View Full Version : Jim Willie interview with TF

26th May 2012, 08:31 AM

26th May 2012, 09:48 AM
Good listen!

A couple of things; the dates on the bars that were received by holders of allocated accounts is inconsequential to the payment. The banks hold the gold in total, the allocated account, held as a weight in gold, is paid out of the bank's total holdings.

What Jim is alluding to in his total collapse in the sovereign bond markets, is the total collapse credit as currency, which is backed primarily by those bonds. Scoffing at the notion that there could very well be a backwardation in dollars, indicates that he is still confusing the ethereal credit dollar, which comprises 63% of the working money supply, with the physical note. When the credit dollar starts its final "!POOF!" cycle, that physical note will come under great demand and contrary to popular beliefs, the Fed is not going to print.

26th May 2012, 10:05 AM
What would the result be in the real world, in laymans terms?

26th May 2012, 10:32 AM
It means the structure of the New World Order is about to consume itself in a black hole of debt and that most people will be left to their own devices in figuring out how to continue to feed, clothe and house themselves without any 'money' to do it with.

What it probably means is that most banks will be nationalized and you will continue to be allowed access to your credited accounts, in a limited fashion and life is about to adopt a surreal quality that is going to be really interesting.....kind of like the way you feel when coming down off of LSD....

**OH, it means a huge black market (unregulated) economy driven by coin, paper dollars, silver and gold is about to burst free...

26th May 2012, 10:52 AM
Thanks Carl. This is probably the $640,000,000,000T question but is this one of those long drawn out unravelings or is a relatively quick event? I realize this is just your opinion and I wouldn't hold you to it ;)

26th May 2012, 11:05 AM
I think the actual event will be relatively quick, a week or two at the most. What will be really drawn out for years to come, is the consequences and settlement of all that debt. But, that's also contingent upon whether or not we allow those who got us here, the privilege of continuing to lead.

26th May 2012, 11:13 AM
Thanks again, I guess if it's destined to happen it might as well be quick, although I know it's not gonna be painless.

26th May 2012, 11:20 AM
What will be really drawn out for years to come, is the consequences and settlement of all that debt.

Thanks Carl. This is where I get confused however. What consequences, and how do you settle quadrillions in debt?

Large Sarge
26th May 2012, 11:21 AM
halfway through, powerful interview

26th May 2012, 11:41 AM
Thanks Carl. This is where I get confused however. What consequences, and how do you settle quadrillions in debt?

I don't know, what consequence could possibly arise from having the primary medium of exchange, that drives the entirety of Western Civilization, "!POOF!"ing out of existence?

You can't settle quadrillions in debt, but that won't stop them from trying....

26th May 2012, 11:49 AM
halfway through, powerful interview

I think it has to be the most powerfully cogent argument he has delivered to date.

26th May 2012, 01:12 PM
Thanks Carl. This is where I get confused however. What consequences, and how do you settle quadrillions in debt?

well, so far, the Jews have tried to stick the Gentiles (American public) with the bills, while running off the profits, earned via massive fraud.

i see no force or trend that will cause this very bad habit to cease.

27th May 2012, 12:03 PM
When the credit dollar starts its final "!POOF!" cycle, that physical note will come under great demand and contrary to popular beliefs, the Fed is not going to print.

How do you believe this possible event will impact the ability to purchase and utilize money orders via debit cards? Will the demand for money orders increase/decrease/remain the same?

27th May 2012, 12:14 PM
How do you believe this possible event will impact the ability to purchase and utilize money orders via debit cards? Will the demand for money orders increase/decrease/remain the same? I'm sure that checks backed by a promise to pay at any failed bank, will go really well.

old steel
27th May 2012, 01:35 PM
Let's see here.. 100 million out of the work force because there is absolutely nothing for them out there. A pretty much non-existant manufacturing base creating real, tangible, goods. A deficit beyond any modicum of reason. An overall debt level beyond any modicum of sanity. Overwhelming amounts of money being given to financial institutions who are simply dumping it all into the markets and severely over inflating them beyond any fundamental logic or technicals (I mean, come on, Facebook IPO was the huge news for investors? An ethereal product which creates nothing for no one?) European Union states bordering on economic failure and thereby exposing US financial institutions investments into the red. More and more debt accruing in almost EVERY nation world wide as "stimulus" is applied (Spain anyone?) and hardly ANY *REAL* austerity measures being taken anywhere?

I don't know about you guys. But it doesn't take a freaking genius to figure out what the end game of all of that is. And that's just the basics I listed... there is SO much more going on that most don't understand and many don't talk about in the financial world. But everyone who has the eyes to see and the mind to reason has realized how this is all going to turn out and have been positioned for it for a long while now. We are all just hoping it will be a soft apocalypse rather than a hard fall. Avoiding full systemic failure is now the goal. Believe me, "recovery" is a word that should not even be broached in a discussion of global finance at this point. Even that retard Marc Faber has come to realize and admit that fact finally.

27th May 2012, 04:47 PM
Trigger has been triggered.............toppling of tower of babel