View Full Version : Created by men who wanted to enslave the people?

27th May 2012, 04:04 PM
I believe that the invention/concept of money was created by men who wanted to enslave the people... that the intention was evil to start with.... Tellinger also has videos in which he says that gold has been taken away from earth since day one. I havent listened to this coast to cost interview but I heard him explain this in another one. However, in the embedded one below, he gives a hint about it. I consider Tellinger as one of the most accurate anthropologist today

Ancient Ruins & Annunaki Michael Tellinger Coast to Coast am 06-14-2011.mov

Author, researcher and scientist, Michael Tellinger has just filed his 1,100 page notice of motion against Standard Bank in the Constitutional Court, accusing the bank of "unlawful and unconstitutional activity". He also served the notice on the Reserve Bank and the Minister of Finance. Michael Tellinger joins ABN's Samantha Loring in studio to give us more details. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_30xJbYq5KE

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_30xJbYq5KE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

27th May 2012, 04:07 PM
my edit button doesnt work...
ps: if embedded video doesnt show, just click on link right above

27th May 2012, 04:07 PM
I believe that you have a completely distorted view of money and its proper role in a civilized society.
Money is NOT the root of all evil... it is the root of all that is good, equitable, and functional in the sphere of human prosperity and trade. The love of money above all else, and at any cost, is the true "evil" attached to money... not money itself.

27th May 2012, 04:15 PM
not saying that money is the root of all evil... but that it was created with a bad intention.... look at history since its inception and you will see that it has always played right in their hands.

not saying that money is evil again, but speculation IS... anyone trying to live beyond one's mean and exploiting others for that very purpose will cause shock to the system in due time.

However the story of Gold is very interesting, as monoatomic gold was eaten by the egyptians for its properties... and who says egypt, says sumeria... Annunaki... and Aliens from outer space...

pls listen to Tellinger when you get a chance instead of jumping to such conclusions... I find the topic fascinating.

27th May 2012, 04:15 PM

27th May 2012, 04:32 PM
It is just a medium of exchange, and currently that medium is controlled by people of evil intentions, and has been for a long time back, but I don't think the invention was done by evil people to begin with, it was just an extension of the bartering system to start using gold, silver, copper as a more practical medium, than trying to barter a goat for a pair of shoes. Debasing the coinage was the beginning of a slippery path downwards in moral and ethics...

27th May 2012, 04:39 PM
It is just a medium of exchange, and currently that medium is controlled by people of evil intentions, and has been for a long time back, but I don't think the invention was done by evil people to begin with, it was just an extension of the bartering system to start using gold, silver, copper as a more practical medium, than trying to barter a goat for a pair of shoes. Debasing the coinage was the beginning of a slippery path downwards in moral and ethics...

okay that is the pro-hard currency people's version and which I subscribed to until 3 years ago... many will also accept that Egyptians built the pyramids for example... I no longer do..

but the big picture is a lot bigger :)

27th May 2012, 04:59 PM
The Occult Goddess of GIM is back.

Her last act here that I remember was attacking Charles the Great as " a mason " .

I consider Tellinger as one of the most accurate anthropologist today

Ancient Ruins & Annunaki Michael Tellinger Coast to Coast am 06-14-2011.mov

" Ancient Ruins & Annunaki "

Totally garbage, Sitchin is not an authority on anything,
he made shit up as he went along.

More " aliens " and garbage history from Masonista.

On here, her first act was to attack one of the Key Fathers of the Western World, claiming he burned down The Libraray, the author is some Satanist
Occult Guru.

Skyvike had the same MO on gim, more Sitchin, attack Constantine,
attack the Christians, post about aliens.

Masonista presents herself as an authority.

"I consider Tellinger as one of the most accurate anthropologist today"

What a joke.

Some Jew Satanist lies about everything, so messed up, this
is the kind of people Masonista gets her history from.
Parallel Universes exist, time travel possible (tough one for Religions) (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?24194-Parallel-Universes-exist-time-travel-possible-%28tough-one-for-Religions%29)

I have a problem with people that corrupt key history, the MSM
Jewish media does it, and on here people personalize it and their
corruptions are ludicrous.

Masonista is also Satanista. I figured her out and outed her by MO.
We were once friends, she has TheoSophist MO. Read the links.
Lucifer is a Latin word literally meaning "light-bearer" (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?26550-Lucifer-is-a-Latin-word-literally-meaning-quot-light-bearer-quot)

27th May 2012, 05:12 PM

I can't even find my own threads and can't even edit to post my threads.

The Father of Europe, half descent intro links posted.

Eustace Mullins New History of the Jews.

How the Irish Saved civilization, related history, good historical podcasts,
University level history, all of it Western and very relevant.

This forum is full of bullshit artists posting about Aliens, Satan, distorting history,
and people here accept this, this forum is being smeared with shit deliberately.

Even disinformation CRIMEX threads are posted.

Those doing this can't even tell you the basics to Western History that matters.

27th May 2012, 05:16 PM
Jee magnes you go trolling her thread and then insult her because she has different ideas too you.

Whos the screw up here..............

27th May 2012, 05:25 PM
Weclome Magnes... obviously you are among those believing that pyrramids was built by egyptians and dismiss the possibility of alien civilization(s).... you havent done much home work since I left.

I have often thought that you were Book's cyber-copy of , but thats what makes you so compelling as a character.

Bye for now, Magnes.. but please stick to the topic... Tellinger offers "real stuff". Listen to him then come back and make a full review. I promise to read it with a great attention

27th May 2012, 05:28 PM
Jee magnes you go trolling her thread and then insult her because she has different ideas too you.

