View Full Version : Us vs. Them
28th May 2012, 04:12 PM
I saw something on another thread that relates to this.
I believe that there is an ESSENTIAL difference between "Us vs. Them" and being "divided and conquered". Please allow me to explain.:
In the modern world, the powers that be are trying to set as many people and groups against each other as possible, for the purpose of dividing, conquering, and maintaining control over those who have been conquered. This does NOT mean, however, that everybody should "just get along" and accept any level of BS from fellow men who we might have essentially incompatible value systems with. No "Kumbaya" for me, my brothers! ;)
For me, it's REALLY easy to figure out who I can and cannot peacefully co-exist with... I have no religious beliefs, so I won't be making the determination based on scripture or a particular sect's interpretation of it. I am for the most part non-political in the modern sense of things, I see the illusion of the left-vs-right paradigm and just plain DON'T CARE about all the divisive "issues" in the modern American political landscape. I have met great friends AND complete shitheads of all races, so the very easy selection of who to oppose based on skin color is not an option for me. Same with social class, I've met some really good people who are poor and rich, and complete dildos on both sides as well.
So, what DOES it boil down to for me? Pretty much the universal "religious" principle of "do unto others" (the golden rule). If somebody allows me to peacefully exist, I will return the favor. If somebody wants to stick their nose in MY business, try to force me into a course of action not of my choosing through fraud or force, then they are my ENEMY and will be met with retaliatory/defensive force to the greatest degree I'm capable of delivering in light of the nature of the offense against me.
Real simple "Us vs. Them" selection system, and (at least in my mind) pretty foolproof.
That's all... be well everyone.
28th May 2012, 04:27 PM
I see the illusion.... and just plain DON'T CARE about all the divisive "issues"
Right attitude. Falling into the trap is deeply alienating...
share what you know as much as possible though and never be afraid that somebody may disagree or ridicule you. We all need communication to improve our selves - but meditation works fine too.
enough said :)
28th May 2012, 04:50 PM
try to force me into a course of action not of my choosing through fraud or force, then they are my ENEMY
There's also something to be said for preventing you from doing your course, or pursuit of happiness.
Tons of confusion there as to what is actually harmful to others, Not their egos, or the collective's ego.
28th May 2012, 04:52 PM
couldn't resist. can't believe Horn didn't post this.
General of Darkness
28th May 2012, 05:09 PM
The TPTB haven't been dividing and conquering US, they've been importing the THEM i.e., negros, slant eyed jews and mestizos to create the situation. Problem, solution, reaction.
28th May 2012, 05:22 PM
Your gonna get blended GoD.. oO***
28th May 2012, 06:34 PM
The present system is predicated on enforcing beliefs (erroneous beliefs, I might add) at the point of a loaded gun. Otherwise known as government.
Now for the problem: even if you could somehow overcome the pervasive social engineering, mind control, and propaganda that is forcefed the masses 24/7 cradle to grave, human nature is such that the vast majority would never go along with a voluntary society. The herd instinct in most is too powerful. That is, unless the vocal minority could somehow usurp the power and instill the voluntary society before power and opportunity corrupted them. (which we all know would never happen)
28th May 2012, 07:08 PM
The present system is predicated on enforcing beliefs (erroneous beliefs, I might add) at the point of a loaded gun. Otherwise known as government...
Here's the problem, Dys.
Government should be about enforcing ACTIONS, not beliefs.
To me, the IDEAL government would be one that completely and impartially enforces an outright BAN on the initiation of physical force on any man/group by any other (Coercion) and what essentially amounts to the same through deception and concealed agenda (Fraud). Tell me of any harm another human being could accomplish against another if such a government were to be created? ???
28th May 2012, 07:40 PM
Tell me of any harm another human being could accomplish against another if such a government were to be created? ???
They insinuate strong drugs into my soup, or fluoride into my water.
A nuke plant, or roller coaster in my backyard.
28th May 2012, 08:02 PM
They insinuate strong drugs into my soup, or fluoride into my water.
A nuke plant, or roller coaster in my backyard.
A government as I have described provides NOTHING (floridated or not), builds NOTHING (in your backyard or not). It can ONLY destroy (evil-doers)... which is as it should be!
28th May 2012, 08:15 PM
I personally doubt it's really possible to form such a society of "like minded people" based on your criteria. Two people can be like minded. Three can also be. But as you scale up the number of people, this becomes impossible. Even this forum for example...only a couple hundred people, but how many could actually get along with each other long term if there was no external enemy to unite against?
The problem is at the individual level. A large group of people may genuinely have these good intentions to behave in this ideal way. However, as individuals, people aren't able to achieve their intentions. Every minute they change their mind, they lack self control, and an iron will. They get caught up in the moment and forget what their intentions are. Their personal biases cloud their judgement of reality and cause them to think someone is their enemy because of miscommunication.
