View Full Version : Naked Man Eating Victim's Face Shot And Killed By Miami Police: Report

General of Darkness
26th May 2012, 07:12 PM

Naked Man Eating Victim's Face Shot And Killed By Miami Police: Report

Posted: 05/26/2012 8:02 pm Updated: 05/26/2012 8:42 pm

http://www.gstatic.com/images/icons/gplus-16.png (http://plus.google.com/share?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.huffingtonpost.com%2F20 12%2F05%2F26%2Fnaked-man-eating-victims-face-killed-miami_n_1548359.html&hl=en-US)

One man is dead and another hospitalized after a bizarre incident off the MacArthur Causeway reportedly forced a police officer to open fire.
City of Miami police say the incident began Saturday afternoon about 2 p.m. when officers responded to reports of 2 men fighting in the bike path of the Biscayne Boulevard exit ramp, alongside the Miami Herald's parking garage -- where, according to the Herald (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/26/2818832/naked-man-shot-killed-on-macarthur.html), an officer observed a naked man eating another man's face:

The officer, who has not been identified, approached and saw that the naked man was actually chewing the other man's head, according to witnesses. The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him. The attacker continued to eat the man, despite being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots. "[Officers] attempted to separate them, there was some sort of confrontation," Miami Police spokesman Willie Moreno told Local10 (http://www.local10.com/news/1-shot-killed-by-Miami-police/-/1717324/14233818/-/42rdiz/-/index.html).
Photographs taken from the Herald's garage (http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/26/2818832/naked-man-shot-killed-on-macarthur.html) show the naked man lying dead at the scene. Police said the second male was transported to Ryder Trauma Center at Jackson Memorial Hospital.
Officials have yet to identify the officer involved, the deceased, or the victim.

Video at link.


26th May 2012, 07:19 PM
The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him.

Folks, if I ever end up unconscious, getting my face eaten by a naked dude....you do NOT need to order him to back away. Just shoot the guy. I'll gladly thank you later. With beer, or silver, or both.

26th May 2012, 07:44 PM
What is this? Script from a zombie movie?

willie pete
26th May 2012, 08:27 PM
What is this? Script from a zombie movie?

it's my guess that this was a couple of voo-doo haitians doing some of the things voo-doo haitians do......there's a rather large number of them in South Florida


26th May 2012, 09:01 PM
The new normal..

27th May 2012, 05:35 AM
if you think this is wierd, you should see the thread i started over in "Board Communications" asking if we can have a "Wierd Shite/ Deviant Behavior" forum category.

some human behavior is too freaky for General Discussion.

27th May 2012, 09:43 AM
Folks, if I ever end up unconscious, getting my face eaten by a naked dude....you do NOT need to order him to back away. Just shoot the guy. I'll gladly thank you later. With beer, or silver, or both.

You fascist bully boy, trampling the rights of your fellow subhumans to a fair and equal process in a court of law, and you pay for it too!


27th May 2012, 10:37 AM
Shit, Im with solid. If Im getting my face gnawed off by some psycho and I havent shot the guy myself for some reason, by all means some one else shoot him quick!

27th May 2012, 12:15 PM
Shit, Im with solid. If Im getting my face gnawed off by some psycho and I havent shot the guy myself for some reason, by all means some one else shoot him quick!

yes, definitely.

before his stomach has time to digest my nose !

if this happens, please shoot the guy, cut open his stomach, get my nose, wash it off, and sew it back on ! preferably with Mamboni providing medical oversight.

27th May 2012, 03:00 PM
Its a face off.................

27th May 2012, 03:31 PM
Its a face off.................

is it true the victim's name is Steak ? (as in Steak Tartare ...)

27th May 2012, 09:27 PM
The guy was probably on some crazy mind altering stuff like PCP or similar. That whit can cause you to literally lose your ties to reality and make you violently insane. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phencyclidine

27th May 2012, 11:14 PM
My first thought when hearing about this story was "that's not real"....my second thought was, all six of my bullets would be through that guy before my face was eaten off. And third, what a shitty way to die.

