View Full Version : Penis pump judge gets 4-year jail term

29th May 2012, 07:27 PM
Penis pump judge gets 4-year jail term

^ is this old news?
Posted 8/18/2006 2:50 PM ET E-mail (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-08-18-judge-sentenced_x.htm#) | Print (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2006-08-18-judge-sentenced_x.htm#) | http://images.usatoday.com/news/_photos/2006/08/18/thompson.jpghttp://images.usatoday.com/_common/_images/clear.gif http://images.usatoday.com/_common/_images/_inside/enlarge.gif Enlarge The Oklahoman file photo via AP http://images.usatoday.com/_common/_images/clear.gif Former Oklahoma district judge Donald Thompson, shown in this June 29 photo, was found guilty on four counts of indecent exposure. The jury recommended a sentence of one year in prison and a $10,000 fine on each count..

BRISTOW, Okla. (AP) — A former judge convicted of exposing himself while presiding over jury trials by using a sexual device under his robe was sentenced Friday to four years in prison.
Donald Thompson had spent almost 23 years on the bench and had served as a state legislator before retiring from the court in 2004. He showed no reaction when he was sentenced.
At his trial this summer, his former court reporter, Lisa Foster, testified that she saw Thompson expose himself at least 15 times during trial between 2001 and 2003. Prosecutors said he also used a device known as a penis pump during at least four trials in the same period.
Thompson, 59, was convicted last month of four felony courts of indecent exposure for incidents that took place in his Creek County courtroom.
Thompson, a married father of three grown children, testified that the penis pump was given to him as a joke by a longtime hunting and fishing buddy.
"It wasn't something I was hiding," he said.
He said he may have absentmindedly squeezed the pump's handle during court cases but never used it to masturbate.
Foster told authorities that she saw Thompson use the device almost daily during the August 2003 murder trial of a man accused of shaking a toddler to death. A whooshing sound could be heard on Foster's audiotape of the trial. When jurors asked the judge about the sound, Thompson said he hadn't heard it but would listen for it.
Police built a case against the judge after a police officer testifying in a 2003 murder trial saw a piece of plastic tubing disappear under Thompson's robe. During a lunch break, officers took photographs of the pump under the desk.
Investigators later checked the carpet, Thompson's robes and the chair behind the bench and found semen, according to court records.
Carmelia Brossett, a senior probation officer for the state Department of Corrections, said in a presentencing report that Thompson refused to undergo psychosexual testing.
"Thompson's denial of the offense would likely present difficulty, if not inability for treatment providers to provide meaningful and beneficial sex-offender treatment," she said.
The jury recommended a sentence of one year in prison and a $10,000 fine on each count. The jury foreman has said it was the jury's intent that Thompson serve the full sentence.
Judge C. Allen McCall denied a defense motion asking that Thompson be allowed to remain free pending an appeal. Thompson was also ordered to pay a $40,000 fine.

30th May 2012, 03:33 PM
If you are into spanking its a two year term...............


30th May 2012, 03:46 PM
He got one year per inch...

30th May 2012, 04:01 PM
And then what do they do with ya in jail.............

31st May 2012, 05:20 AM
That is disturbing.
This "judge" is masturbating in court while listening to evidence regarding a man shaking a baby to death. How satanic is that.

31st May 2012, 06:05 AM
Wow! These news stories are getting to be so "out there" it's just fucking crazy. Disturbing. Shocking. Sickening.

And my conspiratorial mind is whirring. Something is wrong. I mean the Judge is beyond the pall, but something else is afoot.

Something bigger.

I'm thinking NEWS MEDIA INC. itself is the conspirator here.

We're being inundated with horror stories.

There is a psyop agenda being pulled on us.

Yes, I know, there always is. But this represents something of a shift in tactics.

The extreme nature of these stories. Something. I don't know.

31st May 2012, 06:51 AM
something else is afoot.

Something bigger.

I'm thinking NEWS MEDIA INC. itself is the conspirator here.

We're being inundated with horror stories.

There is a psyop agenda being pulled on us.

Yes, I know, there always is. But this represents something of a shift in tactics.

The extreme nature of these stories. Something. I don't know.

I am absolutely 100% in agreement with this post.

31st May 2012, 08:38 AM
We're being inundated with horror stories.

There is a psyop agenda being pulled on us.

Posted 8/18/2006 2:50 PM ET

Yes, it's old news.

31st May 2012, 09:32 AM
I am absolutely 100% in agreement with this post.

