View Full Version : Rand Endorces Mittens

26th May 2012, 12:59 PM
Here's a thread that was lost.



General of Darkness
26th May 2012, 01:05 PM
Repost. :)

26th May 2012, 01:11 PM
Repost. :)

nuh uh.

well, maybe to the NSA servers it is.

26th May 2012, 01:22 PM
Well, who woulda thunk, Rand's a politician.....

26th May 2012, 01:31 PM
It pisses me off but if anybody here is surprised by this then I'm, well, surprised.

Rand obviously ain't his old man. I still have a $1 FRN that says he won't be VP.

26th May 2012, 01:35 PM
Too fucked up for words...

26th May 2012, 01:57 PM
It pisses me off but if anybody here is surprised by this then I'm, well, surprised.

Rand obviously ain't his old man. I still have a $1 FRN that says he won't be VP.

I'll take that bet! Rand Paul will be Romneys running mate!

Hatha Sunahara
27th May 2012, 09:10 AM
Rand Paul is more of an old fart than Ron Paul. The old guy is idealistic and principled. The young guy is really a stodgy old man. I'm pretty sure he is playing to his constituents so he can be re elected, and this is what they want to hear.


27th May 2012, 09:46 AM
I'll take that bet! Rand Paul will be Romneys running mate!

WOW, think about it, a setup and takedown of the entire tea party movement.....you be one of us now...Republican Party Member...

It all fits with the "upholding of Republican principles" speeches being given by daddy....

Oh shit, did I just say that out loud....

27th May 2012, 11:10 AM
The only reason the R's saw a huge influx of new R's was because of Ron Paul, if he's not the #1 man on the ballot they can kiss 95% of them goodbye as far as votes go in the general election. They will not vote for mitty and he knows it, even if rand is on the ticket, he's much further ahead to go with rubes or chrissy so that he can shore up the base. I suspect that mitty will loathe the RP'ers at Tampa as most of them will make him look weak and the party even weaker. RP himself can't control those people, unless he's the nominee! The vast majority of the delegates are for all practical purposes rouge delegates who have nothing but contempt for mitty and the R party, it's complete takeover or destruction is their singular goal. They can't be bought or swayed with meaningless planks to the platform, rand as a VP, promises of positions or the sweet rhetoric the GOP will offer.

The GOP convention will be a nightmare for the establishment and they know it, they're scared as hell at the prospect that they will made to look like fools come August. Oh, and lets not forget that there's a huge Liberty Fest that will be going on 3 days prior to the convention, that should stoke the fire just a tad or two.

27th May 2012, 11:17 AM
I hope you're right Libertytree, like everything else, we'll see...

27th May 2012, 11:27 AM
I hope I'm right and others seem to see what I see too.


By NICOLE DEBEVEC, United Press International

When he bowed out of active campaigning to capture the Republican presidential nomination, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul said he wasn't interested in disrupting the party's national convention in Tampa, Fla., in August.

The libertarian Texan said he would focus on gathering as many delegates at state GOP conventions as he could going into Tampa -- and he's making good on his promise.
Even after collecting the lion's share of delegates at the state convention in Minnesota -- where a Paul-backed candidate will square off against U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar in November -- as well as other states, Paul has a long way to go to catch Mitt Romney.

Going into the Texas primary Tuesday, Romney was about 150 delegates shy of mathematically capturing the 1,144 needed to win the party nomination. Paul had about 120.
But the legion of Paul supporters will tell you those numbers aren't correct, either, since they don't include unbound delegates who are Paul backers and don't account for Romney delegates who could go rogue in Tampa. Which would make things uncomfortable for Romney and the Republican establishment.

Robin Koerner, a member of the grassroots movement backing Paul, says Paul may not get 1,144 delegates, but "there are big, big numbers" backing him, perhaps enough to block a first-round nomination for Romney and force a second round that he says Paul could win. If there aren't enough delegates to make a floor fight worthwhile, Paul backers must decide whether further action is warranted, risking the possibility of looking like sore losers, said Koerner, founder and editor of WatchingAmerica.com and a regular contributor to the Huffington Post.

He also said it was possible "creative chaos" could result if "something dishonest seems to be happening at the national convention ... where supporting Romney contributes to creative chaos."
The groundswell of support demonstrates Romney, the front-runner who's still trying to rally the GOP base, conservatives and evangelicals, "isn't the inevitable candidate," Koerner said.
Koerner attributes Paul's popularity to the fact he's "like a breath of fresh air" in today's politics, has held steadfast to his principles and has been "correctly identifying for many years the true drivers of state of this nation and the state of American politics."

A physician, Paul has taken the "first do no harm" maxim into the political realm and his followers "think maybe we should try that. There's just so much passion for him," Koerner said.
Building frustration with Republicans and Democrats means the 2012 election could be a watershed year for the "non-Republicrat paradigm Ron Paul represents," Koerner said. "The question has always been, what is critical mass his supporters need" and how quickly can it be reached?

"I think we might already be there -- certainly in a sense there are now many issues that have been mainstreamed [since] four years ago," he said. "Republican can talk about benefits of peace; can you imagine that under [President George W.] Bush?"

Koerner, a British permanent resident of the United States, also started the "Blue Republican" movement of Democrats and independents supporting Paul's candidacy. He and other supporters crisscross the country to ensure the depth of support for Paul translates into people going to state GOP meetings, knowing the procedure, and get Paul backers elected. So far, their strategy is working.
"Ron Paul's support is … deeper than support for Romney," Koerner said.
Paul's in it to win, he said.

"There is no other benefit that warrants the sheer amount of effort and pain he's going through," Koerner said. "He has always wanted to change debate."
However, "Ron Paul has already made American politics safe for the next constitutionalist," he said.
During a recent appearance on "Fox News Sunday," Paul said he was in to win the GOP presidential nomination, and has won a lot along the way, "but we also want to help direct the party and the country in a certain way, so that would be a very, very positive strategy to have an influence on the party."

Absent a win, Paul said, a prominent speech or the inclusion of his views in the party platform would be "a good goal."
At the convention, a majority of delegates in six states can suspend the rules at any time, ABC News said. Paul-supporting states will be represented on the convention's platform committee, albeit in a minority. However, delegates can make motions from the floor, and the convention chair must choose whether to recognize them. Paul's supporters could interject in proceedings to try to nominate him.
"Creative chaos is in favor of the liberty movement," Koerner said. "If Ron Paul's people pull an open revolt, where would others' sympathies lie? I think everything is more possible than other people think."
Paul's popularity and following show "the split in the Republican Party and Romney's struggle to win over support of the libertarian and the very conservative component. There's no way to see this as anything else," said Larry Jacobs of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. "The risk is that the crucial element of the Romney coalition may fail to turn out and support him."
The drawn-out and bitter primary season also showed Romney still struggles among the party's conservative base, he said.
"That's also what Ron Paul's candidacy is revealing," Jacobs said.

27th May 2012, 12:05 PM
You know, there is still another avenue available the Liberty movement can take that has yet to be explored, states' repudiation/nullification of the 17th, which would throw the door wide open to other Constitutional reforms...

27th May 2012, 12:08 PM

Third Party run by pappa would have sunk Mitt Romney. This was the plan all along.

27th May 2012, 12:20 PM
Carl, yes, the 17th is a very viable plan and should be pursued as I think it will be by many of the liberty candidates now entering the system.

Book, RP has effectively ran a 3rd party campaign. Over the last 5 years he has created a monster that he really no longer can control and they are not beholding to any party or allegiance to anyone but RP. If the GOP/? wanted to really be serious about beating mitty RP would have been the logical choice. As we all know this ain't about R's vs D's, it's about us vs them and this whole scam of an election is really an "anybody except Ron Paul" fiasco. Only RP can take O out but that don't suit their interests.

27th May 2012, 12:42 PM
Carl, yes, the 17th is a very viable plan and should be pursued as I think it will be by many of the liberty candidates now entering the system.

Book, RP has effectively ran a 3rd party campaign. Over the last 5 years he has created a monster that he really no longer can control and they are not beholding to any party or allegiance to anyone but RP. If the GOP/? wanted to really be serious about beating mitty RP would have been the logical choice. As we all know this ain't about R's vs D's, it's about us vs them and this whole scam of an election is really an "anybody except Ron Paul" fiasco. Only RP can take O out but that don't suit their interests.

Good points - Thanks !

so what does Ron Paul himself say ? will we have a chance to vote for him 3rd party in the General Election.

i hope he doesn't go all "GOP loyalist" on us, he knows they're traitors.

reminds me a little of Dennis Kucinich, one of the more anti-war Democrats. now that it's obvious that the Dem's are Israel's bitch, a truly principled Anti-War Dem. would make a 3rd party stand.

Kucinich might make some of you guys barf, but i admire his past anti-war votes. i wonder how he voted on NDAA, which was all about bringing the war home & imposing it on American citizens.

i would like to see just one candidate tell the truth - that the Jew-S government has declared War on American Citizens, acting as a Proxy for Israel, partially as a recruiting tool for the Jews' "Hey let's get the Christian Gentiles to go Kill Some Arab Gentiles" block party.

27th May 2012, 12:42 PM
RP built the state level machinery, it's just a matter of directing it at the state's legislators, pressing them into accepting and taking their Article 5 protected, Constitutionally guaranteed right to representation in their senate. Got the momentum and energy, don't waste it. All we'll need is 4 or 5 five states to start selecting their senators, and other states will jump on that bandwagon too.

27th May 2012, 01:08 PM
Reminds of the bastard offspring of Morgan le Fay.


