View Full Version : Nuclear Fight, Join In!

26th May 2012, 05:17 PM
Published on May 22, 2012 by MsMilkytheclown
Please feel free to copy to your channel. Not only This video, but ANY of my videos! No need to ask permission.

mirrored as followed:
Published on May 22, 2012 by hellavadeal

I cannot remain silent. My conscience will not let me.
Link to Kevin's channel and the video that brought me to make this are here;

Link to a free energy source;

Piezoelectric Autonomous Responsivness:

Nitinol Military Testing:

Sonoluminesence - Cavitation - NanoGeometry:

Order out of Chaos - The Geometry of Implosion (Live Presentation):

Pdf version of the presentation so others can follow along:

Nuclear Remediation:

Resonant Nuclear Battery (Dr. Paul Brown)

Atomic Feng Shui & Magnetization:

James Gilliland Interviews Jason Verbelli:

Jason Verbelli with Ben Lowrey:

Jason Verbelli on 100 Monkey Radio:

Free Mason Symbol - Magnets and Space:

Adding a Z Axis to the Solar System:

What a Magnet Is & Why (9 Parts)
Dewey B Larson:

Free Energy and Free Thinking:
SEG Mock Up vs SEG Prototype

1st Visit to Searl Magnetics:


Theory of Operation:

SEG Background



Searl Sites

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PAX / Lily Impeller:

Non Contact Attachment

Non-Linear Magnetics

Max Field (600% Stronger)

Nanomagnetic Engineering

Magnetism On / Off Switch

Logic & Theory of Water Enhancers:

Making Colloidal Silver & Healthy Water

Clayton Nolte:

Fractal Life Solutions:


Jamie Buturff:

Dan Winter's Imploder:

Doc Willard's Water:

The Black Box:


Water - The Great Mystery

Top Secret Water

Atmospheric Water Generator:

Colloidal Silver and EMPs:

Harmonics of Wobbling Spheres:
Over 35 Books on Suppressed Sciences:

Free Energy Flyer:
Pier Luigi Ighina:

Ighina Info Page:

Open Source Info:
Ed Leedskalnin:

3rd July 2012, 06:27 PM
Occupy Tokyo UStream Coverage July 3 2012 Edited Package

Published on Jul 3, 2012 by freedomwv
I live streamed from Occupy Tokyo base camp for over an hour and a half on July 3rd 2012 to show people what it is like on a daily basis at ground zero of the Anti-Nuclear movement in Japan. There was very heavy rain fall but I braved the weather, and got totally soaked, to being a live stream of Occupy Tokyo to the world. This is an edited package of some of the highlights. I hope you enjoy!

Occupy Tokyo movement was basically started by the women of Fukushima who originally came down here and you see they are very, very sweet ladies — just your average women in Japan… and it’s grown to what you see now with the large protests.

*Watch* Protest still going strong as riot police go on offensive at restarted Japan nuke plant — May have forced Ooi workers to arrive via ocean and officers to climb up mountain after road blocked (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)

5th July 2012, 12:09 AM
Water - The Great Mystery

Top Secret Water

Water is amazing stuff.

It is part of the basis of life, and one of the most common substances on earth, yet it is the most difficult to deal with scientifically.
With linear hydrocarbons ( as in petroleum) you can describe all it properties with simple linear or polynomial expressions, and use the law of mixtures for almost everything. For water, scientists had to develop new concepts. Instead of concentration, you need "activity". Add ionic salts, and it is even more complicated.

I have a book published in 1960 on the "hydrogen bond". It goes beyond water, but water is the penultimate compound that depends on the hydrogen bond.

Water is the only liquid whose density decreases on freezing.

I saw a presentation at a research conference on the modes of water droplet formation. The researchers had identified 60 modes (and still counting).

24th August 2012, 07:57 AM
Published on Aug 22, 2012 by MsMilkytheclown

I'm not using the F u k u s h i m a word in my description today, because it's clear YouTube is censoring all F# videos. Perhaps Japan got their idea from Professor Chris Busby :)
STOP Nuclear Legally- Sign Petition: Dr Chris Busby

anti nuclear push by some big wigs to LEGALLY eliminate nuclear power plants
Noda meets with anti Nuke via KAN, THAT IS PHENOMENAL! KAN (NOW TURNED ANTI NUCLEAR) MAKES Noda meet with anti nuclear groups!

Survey Says:... 1/2 Japanese want NO Nuclear at ALL

Central Japan conduction anti terrorism drills

http://enenews.com/ headlines

Japan Nuclear Professor: Fukushima smoke stacks releasing radiation on a daily basis (VIDEO)

Scientists fear increased genetic defects in humans from Fukushima disaster after results of butterfly study

State shows concern over drilling into salt dome under sinkhole: "Hazmat Unit has increased staffing to provide 24-hr operational support" — DEQ "will be monitoring air quality around the clock"... More

Tepco: Fukushima plant worker collapses for unknown reasons, suffers cardiac arrest — Internal and external radiation dose over 25 millisieverts

Radiation Expert: "Alarming" number of children with cysts or lumps on thyroid after Fukushima — Access to Japan's birth statistics requested, not granted

Official: "Way beyond the levels recorded before, it is worrying" — Suggests more releases from Fukushima plant may be causing extreme contamination -Asahi