Whos the screw up here..............

These debates started on gim and it was a process, like a troll you win now. LOL !

You are into disinformation too, nobody here has the hoax threads you do.

You hang around some time of Occult New Age site where they post all the related.
They are corrupters deliberately.

They target core Western history I have posted about on here many times.

Not just attack and troll the Christians, they are very anti Western.

Those with some knowledge argued with them and they revealed themselves
further, both skyvike and goldie. Read the threads above.

There is a common denominator in those they attack, I have
posted about this on here, another one of goldies threads too.
Can't find my own threads.

People can learn how to out these con artists before they become more blatant.

Myself, I asked why those targets, and went back to studies, I shared them with
all of you.

Masonista and skyvike have always been joined at the hip, by MO ,
minus out forum issues, just on substance, same .


The truth is right in front of peoples faces
but they do not know what it means.

What do people see ?

this forum shrinks images

27th May 2012, 05:37 PM
When are you going to grow up and broaden your mind,.... Im into this and that what rubbish............

A lot of this stuff exists in your own head as it is obvious you are still under the power of tradition and beliefs.

Ive shown you my position before ........wake up and live or believe and die.............

Have I ever gone around bashing peoples or their beliefs....NO....you do for some reason and you place more importance on your ideas then you do on having manners.

27th May 2012, 05:39 PM
Not just attack and troll the Christians, they are very anti Western.

Magnes, I think you need anti-depressants... and if you persist I will have to introduce a complain for cyber harassment.

what you see works both ways: I am posting here and dont know anything about the management, so if they turn out having activities that I am not aware of, this makes me a accomplice... right?

You're a fool Magnes... listen to Tellinger and write your review, have a REAL COMPELLING CASE... you cannot convert the whole planet to christiany, get over it.

27th May 2012, 05:49 PM
here is another one for you, Magnes (possibly alias Book)

Dalai Lama - "Fuck it" - on differences in religion, race...see video in the religion forum and make a case against Dalai Lama, accuse him of being any westerns/christians... by the way do you know that the Daila Lama works with " certified Oracles"... go and start your crusade against Buddhism now and best of luck.

You havent grown up in 2 years Magnes...

27th May 2012, 06:00 PM
Goldie joined an alien worshiping Cult and posted about it on gim,
they had people living in mushroom houses, lol, people thanked
her for her thread and posts, it was some sort of commune,
Goldie talks " freedom " , promotes " singularity " , and joins a
commune, do people see the ironies, ? , LOL .

Some guy on gim posted about that then later removed his post,
the whole setup is based on a book where there are aliens involved.

Some Occult Guru ran the show, and even Goldie herself later stated
they are controlling and she left, well, what do you expect ?

Anyone that deliberately distorts Western History is my enemy.

Good luck with your freedom accepting this garbage, we don't accept
it from the MSM, Jews, they constantly do this in more subtle ways, why
should we accept this from people who do it personally, knowingly,
I don't , I think that is vile behavior, the Occult/Theosophists/Jews/Masons
all do this, for their goals, to cut people off from their history, create Nihilists
and Hedonists and they are succeeding, the goal is not to attack Goldie, it
is for people to learn, I was not wrong about anything, those reading and
following the process learned, FRED on GIM outed skyvike the same way,
he was a leader on this. " something ain't right here" LOL , they are supposedly
running a " freedom forum " and skyvike stinks like shit.

People like Goldie/Skyvike are all over, they are more subtle at first and they are careful, in the gim zeitgeist thread I shut down discussion just by mentioning the Blat witch,
goldie was posting corruptions of Plato, whether she knew it or not, she was, a degree student in Western History and Philosophy sent me a PM. I don't have a degree. Attack Plato, you attack the core of the Western World, and Christianity as well. Same thing with Constantine and Charles the Great. This is why I have these threads I opened and related
historical podcasts, and posted about Plato a lot, Plato's Cave, etc, it is all Freedom, Justice, being involved, even fighting, Knowledge, real knowledge, who here is against
the Renaissance ? These people ushered in a Renaissance, periods of great advancement,
freedom, wealth, people were free, people even gave their lives for a cause, Justice .
I posted about all of this.

Mock me alien Worshipers.

You will notice, not an accident, those involved with the disinformation are
never involved with Freedom issues of the day, not Goldie, not skyvike,
not even Serpo, he doesn't even know this.

Have a look at my threads if you can find them, lol .
I have some main categories, History, lots of links,

I try to live up to my avatar. Real ancient silver.

Why don't the rest of you have Ag Avatars representing Freedom + + ?

27th May 2012, 06:07 PM
make a case against Dalai Lama, accuse him of being anti westerns/christians, Magnes...

because if somebody asks me to link a website of mine (which is down now for ever), and I say okay, this makes me an accomplice. ROFLOL.

Grow up...

Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim. George Santayana, Life of Reason (1905)

27th May 2012, 06:25 PM
You are fair game.

I found it very disturbing to see someone like you
looked up to on gim, we were even friends, I sent
you a PM about GunGirl warning you, MP was on
here taking credit for that, he thinks it's funny.
He may have come back and tried something like
that on Ximmy, just after Gaillo banned him
permanently for making threats against the forum.

What I post gets taken apart on here and people
ask me for links, sources, hold me to account, and
yet we have people like you and others posting nonsense.

You have a history, I know it better than anyone.

I want people to understand where you are coming from.

I have posted this on here many times, I went back to basic
studies on Classics and Western History, because of skyvike
and Masonic Plot and later on you, specifically about some of
your posts, I went back to Plato, did major podcasts and reading.
I posted my knowledge on here and contrasted it with Masons/Pike.