27th May 2012, 01:47 PM
Good points - Thanks !

so what does Ron Paul himself say ? will we have a chance to vote for him 3rd party in the General Election.

i hope he doesn't go all "GOP loyalist" on us, he knows they're traitors.

reminds me a little of Dennis Kucinich, one of the more anti-war Democrats. now that it's obvious that the Dem's are Israel's bitch, a truly principled Anti-War Dem. would make a 3rd party stand.

Kucinich might make some of you guys barf, but i admire his past anti-war votes. i wonder how he voted on NDAA, which was all about bringing the war home & imposing it on American citizens.

i would like to see just one candidate tell the truth - that the Jew-S government has declared War on American Citizens, acting as a Proxy for Israel, partially as a recruiting tool for the Jews' "Hey let's get the Christian Gentiles to go Kill Some Arab Gentiles" block party.

RP's hands are tied really...he can't come out and say "giv'em hell and create chaos" at the convention, that goes beyong his peaceful message and the only thing he can do is distance himself from it publicly, while I think he has to know that that there are hundreds of loose liberty cannons intent upon throwing a great BIG FU at the establishment and the GOP. As far as a 3rd party run, I don't see it happening, not this late in the game, besides, he has to be relishing what is festering and getting ready to be unleashed in Tampa. Either way he will be blamed for mittys loss to O, 3rd party or showing the world that American politics is F'd.

As far as Izzy is concerned, this alone is about as clear as it gets from RP. While not exactly what you wanted the point is quite clear.

Ron Paul Dissents on Unlimited Military Aid for Israel
Hamdan Azhar (PolicyMic)

Earlier this month, the U.S. House of Representatives quietly passed a bill that critics insist effectively guarantees unlimited military aid to the government of Israel. HR 4133,dubbed the “United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012,” makes it “the policy of the United States to help Israel preserve its qualitative military edge” and “to provide Israel the military capabilities necessary to deter and defend itself by itself against any threats.”

The bill passed by a vote of 411-2 with 9 members voting “present.” The two “No” votes were cast by Texas Congressman and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul and Congressman John Dingell (D-MI), former Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the longest currently serving member of Congress.

Mr. Paul assailed the bill for being “one-sided” and “counter-productive” and argued that it weakened the U.S.’s claims of being an honest broker seeking peace in the Middle East. He also took issue with the bill’s statement that U.S. policy should be to defend “the security of Israel as a Jewish state.”

“According to our Constitution,” argued Mr. Paul, “the policy of the United States government should be to protect the security of the United States, not to guarantee the religious, ethnic, or cultural composition of a foreign country.”

Read the entire article at:
http://www.policymic.com/articles/89...-a-true-leader (http://www.policymic.com/articles/8919/ron-paul-dissents-on-house-bill-for-unlimited-military-aid-for-israel-shows-why-he-s-a-true-leader)

29th May 2012, 12:04 PM
From last Thursday.

Romney Woos Senator Paul (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/301001/romney-woos-senator-paul-robert-costa)

From yesterday

Report: Mitt Romney Holds Private Meeting With Rand Paul (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/is-mitt-romney-courting-rand-paul/)

The timing of the OP vid works with the National Review article.

29th May 2012, 01:30 PM
I have a feeling if they roll Rand out as a Romney VP it would blow up in their faces.

29th May 2012, 01:40 PM
What a freaking joke. Nepotism is alive and well in the USG. Rand (pro Israel, pro Willard), can go fk himself.

29th May 2012, 01:43 PM
They "could" put Rand on the ticket but there isn't any gain from it, the majority of the RP'ers/freedom movement knows it smells to high hell and will NOT accept it, it's that simple. Mitty knows it too. Rand has tainted himself within the freedom movement, so be it. I'd be willing to bet that dad ain't so proud of him because of it.

Rands support from his dads supporters is effectively over, he better go neocon all the way or he is toast.

29th May 2012, 01:45 PM
Is the edit button broken?

Edit to add:

Ron (I'm still in the election, disregard my confusing message folks) can't even get his BLOOD to endorse him over Willard.


29th May 2012, 01:48 PM
They "could" put Rand on the ticket but there isn't any gain from it, the majority of the RP'ers/freedom movement knows it smells to high hell and will NOT accept it, it's that simple. Mitty knows it too. Rand has tainted himself within the freedom movement, so be it. I'd be willing to bet that dad ain't so proud of him because of it.

Rands support from his dads supporters is effectively over, he better go neocon all the way or he is toast.


Yeah, he started off good.

29th May 2012, 04:03 PM
They "could" put Rand on the ticket but there isn't any gain from it, the majority of the RP'ers/freedom movement knows it smells to high hell and will NOT accept it, it's that simple. Mitty knows it too. Rand has tainted himself within the freedom movement, so be it. I'd be willing to bet that dad ain't so proud of him because of it.

Rands support from his dads supporters is effectively over, he better go neocon all the way or he is toast.

Is the edit button broken?

Edit to add:

Ron (I'm still in the election, disregard my confusing message folks) can't even get his BLOOD to endorse him over Willard.


Libertytree, I believe you are dead on. Rand lost my confidence early on in his career. *THANKS*

29th May 2012, 06:21 PM
They "could" put Rand on the ticket but there isn't any gain from it, the majority of the RP'ers/freedom movement knows it smells to high hell and will NOT accept it, it's that simple. Mitty knows it too. Rand has tainted himself within the freedom movement, so be it. I'd be willing to bet that dad ain't so proud of him because of it.

Rands support from his dads supporters is effectively over, he better go neocon all the way or he is toast.

Why do you refuse to believe that RP is possibly Controlled Opposition.

I have been holding out final judgment, but the last few action by the family have sealed it for me. RP "quits"(allows it to be said through MSM) and Rand goes head over heals for Mittens.

Everyone that has had an inkling of hope in RP the man has been duped.

29th May 2012, 06:29 PM
I have been holding out final judgment, but the last few action by the family have sealed it for me. RP "quits"(allows it to be said through MSM) and Rand goes head over heals for Mittens.

Everyone that has had an inkling of hope in RP the man has been duped.

:) bravo!

7th June 2012, 05:37 PM
Get ready to puke.




the doc in question is a cia asset I believe. He recruited two nurses to get a dna sample to prove identity.
I heard this on npr about a week ago.

7th June 2012, 06:13 PM
I might believe the controlled opposition theory if he gets nominated.

7th June 2012, 06:28 PM
Why do you refuse to believe that RP is possibly Controlled Opposition.

I have been holding out final judgment, but the last few action by the family have sealed it for me. RP "quits"(allows it to be said through MSM) and Rand goes head over heals for Mittens.

Everyone that has had an inkling of hope in RP the man has been duped.

That's why I donated $0 to his campaign this time.

7th June 2012, 07:26 PM
Get ready to puke.




the doc in question is a cia asset I believe. He recruited two nurses to get a dna sample to prove identity.
I heard this on npr about a week ago.

Im getting ready to start my new thread called FUCK YOU RAND PAUL.

It should be a real hit.

This guy is a such a twit. He is simply clueless about reality. There was so much brainwashed propaganda in that clip, im inclined to believe he knows what he is doing. 'When Seal Team 6 infiltrated the Bin Laden compound...". Give me a frickin break. WHo buys this crap? Next he wants to bring back the family of some guy who wants to prove Bin Laden was in the compound, and give them all 'Emergency Citizenship'? WTF?

Hey Rand, people need to stand up to their own Governments, and make change. Isnt that how true freedom is created? Freedom isnt HANDED TO YOU. Having these guys flee from tyranny is not going to solve the problem. FOOL. I guess the Founders should have ran to France and asked to be fed and clothed?

7th June 2012, 07:45 PM
Get ready to puke.




the doc in question is a cia asset I believe. He recruited two nurses to get a dna sample to prove identity.
I heard this on npr about a week ago.

This guy is a real snake. Notice how he brings all the libertarians along by requesting reducing foreign aid. However at the same time he's implying that 911 was a great attack on this nation, masterminded by Bin Laden. Such a belief implies many things, such as supporting war.

So he's saying two things at the same time in this video: explicitly calling for reduction of foreign aid to get support from all the RP types, but also implying that the world is a dangerous place and therefore we must depend on our heroic military to protect us. Any Ron Paul supporter can't really disagree with what he said there because he was very careful with exactly what he said. It's the unsaid assumptions he asserted which is the real issue. Such a cunning person like him is perfect to dilute and divide the opposition.

7th June 2012, 08:42 PM
I have read many times that Bin Laden died years and years ago, also he was a CIA asset, perhaps Rand does not read much?

8th June 2012, 01:04 AM
video up so you can give it a thumbs down. Bet will be some tense moments at the family gatherings...."but mom, I dont want to sit next to judas, I mean, Rand"


8th June 2012, 01:17 AM
just slipping this vid in here.........because Im lazy and its 4am.


8th June 2012, 01:34 AM
video up so you can give it a thumbs down. Bet will be some tense moments at the family gatherings...."but mom, I dont want to sit next to judas, I mean, Rand"

What a lying, backstabbing, prostitute. He's even going on the campaign trail for Romney. That's like the difference between being a prostitute and a total whore.

8th June 2012, 01:39 AM
interesting take on it all......


Twisted Titan
8th June 2012, 03:10 AM
I have read many times that Bin Laden died years and years ago, also he was a CIA asset, perhaps Rand does not read much?

Mark min 2.20


8th June 2012, 04:42 AM
Were 28 members of Ron Paul's family employed his campaign? Nice work if you can get it.

8th June 2012, 04:57 AM
interesting take on it all......


Interesting and intelligent.

8th June 2012, 05:30 AM
Rand Paul wears very expensive suits.