Shit has always been going on. Horrible sordid activities have always been around, but kept mostly under a lid. Contained to some degree.

The Wizards of Mass Media have flung open the lid. There's a sense of desperation in their methods. Creations of darkness are pouring out.

The real world as we think of it is being infected by what we thought of as illusion. The real world is being affected by the art of storytelling.

The Wizards of Mass Media are moving the stories that were once thought of as fiction into the real world.

Language is rooted in metaphor. A thing becomes a symbol that represents a concept. Concepts can be arranged to have more influence than real things.

The Wizards of Mass Media, since Shakespeare and the printing press at least, have been in charge of social paradigms through the art of storytelling.

There has been a common assumption among the population that reality and fiction are distinctly separate.

That there is only ONE reality. That's it. Just one. Every other "story" is fiction. Imagination. Entertainment. Fantasy. Pretend.

The NEWS has long been considered to represent REALITY. The News is just the News. It's stuff that's really happening. That's how we view it.

No questions asked. When we watch the News, we immediately assume that what we're watching is as real as bird shit on a windowsill.

But the "one reality" meme sets the stage for a huge psychological conflict. A contradiction that denies Spirit. The basis of atheism. One physical material reality.

But this creates a perfect opportunity for magicians, wizards to weave story lines between the realities they show us

using metaphor, the basis of all language, and that which our brains have hardened or calsified around.

It's like slight of hand, or magicians tricks on a stage, but using a much larger stage. Using the world as a stage.

We are the audience to a small troupe of magicians. Wizards. Nagual. Actors.

Those who have a certain amount of understanding and control over the subtle energies that run between things and concepts like lay lines or meridians.

The world, reality, and the mind.

Blah blah blah, LOL...

31st May 2012, 10:30 AM
I agree that the media is spoonfeeding us the content they want to see go viral. The desensitization of the North American people is under full swing. These media releases about extreme unexplainable gore and violence are leading the pack of shombies toward some sort of predetermined mindframe.

Half the time, I seriously question if any of the stories are even real. Half the time, I function under the assumption that the stories are fake, fabricated lies, like so many others. Who knows what to believe anymore.

Did a guy seriously chew another guys face off? Black on white? Did it really happen? Who knows. I don't doubt it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a concoction either.

31st May 2012, 10:34 AM
2 questions:

1) Why did Cebu post a 6 year old story today and ask if it were old news when the post date is at the beginning of the story?

2) Why is everyone else acting as if this story is somehow relevant to the recent rash of bizarre stories that actually took place in this year when this story is obviously 6 years old?

31st May 2012, 10:39 AM
It's still interesting to talk about!! LOL.

31st May 2012, 01:21 PM
Maybe they know we'll talk about this rather than what really matters?

31st May 2012, 01:26 PM
The story just surfaced that I knew about, this is why I posted. I never heard of it before. Why does this suddenly get MSM top story?

JJ, I believe you are right on.

31st May 2012, 02:44 PM
The sound of a penis pump whooshing in the background during a proceeding, all the weird stares, and uncomfortable pauses...shit is funny as hell.

What was that noise?
What noise?
That noise
I heard no noise
WTF....there it is again...I keep hearing it.
....Proceed. Next witness

Straight out of a movie script.

Buddy's epitaph... "Dick pump Judge".

31st May 2012, 02:47 PM
The sound of a penis pump whooshing in the background during a proceeding, all the weird stares, and uncomfortable pauses...shit is funny as hell.

What was that noise?
What noise?
That noise
I heard no noise
WTF....there it is again...I keep hearing it.
....Proceed. Next witness

Straight out of a movie script.

Buddy's epitaph... "Dick pump Judge".

How do they work? (the pump)

31st May 2012, 02:56 PM
How do they work? (the pump)

It expands or stretches, so to speak, the tissues in the skin using negative pressure which increases size. Some men "jelq", which forces blood into the penis, and expands the tissues. There are entire websites devoted to jelqing with before and after results. It apparently does work.

31st May 2012, 03:03 PM
[QUOTE=Cebu_4_2;545449] Why does this suddenly get MSM top story?


Probably because they are trying to pump up the news...........and this was the worst they had..........

31st May 2012, 05:39 PM
Maybe they know we'll talk about this rather than what really matters?

winner winner chicken dinner.

31st May 2012, 08:21 PM
Maybe they know we'll talk about this rather than what really matters?

I believe that technique is called "forum sliding".