They all troll this history, an MO, for a reason .

Maybe you don't get it, you hang around some Occult New Age site
and just lift crap, copy paste, you have your own similar forum too,
must be boring by yourself with nobody to troll.

You Goldie are one of the biggest TROLLS FROM GIM ,
and as you were outed slowly you became more blatant.

ANYONE that attacks Constantine, Charles the Great or Plato is my enemy.

The Muslims, mass the greatest civilization destroyers ever hate them all.
They fought them, with men and with ideas.

Is it just the fact you are an Indian Brown Face and hater OF THE WEST ?
Or is there more to your hatred of Western Man and man in general ?

This puts a totally different perspective on your posts,
you lie and tell people on here you were once " christian " .

The Gnostics hate Man and hate God, from the horses mouth, some Jew.
I'll open a thread on this with sources.

You being here will give me an opportunity to post good info
and I promise I will mention your specific disinfo. I can add to
what I already posted on here.

No free pass for you Goldie.

27th May 2012, 06:40 PM
Magnes, you are the biggest menace on this site. You have to derail a perfectly good thread with your BS.

Damnit man.

27th May 2012, 06:45 PM
so Magnes showed his true color, that of a fanatic who wont discuss anything challenging his own belief system, he lives perpetual state of fears of annihilation.... if you believe in aliens and honestly try to probe any ramifications possible, you are an evil worshiper.

Dear Magnes, why dont you do an internet search and type in "disclosure project", and in the same time drop by exopolitics.com... and see for yourself all the scientists coming forward and urging world govs to disclose their ET related secret files. ET Disclosure Press Conference - National Press Club - Washington nov 10, 2010 -

You're a child Magnes... one day it will be proven that ALL religions convey the same, but thats just too much for your head... just as the Dalai Lama puts it: f*ck it about the difference between race and religions.

Thank you for hijacking this thread by the way, which was meant to discuss the evil intent regarding money and in the hands of an elite since about eons (and the possibility of an alien concept)... It was planned since the beginning, thats my take on it - and not only mine. Really I find this fascinating... I am ready to accept that Reality is beyond mind blowing.

27th May 2012, 06:55 PM
ANYONE that attacks Constantine, Charles the Great or Plato is my enemy.

as a matter of fact, I am a huge Plato admirer, cannot say the same about Constantine and Charles The Great... sorry, if this makes me your enemy.

but case proven again: Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim. George Santayana, Life of Reason (1905)

27th May 2012, 06:56 PM

27th May 2012, 08:01 PM
if you persist I will have to introduce a complain for cyber harassment.


27th May 2012, 08:35 PM
Magnes, you are the biggest menace on this site. You have to derail a perfectly good thread with your BS.

Damnit man.

Dishonest troll lover LIQUID, I don't think it was an accident you
were swearing at here from day one at FRED, just as much as it
was not an accident that mayhem banned FRED, banned me,
was going after Awoke, went after Gaillo later.

The Occult was promoted on gim, this is what motivated many of us.

We are here because of this.

Read the links I provided, probably not, play troll, where were
you when these discussions were taking place from the beginning
of these forums, my posts have substance, Goldie outs herself,
so do you, you love to propp up the trolls on here and those
swearing at these forums, I think you are on the wrong forum,
goyim in money ii is the right place for you, with Dogman who
was always a cheerleader for our bans and censorship, he still is,
he is happy to support the recent Doghouse purge there.

Solid, you do nothing but argue with people here.
Your threads are just an excuse for you to be here.
Nice threads solid, you are a real student of nothing.

27th May 2012, 08:57 PM
Magnes, if you have such a hate on for Sitchen (whom I've read extensively), might I suggest Daniken, R.A. Boulay, Hancock, Marrs to an extent and there are many more that study the ancients cultures and come to similar conclusions. There are many things that cannot be explained or written off. Read up on the "Piri Reis Map" for example (it'll make your head spin) and then tell me I'm crazy..........

27th May 2012, 09:15 PM
Cyber harassment? LMMFAO!! That shit is lame and I'm being kind. Get real.

28th May 2012, 12:12 AM

28th May 2012, 12:15 AM
Yin and Yang, bitches.

For every truth seeker on our side, there is a truth seeker on their side. For every man that tries to be saved, there is one who is working the opposite. I have witnessed this, that the evil is just as scared or more of the good, than the good is of the evil. It is a balance and must be. Those who believe they can overcome God have the exact and opposite force of those who trust in God. They are necessary for this thing to work. Have you ever met your spiritual opposite?

They are just on a different team. And if they smell your faith they will fear you. Very much so.

28th May 2012, 05:41 AM
Magnes is right to bring up Goldisimas past posts, threads and activities then challenge her. There are posters here who would lead those who read here away from christianity or the west as Magnes points out. If posters aren't challenged they may lead others away from christianity and in to confusion. They do the work of Satan for him.

I'm not saying that Goldisima or others shouldn't post what they want but that they should be challenged on the occult, new age things when they do post them.

28th May 2012, 06:01 AM
okay that is the pro-hard currency people's version and which I subscribed to until 3 years ago... many will also accept that Egyptians built the pyramids for example... I no longer do..

but the big picture is a lot bigger :)
Ok, what particular information made you change your mind 3 years ago? Probably a good idea to leave the Egyptians and the Pyramids out of the equation. As mans technological abilities increased after becoming more stationary with agriculture, and they started being able to extract metals. It would make sense if they started using metals for trade, and the most beautiful metals that don't corrode became the most valuable for making shiny jewelry and later coins as its value became established... I really can't see any evil intentions in this scenario. So in your opinion what actually did happen?