8th June 2012, 06:23 AM
I get tired of this defeatist attitude of these morons. Thoughts of not winning the nomination should be just that, thoughts.All these videos saying that our great presence at the convention will help to get our ideas in the platform are like believing romney is pro gun, pro life and against obamacare. I don't think they're going to give us jack shit other than lip service!

mick silver
8th June 2012, 02:55 PM
what a ball licker ... i voted for him when he run for office , next time i will vote for me

8th June 2012, 03:18 PM
Douche of the day - Rand Paul

8th June 2012, 03:34 PM
After the convention in August (depending on how it goes) I am dropping from the Republican party.

Probably forever.

Either list independent, or look for an obscure 3rd party that means something to me.

8th June 2012, 03:39 PM
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Guest Post: The Trouble with Rand Paul (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-trouble-rand-paul)

Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 06/08/2012 - 16:49


Rand Paul just endorsed a man who is deeply hostile to human liberty. Perhaps that’s Rand’s idea of playing politics? Come to the table, strike a deal, get what you can. Trouble is, it’s tough striking a good deal when the guy on the other side of the table believes that the government should be allowed to claim — without having to produce any evidence whatsoever — that certain people are terrorists, and therefore should be detained indefinitely without any kind of due process. John Aziz has always been uncomfortable with the children of politicians becoming politicians. Every anointed child feels like a step away from meritocracy. Dynasties are dangerous, because the dynasty itself comes to be more important than the qualities of the politicians. Who would Rand Paul be if he wasn’t Ron Paul’s son? Just another neocon. They just ride on the establishment steamroller, into foreign occupations, empire building, corporate welfare, and banking bailouts. Into Iraq, and soon into Iran. Rand Paul just got on the steamroller.

8th June 2012, 03:59 PM
Rand is playing the game.

Romney's VP running mate.

Romney loses of course, which would set Rand up for a shot in 2016, if there's any damn thing left to save.

Rand is trying to play the "Liberty Trojan horse", but he is and will continue to lose the support of those who detest his pandering.

Old Herb Lady
8th June 2012, 04:32 PM
Dinner/ family functions must be quite entertaining for the Paul family.

Ron Paul talks and works from his heart.

Rand Paul talks and works all ego-ish & greedy-like.

I'm sure father forgives son for being a sheyit-head because father is the real man, obviously, and son is probably jealous of his own pops
and seems to be acting like a rebellious little teenager behind his-old-phart-self !

8th June 2012, 05:12 PM
Rand is playing the game.

Romney's VP running mate.

Romney loses of course, which would set Rand up for a shot in 2016, if there's any damn thing left to save.

Rand is trying to play the "Liberty Trojan horse", but he is and will continue to lose the support of those who detest his pandering.

I don't think VP is in the cards, it's all Rubes or Chrissy.

Yeah, I do think it's a game, cause they know there will be major hell raised in Tampa and Rands "olive branch" helps to distance and cushion any bad feelings as well as percieving that RP isn't to blame when mitty gets his ass kicked just like McLame did.

If Rand did indeed take one for the team, just to have all the freedom movement call him a traitor, then my hats off to him, if not then he is a Judas.

I don't think there will be anything viable in 2016. I believe bernanke told RP that the collapse would happen within that time frame and he could either be blamed for it or help to restore anything resembling America. I don't disregard the possibility of massive threats either. So, let Rand be the bad guy and play the game while RP continues to be the good guy.

All this of course could be my wishful thinking and over reaching mind at play and I'm sure many here will point it out.

Twisted Titan
8th June 2012, 05:37 PM
Complete withdrawl from the political system is your only hope.Cause working with it leads to major dissapointments like this.Give them nothings and let them collapse under there own wieght

8th June 2012, 05:47 PM
Friday, May 18, 2012

Jesse Benton's $586,616 Take as a Result of the Ron Paul Campaign

We may not get liberty because of the Ron Paul campaign run, but it sure looks like Ron Paul campaign manager, Jesse Benton, got the big bucks.

Benton's total income from the Ron Paul Presidential Campaign and PACs, in the 2012 election cycle, is at least $586,616, EPJ has learned.

According to Open Secrets, he has been paid $322, 577 in the 2012 election cycle, by Liberty PAC. His total income directly from the Ron Paul presidential campaign 2012 is, to date, $264,039.

Benton is married to Ron Paul's granddaughter Valerie Pyeatt.

Many Ron Paul supporters have become unhappy with Benton because of his suspected contacts with the Romney campaign and his overall handling of the Ron Paul campaign. Supporters are so frustrated that they are calling for Benton to be fired,

According to Who Is Jesse Benton, Benton is now owner of various consulting firms, including,C.I.C Solutions based in Wahington D.C., where he is president of the firm.

He is also owner of Performance Institute, where he is Director of Policy and External Affairs.

According to Who Is Jesse Benton, these firms have contracts with various candidates, some of whom have been endorsed by Rand Paul and Ron Paul.

Here's a take by Tom Woods on Benton. Woods is one of the most savvy communicators of libertarian ideas out there. He is the New York Times bestselling author of 11 books. A senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Woods holds a bachelor's degree in history from Harvard and his master's, M.Phil., and Ph.D. from Columbia University


8th June 2012, 09:38 PM
interesting take on it all......


What this guy doesn't get is that we don't have 25 years.

9th June 2012, 01:17 AM
How embarassing. Romney is an absolutely terrible choice.

9th June 2012, 02:48 AM
video up so you can give it a thumbs down. Bet will be some tense moments at the family gatherings...."but mom, I dont want to sit next to judas, I mean, Rand"


I just re-watched this video after the initial shock wore off. It's funny that when the msm guy asks why he supports Romney, Rand talks for a long time about similarities, etc, but in the whole clip he mentions three reasons/issues on why he supports Romney (question asked at 1:26):

Romney "has been supportive of" auditing the Fed (2:26)
Romney wasn't supportive of SOPA (2:55)
Romney is "with him" on the bill he is sponsoring called the Rand Act (3:15)

There you go, the top most important reasons Romney should be president. Time to start campaigning.

9th June 2012, 03:22 AM
Have to do it. IM QUOTING MYSELF!

May 15th Millwright said,

"America is finished. All the hopium around here was really starting to get silly.

Hey General, i like your latest purchase for the monster truck.

I just put Cobra rims and tires along with some Ford racing B springs on mamas 99 Mustang Gt.

Right before that we dropped 4500 on new furniture and now we are puting 15 grand into the kitchen.

Fuck all the damn gloom and doom shit. the last five years have been almost nothing but preps.

Im full up on that crap. At 45 years of age I have had an epiphany.


Love Ron Paul, but if he really wanted to hasten a revolution he would have.

Ballot boxes, Republican conventions, delegates. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME !

The bloody hell with it all. "
__________________________________________________ _____________________

Sorry guys, but hopium seeps in deep even amongst the enlightened.

Twisted Titan
9th June 2012, 03:33 AM
I just re-watched this video after the initial shock wore off. It's funny that when the msm guy asks why he supports Romney, Rand talks for a long time about similarities, etc, but in the whole clip he mentions three reasons/issues on why he supports Romney (question asked at 1:26):

Romney "has been supportive of" auditing the Fed (2:26)
Romney wasn't supportive of SOPA (2:55) u
Romney is "with him" on the bill he is sponsoring called the Rand Act (3:15)

There you go, the top most important reasons Romney should be president. Time to start campaigning.

I laughed my @$$ off when he was talking about he liked rommeny because he comes froma big faimly like himself

You can tell he was streching to add as much fluff to his hollow words......if he becomes VP he will slect newt because they both eat snickers bars and frothy.because they drink similar sodas.


9th June 2012, 06:34 AM
Pfff... this whole "election" thing has just been another case of


Glad I didn't fall for it this time.

9th June 2012, 07:38 AM
I just re-watched this video after the initial shock wore off. It's funny that when the msm guy asks why he supports Romney, Rand talks for a long time about similarities, etc, but in the whole clip he mentions three reasons/issues on why he supports Romney (question asked at 1:26):

Romney "has been supportive of" auditing the Fed (2:26)
Romney wasn't supportive of SOPA (2:55)
Romney is "with him" on the bill he is sponsoring called the Rand Act (3:15)

There you go, the top most important reasons Romney should be president. Time to start campaigning.

No. We need to end the Fed. This is BS. They (Romney & Paul, at least Rand Paul) "know" that they have us, and it is now a choice between Lucifer or Satan. Our only "hope" is that the Ron's delegates don't go with the program.

9th June 2012, 04:01 PM
Would be nice to hear something out of the mouth of Dr. Paul. Has been very quiet as of late.


9th June 2012, 04:17 PM
After the convention in August (depending on how it goes) I am dropping from the Republican party.

Probably forever.

Either list independent, or look for an obscure 3rd party that means something to me.

has been my thoughts also. Will say , on a personal level...although a registerd republican........due to Dr. Paul I can call my self a libertarian and soon to be independent now. If I was a delegate bound for tampa......something more than a pep rally would be in order.

9th June 2012, 04:58 PM
Proof Rand Paul understands the Bilderberg group, Goldman Sachs's Oligarchy and World Government. Back in 2010.

Now he loves Willard R'O'mney.


And here is Mitts 2012 page and guess who has a massive pic and endorsement right now? Yep.....Click on a huge picture of Rand Paul and be taken to a Mitt Romney donation page!


9th June 2012, 05:26 PM
Pfff... this whole "election" thing has just been another case of


Glad I didn't fall for it this time.

Homerun!!...hell, a grand slam!

9th June 2012, 09:50 PM
Proof Rand Paul understands the Bilderberg group, Goldman Sachs's Oligarchy and World Government. Back in 2010.

Now he loves Willard R'O'mney.