28th May 2012, 09:36 AM
ha! stupid cop eveyone knows you have to shoot zombies in the head!

Korbin Dallas
28th May 2012, 09:38 AM
Like I've been saying for years, the zombie apocalypse is already here.

28th May 2012, 10:19 AM
A witness told Sunday of yelling for the attacker to get off his victim, before police arrived and repeated the demand. As an officer drew his gun and called for an end to the disgusting attack, "the guy just stood ... with pieces of flesh in his mouth and he growled," Larry Vega told WSVN-TV.

Yet another example of police brutality. This poor zombie just needed to be handcuffed and taken to the mental health clinic for help!

:o damn evil cops

28th May 2012, 11:40 AM
Stuff like this is expected in a country without God and conscience based on the Bible. You never read about men posessed with devils?

Get youself a Bible and catch up on things

28th May 2012, 11:43 AM
Yet another example of police brutality. This poor zombie just needed to be handcuffed and taken to the mental health clinic for help!

:o damn evil cops

NO, dummy..... it's not a matter of "mental help" It's demon posession. Mental help is the Bible rejectors EXCUSE for rejecting the the truth that you do not want to face (pun intended)

28th May 2012, 11:58 AM
Stuff like this is expected in a country without God and conscience based on the Bible...

IE: Miami

29th May 2012, 03:19 AM
gruesome photo link.....

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/562444_299448936811545_118192184937222_652548_1399 46500_n.jpg

29th May 2012, 03:45 AM
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Start Of The Zombie Apocalypse Caught On Tape (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/start-zombie-apocalypse-caught-tape)

29th May 2012, 04:10 AM
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Start Of The Zombie Apocalypse Caught On Tape (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/start-zombie-apocalypse-caught-tape)

Baloney. This is nothingmore than a PCP/Crack head with some serious psyhcological issues who had lost control and lost touch with reality.
THe Zombie apocalypse is NEVER going to happen. Absolute poverty leading to cannibalism may happen, but no zombies.

29th May 2012, 06:30 AM
Baloney. This is nothingmore than a PCP/Crack head with some serious psyhcological issues who had lost control and lost touch with reality.
THe Zombie apocalypse is NEVER going to happen. Absolute poverty leading to cannibalism may happen, but no zombies.

Pretty sure the post was meant to be sarcastic.

All I have to say is it's a damn shame a guy this hungry can't even get food stamps. Here we are in the land of plenty eating faces! It's really embarassing. The only way to 'save face' now is to pass out bridge cards to all the illegal aliens.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th May 2012, 07:07 AM
They're saying it was bath salts the guy was on.

29th May 2012, 07:25 AM
Bath salts?

29th May 2012, 07:26 AM
They're saying it was bath salts the guy was on.

Not literal bath salts, apparently that's just the street name for a concoction of mephedrone, MDPV, and methylone, per webMD: http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/bath-salts-drug-dangers

29th May 2012, 07:56 AM
Not literal bath salts, apparently that's just the street name for a concoction of mephedrone, MDPV, and methylone, per webMD: http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/features/bath-salts-drug-dangers

Again, sorely missing the thanks feature.
Please fix asap.


29th May 2012, 08:27 AM
Rudy Eugene.

Authorities in Miami are looking for more witnesses after a police officer fatally shot a naked man who refused to stop chewing on the face of another naked man on a busy downtown highway ramp.

Detective William Moreno said police are looking for people to fill in the blanks on what led to the grisly scene in which a witness reported that a man — identified by authorities as Rudy Eugene, 31 — savagely chewed on the other man's face and growled when a police officer kept telling him to stop.


The victim, who has not been identified, has been hospitalized in critical condition.

“We know that there were many people on the MacArthur Causeway and we're hoping they come forward,” Moreno told The Miami Herald (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/topic/arts-culture/mass-media/newspapers/the-miami-herald-PRDPER000029.topic) on Monday.