28th May 2012, 06:58 AM
make a case against Dalai Lama, accuse him of being anti westerns/christians, Magnes...


Life of Reason (1905)

More masonic occultism?

28th May 2012, 07:44 AM
I really can't see any evil intentions in this scenario. So in your opinion what actually did happen?

They put a fence around their area stamped faces of "Gods" of the real estate on their trade items.

28th May 2012, 07:59 AM
They put a fence around their area stamped faces of "Gods" of the real estate on their trade items.

If you engage in agriculture, you do need to fence in the growing/animal plots to protect it from predators. I think on the earliest coins they stamped a mark of some kind to make the coin recognizable, a guarantee re it's content and weight of some sort. More suggestions re the evil bronze age world rulers?

28th May 2012, 08:01 AM
I personally agree that fiat money is nothing more than a control mechanism.

Money is nothing to these people. Money is not real and they know it. Money is used strictly for control over the pleebs. The money is fiat and fake and intrinsically worthless. They could be using empty peanut shells as currency, and digital peanut shells for their deriviatives and stock manipulations, as long as the pleebs are going to work every day with their heads down, struggling to earn a couple empty peanut shells.

They know that the empty peanut shells are worthless, but they have the "civilized" world tricked into busting ass for them, and committing crimes for them, and so they can use them to buy and accumulate tangibles, but behind the scenes they are hoarding PMs and Land. Sure as hell we should be too.

Fiat money is stricly a control tool. Nothing more.

Now get back to work, for less and less every year.

28th May 2012, 08:06 AM
If you engage in agriculture, you do need to fence in the growing/animal plots to protect it from predators. I think on the earliest coins they stamped a mark of some kind to make the coin recognizable, a guarantee re it's content and weight of some sort. More suggestions re the evil bronze age world rulers?

I'm talking about the fence the local real estate God put around to keep his humans livestock in.

28th May 2012, 08:09 AM
Economics and the economists that pimp the monetary system feed us all sorts of bullshit, but we will not ever know any precise accounting of the actual amount of gold in storage, let alone "deep" storage. I'm pretty confident that it is classified info. Lol....

Anyway, the thing is, given that, why would pm's inherently be any more honest than say, De Beers diamonds... if the system is rigged from the top?

If there's no real, honest basis from which to determine the actual worth of a currency, how can it be valued honestly?

Whoever OWNS the land from which the gold is extracted, that sovereign entity that we give fealty to, owns the economy just like they do today while using fiat, don't they?

I know, I know... "If you don't hold it, you don't own it."

But if it's made illegal to own or trade with, it's gonna get you hard time as a slave, and that's about it.

28th May 2012, 08:19 AM
I'm talking about the fence the local real estate God put around to keep his humans livestock in.

Like the Berlin wall? Prior to that one I can't think of any effective fencing in of entire populations. Yes there were some smaller fortifications, where the people could hide when under attack from enemies... Apart from that I have never heard of effective fencing in of populations prior to 20th century. If you can give an example of it, it would be good

28th May 2012, 08:50 AM
More masonic occultism?

here is for you and Co:
State Oracle of Tibet Talk On Global Warming Part One - YouTube

Like I said, go ahead and start a crusade against Buddhism.... sorry but with such a view, no constructive dialogue can ever take place.

Actually the Tellinger video in my starting post is really about the very possibility as how Gold as a value may have came to existence. I listen to it yesterday... and found it amazing. This thread is NOT about religion but very possible FACTS... you are so bend on evil, but that evil might come from outer space, is for sure a incredible threat to any belief system. Now this said, I do believe in the Christ/Buddha type of Higher Consciousness... that's is the only purpose of Man's creation. There are many ways to attain it but that is up to each of us. Journeys are different but all convey the same strict bottom line... the teachings of self-love, because without it, "love your neighbor" is impossible and this allows some to prey on us. As long as there will be an "us vs them" mentality, evil wont go away. Thats as simple as that.

28th May 2012, 09:01 AM
I'm not going to get into a huge derailment here, but succinctly summed up, my stance on it is this:

- Their is God and there is satan.
- God came to earth as Christ in human form to offer redemption.
- Satan opposes God, and will use anything he possibly can to take people away from God, using all tools including athiesm, buddism, taoism, paganism, satanism, judaism, scientology, mysticism, illuminism, etc. All things that are not Christ-based are merely disguised satanic forks in the road to lead people away from God.

Satan doesn't care if you worship him. All he cares about is that you don't worship God. As long as you don't worship God you will not face demonic attack (unless you're steeped into deep and active satanic occultism).

Anyone who turns to God (After being apostate for a substantial of their life) will suddenly be placed under heavy demonic attack, because satan doesn't want people to turn to God. New Christians always go through this attack.

28th May 2012, 09:04 AM
Economics and the economists that pimp the monetary system feed us all sorts of bullshit, but we will not ever know any precise accounting of the actual amount of gold in storage, let alone "deep" storage. I'm pretty confident that it is classified info. Lol....

Anyway, the thing is, given that, why would pm's inherently be any more honest than say, De Beers diamonds... if the system is rigged from the top?

If there's no real, honest basis from which to determine the actual worth of a currency, how can it be valued honestly?

Whoever OWNS the land from which the gold is extracted, that sovereign entity that we give fealty to, owns the economy just like they do today while using fiat, don't they?

I know, I know... "If you don't hold it, you don't own it."

But if it's made illegal to own or trade with, it's gonna get you hard time as a slave, and that's about it.