And here is Mitts 2012 page and guess who has a massive pic and endorsement right now? Yep.....Click on a huge picture of Rand Paul and be taken to a Mitt Romney donation page!

The audio of the interview is totally messed up and almost mute for me.

10th June 2012, 07:48 AM
How could this scumbag Rand endorse the corrupt Republican party after these criminals completely shunned, lied about his father and painted him as a kook.
I'd like to see Ron come out and publicly disown his traitorous offspring.


10th June 2012, 09:21 AM
EE, that was a very good interview from RT!! I like the lady doing the interview, she quoted words describing Rand like "sell-out".

Lew hit a few very good points as well, however, he blundered at the 4:38 mark when he said the "voters didn't want to vote however"---what a joke; he could have called out Diebold. Paul votes were never going to count, unless it was open paper ballot counting!

When Rand is addressing AIPAC, all will know the real truth. Stay tuned, the truth will come out!

10th June 2012, 11:17 AM
[QUOTE=Libertytree;547657 <snip> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I don't disregard the possibility of massive threats either. So, let Rand be the bad guy and play the game while RP continues to be the good guy.

All this of course could be my wishful thinking and over reaching mind at play and I'm sure many here will point it out.[/QUOTE]

Massive threats could be a real possibility. Dr. Paul's is way to quiet. Remember Ross Perot? The difference is, Ron Paul has all those delegates. Its gonna be an interesting convention in August.

10th June 2012, 11:50 AM
Massive threats could be a real possibility. Dr. Paul's is way to quiet. Remember Ross Perot? The difference is, Ron Paul has all those delegates. Its gonna be an interesting convention in August.

Just wait till 500-1000 (maybe more) delegates turn their backs to the neocon speakers and it's all televised. There's a majority of delegates with a nothing left to lose mentality and just plain don't give a shit, wait till they boo and cat call those neo's they can't stand, they are on no ones leash, even RP can't control them especially after what's happen the last 3 weeks.

If the RP campaign was trying to slowly deflate this, then all I can say it was a failure too because if nothing else people are digging in and are flat out ready to make their voices and intentions to the establishment be heard in the Nth degree.

10th June 2012, 12:12 PM
everything changed immediately after his meeting with bernanke......

10th June 2012, 12:36 PM

"Why Rand was right to endorse Romney" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ERI52UndhE4

10th June 2012, 01:06 PM
I know it's AJ, but this is a great interview of Celente on the subject of Ron, Rand, and Mittens.

I have no idea what AJ's comment right @ 10:00 is supposed to mean.



10th June 2012, 02:19 PM
"Why Rand was right to endorse Romney" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ERI52UndhE4

I think many of us believe this election is/was a now or never moment for liberty.
The guy in the video says 'imagine' and 'ask yourself' several times regarding 2016.
'Imagine' how hard it will be to turn back a police state that will have complete control over the US, 4 1/2 years from now?
Ask yourself if you believe anyone will even mention the constitution 4 1/2 years from now?
Imagine how much farther the NWO will have advanced 4 1/2 years from now?
Ask yourself how many more of our young men will die in unconstitutional wars for Israel in 4 1/2 years?

10th June 2012, 03:21 PM
Here's my take, instead of giving a long drawn out analysis, i decided i would express my feelings visually...........Enjoy!


10th June 2012, 03:51 PM

"Why Rand was right to endorse Romney" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ERI52UndhE4

Who cares. LET Obama win again. Keep building the movement until the country is taken over by force. Rand needs to be destroyed so the spot is available for another, more suitable, leader to take his place.

10th June 2012, 08:20 PM
well recently I was having doubts about the return to sound economics, as most gold is in the PTB hands already... now this... there is nothing like gardening these days...

just closed a similar thread as I hadnt seen this one....
3 articles and 2 videos

10th June 2012, 08:24 PM
Who cares. LET Obama win again. Keep building the movement until the country is taken over by force. Rand needs to be destroyed so the spot is available for another, more suitable, leader to take his place.

Don't shoot the messenger. I just posted the video. I am not in agreement with it.

10th June 2012, 09:12 PM
Don't shoot the messenger. I just posted the video. I am not in agreement with it.
It wasn't directed at you at all. Sorry if that's how it read.

11th June 2012, 12:11 AM
I watched the video of Rand endorsing Romney and he looks more worried than happy about what he was saying. I might be wrong about that but it looks and sounds like it to me. Maybe it's what he's been told to do to save the life of his father or some family members. Anything is possible because of the filthy Satanists who have taken control of this country.

Twisted Titan
11th June 2012, 03:44 AM

"Why Rand was right to endorse Romney" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ERI52UndhE4

The mental Gymnastics used to make the Rand endorsement appear to be some deft manuevering on his part for the greatter cause of freedoom is absolutely laughable.

The guy is smoking the best Angel Dust to ever hit the streets of America.

11th June 2012, 06:52 AM
I hate stepping on peoples hopes for a better future, so I stay out out of it for the most part, but....... damn.

We're way past the point for "politicians" to be PLAYING GAMES.

They're only "playing games" to keep the pot at simmer.

11th June 2012, 09:17 AM
Anakin Paul and the fools that fell for the bait.

Published on Jun 10, 2012 by Rys2sense

11th June 2012, 09:20 AM
What A Waste!

Published on Jun 9, 2012 by TruthNeverTold

@Rys2sense Who said he was? Still does not distract from the fact that all effort spent inside this doomed paradigm is a waste of time, talent and money. Walk away from all of these illusions and you will be clearer and more powerful.

11th June 2012, 01:35 PM
What the hell is Rand going to do when Mittens takes the dive for Obama? I mean, this is a Don King boxing match.....

Rand in 2016?......IF America still exists, Rand can try and run, but if his father failed, you can bet he will FAIL MISERABLY.

I bet you right now, that Rand has not only killed his father's good name, but he wont even be re-elected to the Senate. The Paul's may have forgotten JUST WHO BUILT THEIR POLITICAL DYNASTY. It wasnt Ron, it was people like GSUS. NEVER FORGET THAT.

Twisted Titan
11th June 2012, 01:43 PM
EE, that was a very good interview from RT!! I like the lady doing the interview, she quoted words describing Rand like "sell-out".

When Rand is addressing AIPAC, all will know the real truth. Stay tuned, the truth will come out!

I am going to laugh my @$$ off when Rand begs for a dubble portion of cream cheese to go on that APIAC bagel hes gotta start munching on come convention time.

Question: has his pops ever addressed them before?

11th June 2012, 05:19 PM
Just wait till 500-1000 (maybe more) delegates turn their backs to the neocon speakers and it's all televised. There's a majority of delegates with a nothing left to lose mentality and just plain don't give a shit, wait till they boo and cat call those neo's they can't stand, they are on no ones leash, even RP can't control them especially after what's happen the last 3 weeks.

If the RP campaign was trying to slowly deflate this, then all I can say it was a failure too because if nothing else people are digging in and are flat out ready to make their voices and intentions to the establishment be heard in the Nth degree.

WTF is going on here ?

With the NeoCons you would expect rats and dirty play, infiltration, there are no rules.
I don't think they were expecting Ron Paul, if his son did this, they are total traitors,
Rand is a fuck, and if Ron Paul does not come out against him, there is something
seriously wrong, Rand is the freeloader, maybe Ron Paul, maybe Ron Paul wants out,
maybe he was not expecting this, the NeoCon scums are out of touch, maybe Ron Paul
was too, the entire Ron Paul/Tea Party is awake, there are more people awake than
most realize, people don't talk about this bad news where ever they go.

Ron Paul is not playing this right, he should of taken the gloves off on Romney and he has not,
Romney is easy to destroy, Ron Paul can take the entire Anti War movement, why
not a debate, Ron Paul came out tops, why not openly challenge Romney, NOW, not
later. He could finish Romney. At this point anyone that knows the NeoCons are the
Romney Bush II Same People slate, could destroy Romney, Skeletor is involved as his
highest adviser, MR Rape I Scan TSA, game over for Romney.
Ron Paul still wants to play Mr Nice despite everything they did to him.

LT, just skimming this thread, RP's delegates are up there.
My reading and research, I strongly believe that Ron Paul is a very close second to
Romney, and may even be leading, take away the over counting for Romney and give
them to RP, the gap closes fast, all you need is a few good case studies and extrapolate,
if Ron Paul movement is organized throughout country as a few good case studies,
this seems to be the case, then Ron Paul is truly a close second if not leader, the few
large states are the wildcards I think. You notice the dirty tricks get more blatant as
they realize Ron Paul is for real. So do the morale destroying statements coming from his
side, the timing is not an accident. Ron Paul has a real shot here.

11th June 2012, 06:43 PM
I have always respected Tom Woods..


11th June 2012, 07:44 PM

12th June 2012, 07:13 AM
Here is How You Were Duped RE Paul Von Mises John Birch and Jones


Published on Jun 11, 2012 by wepollock
Here is the basic relationship which explains just how you are duped.. Tarpley goes on to talk against the oil interests funding Birch and Von Mises on the same platform that is funding Birch and Von Mises.. Is he doing a Judo Chop? (The Same as I have Done?)

12th June 2012, 07:16 AM
Der US Fuhrer - Overthrow of the US Government 1961 - Seven Days in May

Published on Jun 12, 2012 by wepollock
THUNDER ON THE RIGHT - In April 2011 I talk about the John Birch Society and Edwin Walker. Edwin Walker leveraged the working papers of the John Birch Society.. The John Birch Society is in fact the think tank of Ron Paul and the mouthpiece is currently Alex Jones it has funding from major corporate players and potentially foreign governments (intelligence services.) I also spoke about this Three Years ago as well. The Agenda remains the same even though the talking points are very appealing. (I have a previous video three years back as well)

Seven Days in May is a political thriller novel written by Fletcher Knebel and Charles W. Bailey II and published in 1962. The novel was made into a motion picture in 1964, with screenplay by Rod Serling, directed by John Frankenheimer, and starring Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas. The story is said to have been influenced by the right-wing anti-Communist political activities of General Edwin A. Walker after he retired from the military.