Hatha Sunahara
28th May 2012, 08:39 PM
Gaillo, you are describing the basis for natural law on which British common law is based. Harm no one, and do what thou wilt. Pretty close to the golden rule. The problem with the golden rule is that you have to have the capacity for empathy in order to internalize it. We have a percentage of humans who are not in possession of the empathy gene. You can't really tell who they are until they have burned you.
The other problem we have as humans is that a very large majority of us will suspend our moral constraints in exchange for 'financial security'--money, a career, whatever. We know this from the Milgram experiments. This pool of humanity are willing accomplices of the empathy challenged, and the combination of these two puts all the rest of us and keeps us in a state of slavery. It's because we believe that their laws 'establish order'. Most people value order more than their freedom, so we agree to obeying their laws--which are not really 'laws' but merely policies of the people in power. And so we have legal (but unlawful) assaults on our inherent rights with no remedies. If it isn't written in you heart, it's not a law. You don't need books or lawyers to know what the law is.
I think I understand your your idea of the ideal government. It will respond with force against people who harm others. That is what British common law does. it administers justice between real flesh and blood people. A government that sees all the actors in its jurisdiction as legal fictions cannot possibly administer justice. How do you resist an enemy that has unlimited resources? You don't. You wait patiently until it destroys itself. And it will--because it violates the laws of nature. Natural law. There is such a thing as cosmic justice. Karma. No one escapes it.
28th May 2012, 08:47 PM
Here's the problem, Dys.
Government should be about enforcing ACTIONS, not beliefs.
To me, the IDEAL government would be one that completely and impartially enforces an outright BAN on the initiation of physical force on any man/group by any other (Coercion) and what essentially amounts to the same through deception and concealed agenda (Fraud). Tell me of any harm another human being could accomplish against another if such a government were to be created? ???
Well, it goes without saying that I agree with you. However, isn't what you desribe as the ideal government synonomous with the system that we are supposed to have even now? It's not the rules that are important in practice, it's those that are charged with enforcing the rules.
28th May 2012, 09:06 PM
I don't China will invest unless you plan on building something.
28th May 2012, 09:30 PM
Gaillo, you are describing the basis for natural law on which British common law is based. Harm no one, and do what thou wilt. Pretty close to the golden rule. The problem with the golden rule is that you have to have the capacity for empathy in order to internalize it. We have a percentage of humans who are not in possession of the empathy gene. You can't really tell who they are until they have burned you.
The other problem we have as humans is that a very large majority of us will suspend our moral constraints in exchange for 'financial security'--money, a career, whatever. We know this from the Milgram experiments. This pool of humanity are willing accomplices of the empathy challenged, and the combination of these two puts all the rest of us and keeps us in a state of slavery. It's because we believe that their laws 'establish order'. Most people value order more than their freedom, so we agree to obeying their laws--which are not really 'laws' but merely policies of the people in power. And so we have legal (but unlawful) assaults on our inherent rights with no remedies. If it isn't written in you heart, it's not a law. You don't need books or lawyers to know what the law is.
I think I understand your your idea of the ideal government. It will respond with force against people who harm others. That is what British common law does. it administers justice between real flesh and blood people. A government that sees all the actors in its jurisdiction as legal fictions cannot possibly administer justice. How do you resist an enemy that has unlimited resources? You don't. You wait patiently until it destroys itself. And it will--because it violates the laws of nature. Natural law. There is such a thing as cosmic justice. Karma. No one escapes it.
Best post I've read on this forum in the last year or so.
Thank you!
28th May 2012, 09:52 PM
"Government has NO business being in the "business" business."
I know... it's no "if you don't hold it, you don't own it" masterpiece, but it DOES have the distinction of being coined by ME... at least so far as I am aware.
Plus, it's a big middle-finger-straight-up! to TPTB, which is reason enough to ME to post it. ;)
29th May 2012, 02:14 AM
Best post I've read on this forum in the last year or so.
Thank you!
I clicked the thanks button too.
29th May 2012, 10:35 AM
Me too
Outstanding post Hatha.
29th May 2012, 12:11 PM
Us = Those who realize we are not of this Earth and that the war is in the spirit and for the heart.
Them = Those who believe the Earth is the realm of ultimate power and who pursue status in this regard waging war on the body and the mind.
29th May 2012, 12:41 PM
Me too
Outstanding post Hatha.
The Thanks feature was/is overrated, and I'm not just saying this because I suck at getting them....
Where one would just click a button before without response, people are actually responding now, and makes for my kind of Governance...
mick silver
29th May 2012, 12:44 PM
there alway been a us and them thats never going to end
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