I basically agree with what you are saying... but we do not have on earth the amount of Gold that was ever extracted since the chase began... Tellinger sez that most of it has been taken away...

However, my point was, when starting this thread, that as much as hard money can achieve the good, it was implemented with the intent to enslave mankind... ignorance makes men greedy... and it plays right in "their" hands. I honestly dont think that the return to the gold standard will change much society. Remember the Tulip Mania which occurred when gold was money? So unless people starts thinking differently, we'll have more of the same.

28th May 2012, 09:08 AM
I'm not going to get into a huge derailment here, but succinctly summed up, my stance on it is this:

- Their is God and there is satan.
- God came to earth as Christ in human form to offer redemption.
- Satan opposes God, and will use anything he possibly can to take people away from God, using all tools including athiesm, buddism, taoism, paganism, satanism, judaism, scientology, mysticism, illuminism, etc. All things that are not Christ-based are merely disguised satanic forks in the road to lead people away from God.

Satan doesn't care if you worship him. All he cares about is that you don't worship God. As long as you don't worship God you will not face demonic attack (unless you're steeped into deep and active satanic occultism).

Anyone who turns to God (After being apostate for a substantial of their life) will suddenly be placed under heavy demonic attack, because satan doesn't want people to turn to God. New Christians always go through this attack.

thanks for clarifying.... "us vs them, divide and conquer"...

28th May 2012, 09:15 AM
ANYONE that attacks Constantine, Charles the Great or Plato is my enemy.
a clarification: Yes I love Plato but prefer Socrates by much... he dared questioning and thats why he was sentenced to death. Did you know that Plato refers to Atlantis in some of his writings, what do you do with this? Just curious...

28th May 2012, 09:21 AM
Magnes, if you have such a hate on for Sitchen (whom I've read extensively), might I suggest Daniken, R.A. Boulay, Hancock, Marrs to an extent and there are many more that study the ancients cultures and come to similar conclusions. There are many things that cannot be explained or written off. Read up on the "Piri Reis Map" for example (it'll make your head spin) and then tell me I'm crazy..........

I know Hancock.... a brilliant mind, I have to say.

28th May 2012, 09:24 AM
I'm not going to get into a huge derailment here, but succinctly summed up, my stance on it is this:

- Their is God and there is satan.
- God came to earth as Christ in human form to offer redemption.
- Satan opposes God, and will use anything he possibly can to take people away from God, using all tools including athiesm, buddism, taoism, paganism, satanism, judaism, scientology, mysticism, illuminism, etc. All things that are not Christ-based are merely disguised satanic forks in the road to lead people away from God.

Satan doesn't care if you worship him. All he cares about is that you don't worship God. As long as you don't worship God you will not face demonic attack (unless you're steeped into deep and active satanic occultism).

Anyone who turns to God (After being apostate for a substantial of their life) will suddenly be placed under heavy demonic attack, because satan doesn't want people to turn to God. New Christians always go through this attack.

Well said Awoke. Thanks for posting this.

28th May 2012, 09:28 AM
Magnes is right to bring up Goldisimas past posts, threads and activities then challenge her. There are posters here who would lead those who read here away from christianity or the west as Magnes points out. If posters aren't challenged they may lead others away from christianity and in to confusion. They do the work of Satan for him.

I'm not saying that Goldisima or others shouldn't post what they want but that they should be challenged on the occult, new age things when they do post them.

for your information.. it all started when some GIMs menbers accused a founding member of being a mason and that the latter was linking my site on his home page... and since I show much interest in hidden/secret knowledge, that was it. I had to be culpable by association. Laughable. ROFLOL

28th May 2012, 09:32 AM
It's really not that funny. They are masons.

28th May 2012, 09:35 AM
Ok, what particular information made you change your mind 3 years ago? Probably a good idea to leave the Egyptians and the Pyramids out of the equation. As mans technological abilities increased after becoming more stationary with agriculture, and they started being able to extract metals. It would make sense if they started using metals for trade, and the most beautiful metals that don't corrode became the most valuable for making shiny jewelry and later coins as its value became established... I really can't see any evil intentions in this scenario. So in your opinion what actually did happen?

what made my mind change? I just looked at history... and aliens are not needed. With the inception of money, some were very quickly aware that it was the best tool for control ever. Money and the intent to harm were born almost simultaneously. What we give value to is rather cultural... some people living on island praised very rare shells and used them as money and it was working fine too :)

28th May 2012, 09:48 AM
what made my mind change? I just looked at history... and aliens are not needed. With the inception of money, some were very quickly aware that it was the best tool for control ever. Money and the intent to harm were born almost simultaneously. What we give value to is rather cultural... some people living on island praised very rare shells and used them as money and it was working fine too :)

Yes, but you were saying earlier that money was invented intentionally by evil men? Now it seems like you agree they came into being as a natural extension of the barter system... IMO monetary evil didn't start until money was debased, when it didn't take as much effort in creating the coinage due to using cheaper/less metals, but with the same supposed value attributed to it...

So what was it. Did evil men invent money with the intent of enslaving people, or did evil men corrupt money to enslave people?

28th May 2012, 09:49 AM
for your information.. it all started when some GIMs menbers accused a founding member of being a mason and that the latter was linking my site on his home page... and since I show much interest in hidden/secret knowledge, that was it. I had to be culpable by association. Laughable. ROFLOL

I was there reading and learning at gim long before you appeared but seldom ever posted. Skyvike seemed to me to be anti christian and damn sure was anti catholic. It was no surprise when he was outed as a mason. You appear to be anti christian and are attempting to lead others away. You're doing the work of Satan whether you realize it or not.