Japan Times Headline: "Power use falls; Reactors unneeded" despite hot summer — Group Leader: "Proof Japan can supply enough electricity even without any nuclear power"

Gundersen: I think plutonium being reported around Fukushima is raw, unoxidized pieces of nuclear rods that were blown out from Unit 3′s spent fuel pool

More radioactive isotopes detected in latest sinkhole sample — Over 80 picocuries per liter of radium (PHOTOS)

AP: Locals report more gas bubbles near sinkhole — New flyover footage (VIDEO)

Mainichi: "High-radiation jungle" developing in Fukushima mountains, forests — "A natural disaster will certainly occur" if situation continues

Nuclear Chief: Belgium reactor could have '1,000s of cracks' — Same as used at U.S. plants — Suggests permanent closure all but certain

LA Times: 1/3 of workers laid-off at troubled Calif. nuke plant, many wonder if it will ever fully reopen — Official: Reality is reactor will not be operating 'for some time' — All while state survives scorching summer without San Onofre (VIDEOS)

WSJ: Japanese gov't is now most likely to decide to eliminate all nuclear power -Officials

Gov't: Plutonium detected at ten locations in Fukushima — "There is no health hazard"

Officials: "Another bubble site discovered yesterday" — "Bubbles have also showed up in the sinkhole" — Cleanup still halted, may resume next week

Highest Yet: Fish 20 times more radioactive than any other caught since 3/11 — 380 times limit for cesium -NHK

Biologist: We've seen dramatic effects on Fukushima's animals & plants — Now we're seeing it at the level of DNA (AUDIO)

Report: Concern work not being done at Reactors 1-3 — Perhaps much longer than 50 years just to contain radiation

TV: Clean up efforts near sinkhole remain suspended — Emergency official says still a lot of unknowns... will it grow further?

Japanese Diplomat: "Worsening situation" at Fukushima Daiichi — 40+ more years of radiation contamination coming out of plant may have sizeable effects in neighboring countries

Highest levels of acetone coming from sinkhole area since monitoring began — Most prevalent volatile compound spikes over weekend (CHART)

24th August 2012, 08:02 AM
USA Hanford Nuclear Site Leaking Radioactive Waste HAZMAT Richland WA 8/22/12

Published on Aug 22, 2012 by MsMilkytheclown

read in full
Published on Aug 22, 2012 by R3zn8D (thank you)
ClimateViewer 3D http://climateviewer.com/

HAZMAT in USA on Wednesday, 22 August, 2012 at 03:18 (03:18 AM) UTC. 8/22/2012

EDIS Number: HZ-20120822-36284-USA
Event type: HAZMAT
Date/Time: Wednesday, 22 August, 2012 at 03:18 (03:18 AM) UTC
Last update: ---
Cause of event:
Damage level: Minor Damage level
Geographic information
Continent: North-America
Country: USA
County / State: State of Washington
Area: Hanford Nuclear Reservation
City: Richland
Coordinate: N 46° 18.853, W 119° 17.217
Number of affected people / Humanities loss
Foreign people: Affected is unknown.

As part of the biggest, costliest environmental cleanup project in the nation's history - disposing of 53 million gallons of radioactive waste at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state - one thing was supposed to be sure: Waste stored in the sturdy, double-wall steel tanks that hold part of the toxic ooze wasn't going anywhere. But that reassurance has been thrown into question with the discovery of a 3-foot-long piece of radioactive material between the inner and outer steel walls of one of the storage tanks, prompting new worries at the troubled cleanup site. "We're taking it seriously, and we're doing an investigation so we can better understand what it is," Department of Energy spokeswoman Lori Gamache said. The discovery marks the first time material has been found outside the inner wall of one of the site's 28 double-shell tanks, thought to be relatively secure interim storage for the radioactive material generated when Hanford was one of the nation's major atomic production facilities. It opened in 1943 and began a gradual shutdown in 1964. Cleanup started in 1989. The $12.2-billion cleanup project eventually aims to turn most of the waste stored at Hanford into glass rods at a high-tech vitrification plant scheduled to be operational in 2019, assuming the formidable design and engineering hurdles can be overcome. In the meantime, plant engineers have been gathering waste stored in the facility's 149 aging, leaky single-wall storage tanks and redepositing them in the double0-shell tanks for safekeeping. Over the years, more than 1 million gallons of waste has leaked out of 67 single-wall tanks into the surrounding soil.

"There's been this presumption that the double-shell tanks at least are sound and won't fail, and they'll be there for us," said Tom Carpenter of the advocacy group Hanford Challenge. Several days ago the group obtained a memo from the cleanup site detailing discovery of the mysterious substance. "This changes everything. It is alarming that there is now solid evidence that Hanford double-shell has leaked," Carpenter said in a separate statement on the discovery. The 42-year-old tank, known as AY-102, holds about 857,000 gallons of radioactive and other toxic chemical waste, much of it removed several years ago from a single-shell storage tank where it was considered unsafe. Workers who relocated the material fell ill simply from inhaling the fumes, ...

"I know Hanford would like it not to be so. But the people I'm talking to at the Hanford site say, no, it really does look like a leak," he said. "From what I'm being told and looking at the pictures, it appears it's coming from under the tank and going up. Which is a far cry from it coming from the pit." Gamache said an initial sample of the material revealed that "the contamination levels were higher than expected" and it definitely contained radioactive waste.