View Full Version : Before you leave America.....youtube vid

Twisted Titan
28th May 2012, 02:37 PM

28th May 2012, 02:46 PM

try this again..

28th May 2012, 02:51 PM
Hey, folks...

If you are trying to embed a video, use the [ video ] and [ /video ] tage (without spaces) before and after the link.

General of Darkness
28th May 2012, 02:58 PM
Good video other than his Holohoax beliefs.

Twisted Titan
28th May 2012, 07:11 PM
Good video other than his Holohoax beliefs.

I wasn't pleased with that either but I alble to toss that aside because I have a incredible amount of respect for Mr.bill

He had got vids on every subject you can imagine

28th May 2012, 07:33 PM
You can't embed video links that start with "https" either. change to "http"

General of Darkness
28th May 2012, 07:36 PM
You can't embed video links that start with "https" either. change to "http"

If people would follow this thread you wouldn't have problems.


28th May 2012, 07:49 PM
Like this:


General of Darkness
28th May 2012, 07:58 PM
like this:



28th May 2012, 08:07 PM
Forgot to remove the "s" from the "https". My bad. It would turn up like this then:



28th May 2012, 08:18 PM
I'm wondering how you'd find a place to live in one of these places? I've been looking online for a place to check out for ages, and the more I look, the more confused I feel. This just adds more to it. Living in an unincorporated town sounds cool, but how do you find out about housing?

28th May 2012, 08:27 PM
Shami I don't know where you are located, but if you were in Ca. just take a drive on the 101 freeway there are lots of tiny towns that aren't incorporated , you won't find alot about housing online, go out there and take a drive, stop in the town and find a post office most have a bulletin board with houses for rent.

29th May 2012, 01:24 AM

Thanks, TT.

He makes perfect sense.

29th May 2012, 04:47 AM
Haha, that's a great avatar, Barbaro!

Twisted Titan
29th May 2012, 08:29 AM
Thanks, TT.

He makes perfect sense.

Thanx B

I'm still shaking my head is disbelief that you can rent a house sitting on 5 acres for about 300 buxx a month.

Dam near sounds surreal

29th May 2012, 02:09 PM
I've left this fuckin country once and came back but these cockholsters are pissin me the fuck off! Son of a bitch! Now they won't hire ya if you use tobacco! This is for a liquor store job! WTF? I HATE this fuckin bullshit, I swear I'd rather be dead than play this ******* game! Just venting folks but this pc culture is way out of hand. Alcohol is WAY more destructive than tobacco and yet you can sell legal alcohol but can't use legal tobacco, WTF!! ARRRRRRRGGGGG!!

29th May 2012, 02:27 PM
I've left this fuckin country once and came back but these cockholsters are pissin me the fuck off! Son of a bitch! Now they won't hire ya if you use tobacco! This is for a liquor store job! WTF? I HATE this fuckin bullshit, I swear I'd rather be dead than play this ******* game! Just venting folks but this pc culture is way out of hand. Alcohol is WAY more destructive than tobacco and yet you can sell legal alcohol but can't use legal tobacco, WTF!! ARRRRRRRGGGGG!!

Where would you go if you left the country again?

29th May 2012, 03:49 PM
I've left this fuckin country once and came back but these cockholsters are pissin me the fuck off! Son of a bitch! Now they won't hire ya if you use tobacco! This is for a liquor store job! WTF? I HATE this fuckin bullshit, I swear I'd rather be dead than play this ******* game! Just venting folks but this pc culture is way out of hand. Alcohol is WAY more destructive than tobacco and yet you can sell legal alcohol but can't use legal tobacco, WTF!! ARRRRRRRGGGGG!!

Do what ALL patriotic Americans should do: BOYCOTT.

Tell everyone you know, do whatever you can, call in to local radio, make a blog, post signs EVERYWHERE around that store. Make SURE the owners are aware that you decide what business comes and goes. Voter with your FRN.

29th May 2012, 03:50 PM
Since i cant edit my post, Thanks TT! Good vid.