28th May 2012, 09:54 AM
Journeys are different but all convey the same strict bottom line... the teachings of self-love, because without it, "love your neighbor" is impossible and this allows some to prey on us.

At least 36 people in Tibetan regions of China have set themselves on fire (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/23/world/asia/in-self-immolations-signs-of-new-turmoil-in-tibet.html?pagewanted=all) since March 2011, when a monk named Phuntsog (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/18/world/asia/18tibet.html) from Kirti Monastery self-immolated in the town of Ngaba, in a Tibetan area of Sichuan Province.


:D self-love

28th May 2012, 10:05 AM
* highfives Tumbleweed *

28th May 2012, 10:05 AM
If you can give an example of it, it would be good


28th May 2012, 10:10 AM
You're doing the work of Satan whether you realize it or not.

Catholicism had the greatest hand in creating the modern version of Satan.

28th May 2012, 10:13 AM
I basically agree with what you are saying... but we do not have on earth the amount of Gold that was ever extracted since the chase began... Tellinger sez that most of it has been taken away...

However, my point was, when starting this thread, that as much as hard money can achieve the good, it was implemented with the intent to enslave mankind... ignorance makes men greedy... and it plays right in "their" hands. I honestly dont think that the return to the gold standard will change much society. Remember the Tulip Mania which occurred when gold was money? So unless people starts thinking differently, we'll have more of the same.

I often joke around about this stuff, because it's "possible" that we humans, (I'm assuming you're human too) are being controlled by alien microbes that have colonized our brains. Seriously, that IS a consideration worth considering, since there are known bacteria that indeed do affect our thoughts and actions, and it's also a known fact that certain microbial life forms are capable of living under great radiation stress and long periods of time, thus able to travel through space/time with little difficulty.

It may very well be that we have been cruelly mislead into believing we are at the top of the so-called food chain, when in reality we may be at the very very bottom, and that we're really the slave species of the entire fucking universe, busting our asses to transport bacteria from one location to another like good little/big bitchez. Lol...

28th May 2012, 10:19 AM
I had to be culpable by association. Laughable. ROFLOL

Don't you agree that Skyvike was a censoring dickhead?

28th May 2012, 10:19 AM
a clarification: Yes I love Plato but prefer Socrates by much... he dared questioning and thats why he was sentenced to death. Did you know that Plato refers to Atlantis in some of his writings, what do you do with this? Just curious...

That's a " theo sophist " Occult MO, I have spoken about this many times,
even when trying to educate others here that revealed themselves to be
your supporters and trollling Christian and Western History, again like you,
that person was Keehah and he slowly revealed himself further like you,
we too were once friends like you, throw Horn in there too, we were all friends,
that is all Horn does on here, like you troll KEY Western History, I did not post
just ordinary history, responses to Occult/Jewish corruptions.

You know nothing about Plato, Plato believes in truth and reason, not blatant
lying like you, at this point this is what you are, you were outed by Theosophist
MO you employed, then later you became more blatant as you were confronted,
the discussion is all there for all to see, the process, what you posted, then later
you openly post Satan Worship, " lucifer ", these are games and a put on, you know
this by now, you are fucking around with people.

Anyone thinks you are a good and just person is a fucking loon, you attack
Christian and Western History with your Braden post and it is so fucked up
the guy openly talks about " lucifer " , some cult guru, then you openly post
about " lucifer " and threw in the towel attacking Charles the Great.

SkyKIKE did less than that and he smelled so bad FRED outed him,
I outed you or helped you along.

And a final note on Plato, Plato writes discussion on many setup societies
he has, there are no hard facts presented, scholars say this, the discussion
and reasoning is the lesson. It is all about Justice and the Moral State,
and Plato lives in Christianity, Christianity was born in his world, Plato is the
number 2 man Christianity right after Jesus, this is why the Theosophists,
Occult corrupt him, many new age writers, and Occultists smear him by talking
about " numbers " like skyvike or " atlantis ". You just know regurgitated Mason/Occult
history, like skyvike, you are not a student of anything Satanista, you ran your
own occult bullshit forum, people like you lift the crap you post of similar sites.

You are dealing with people here that studied the Occult and Classics
and we furthered our studies from our experiences with you, you are



Read my posts above if you want to learn about these people.


Read my GIM AVATAR thread, see how it changes with Horn and Keehah
trolling it for skyvike, Masonista is discussed later on.

Stand with the West, not Eastern Oriental Despots.

I am at work , later . ;D

28th May 2012, 10:24 AM
Catholicism had the greatest hand in creating the modern version of Satan.

Satan hasn't changed since the moment he rebelled against God.
The Catholic Church is 95% usurped by the devil's works, but the scripture is the anchor.

28th May 2012, 10:31 AM
Satan hasn't changed since the moment he rebelled against God.
The Catholic Church is 95% usurped by the devil's works, but the scripture is the anchor

5% is allotted as the annual "good" inflationary target.

28th May 2012, 10:33 AM
Whatever troll.

28th May 2012, 10:35 AM
Stand with the West, not Eastern Oriental Despots.

I am at work , later . ;D

The Economist Asks

Will technocrats manage to turn around Greece and Italy?

"Even before Plato conceived the philosopher-king, people yearned for clever, dispassionate and principled government. When the usual run of rulers proves cowardly, indecisive or discredited, turning to the wisdom and expertise of a technocrat, as both Italy and Greece have done in recent days, is particularly tempting," opens an article (http://www.economist.com/node/21538698) in this week's issue of The Economist on technocratic governments, which then goes on to argue that they can actually work. What do you think? Will technocrats manage to turn around Greece and Italy?

