View Full Version : Cannabis smokers show greater lung capacity and lower cancer levels than non-smokers

29th May 2012, 03:59 PM
For many years, the demonizing claims being made against cannabis have been crumbling as research slowly dispels them. Fifty years ago people earnestly believed that the consumption of cannabis was directly linked to the development of an array of mental illnesses, and violent and hypersexual behavior.

Medical opinion must be guided by research

But these prejudices are still hanging on. Today, an individual who responsibly informs their doctor of their marijuana use, because, as with any medicine, chemical interactions may change the resulting chemical behavior, are most frequently urged to cut back. Various reasons are given for a physicians concern. Some, who appear to have fallen behind on the research, still express concern about "brain cell damage" a remnant from the Reagan era's Just Say No campaign.

The main objection, that even the most well-informed physicians feel justified in making, is that even if cannabis itself is not particularly harmful, its most common method of ingestion, smoking, is bad for the lung tissue, regardless of the harmlessness of the substance being smoked. The belief piggybacked its way in on the back of growing opposition to tobacco, and the understanding that tobacco obstructs pulmonary flow and shortens breath.

When a chemical defined by its action doesn't act

Because some of the same chemicals, which have identifiable carcinogenic impact in cigarettes, are also found in cannabis smoke, many believe that the cancer-causing potential of cannabis is proportionate to the amount of these chemicals. The fact that cannabis contains four times more tar (or oil) than cigarettes sparked the 1990s claim that smoking a joint was as bad for the lungs as smoking four cigarettes. This extrapolation makes perfect sense at face value, but doesn't hold up when compared to actual cancer rates.

Rewriting the medical records

The results of a new government-run research program are now forcing medical authorities to overturn these beliefs. The study has been ongoing for the past twenty years, following the smoking habits of over 5000 people. Researchers found that, contrary to popular belief, smoking cannabis, does not interfere with lung function or capacity. This holds true for ongoing regular -even including daily- and long term consumption. Curiously, as a general rule, cannabis smokers had better lung function than nonsmokers, which researchers attribute to the smoking action itself, rather than the cannabis. Pot smokers inhale deeply and hold those breaths to make the most of their supply, expanding the lung's capacity.

Dr. Tashkin found that, in almost all instances, cannabis consumers had rates of cancer that were no different from those who didn't smoke cannabis. The one exception to this rule was between cannabis smokers and individuals who didn't smoke anything (including tobacco), in which marijuana smokers actually had lower levels of lung cancer.

Sources for this article include:


http://well.blogs.nytimes.com (http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/marijuana-smoking-does-not-harm-lungs-study-finds/)

http://www.medicalcannabisjournal.net (http://www.medicalcannabisjournal.net/submissions/archive/2010/can-marijuana-prevent-cancer)

http://www.huffingtonpost.com (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/10/marijuana-and-lungs-study_n_1197854.html)

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035980_cannabis_smokers_cancer.html#ixzz1wIoOCNOS


29th May 2012, 04:23 PM
If Cannabis smokers have the same cancer risk as tobacco smokers, and also lower cancer risk than non-smokers, this means that non-smokers have a higher cancer risk than smokers. How is this possible?

29th May 2012, 04:27 PM
once i sat at a community center and listened to a group of medical marijuana patients participate in a 'support group'.

they passed a joint around, and took turns talking about "how things are going".

they alternated between talking about having a cold and a cough, wondering out loud when it was going to go away, coughing, and inhaling copious quantities of smoke.

it was classic. i felt like suggesting that, perhaps their is a connection between your smoking and your coughing.

as a medication, i think marijuana is a great tool - but there is also such a thing as "method of consumption", and over-consumption/ diminishing returns.

willie pete
29th May 2012, 04:29 PM
smoking ANYTHING is bad for your lungs, I'm not anti-weed and I don't smoke it (or anything else), weed along with almost anything else used for a prolonged period of time deposits tars and by-products in your lungs which in turn enter your circulatory system, Lung CA may or may not be reduced in MJ users, I'll bet it has no effect in reducing the instance of COPD in long term users though (incidentally, theres no cure for COPD)

29th May 2012, 04:57 PM

Stay stoned to prevent cancer...

http://www.graphicsgrotto.com/emoticons/rolleyes/images/emrolleyes11.gif ...and increase lung capacity.

29th May 2012, 05:31 PM
It reminds me of the studies that show passive smoke is worse than actually smoking cigarettes.

29th May 2012, 05:40 PM
A few years ago I was hanging around a girl who used to keep a gallon water jug with her at all times. She would drink from it all day claiming it was good for her.

Everyone who saw this was impressed, me included.

I came to find out she smoked marijuana most nights and her throat hurt. That's why she carried the water around during the day. (rolling eyes emoticon here)

29th May 2012, 06:18 PM
LOL ximmy she prolly had cottonmouth. ;)

29th May 2012, 06:25 PM


29th May 2012, 06:29 PM
A few years ago I was hanging around a girl who used to keep a gallon water jug with her at all times. She would drink from it all day claiming it was good for her.

Everyone who saw this was impressed, me included.

I came to find out she smoked marijuana most nights and her throat hurt. That's why she carried the water around during the day. (rolling eyes emoticon here)

Throat hurt enough to carry around a gallon jug of h2o? I call bs. You can get a drinkany where. If you start getting a little tickle, that is what Halls are for. ;D

Maybe the chick was smoking the crappiest herb known to man while never cleaning the water out of her glass instrument of choice?

I would say her drinking from a gallon jug would be more induced by stupidity than smoking cannabis.

Truly sounds like a fad diet scheme and office rumor to me.

29th May 2012, 06:36 PM
I really dislike smoking. It aggrivates my throat and I hate coughing. When I must smoke, I dont take big tokes, but the idea of burning ANYTHING and putting it straight in your lungs seems like theres going to be SOMETHING not good. Burnt Particulate matter cant be good long term.

I much prefer vaporizing. Since I use it medicaly anyways, this has the added health benefit of NOT burning the herb while still releasing the positive chemical compounds. Since the few harmfull compounds in MJ burn at higher temps than the medicinal ones (THC and CBD, cheifly) these are also left unburnt. It also utilizes the THC and CBD more efficicently, since burning ANYTHING by the laws of science, changes its chemical make up.

But this isnt about vaporizing...

I wonder for those of you throwing all pot users in the "stoner" boat how many of YOU abstain from all chemical influences? Alcohol? Caffine? Sugar?

29th May 2012, 06:52 PM
Tobacco is not as toxic as it is made out to be. The key to this is the additives included in the processed tobacco that people consume as cigarettes. This includes the paper that they are wrapped in. In processed tobacco you see dioxins and all sorts of other dangerous chemicals, some of which radiate. It is well recorded that there are many toxic ingredients added.

As with MJ it may be the case that not all MJ is equal. Some times it may be grown with chemicals that people would be better off not inhaling. Also there is pest control and again some of that is better off not being consumed. There is also the question of cutting i.e. powder drugs are mixed with an additive to reduce purity and increase profits. Bulking out what you have. There are chemical sprays that can be applied to the MJ plant which increase the dry weight and hence profits. These things are combinations of chemicals and very fine glass particles. They add weight and also mimick the appearance of plant resins.

There are a whole combination of other possible causes of coughs etc which aren't related to the MJ plant at all. There are also a whole lot of urban myths out there as well.