Miami police have released few details about the weekend attack, other than confirming that there was a fatal officer-involved shooting. Messages left Tuesday by The Associated Press for a police spokesman and the Miami (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/topic/us/florida/miami-dade-county/miami-%28miami-dade-florida%29-PLGEO100100408120000.topic)-Dade County medical examiner were not immediately returned.

Witness Larry Vega was riding his bicycle Saturday afternoon off the MacArthur Causeway that connects downtown Miami with Miami Beach (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/topic/us/florida/miami-dade-county/miami-beach-PLGEO100100408130000.topic) when he saw the savage attack.

“The guy was, like, tearing him to pieces with his mouth, so I told him, `Get off!“’ Vega told Miami television station (http://www.sun-sentinel.com/topic/economy-business-finance/media-industry/television-industry/television-stations-ENTTV000000000683.topic) WSVN. “The guy just kept eating the other guy away, like, ripping his skin.”

Vega flagged down a Miami police officer, who he said repeatedly ordered the attacker to get off the victim. The attacker just picked his head up and growled at the officer, Vega said.

As the attack continued, Vega said the officer shot the attacker, who continued chewing the victim's face. The officer fired again, killing the attacker.

A surveillance video camera from The Miami Herald building nearby captured images of the men's naked legs lying side by side after the shooting.

Vega said the victim appeared gravely injured.

“It was just a blob of blood,” Vega said. “You couldn't really see, it was just blood all over the place.”

Vega declined to speak Tuesday with The Associated Press and said he was trying to put the attack behind him.


Errosion Of Accord
29th May 2012, 09:31 AM
I see a lot of idiots in the MSM comparing bath salts to LSD... It's a crock of shitty propaganda, don't believe them.

29th May 2012, 09:43 AM
So did they actually do blood testing yet to see what he was on, or are they just speculating?

29th May 2012, 10:26 AM
I'm wondering if the CIA could get someone to do that if they gave them some Scopalomine?

29th May 2012, 10:33 AM
gruesome photo link.....

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/562444_299448936811545_118192184937222_652548_1399 46500_n.jpg

It appears that the victim is white, and the attacker is black. Why is this not a hate crime? You can't get more hateful, than to eat another man's face.

29th May 2012, 11:14 AM

Excited delirium is a brain disorder.

29th May 2012, 12:14 PM
Bath salts? Maybe, never really know what is in the shit as around here they keep banning it but it keeps coming back changed at the molecualar level, the same but different. No PCP is what I'm thinking, I've read so many articles about guys on PCP going wingdings. I remember this story once about an ex NFL running back getting wet then running around naked yelling "I HATE WOMEN!!!" beat some 14 year old to death on her front lawn then ran into an adjacent house and started beating a woman sitting on her count. Her head was the size of a basket ball when she was interviewed. They eventually killed him after several tazers had no effect, and bullets would hardly slow him down. They had to shoot him dozens of times.

Oh yeah, a black guy eating a white man's face is not a hate crime.
But if I were to tell a black person that he is an eggplant, I would be facing hate crime assault charges and would be all over the news.

29th May 2012, 12:32 PM
It appears that the victim is white, and the attacker is black. Why is this not a hate crime? You can't get more hateful, than to eat another man's face.


General of Darkness
29th May 2012, 01:50 PM
It appears that the victim is white, and the attacker is black. Why is this not a hate crime? You can't get more hateful, than to eat another man's face.

The negro is dead, what recourse does the victim have? So visa vi the crime is over. UNLESS, the person that sold this simian this drug is arrested. You can't have recourse against dead people, on wait, you can if your jewish and you push the holohoax.

29th May 2012, 01:53 PM
"Bath Salts" is an internet search term for finding unscheduled drugs or semi-legal drugs that may or may not fall under the analogues act. That is they are being labeled as explicitly not for human consumption which potentially removes a great deal of liability from the seller.
Another popular search term is "Bonsai Fertilizer".