12th June 2012, 08:40 AM
WTF is going on here ?

With the NeoCons you would expect rats and dirty play, infiltration, there are no rules.
I don't think they were expecting Ron Paul, if his son did this, they are total traitors,
Rand is a fuck, and if Ron Paul does not come out against him, there is something
seriously wrong, Rand is the freeloader, maybe Ron Paul, maybe Ron Paul wants out,
maybe he was not expecting this, the NeoCon scums are out of touch, maybe Ron Paul
was too, the entire Ron Paul/Tea Party is awake, there are more people awake than
most realize, people don't talk about this bad news where ever they go.

Ron Paul is not playing this right, he should of taken the gloves off on Romney and he has not,
Romney is easy to destroy, Ron Paul can take the entire Anti War movement, why
not a debate, Ron Paul came out tops, why not openly challenge Romney, NOW, not
later. He could finish Romney. At this point anyone that knows the NeoCons are the
Romney Bush II Same People slate, could destroy Romney, Skeletor is involved as his
highest adviser, MR Rape I Scan TSA, game over for Romney.
Ron Paul still wants to play Mr Nice despite everything they did to him.

LT, just skimming this thread, RP's delegates are up there.
My reading and research, I strongly believe that Ron Paul is a very close second to
Romney, and may even be leading, take away the over counting for Romney and give
them to RP, the gap closes fast, all you need is a few good case studies and extrapolate,
if Ron Paul movement is organized throughout country as a few good case studies,
this seems to be the case, then Ron Paul is truly a close second if not leader, the few
large states are the wildcards I think. You notice the dirty tricks get more blatant as
they realize Ron Paul is for real. So do the morale destroying statements coming from his
side, the timing is not an accident. Ron Paul has a real shot here.

Good call, spot on Magnes.

Some things of interest.


Paul grassroots group files civil suit against GOP ( RICO Suit)

A coalition of lawyers, paralegals, and concerned citizens has filed a civil lawsuit against the GOP for alleged election fraud (http://www.examiner.com/topic/election-fraud) and other misconduct at GOP primaries and caucuses during the 2012 primary election phase. This is a major development that many in the Ron Paul (http://www.examiner.com/topic/ron-paul) community have been seeking ever since the Iowa Caucuses, when there were suspicions that shenanigans may have occurred.

Two grass roots groups, Election Fraud Remedy (http://www.electionfraudremedy.com/), and Lawyers for Ron Paul, are working together pro bono to seek an immediate injunction that would make it clear that all delegates are able to vote their conscience at the convention in Tampa, Florida. The suit is initially focusing on the alleged intimidation of Ron Paul delegates and improper practices at party primaries, caucuses, and conventions.
A spokesperson for the coalition described the GOP as having devolved into a criminal enterprise, which is a serious charge. Down the road, the group also plans to file a RICO suit that will attempt to expose widespread election fraud around the country. This looks like a serious legal effort. It will be interesting to see how the mainstream media responds.

http://ad.doubleclick.net/ad/cdg.examiner2.manchester-nh/pol/pos3/article;tt=independent;plc=manchester;chn=politics ;subc=independent;sect=independent;nid=48489956;to p=politics;top=independent;top=election%20fraud%20 remedy%20suit%20filed;top=ron%20paul;top=election% 202012;top=election%20fraud;ed=manchester-nh;uid=4193541;etid=298996;pgtp=article;tile=3;pos =3;sz=300x250;kw=;ord=611937854? (http://ad.doubleclick.net/jump/cdg.examiner2.manchester-nh/pol/pos3/article;tt=independent;plc=manchester;chn=politics ;subc=independent;sect=independent;nid=48489956;to p=politics;top=independent;top=election%20fraud%20 remedy%20suit%20filed;top=ron%20paul;top=election% 202012;top=election%20fraud;ed=manchester-nh;uid=4193541;etid=298996;pgtp=article;tile=3;pos =3;sz=300x250;kw=;ord=611937854?)

I wrote about the alleged abuses in several states previously in a summary article (http://www.examiner.com/article/paul-supporters-want-gop-corruption-exposed-and-penalties-exacted).
Just when it looked like the primary season was over, this lawsuit has the potential to blow the lid off of the 2012 election. Based on the response I have received from previous articles, it is clear that this topic may have the potential to galvanize Congressman Paul's supporters more than any other concern. Many in the Paul Nation believe the Congressman has been cheated out of a potential win. They are anxious to see this lawsuit go forward.

Kevin Kervick is a Republican candidate (http://www.changingheartsandminds.com/) for State Representative in New Hampshire District 30.


My Experience as Election Judge, in Austin, Texas... Vote Fraud

Finally, I am ready to sit down and discuss what happened 29 May, 2012, in the combo-primary in Texas. It’s called a combo-primary as both Democrats and Republicans hold their primaries together (or combined) and ANYONE may show-up to vote in either primary. I did vote early, the prior week, as I would not be working in my own precinct’s primary.

So, when prospective voters would walk in the door, our first question (after obtaining either voter-i.d. card or driver’s license) was, “With which party do you prefer to affiliate yourself?” Approximately one-fifth of voters in this heavily neocon (Dem Neocon and Rep Neocon) area went with the Democratic slate/primary. Fine. No problem there. Of course, we did not hand out paper-sample-ballots to these people prior to asking which ballot they wanted to vote-on, so they would see especially pertaining to the presidential primary, who their choices would be. We also did NOT tell any of these voters that, if after they saw the choices, it was legal for them to step-out of the booth/poll and ask to change affiliation. Doing this would have created more work for US and we (well, most of us working) did not want any extra work. Regardless, each of the people wanting to go Dem went Dem. Fine.

The other four-fifths of voters chose to go with the Republican slate (though the majority made it known they were NOT usual Republicans). When asked for their party-affiliation, people rolled their eyes, sighed, and said ,”Republican”. Some said (well, many said), “I am voting Republican, but only for THIS election”. We heard, “I am voting the RON PAUL party”. Some said things such as, “My father would slap me for this, but I am choosing the Republican party to vote for” and even one person had to say, “My mother will roll over in her grave, but I am voting Republican ONLY TODAY!” This sort of thing happened ALL day long.

And, I know; I have been after people to get the video EVIDENCE in all primaries and caucuses, as well as conventions, yet i video’d NOBODY. Had I not been a judge, I probably would have done so, but as i was a judge, it was on ME to respect the privacy of ALL voters. I did, however, make little notes (no names or other identifying info; only check-marks) so I would have a pretty good idea of how these voters (remember, in a NEOCON neighborhood) were going. For this reason (and I was THERE from six in the morning until well after the polls closed at seven in the evening!) I do believe that what I saw was probably the way Texas went.

As MY number was a conservative ESTIMATE of sixty-six percent going with RON PAUL, I have a feeling the real percentage for Paul was seventy-two percent. I am SURE that the numbers for Paul v Mitt were completely FLIPPED, for none other than Flip, himself, It is just NOT possible that Mitt took Texas and, particularly, Austin or Brazoria County (HIS OWN DISTRICT!) or San Antonio (Behar County). where Dr Paul worked for so LITTLE in their poorest hospital, Santa Rosa.
And there is zero chance that anyone in Texas or outside of Texas can convince me this vote-flipping was NOT DONE. People think it’s a chore to flip the votes? Do me and yourselves a favor; check out the film, “Hacking Democracy” to see just how simple that IS. Then come and tell ME that I am wrong in my estimation of the FRAUD and Vote-Stealing/ flipping in the (not so) great State of Texas, okay? Of course, the convention is still to come (end of week), but this bothers me more than all of the other cases of fraud and vote-stealing we know transpired throughout ALL of this primary season.

And, it’s all to ensure Obama WINS this year’s election? IS the GOP suicidal? Given these smarmy and disgusting acts, I can only say: They need to figure this out before the have NO party left!

More here and links on electronic vote flipping with charts etc..

12th June 2012, 09:34 AM
Ron Paul 2012!

12th June 2012, 10:05 AM
In Greece Radical Left and Right Equals the Same Result, You Lose! Jonestown Guyana

Published on Jun 12, 2012 by wepollock
IN Greece the radical left and the radical right see the same problems.. By listing out the problems they are garnering more support and gaining traction.. Syriza is a coalition of the radical left, the Greek Nazi party is the extreme right. Both these groups are solution less because they are speaking to radical ideologies that are outdated and outmoded. IN America there is no such integrity. The radical parties hide their agenda. The RADICAL RIGHT has a long history and CURRENTLY INFESTS aspects of the media and constituencies in congress. The American people are too Fucking Stupid to figure this out they are so Fucking Stupid they have no idea that the Radical Right exists. Denial is something that happened in Jonestown Guyana with the reverend Jim Jones. Fate would have it that a major propagandist on the right is Alex Jones.. Nevertheless I don't hold Paul Jones and John Birch responsible for a scam.. This Scam was out in the open, easily identified. There are no victims here. What we are seeing is denial of the highest order.. Von Mises, Mainstream Libertarian, John Birch, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and Alex Jones are just playing the same tune as the Radical LEFT. This is a tune where a few benefit at the expense of everyone as they march you to war or your money (and life) gets stolen from right from under your nose.)

12th June 2012, 10:05 AM
I think we need to remember the phrase "Never Trust a Man with Two First Names".

