer charges that many of the mothers were not receiving child support, he had 21 children. At the time, he said he was not going to father any more kids, but he ended up having nine more in the past three years.

The state cannot order Hatchett to stop making babies. He hasn't broken any laws, according to the report.



Uncle Salty
18th May 2012, 11:08 AM
No wonder minority births are outnumbering majority births. Ha ha ha. That makes no sense.

18th May 2012, 11:13 AM
Since this is a Book thread, big shocker the guy is black. ::)

18th May 2012, 11:16 AM
Since this is a Book thread, big shocker the guy is black. ::)

What, did you think he might be white?

18th May 2012, 11:20 AM
Guy makes minimum wage and yet he fathers all these kids. I'm betting he sees nothing wrong with his actions either. Let little barry soetoro pay for his kids, I sure don't want to. Thirty kids, huh. So they will be raised on our tax dollars until they are 18 or so and by the time they are 25 years old at least 20 of them will be doing time on our tax dollars. Is this a great country or what?

18th May 2012, 11:22 AM
what, did you think he might be white?


18th May 2012, 11:25 AM
What, did you think he might be white?

Nope, I knew he'd be black. Book wouldn't have posted the story if he was a white guy. Goatman summed it up. Also, there's white guys that leech off the system just as bad. I had a crazy neighbor who's boyfriend had 5 kids, all from different women, and he had no job. He made pocket money off of crime. He's in prison now thankfully, multiple felonies.

18th May 2012, 11:30 AM

18th May 2012, 11:31 AM
Nope, I knew he'd be black. Book wouldn't have posted the story if he was a white guy. Goatman summed it up. Also, there's white guys that leech off the system just as bad. I had a crazy neighbor who's boyfriend had 5 kids, all from different women, and he had no job. He made pocket money off of crime. He's in prison now thankfully, multiple felonies.

What about the other 25?

You won't find too many non-mormon white people who have 30 kids.

18th May 2012, 11:35 AM
What about the other 25?

You won't find too many non-mormon white people who have 30 kids.

Well you won't find too many black guys with that many kids either, this guy is unique.

Speaking of fundamentalist mormons, a good book is Under the Banner of Heaven, by Jon Krakauer. One guy had 75 wives. Why isn't a post made about that dude?

18th May 2012, 11:41 AM
Well you won't find too many black guys with that many kids either, this guy is unique.

Speaking of fundamentalist mormons, a good book is Under the Banner of Heaven, by Jon Krakauer. One guy had 75 wives. Why isn't a post made about that dude?

I bet the average black American male has fathered more children, on average, than the average white American male. This statistic likely holds true for all white and black males, American or otherwise.

And the dude with 75 wives could presumably afford them. And according to my records, there have been at least two posts made here about him. ;p

18th May 2012, 11:45 AM
And the dude with 75 wives could presumably afford them. And according to my records, there have been at least two posts made here about him. ;p

Actually no, he couldn't afford them. All the wives received federal assistance for their kids. Our tax dollars funded that WHOLE town. We paid for everything.

Twisted Titan
18th May 2012, 12:11 PM
This fool is nothing more than a black (oops!) Red herring to keep you chasing your tale

The zionist jew outbreeds all other classes by a fricken mile margin.

Walk into Williamburg and you literally stumble across the buggers like m&m (moshe&menachuam) candies.

The reason they breed like jackrabbits is because they pay zero taxes and they have all benefit forms mailed to them so they can keep spitting out the sociopaths.

I have seen hospitals have sections set up with intake clerks just so they can get state insunrace to pay for their medical expenses...they same ones you and me get tossed to collection agencies for.

Don't even get me started.

18th May 2012, 12:13 PM
if there was ever an argument for forced sterilization ...

18th May 2012, 12:46 PM
Actually no, he couldn't afford them. All the wives received federal assistance for their kids. Our tax dollars funded that WHOLE town. We paid for everything.

How many ghettos do we fund?

18th May 2012, 12:57 PM
What about the ladies who got involved here?

Nothing Like doing a little researching before giving your offspring a fighting chance.

1 stupid guy yes, but at least 8 or 9 stupider ladies.

18th May 2012, 01:01 PM
How many ghettos do we fund?

What would those ghettos be like if we didn't fund them?

I'll give you a hint, we are paying to keep them contained in one area.