General of Darkness
29th May 2012, 02:00 PM
Here you. Thanks jews.

**Removed pictures, wayyyy too gruesome for unsuspecting viewers. -madfranks

29th May 2012, 02:31 PM
Here you. Thanks jews.

where'd you get those unique images ?

General of Darkness
29th May 2012, 02:36 PM
where'd you get those unique images ?


29th May 2012, 02:41 PM
Dang. still can't edit posts.

i found this -


all the pictures i've seen of this so far just show some naked black guy lying on the pavement. this picture explains it a little better.


that article says the black guy had "cocaine psychosis".

29th May 2012, 03:50 PM
The face off dude is also missing his pants! This is crazy.

29th May 2012, 05:53 PM
Could that be a pair of pants lying by the black zombies feet? Frick this is some sick shit!

29th May 2012, 06:02 PM
It bothers me how desensitized our society has become. This man's face is gone, his nose, gone, all skin gone...he'd be lucky to have any vision whatsoever.

Yet, you can download his pics on the internet.

This really is the mark of the beast.

29th May 2012, 06:12 PM
Yes the is some sick sick shit........ I don't even know what to say.

29th May 2012, 06:19 PM
I wish I could go back in time and not look at them pictures.

29th May 2012, 06:58 PM
Before "Bath Salts" were banned in Ill, some places where hit for them. Took the "Bath Salts" and a few other things of minimal value.

29th May 2012, 07:00 PM
I wish I could go back in time and not look at them pictures.


I was just about to post Fuck Me. Damn God, just give the fucking link!

29th May 2012, 07:07 PM

Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th May 2012, 07:16 PM
Imma post this and if anyone has a problem with it I'll just edit my post.

**removed pic -madfranks

29th May 2012, 07:25 PM
It bothers me how desensitized our society has become. This man's face is gone, his nose, gone, all skin gone...he'd be lucky to have any vision whatsoever.

Yet, you can download his pics on the internet.

This really is the mark of the beast.

a really wierd repercussion of this electronic communication system that, we are told, was designed to survive a nuclear war (the Internet.)

29th May 2012, 07:48 PM
That ranks up there with the mexican drug war picture of the guy who was skinless and had his balls cut off in his hand.

30th May 2012, 01:38 AM
This must be one of the most fucked up things ever. I wish I hadn't seen those pics... In retrospect that is...

30th May 2012, 10:56 AM
This must be one of the most fucked up things ever. I wish I hadn't seen those pics... In retrospect that is...

when i heard about this i posted in Board Communications that we should have a forum category called "Deviant Behavior" or "REALLY Wierd Shite" or something, for subjects such as this black man's Miami Lunch.

30th May 2012, 10:58 AM
This is important shit. It should be in the GD area. People need to know this is going on. No one would check a sub forum, imo. Add the intestine-flinger and we have a new trend to monitor. Keep your shit tight. Things are getting crazy...

30th May 2012, 11:21 AM
I wish I hadn't seen those pics... In retrospect that is...


I dunno. Maybe we should get used to this as psychic preparation for the new normal of wtshtf. Can't always be fainting when it gets ugly...and it will get ugly.

30th May 2012, 11:23 AM

I dunno. Maybe we should get used to this as psychic preparation for the new normal of wtshtf. Can't always be fainting when it gets ugly...and it will get ugly.

Hence the influx in our society of video games and violence porn in teevee. All according to plan!

30th May 2012, 11:54 AM
GoD and Silver Rocket, please don't post those pictures without a fair warning - stuff like that needs a disclaimer, and in this instance a link to the pics would suffice.

If you disagree with me, sorry, but that's a judgement call I had to make.

30th May 2012, 12:10 PM

I dunno. Maybe we should get used to this as psychic preparation for the new normal of wtshtf. Can't always be fainting when it gets ugly...and it will get ugly.Yes, you may be right on this Book!