View results after you vote

Voting opened on Nov 18th 2011


28th May 2012, 10:49 AM
Satan hasn't changed since the moment he rebelled against God.
The Catholic Church is 95% usurped by the devil's works, but the scripture is the anchor.

True... but 95% of so-called Christians apparently need, and certainly desires a flesh based authority figure to interpret Scriptures. Thus, Catholicism and the Pope fits that bill.
The Catholic Church in all it's global Institutional glory is as complicit in Satans work as any other,... including every other powerful global institution.

28th May 2012, 10:50 AM
Whatever troll.

Gonzo's not here, so I've had to make up for the "Thorn within" you pray for.

You would not be yourself without me, is a shame really...

28th May 2012, 10:54 AM

Ah yes, the great wall of china. Clearly a defensive wall against the Mongolian hordes, since it doesn't surround China, only protecting its northern border, it's purpose wasn't to contain the Chinese population. I guess it could have stopped a few oppressed Chinese who wanted to flee to the prosperity of inner Mongolia, and Siberia.

Do you have any other ideas? ;)

28th May 2012, 11:34 AM
Yes, but you were saying earlier that money was invented intentionally by evil men? Now it seems like you agree they came into being as a natural extension of the barter system... IMO monetary evil didn't start until money was debased, when it didn't take as much effort in creating the coinage due to using cheaper/less metals, but with the same supposed value attributed to it...

So what was it. (1) Did evil men invent money with the intent of enslaving people, or (2) did evil men corrupt money to enslave people?

I am sorry, I was giving an alien free version here... (2)money and intent to harm were bound to come into life at the same time... (1) in the 'aliens included version': aliens saw how profoundly ignorant we were and took advantage of us right away. Unfortunately conclusions are identical... again, money is not evil.... but the intent.

But I go along with "alien version", sorry if I confused you. :)

As long as people want to accumulate/hoard money/wealth, I dont think we can get rid of "control". Thats why I cannot an easy resolution around the corner. This global crash could turn out being a blessing in disguise and generate a radical mentality change. :)

28th May 2012, 11:36 AM
I think I have made my stance on this board very clear, with the repeated statement that Jesus Christ only addressed two Churches without finding fault in them: The Church of Smyrna and the Church of Philadelphia.

28th May 2012, 11:39 AM
I was there reading and learning at gim long before you appeared but seldom ever posted. Skyvike seemed to me to be anti christian and damn sure was anti catholic. It was no surprise when he was outed as a mason. You appear to be anti christian and are attempting to lead others away. You're doing the work of Satan whether you realize it or not.

just like anyone who dont follow the bible, I know... mind stretching is my main activity. They killed Socrates for this... and Luther King, Ghandi and many others for this... Christ too. One just have to go again the "mainstream" to become an evil worshiper. Nothing has changed under the sun.

28th May 2012, 11:48 AM
At least 36 people in Tibetan regions of China have set themselves on fire (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/23/world/asia/in-self-immolations-signs-of-new-turmoil-in-tibet.html?pagewanted=all) since March 2011, when a monk named Phuntsog (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/18/world/asia/18tibet.html) from Kirti Monastery self-immolated in the town of Ngaba, in a Tibetan area of Sichuan Province.


:D self-love

.... but wait: what is better - being killed by fanatics ... or choosing suicide because of one is fanatic?

However, organized religion cannot resolve anything as they put the group before the individual. I am not a buddhist additionally.

28th May 2012, 12:12 PM
As long as people want to accumulate/hoard money/wealth, I dont think we can get rid of "control". Thats why I cannot an easy resolution around the corner. This global crash could turn out being a blessing in disguise and generate a radical mentality change. :)
It is human nature wanting to hoard "wealth", other mammals like rodents do it as well. It is a natural drive that is a necessity for human survival even, especially in Neolithic times in areas where winters were harsh. Hoarding worthless paper would certainly not be an advantage in the ongoing collapse... So you either hoard something of value or you have to try and scavenge the pound of flesh from someone who has it...

28th May 2012, 12:14 PM
mind stretching is my main activity.

Nothing has changed under the sun.


28th May 2012, 12:18 PM
I guess it could have stopped a few oppressed Chinese who wanted to flee to the prosperity of inner Mongolia, and Siberia.

Do you have any other ideas? ;)

Not that their Ming dinero would have gotten them that far... nor advocating for their diablo any further...

28th May 2012, 12:44 PM

28th May 2012, 12:55 PM
It is human nature wanting to hoard "wealth", other mammals like rodents do it as well. It is a natural drive that is a necessity for human survival even, especially in Neolithic times in areas where winters were harsh. Hoarding worthless paper would certainly not be an advantage in the ongoing collapse... So you either hoard something of value or you have to try and scavenge the pound of flesh from someone who has it...

I can agree with that Neuro... makes perfectly sense to me ... I just dont think Darwinian theories can be applied to conscious beings. Best

28th May 2012, 01:01 PM
...my love life is like that of a monk... money is very tight... complete survival.


...So you either hoard something of value or you have to try and scavenge the pound of flesh from someone who has it...

28th May 2012, 01:08 PM

Above, the end & total sum or Book's personal input.

Are you just light switch that goes on & off, or is their a soul that lurks in the darkness?

Personally I enjoy your threads Goldie, but the truth remains.

Skyvike would have put the dickhead censor lock on this thread about 3 posts in.