12th June 2012, 10:37 AM
I agree with Mick, John Q, and Brew Tech. Last election I donated, campaigned, registered "R" and voted for Paul. Not this time. Not anymore. This game, this system by design will break you. Political mental gymnastics. He said she said. Forget about it. Peace of mind is where it's at. My time, peace of mind, and money are too valuable for this nonsense. Some of you have too much pride or are in love with playing the fool. Get off your knees and stand up and fight.

Twisted Titan
12th June 2012, 11:32 AM
Golden Snake's monolouge is a micro snapshot of what is taking place in the minds of millions.

The time for talking is just about over.

The Man &Woman of Action will rule the future.

Are you getting ready for Bear?

12th June 2012, 11:39 AM
I think we need to remember the phrase "Never Trust a Man with Two First Names".

That rule has never let me down.

12th June 2012, 11:43 AM
I agree with Mick, John Q, and Brew Tech. Last election I donated, campaigned, registered "R" and voted for Paul. Not this time. Not anymore. This game, this system by design will break you. Political mental gymnastics. He said she said. Forget about it. Peace of mind is where it's at. My time, peace of mind, and money are too valuable for this nonsense. Some of you have too much pride or are in love with playing the fool. Get off your knees and stand up and fight.

I respect your and everyone elses feelings on the matter, I did the exact same as you mentioned, more last time than this.

First off, I'm on my knees for no man and I'm fighting as much as I can in my limited capacity. Secondly, my alliegance is with all of the delegates who have endured the GOP's bullshit, cheating, scorn and even physical abuse and their determination to go to Tampa and at least be heard on a national stage! They're folks that are actually taking risks and will to stand up and say Fuck You GOP! They're not sitting and worrying about time, peace of mind or money are they? NO, they're actually going to Tampa giving you and all the rest of us a voice, a voice from the BS wilderness.

Even if Rand has turned or even if RP is backing out, those people haven't, how can you NOT support them at least?

Hopefully, there's a surprise in store come August, one I hope TPTB cannot ignore!

12th June 2012, 12:03 PM
I respect your and everyone elses feelings on the matter, I did the exact same as you mentioned, more last time than this.

First off, I'm on my knees for no man and I'm fighting as much as I can in my limited capacity. Secondly, my alliegance is with all of the delegates who have endured the GOP's bullshit, cheating, scorn and even physical abuse and their determination to go to Tampa and at least be heard on a national stage! They're folks that are actually taking risks and will to stand up and say Fuck You GOP! They're not sitting and worrying about time, peace of mind or money are they? NO, they're actually going to Tampa giving you and all the rest of us a voice, a voice from the BS wilderness.

Even if Rand has turned or even if RP is backing out, those people haven't, how can you NOT support them at least?

Hopefully, there's a surprise in store come August, one I hope TPTB cannot ignore!

I agree with Golden Snake, but I also continue to support the delegates. They still have an opportunity. My "hope" is that Ron Paul does not dissuade them from doing all that they can, even to the point of trying to nominate Ron. It ain't over till it's over.

12th June 2012, 12:12 PM
I agree with Golden Snake, but I also continue to support the delegates. They still have an opportunity. My "hope" is that Ron Paul does not dissuade them from doing all that they can, even to the point of trying to nominate Ron. It ain't over till it's over.

Ron can't dissuade them from anything, he set the example and now has to live with it. 95% of the delegates have an I don't give a damn attitude and no matter what RP says they will do what they want to do. For lack of a better analogy it's like Frankenstein, the Dr created it but can't control it and furthermore has no desire to do so. Even after Rands remarks did you hear the speech he gave at the TX convention? It was a more or less a speech about NOT unifying period when its based on bullshit.

12th June 2012, 12:54 PM
Yeah, I hope so too! I'll be putting my sour grapes attitude on the back burner 'til the convention is over!

12th June 2012, 05:30 PM
Posted on Makow's site on June 10.

This is the actual link from the blog the article originated from.

The Ron & Rand Paul Betrayal

June 10, 2012

Libertarianism is controlled opposition, part of the phony Illuminati dialectic.
Readers of this website are not surprised by the news the Pauls are endorsing Mitt Romney.

Not since Stalin made a pact with Hitler have idealists felt so betrayed.

by Anthony Migchels

Rand Paul endorses Mitt Romney last Friday, just days after Romney was anointed at the Bilderberg Conference, elitists who started financing Ron Paul with millions a few months ago (http://seeker401.wordpress.com/2012/02/14/ron-pauls-biggest-donor-a-bilderberger/).

The backlash among the libertarian community is intense.

Libertarian leaders all over the place are denouncing him. Adam Kokesh is clearly hurting badly here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhGVmHBZH14). On Prison Planet, arguably the most influential pro Paul outlet, the headlines are all about Rand Paul's betrayal. Mike Adams still cannot believe it and wonders if Paul Jr. is getting in to demolish the system from the inside (http://www.prisonplanet.com/linguistic-analysis-of-rand-pauls-endorsement-of-romney-contradicts-his-words-rand-paul-is-disgusted-with-him.html). This YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhGVmHBZH14) asks its viewers to vote to show how they feel and 90% dislike the news. Rand Paul's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/RandPaul2010)is being inundated with messages of thousands of disgruntled supporters.

It's so bad one wonders whether the Pauls have miscalculated. And let there be no doubt, they have been calculating. Even to an outsider like myself, who never cared for either one, it looks like the most cynical, blatant and utterly ruthless sell out ever.

Consider this.

In March Time Magazine quoted a Ron Paul adviser as saying, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drXbQyfkEUs&feature=player_embedded)'If you're talking about putting Rand on the ticket, of course that would be worth delivering our people to Romney'. (go to 3:40 for the quote).

Lew Rockwell has declared that the whole Paul campaign was never about winning. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGfcS6NkiAY&) I wonder what millions of his followers (and donors) think about that?

According to Rockwell, it was all about educating people on the wonders of Austrian Economics, not about winning elections. This probably explains why Paul Sr. never ran as an independent, but preferred losing primaries.

After working for years on Paul's campaign, Rockwell is now saying one shouldn't vote and shouldn't be involved in partisan politics. Now, how disingenuous is that?


And of course this is just days after Romney was at Bilderberg (http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=50150), upping his credentials as a real threat to Obama big time.

So what does it all mean?

Well it's obvious. Ron Paul exists to lead the opposition into a blind alley. He doesn't run as an independent, which he would, were he for real. To him it's more important that a GOP candidate wins and he's undoubtedly worried he would split the vote of the right.

According to his buddy Rockwell, Paul's role is to educate the masses, not to change politics. He 'touched the hearts of billions of people' with his love of gold and Austrian Economics.

In the typical Hegelian way, his 'antithesis' of a 'free currency market' dominated by gold vs the 'thesis' of government/central bank controlled currency will lead to the classic gold standard the Money Power wanted always.

The Daily Bell's Anthony Wile seems to think so, anyway (http://thedailybell.com/3978/Anthony-Wile-Hey-Rand-Paul-Welcome-to-the-Internet-Reformation). Romney is not on board yet, but on the right the momentum for a gold standard is clearly gaining traction and the next crisis, expected anytime, will not be let go to waste.

The GOP will be happy. Ron Paul will probably retire now and is out of the way. Like the Tea Party, Rand Paul has been completely incorporated in the GOP establishment. He's got the charisma of a dead fish and the war mongering program of the traitorous sell-out that he is. Cut loose from his father's support he will quickly disappear as a real force.


I think it's fair to say everything has gone more or less as expected. The Money Power has co-opted the opposition in classical fashion. The millions gasping for genuine change are left holding the bag.

After this election a new change agent will be quickly conjured up out of nowhere, perhaps to establish a Hamiltonian banking system, which, to me, seems to be the next frontier for controlled opposition.

What I find interesting is that both Rand Paul and Lew Rockwell look rather depressed in the linked videos. At least we can see that evil is not a pleasant place. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGfcS6NkiAY&

Anthony Migchels is a Dutch monetary reformer . Please visit his blog (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/) and support his courageous and selfless work.


Libertarians -- Another "Jews Against Communism" (http://www.henrymakow.com/details_of_illuminati_funding.html)

March 10, 2012 3:50 PM

(left, Bernard Baruch, 1870-1965)Ninety per cent of the funding for "American Jewish League Against Communism" came from Rothschild front-man Bernard Baruch. The Rothschilds, who controlled the "socialist" Roosevelt administration and backed the Bolshevik Revolution, were also, via Baruch and Kohlberg, behind the "right-wing" John Birch Society and the Libertarian movement...It

How the Illuminati $pawn Libertarians (http://www.henrymakow.com/building_on_the_volker_fund_le.html)

March 3, 2012 8:30 AM

"It was not just the money, but also their strategy: the spawning of myriad 'independent' Libertarian organizations. This is exactly the same strategy employed by their dialectical evil twin, Communism." left. William S. Volker (1859-1947) was a wealthy Cabalist (illuminati) Jewish businessman. "They are buying Libertarian adherents just like

Libertarian Role in Christian Subversion (http://www.henrymakow.com/libertarianian_role_in_christi.html)

February 27, 2012 11:25 AM

(Gary North, left) Libertarianism and related movements are trying to make Christians compromise their principlesA Response To Gary North North's Christian Dominionism idea is eerily similar to the Novus Ordo Seclorum movement, except of course it puts an overtly theocratic spin on it. It is no surprise then that Mr.

