View Full Version : Doug Casey Interview on Mind of Money

19th May 2012, 03:34 AM
Good interview. Highlights that I remember.

Diversify out of the states. The people that didn't diversify out of 1917 Russian and 1930's Germany were in for a world of hurt.

Buy Gold. He quoted Aristotle here. Closest thing I could find for reference. Aristotle's Money Criteria Support Gold, Precious Metals (http://seekingalpha.com/article/295877-aristotle-s-money-criteria-support-gold-precious-metals)

Bearish on real estate due to all being funded by debt.

In the end things will get better, look at Germany and Japan now vs after the war.



19th May 2012, 09:45 AM
"Its impossible to predict what psychological aberrations politicians will evidence." LOL

"The future of mankind lies in the planets and the stars."