28th May 2012, 01:08 PM
I can agree with that Neuro... makes perfectly sense to me ... I just dont think Darwinian theories can be applied to conscious beings. Best
oops... hoarding is only positive when the profits dont come from the result of any coercive action(s) and/or deception.

ps: sorry for typos/missing words sometimes, my edit function doest work

28th May 2012, 01:11 PM
Skyvike would have put the dickhead censor lock on this thread about 3 posts in.

was not aware that he could do something like this... thats no good

28th May 2012, 01:25 PM
Book, thanks for quoting what I say in another thread. yes, (some) materialistic detachment is necessary in this time and pace... living frugally to improve inner values, appreciate simplicity.

28th May 2012, 01:54 PM
Book, thanks for quoting what I say in another thread. yes, (some) materialistic detachment is necessary in this time and pace... living frugally to improve inner values, appreciate simplicity.

The fifty million Americans now on food stamps need to hear more about how this is improving their inner values. Go on...


28th May 2012, 02:30 PM
The fifty million Americans now on food stamps need to hear more about how this is improving their inner values. Go on...

the difference between most of them and I is that I chose this journey.

28th May 2012, 02:42 PM
I can agree with that Neuro... makes perfectly sense to me ... I just dont think Darwinian theories can be applied to conscious beings. Best

No? Having the will and the skill to survive I would say is instrumental no matter the awareness of the being. Unless there are food stamps! And that came before Darwin and his theories, or any other philosophy or religion that man has created...

28th May 2012, 03:40 PM
You will notice, not an accident, those involved with the disinformation are
never involved with Freedom issues of the day, not Goldie, not skyvike,
not even Serpo, he doesn't even know this.

Explain what you are talking about disinformation ,freedom issues................or is it just general whining like you always seem to do.

Freedom issues of the day, no I never get involved with that stuff...........strangely because I am already free .

Freedom issues are exactly that issues

There is no grey area here...........you are either FREE or you are NOT.

WARNING ...this maybe disinformation.......im not really sure......but Magnes will..............

28th May 2012, 03:45 PM
Ah, a return to a Hobbesian state of nature and the age old paradigm, scarcity and economic competition.

Economy is the means by which we put food in our bellies, clothes on ourbacks and a roof over our heads.

Economic competition arises from scarcity in the things we need to sustain our lives.

Civilizations arise out of the process of eliminating economic competition, in other words, the process of diminishing or eliminating scarcity.

In a civilized world, economy is not a competition.

But we don't live in a civilized world anymore, do we?

We live in a system of controlled scarcity and it has gotten way out of balance.

Civilizations fall with the reintroduction of scarcity and economic competition on a large scale.

that's my story and I'm sticking to it......

28th May 2012, 03:57 PM
Neuro and Carl:
I dont think man should be in a perpetual state of survival, because he was given the dominion over nature... if he understands nature - and or course economics - many of his struggles would disappear overnight. As Carl put it, scarcity is man made... so, we do have a skewed sense of survival. Thats where Darwin gets a fail... well, in my view.


28th May 2012, 04:02 PM
Explain what you are talking about disinformation ,freedom issues................or is it just general whining like you always seem to do.

Freedom issues of the day, no I never get involved with that stuff...........strangely because I am already free .

Freedom issues are exactly that issues

There is no grey area here...........you are either FREE or you are NOT.

WARNING ...this maybe disinformation.......im not really sure......but Magnes will..............

Yep, everyone can be as free as they want to be and the better you follow the rules the freer you'll be....the freedom to obey, or not...

28th May 2012, 04:07 PM
Bushwhacking out here on the outback of a falling civilization ain't easy.

28th May 2012, 04:12 PM
Yep, everyone can be as free as they want to be and the better you follow the rules the freer you'll be....the freedom to obey, or not...

When I say free I mean it............in the end its freedom from yourself........

28th May 2012, 04:27 PM
Neuro and Carl:
I dont think man should be in a perpetual state of survival, because he was given the dominion over nature... if he understands nature - and or course economics - many of his struggles would disappear overnight. As Carl put it, scarcity is man made... so, we do have a skewed sense of survival. Thats where Darwin gets a fail... well, in my view.

On this I agree. It is of course much better for us to live on freshly picked fruits and vegetables picked in a greenhouse, with eggs from chickens fed from kitchenwaste and worms of the compostheap, next to our house, than to hunker down in a basement, eating cold baked beans from a can where the expiry date went out two years ago. However that is preferable being out on the street scavenging, and have your face eaten by a stronger scavenger...

The first scenario may not be attainable apart for a small elite clique who managed to hoard their ill gotten gains to buy an island in the ocean, in an economic collapse situation. And if we can't attain that the second option probably is. Most people's preparation level would force them towards the third scenario...

28th May 2012, 05:50 PM
Satan hasn't changed since the moment he rebelled against God.
The Catholic Church is 95% usurped by the devil's works, but the scripture is the anchor.


29th May 2012, 03:58 AM
I will have to check this out another time. Youtube's blocked here.

29th May 2012, 06:22 AM
Gonzo's not here, so I've had to make up for the "Thorn within" you pray for.

You would not be yourself without me, is a shame really...

Never fear, for I am here. ("Fear thou not, for I am with thee"?)

Satan hasn't changed since the moment he rebelled against God.
The Catholic Church is 95% usurped by the devil's works, but the scripture is the anchor.

And yet all is going according to God's Will, is it not?

There is a reason for this.

29th May 2012, 09:04 AM
FWIW DL said "Forget it".

My avatar is that of the golden mean. The snake or shoe may throw some of you but that's not my problem.

Binary jib-jab is hysterical. Gold, the other white meat.

Value systems and their method of attachment should be the discussion imo.

Focusing on imaginary characters is mental masturbation.