General of Darkness
30th May 2012, 12:12 PM

30th May 2012, 12:36 PM
GoD and Silver Rocket, please don't post those pictures without a fair warning - stuff like that needs a disclaimer, and in this instance a link to the pics would suffice.

If you disagree with me, sorry, but that's a judgement call I had to make.

Good call madfranks.

30th May 2012, 02:52 PM
Raw face- the new sushi.

It is whitey's fault. He could not get hobo-face hamburger with his food stamps.

General of Darkness
30th May 2012, 06:47 PM
Here's the whole surveillance video. DON'T WORRY IT'S NOT GRAPHIC.

The horrifying footage shows 31-year-old Rudy Eugene striking homeless Ronald Poppo, removing his pants, then brutalizing his face in broad daylight for roughly 18 minutes as traffic continued on the busy MacArthur Causeway.

What's crazy is that he was eating his face for 18 MINUTES if I was Mr. Poppo I would probably wish I was dead right now. I will donate $50 bucks if there's a donation thing for him.


30th May 2012, 06:58 PM
That's disturbing!

30th May 2012, 10:27 PM
It must be catching........

SAN ANTONIO -- San Antonio police say a woman accused of beheading her 3-week-old infant son used a knife and two swords in the attack and ate some of the child's body parts.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus told reporters Monday that Otty Sanchez's attack on her son, Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez, was "too heinous" to fully discuss.
But he says Sanchez ate part of the newborn's brain and bit off three of his toes before stabbing herself twice.
Police say the 33-year-old Sanchez told officers who were called to her house early Sunday that she killed her son at the devil's request.
Sanchez is charged with capital murder and is being held on $1 million bail. She is recovering from her wounds at a hospital.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2012/05/30/20120530texas-woman-kills-infant-eats-brain.html#ixzz1wQEfddmL

31st May 2012, 04:03 AM
It must be catching........

SAN ANTONIO -- San Antonio police say a woman accused of beheading her 3-week-old infant son used a knife and two swords in the attack and ate some of the child's body parts.

San Antonio Police Chief William McManus told reporters Monday that Otty Sanchez's attack on her son, Scott Wesley Buchholtz-Sanchez, was "too heinous" to fully discuss.
But he says Sanchez ate part of the newborn's brain and bit off three of his toes before stabbing herself twice.
Police say the 33-year-old Sanchez told officers who were called to her house early Sunday that she killed her son at the devil's request.
Sanchez is charged with capital murder and is being held on $1 million bail. She is recovering from her wounds at a hospital.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2012/05/30/20120530texas-woman-kills-infant-eats-brain.html#ixzz1wQEfddmL

EDIT - This article is from 2009.


SAN ANTONIO (http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&where1=SAN ANTONIO&sty=h&form=msdate) — The warning signs were there. Otty Sanchez, a schizophrenic with a history of hospitalizations, wasn't taking medication and was depressed after her son's birth, the boy's father said. A simple request seemed to set her off, alarming him and his family.

Yet, the 33-year-old woman was staying in a house where she had access to samurai swords. Child welfare officials were never called.

Instead, Sanchez's troubles became apparent to authorities when they found her before dawn Sunday screaming that she had killed her baby. Her 3 1/2-week-old son was dismembered in a scene so gruesome that police were left shaken.

"Maybe we missed" warning signs, San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said. "I don't know." (Gee, do'ya think? - Awoke)

More at link:

31st May 2012, 11:41 AM

Face-attacker's mother: My son 'was no zombie' (http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/31/face-attackers-mother-my-son-was-no-zombie/)

The mother of Rudy Eugene, who was shot and killed by a police officer as he chewed the face off a homeless man in Miami, says her son was "a nice kid" who could have been subdued with a Taser rather than gunfire. "He was a good kid. He gave me a nice card on Mother’s Day. Everyone says he was a zombie. He was no zombie. That was my son,” the mother, who asked that her name not be revealed...