18th May 2012, 03:40 PM
What would those ghettos be like if we didn't fund them?

I'll give you a hint, we are paying to keep them contained in one area.

There are cheaper ways for containment.

18th May 2012, 04:13 PM
There are cheaper ways for containment.

I'm all ears. What's your idea?

The best thing to do seems to be just get a bunch of wives. (I'm gloating, this is for sirGonzo).

Here's a quote on how a lot of wives and children can be a financial success for a man...

"Since the government recognizes only one woman as the legal wife of a man, the rest of his wives are considered single mothers and are eligible to receive government assistance. The more wives and children one has, the more welfare checks and food stamps one can receive. By 2003, for example, more than $6 million dollars in public funds were being channeled into the community of Colorado City, AZ."

That's pretty damn smart, if you ask me. Who's footing the bill, SirGonzo? We are! and they are loving it.



18th May 2012, 06:00 PM
Book wouldn't have posted the story if he was a white guy.

Solid has posted at least ten sobbing " I CAN'T FIND A GIRLFRIEND " threads here at GSUS while some unmarried negro named Desmond fathered 30 welfare kids.

:D now Solid is defending that negro in this thread...the irony...lol.

18th May 2012, 06:10 PM
Solid has posted at least ten sobbing " I CAN'T FIND A GIRLFRIEND " threads here at GSUS

there are reasons for everything...


18th May 2012, 06:20 PM
there are reasons for everything...

Desmond seems to know what he's doing, Ximmy. Perhaps you could be mama #31?

I believe that's Book's point, btw.

Welcome to the age of harems.

18th May 2012, 07:31 PM
I'm all ears. What's your idea?

The best thing to do seems to be just get a bunch of wives. (I'm gloating, this is for sirGonzo).

Here's a quote on how a lot of wives and children can be a financial success for a man...

"Since the government recognizes only one woman as the legal wife of a man, the rest of his wives are considered single mothers and are eligible to receive government assistance. The more wives and children one has, the more welfare checks and food stamps one can receive. By 2003, for example, more than $6 million dollars in public funds were being channeled into the community of Colorado City, AZ."

That's pretty damn smart, if you ask me. Who's footing the bill, SirGonzo? We are! and they are loving it.



I agree with you in part, but if the government got out of the marriage business (and welfare business for that matter), this wouldn't be a problem.

18th May 2012, 07:40 PM

What about the ladies who got involved here?

Cut all the so called ladies off of welfare, or make them work for any assistance they get, this is freakin ridiculous, and its not just black folk doing this...you got lots of mexicans, and white trash doing the same, the more kids.... the more money....................... CUT them OFF.

18th May 2012, 07:53 PM
Cut all the so called ladies off of welfare, or make them work for any assistance they get, this is freakin ridiculous, and its not just black folk doing this...you got lots of mexicans, and white trash doing the same, the more kids.... the more money....................... CUT them OFF.

It's more than just cutting them off though...society's values need to change.

This guy has children with 11 different women. 11 women, openly, are willing to share this one guy....and this guy isn't even successful. This just shows how out of whack our society has become.

If this trend continues, think about it. A few men, will father most of the children. Then, those children will be supported by the rest of the men, single, working, paying for that guy's harem. It's pretty fucked up. Demoralizing, actually.

18th May 2012, 08:50 PM
This guy has children with 11 different women. 11 women, openly, are willing to share this one guy....and this guy isn't even successful. ...It's pretty fucked up. Demoralizing, actually.

:) maybe you can get his email address and ask him for some Dating advice.

18th May 2012, 09:23 PM
:) maybe you can get his email address and ask him for some Dating advice.

Book, you've been out of the dating scene for too long. (just being honest). Getting dates is not hard, nor is getting laid, these days. It is, however, hard finding a gal that you can spend some good time with. That's the challenge.

18th May 2012, 10:07 PM
Book, you've been out of the dating scene for too long. (just being honest). Getting dates is not hard, nor is getting laid, these days. It is, however, hard finding a gal that you can spend some good time with. That's the challenge.

Took me 8000 miles and a pack of Kools. <(^_^)>

More like 2 years and a few K. Well worth it though.

19th May 2012, 03:07 AM

It's more than just cutting them off though...society's values need to change.

You need to look at things more realistically. Cut them off and societies values will change.