The Satanic Core of Libertarianism (http://www.henrymakow.com/the_satanic_core_of_libertaria.html)

February 26, 2012 4:12 PM

(left, Bernard de Mandeville, the Satanist who inspired Libertarianism and Austrian economics)Satanism defines man by carnal rather than spiritual desires, "liberating" the former and crushing the latter. De Mandeville's Fable of the Bees demonstrates that Libertarianism is rooted in Satanist dogma. Libertarianism is part of the Illuminati Dialectic with Communism:

The "Catholic" Wing of Libertarianism (http://www.henrymakow.com/proof_libertarianism_is_an_ill.html)

February 21, 2012 10:46 AM

(left, Ignatius Loyala, the Marrano Jew who founded the Jesuit Order.) The Jesuits were never true Catholics. Jesuits are part of a long-term Illuminati Jewish plot to infiltrate and subvert Catholicism from within, even though most Jesuits are probably not aware of it. Indeed, Lew Rockwell is right: the Salamancan

Also Related:

The Ron Paul Challenge: 10 reasons why the Alternative Media is failing this (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2012/02/29/2012/01/15/the-ron-paul-challenge-10-reasons-why-the-alternative-media-is-failing-this-test/)test
Austrian Economics is stll 'Jewish' Economics (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2012/01/04/austrian-economics-still-is-jewish-economics/http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2012/01/04/austrian-economics-still-is-jewish-economics/)

Ron Paul's Masonic Jewish Economics (http://www.henrymakow.com/austrian_economics_is_masonicjewish_e.html)

Top Ten Lies and Mistakes of Austrian Economics (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/top-ten-lies-and-mistakes-of-austrian-economics/)


Faux Economics (http://realcurrencies.wordpress.com/faux-economics/)

12th June 2012, 06:02 PM
Personally, I want an Obama puppet for the next 4 years. The best way to fire up people is to put someone in a position of authority that is SO despised that he cannot govern effectively. The worst thing is to have a white "God fearing" Republican stand up and tell everyone to turn in their guns and sheeple will instinctively comply because it could have been worse - it could have been a Democrat issuing the same orders...so in this case I'll go along. Look at the George Bush presidency - Clinton could never have gotten away with the military commissions act and with a Romney presidency, turning over the military to NATO (UN) control might be possible, whereas with Obama - the generals would never go along with the plan

12th June 2012, 07:26 PM
this kind of reminds me of that feeling last couple of days in March, 2010. Ya know, the April fools joke that GIM was going down for good.............

12th June 2012, 07:36 PM
not a feel good vid, just putting it up there.


12th June 2012, 07:53 PM

12th June 2012, 08:00 PM
yup, my belief. Tea party only lasted 3 months. They had to do it to the liberty movement also. Too big a threat.


12th June 2012, 08:34 PM
I have always respected Tom Woods..


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12th June 2012, 09:01 PM
I agree with Golden Snake, but I also continue to support the delegates. They still have an opportunity. My "hope" is that Ron Paul does not dissuade them from doing all that they can, even to the point of trying to nominate Ron. It ain't over till it's over.

I'm very interested to see what happens with the delegates in FL.

Maybe I'll be surprised, maybe I won't.

13th June 2012, 05:31 AM
not a feel good vid, just putting it up there.


2 things are evident by this video:

1. - Schiff and Rand are absolutely 100% caught inside the Left v Right paradigm. EVERYTHING revolves around 'Obama winning'.....Are these guys REALLY that dumb?

I think not....

2. - They think that 'Damage Control' will save their asses.....They will find out soon enough they were dead wrong.

13th June 2012, 05:49 AM
Readers of this website are not surprised by the news the Pauls are endorsing Mitt Romney.

The Pauls? To my knowledge Ron Paul has not endorsed Mitt, and I can't imagine that he will.

13th June 2012, 06:52 AM
I agree with Golden Snake, but I also continue to support the delegates. They still have an opportunity. My "hope" is that Ron Paul does not dissuade them from doing all that they can, even to the point of trying to nominate Ron. It ain't over till it's over.

Ron Paul brought the message.

It's up to the people to execute the message.

The message is the right one.

All the people who shout see I told you so, are falling into a trap laid for them and touted by the people who want tyranny to prevail.

13th June 2012, 08:02 AM
I wish I could believe in RP, but I just can't. Here's something Ron Paul himself said.
A global currency would be a good thing . WTF? Sure, he flowers it up and makes it sound pretty, but how could he ever think a global currency might be Constitutional?

How would that be possible? I'm no Constitutional genius, but I really don't think a fucking global currency, under any circumstances could ever be considered Constitutional.

In point of fact, I'm pretty sure that any fucking global currency would be the end of any and all national or state sovereignty. Period.

Global currency is the end of the game. The ZioBanksters would be the fucking winners. We, that is, every human being on earth would be Fuky Fuky long time.

Anyway, here's what he said. Granted, it was way back in 2001, and before 9/11... but I still don't get how he could spew such unConstitutional bullshit, and it pisses me off. So fuck Ron Paul. Sorry. :)

If anyone can show that his statement has been altered, I'd really love to see the evidence.

The following statement was made by Congressman Paul in an address to the House of Representatives in 2001:

“There’s nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency.... The effort in recent decades to unify government surveillance over all world trade and international financial transactions through the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, ICC, the OECD, and the Bank of International Settlements can never substitute for a peaceful world based on true free trade, freedom of movement, a single but sound market currency, and voluntary contracts with private property rights.... The ultimate solution will only come with the rejection of fiat money worldwide, and a restoration of commodity money. Commodity money if voluntarily and universally accepted could give us a single world currency requiring no money managers, no manipulators orchestrating a man-made business cycle with rampant price inflation.” (Congressional Record, 13 March 2001 (http://www.singleglobalcurrency.org/governments.html))

13th June 2012, 08:04 AM
I wish I could believe in RP, but I just can't. Here's something Ron Paul himself said.
A global currency would be a good thing . WTF? Sure, he flowers it up and makes it sound pretty, but how could he ever think a global currency might be Constitutional?

How would that be possible? I'm no Constitutional genius, but I really don't think a fucking global currency, under any circumstances could ever be considered Constitutional.

In point of fact, I'm pretty sure that any fucking global currency would be the end of any and all national or state sovereignty. Period.

Global currency is the end of the game. The ZioBanksters would be the fucking winners. We, that is, every human being on earth would be Fuky Fuky long time.

Anyway, here's what he said. Granted, it was way back in 2001, and before 9/11... but I still don't get how he could spew such unConstitutional bullshit, and it pisses me off. So fuck Ron Paul. Sorry. :)

If anyone can show that his statement has been altered, I'd really love to see the evidence.

Gold and Silver don't need guns and government to make them valuable. They are a world currency.

13th June 2012, 08:26 AM
I wish I could believe in RP, but I just can't. Here's something Ron Paul himself said.
A global currency would be a good thing . WTF? Sure, he flowers it up and makes it sound pretty, but how could he ever think a global currency might be Constitutional?

How would that be possible? I'm no Constitutional genius, but I really don't think a fucking global currency, under any circumstances could ever be considered Constitutional.

In point of fact, I'm pretty sure that any fucking global currency would be the end of any and all national or state sovereignty. Period.

Global currency is the end of the game. The ZioBanksters would be the fucking winners. We, that is, every human being on earth would be Fuky Fuky long time.

Anyway, here's what he said. Granted, it was way back in 2001, and before 9/11... but I still don't get how he could spew such unConstitutional bullshit, and it pisses me off. So fuck Ron Paul. Sorry. :)

If anyone can show that his statement has been altered, I'd really love to see the evidence.

Here ya go Santa, full context of that quote, that seems to have been uniquely edited.


13th June 2012, 09:33 AM
Gold and Silver don't need guns and government to make them valuable. They are a world currency.

How would gold be converted into a digital global economy?

Private gold banks? According to Bob Chapman, as reported in his International Forecaster, private gold banks which issue digital gold will be the route to making a global currency palatable to the masses. Digital gold is electronic gold; in other words, virtual gold which exists only on a computer, backed by physical gold in the private gold banks.

“The new approach to a world currency obviously will be digital gold. This way they can introduce a one-world currency backed by gold to make it acceptable to the world public. The digital nature means government would know every aspect of your financial life and would control you and your country.

In other words, I don't think there's any advantage to gold/silver in this new global digital economy.

Here's the deal. If you want to play in the global economy, it'll be digitally, and you will necessarily have to hand over your coin for its conversion to digits.

Plus, gold's value will be necessarily determined by an invisible private central GLOBAL governing authority.

13th June 2012, 09:40 AM
I have a gold money account and it could be used to spend gold grams. The value will be regulated by the amount of gold/silver in the system.

Of course we would need strict accounting rules.

When they set up the first US mint the penalty for debasing the currency was death.

13th June 2012, 09:51 AM
When they set up the first US mint the penalty for debasing the currency was death.

Aren't treason & counterfeiting the only 2 crimes mentioned in the Constitution?

13th June 2012, 10:22 AM
massive fail.

13th June 2012, 10:46 AM
I just want to say thanks, both you and Libertytree (I owe you a beer for finding that video) for calmly responding to my angry concerns.

I have a gold money account and it could be used to spend gold grams. The value will be regulated by the amount of gold/silver in the system.

Of course we would need strict accounting rules.

When they set up the first US mint the penalty for debasing the currency was death.

Good luck with that accounting thing. Maybe the IMF will audit the Private Gold Banks, like they're auditing the Federal Reserve.

Ron Paul has made much ado about his proposed legislation, H.R. 1207, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, which requires that the Federal Reserve System be audited by the GAO and Congress. (RonPaul.com (http://www.ronpaul.com/2009-02-28/ron-paul-introduces-bill-to-audit-the-fed/feed)) However, since the final year of the Bush administration, the U.S. financial system has been undergoing an audit by the IMF and World Bank’s Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). Why has Ron Paul not informed his supporters of this IMF audit? Surely Congressman Paul knows about the IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). Congressman Paul is a member of the House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, a member of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation and the Joint Economic Committee.