31st May 2012, 12:25 PM
Interesting from books link above:

Eugene’s girlfriend, who also requested anonymity from WFOR, said the attacker seen in that video was nothing like the man she lived with.
“He loved God. He always read the Bible. He would give you knowledge on the Bible. Everywhere he went his Bible went. When he left he had his Bible in his hand,” the girlfriend is quoted as saying.

31st May 2012, 12:26 PM

Face-attacker's mother: My son 'was no zombie' (http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/31/face-attackers-mother-my-son-was-no-zombie/)

The mother of Rudy Eugene, who was shot and killed by a police officer as he chewed the face off a homeless man in Miami, says her son was "a nice kid" who could have been subdued with a Taser rather than gunfire. "He was a good kid. He gave me a nice card on Mother’s Day. Everyone says he was a zombie. He was no zombie. That was my son,” the mother, who asked that her name not be revealed...


*waits for pictures of 9-year-old Rudy Eugene to come out*

31st May 2012, 12:41 PM
Interesting from books link above:

Eugene’s girlfriend, who also requested anonymity from WFOR, said the attacker seen in that video was nothing like the man she lived with.
“He loved God. He always read the Bible. He would give you knowledge on the Bible. Everywhere he went his Bible went. When he left he had his Bible in his hand,” the girlfriend is quoted as saying.

Oh wonderful. So all christian guys turn into face-eating zombies. Thanks sugar. I am glad he was such a bible expert and he loved God so much that he wasted his brains on drugs and began eating the face off another man. Maybe we should have a government agency lock muzzles onto bible people because they could turn at any minute. Just ask sugar who was living with one- presumably outside of marriage.

31st May 2012, 12:44 PM
“That wasn’t him, that was his body but it wasn’t his spirit. Somebody did this to him,” WFOR quotes her as saying.

You never know, maybe this guy was drugged somehow against his will. It's got to take some serious sh!t to make a man eat the live flesh off another man's face for 18 minutes.

31st May 2012, 12:46 PM
Just watch what happens when the McDonalds trucks stop and there is no more chicken mignuggets.

31st May 2012, 12:47 PM
I wonder how much PCP was down there during "Urban Week"...

31st May 2012, 12:55 PM
You never know, maybe this guy was drugged somehow against his will. It's got to take some serious sh!t to make a man eat the live flesh off another man's face for 18 minutes.
Did he have any prior convictions for violent crimes?

31st May 2012, 01:14 PM
Did he have any prior convictions for violent crimes?

Apparently not:

"According to Miami-Dade court records, Eugene had been arrested for multiple misdemeanors, mostly marijuana-related charges. The most recent arrest was in 2009. The Herald reported that he played football at a Miami area high school in the late 1990s."


31st May 2012, 01:16 PM
*DMac thanks Neuro for his useful post*


31st May 2012, 03:22 PM
couldnt find this thread but here it is now.............


31st May 2012, 03:25 PM
EDIT - This article is from 2009.


SAN ANTONIO (http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&where1=SAN%20ANTONIO&sty=h&form=msdate) — The warning signs were there. Otty Sanchez, a schizophrenic with a history of hospitalizations, wasn't taking medication and was depressed after her son's birth, the boy's father said. A simple request seemed to set her off, alarming him and his family.

Yet, the 33-year-old woman was staying in a house where she had access to samurai swords. Child welfare officials were never called.

Instead, Sanchez's troubles became apparent to authorities when they found her before dawn Sunday screaming that she had killed her baby. Her 3 1/2-week-old son was dismembered in a scene so gruesome that police were left shaken.

"Maybe we missed" warning signs, San Antonio Police Chief William McManus said. "I don't know." (Gee, do'ya think? - Awoke)

More at link:

from 2009 ,OK thanks Awoke, they must go trawling old news stories that are related from the past.....

31st May 2012, 03:42 PM
So what does making a previously non-violent 31 year old, go chewing off the face of a hobo, and family all say this is not him in terms of mind and soul? I think he was on drugs, and he was drugged involuntarily...

31st May 2012, 03:47 PM
So what does making a previously non-violent 31 year old, go chewing off the face of a hobo, and family all say this is not him in terms of mind and soul? I think he was on drugs, and he was drugged involuntarily...

What kind of drug would cause this, that fast and with that kind of result?

31st May 2012, 03:57 PM
When people take bath salts, Dr Adams said, their temperature rises to an extremely high level, causing them to rip off their clothes and become aggressive in a state of extreme delirium.

Some have been known to use their jaws as a weapon of attack, Dr Adams said, and they become 'extremely strong'.

'I took care of a 150 pound individual who you would have thought he was 250 pounds,' Dr Adams said to CBS.

'It took six security officers to restrain the individual.'
Dr Adams said that the new drug is not only a danger to those who take it, but also emergency responders who must restrain the drug-addled abusers of it.
'It’s dangerous for the police,' Dr Adams said.

'It’s dangerous for the fire fighters. It’s dangerous for the hospital workers taking care of them because they come in, they have to be restrained both chemically and physically and you’re asking for someone to get hurt.'

He added that as the body toll of this new trend of drug rises, the drug dealers that push it will be held liable for the attacks.

31st May 2012, 03:58 PM
What kind of drug would cause this, that fast and with that kind of result?
There was a thread here about a week or two ago describing a drug that could make the victim a robot to suggestions... My bet would be on something like that...

31st May 2012, 03:58 PM
So what does making a previously non-violent 31 year old, go chewing off the face of a hobo, and family all say this is not him in terms of mind and soul? I think he was on drugs, and he was drugged involuntarily...

Even if this guy was on drugs ,he goes from a being a fine person into a animal from hell.......WTF

31st May 2012, 05:40 PM
Even if this guy was on drugs ,he goes from a being a fine person into a animal from hell.......WTF

We're not talking mild or even mediocre drugs here, we're talking about high level psychotic inducing drugs that make you temporarily lose your mind, lose control of your body and I assume his regressing into a savage, base animal state could be a result of this.

31st May 2012, 11:48 PM
We're not talking mild or even mediocre drugs here, we're talking about high level psychotic inducing drugs that make you temporarily lose your mind, lose control of your body and I assume his regressing into a savage, base animal state could be a result of this.
Something hallucinogenic (mushroom/LSD) inducing fear/paranoia, together with something increasing adrenaline and aggression (cocaine/amphetamine). Add to it some heavy prescription anti-depressants for zombifying effect. Possibly?

I think he was drugged and those who drugged him gave him the suggestion to eat the hobo face...

1st June 2012, 04:03 AM
Or he got an over whelming urge to eat someones face...........

Wait until they start spraying this stuff around and everyone turns into one ..................

Still it was LA...........

1st June 2012, 09:09 AM
Or he got an over whelming urge to eat someones face...........

Wait until they start spraying this stuff around and everyone turns into one ..................

That's what I was thinking. Total chaos.

1st June 2012, 09:12 AM
Still it was LA...........

Thought is was Florida?

1st June 2012, 09:16 AM
It was Florida

4th June 2012, 10:35 PM
Something hallucinogenic (mushroom/LSD) inducing fear/paranoia, together with something increasing adrenaline and aggression (cocaine/amphetamine). Add to it some heavy prescription anti-depressants for zombifying effect. Possibly?

I think he was drugged and those who drugged him gave him the suggestion to eat the hobo face...

What Are 'Bath Salts' And Are They Illegal? (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/05/31/tagblogsfindlawcom2012-blotter-idUS282502007420120531)
"...In a bizarre and gruesome example, bath salts may have driven Rudy Eugene, 31, to strip naked and eat the face of Ronald Poppo, 65, on Saturday, some police and doctors in Miami believe. Police shot and killed Eugene when he refused to stop eating Poppo's face; Poppo is in critical condition at a hospital..."