13th June 2012, 10:53 AM
Aren't treason & counterfeiting the only 2 crimes mentioned in the Constitution?

A lot of things were left out of the constitution. The rules governing the money then were "the coinage act of 1792 (http://www.constitution.org/uslaw/coinage1792.txt)"

13th June 2012, 10:54 AM
I just want to say thanks, both you and Libertytree (I owe you a beer for finding that video) for calmly responding to my angry concerns.

Good luck with that accounting thing. Maybe the IMF will audit the Private Gold Banks, like they're auditing the Federal Reserve.

Uhh, maybe we'll scrap the Fed and the IMF.

13th June 2012, 12:13 PM
I just want to say thanks, both you and Libertytree (I owe you a beer for finding that video) for calmly responding to my angry concerns.

Good luck with that accounting thing. Maybe the IMF will audit the Private Gold Banks, like they're auditing the Federal Reserve.

As soon as I saw it I remembered having this discussion a long time ago and at the time I was pissed too, but as it turned out in that case it was a troll that I had much pleasure in smacking around after doing a lil research. I knew you weren't trolling though dude, so my pleasure. I'll take ya up on that beer anytime but until then that lil TY thingee will do ;D...lol.

13th June 2012, 03:46 PM
Jesse Ventura.....vote for Gary Johnson.


13th June 2012, 04:23 PM
Jesse Ventura.....vote for Gary Johnson.

or not...

Denninger hates the guy due to his fiscal ideas and positions.

WAKE UP Gary Johnson!

"Nobody committed any crimes" doesn't cut it Gary. Your position on financial frauds is factual bull****, your refusal to address the issue is intentional, and the American people know it.

Romney won't change his views and Obama won't change his -- and on this point their views are essentially identical to yours!
But you, Gary, can be better than either of them. You can and should change your position on this and make it a centerpiece -- and break out from the "common candidate" mold.

I said this back in 2008, I've been saying it since and I'm saying it again for 2012. In '08 I spent a lot of time, effort and money communicating this message to McCain's campaign. He ignored me despite a personal delivery of this message to Governors Ridge and Keating in Washington DC and he lost.

All McCain had to do was stand on a podium in September of 2008 when Lehman filed, or in October as TARP was being debated, and say in a loud and clear voice: If you elect me every one of the people responsible for this will be investigated and if the evidence supports it they will be indicted, prosecuted and if found guilty imprisoned, and we will claw back every nickel of their wealth we are legally able to in an attempt to provide restitution to those who were wronged.

He would have won in a landslide.

Here is an excerpt from the letter I sent and hand-delivered (http://www.denninger.net/letters/mccain-daucher.pdf):


Gary Johnson cannot do any of the above if he continues to argue that "nobody committed any crimes" and make apologies for mathematically-bankrupt policies by government, central banks and private banks.

These policies are bankrupt. They're mathematically unsound and have been for 30 years. We cannot continue down this road. Gary Johnson has a number of good ideas in the economic realm -- including submitting a balanced budget -- but we had better be prepared to hold people to account and mitigate the economic contraction that will come from this act, or the middle class and below in this nation will be destroyed, and with that comes the risk that our political system and form of government may be destroyed.
Math just is and the longer the stupidity is continued the worse the ultimate economic damage that must be absorbed will become. I will further make this prediction now: On the path we are on now we will have another economic and market dislocation before the election -- your choice, Mr. Johnson, is to either be in front of this issue and collect the votes that will be yours for having done so, or to cede all relevance by continuing to focus on divisive social issues while ignoring the screwing that our government has applied to the American population.

I am reading that Johnson is pro-abortion and pro-gay rights. He would also like to see izzy on their own.

Either the way, the guy was a sitting governor. He is inside through and through.

14th June 2012, 04:31 PM
Rand Paul: “Do You Think Everybody is Going to be Mad at Me?” (http://theintelhub.com/2012/06/14/rand-paul-do-you-think-everybody-is-going-to-be-mad-at-me/)

June 14, 2012

Visit JNReports on Ustream (http://www.ustream.tv/channel/JNReports)
Julio of JNReports gets a first hand account from a Ron Paul delegate and Campaign for Liberty member of a question he was asked by Senator Rand Paul.
This confirms that Rand and most likely Ron HAVE talked about the backlash and are actually worried about it.

For the record, theintelhub.com does not believe that calling Rand Paul out for his support of Iran sanctions, wanting to arrest people who attend certain political rallies, and, most importantly, his support for Mitt Romney is jumping to conclusions.

It would be absurd and totally against the principles of freedom and liberty to NOT call him out.
The time for playing establishment politics due to this false hope of taking over the Republican party is over.
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/JNReports (http://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ustream.tv%2Fchannel%2 FJNReports&session_token=2NX-2hLIaLtg19O3bTertb1C-Wt8MTMzOTc5MjMxNkAxMzM5NzA1OTE2)



15th June 2012, 03:24 AM


15th June 2012, 07:58 AM
or not...

Denninger hates the guy due to his fiscal ideas and positions.

WAKE UP Gary Johnson!

I am reading that Johnson is pro-abortion and pro-gay rights. He would also like to see izzy on their own.

Either the way, the guy was a sitting governor. He is inside through and through.

Another good rant by Denninger on Gary Johnson.

Gary Johnson In The News: We Nominated This Guy? (http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=207353)

16th June 2012, 03:56 AM
he dodges the first question. I am still listening.



16th June 2012, 04:00 AM


21st June 2012, 03:33 PM
First he endorses Mittens, now he shits on everyone...

Granted he was one of many that voted for this. The no vote was Kirk from Illinois. He had a stroke.


Amendment Number:
S.Amdt. 2310 (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:SP2310:) to S. 3240 (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:SN3240:) (Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012)

Statement of Purpose:
To permit States to require that any food, beverage, or other edible product offered for sale have a label on indicating that the food, beverage, or other edible product contains a genetically engineered ingredient.

Vote Counts:


Not Voting

Paul (R-KY), Nay

21st June 2012, 03:46 PM
First he endorses Mittens, now he shits on everyone...

Granted he was one of many that voted for this. The no vote was Kirk from Illinois. He had a stroke.

Source? Not that i dont believe you, but i have to have my facts lined up before i shove this info up some Rand Paul supporters arse.... :)

21st June 2012, 04:03 PM
Source? Not that i dont believe you, but i have to have my facts lined up before i shove this info up some Rand Paul supporters arse.... :)

Sorry about that. I'll add it to my post too.


21st June 2012, 04:16 PM
Sorry about that. I'll add it to my post too.



That scumbag voted for States NOT to have the right to force labeling.....So much for Personal Freedom huh Rand? You lying snake. I never liked you. My gut instinct knew you were a rat the very first time i ever looked at you. My inner intuition is NEVER wrong, and it was right about you this time as well. Fucking sellout Judas. Enjoy your shekles you earned from AIPAC.

21st June 2012, 04:30 PM

That scumbag voted for States NOT to have the right to force labeling.....So much for Personal Freedom huh Rand? You lying snake. I never liked you. My gut instinct knew you were a rat the very first time i ever looked at you. My inner intuition is NEVER wrong, and it was right about you this time as well. Fucking sellout Judas. Enjoy your shekles you earned from AIPAC.

I'll play devils advocate. After reading your post and rereading the wording of the Admendment something popped to mind.

What if Rand didn't vote for it because it would force states to do something? ie, fed.gov dominance. In this sense, I would back the guy on the vote. Dick Durbin I know voted because he is in the pocket of mega-corps.

Probably a stretch, but it is an angle to think about.

21st June 2012, 04:58 PM
We never really know anything, the inner workings, etc.

Twisted Titan
21st June 2012, 08:12 PM
The only thing we really know is that when the smoke clears we will be the ones that are getting shafted

21st June 2012, 08:33 PM
The federal government doesn't have any jurisdiction in this matter. If a state demands labeling, they can, and the feds can go piss up a rope!

Twisted Titan
22nd June 2012, 02:19 AM
he dodges the first question. I am still listening.



Min 2.10

What does my endorsement mean? Well............ I guess it depends on who you talk to.

Rand has already had his Bill Clinton moment what Is the defination of Is??

22nd June 2012, 05:21 AM
Bill Clinton moment what Is the defination of Is??

Ha! Out of that whole episode, that is about the only thing I remember with absolute clarity.

I remember thinking 'wtf did he just say....that stupid shit is practically admitting your guilty of something'

22nd June 2012, 06:12 AM
i was listening to the farm report yesterday on the radio where they were discussing the upcoming farm bill. rand introduced legislation in to it that would block any subsidies to farmers making over 250k. sounds good, right?

the farm reporter here then went on to make the point that the history of the subsidy is that it's specifically in there to make "small" 250k operations be able to compete with the monsantos and huge company farms of the world. without the subsidy, most of them would be put out of business. so, cockholster rand was voting to kill small farmers. douche bag.

22nd June 2012, 07:43 AM
i was listening to the farm report yesterday on the radio where they were discussing the upcoming farm bill. rand introduced legislation in to it that would block any subsidies to farmers making over 250k. sounds good, right?

the farm reporter here then went on to make the point that the history of the subsidy is that it's specifically in there to make "small" 250k operations be able to compete with the monsantos and huge company farms of the world. without the subsidy, most of them would be put out of business. so, cockholster rand was voting to kill small farmers. douche bag.

So Rand is the kind of politician that favors government tinkering/experimenting on the economy to "make it better". Ah well, the apple certainly fell far from the tree.