View Full Version : This is why I stand by folks like Magnes and Book

1st June 2012, 11:16 AM
Both of whom I think are 'normal' people (ha w/e that means these days).

Since there is a lot of weird shit going on in general I decided to take a look at goyismoney. Very interesting thread there about a former GIM member named AKBILL, a name I certainly recall.

Apparently AKBILL has been on the FBI payroll for "over 100s hours of informant work" with regards to militia.

Folks, there are bad guys all over the net. GSUS is special.

Let's try to keep it that way OK?


Surplus store owner turned militia mole testifies at conspiracy trial

1st June 2012, 11:23 AM
Wow what a piece of shit AKBill is!

1st June 2012, 11:46 AM
Placing your favored members up on pedestals seems like a sort of personality fetishism.

But aside from that, as I recall, AKBILL was one of those neocon "Amerika Fuck Yeah" types.

There were lots of them... glorifying the military and bragging about serving all the time.

They think of themselves as "patriots" you know. Just like cops.

Book loves cops. He's always defending every fucked up thing they do.

1st June 2012, 11:53 AM
Santa - are you accusing me of personality fetishism?

1st June 2012, 12:09 PM
Wow what a piece of shit AKBill is!

I second that. Fuck you, AKBill, you piece of garbage!

1st June 2012, 12:33 PM
Santa - are you accusing me of personality fetishism?

Not an accusation. Just an observation.

Are you placing favored personalities up on pedestals? Is that what you're doing? It looks like it.

There may be other reasons for doing so besides fetishistic tendencies.

I don't know though. Just staying on my toes. Remaining ever vigilant.

Personally, I don't think this site needs any additional self selected troll enforcement or cops.

Magnes and Book are fine for entertainment, but they offer little beyond that as far as I can tell, besides endless repetition and conflict.

I have my opinions about participating members here, but generally don't feel the need to express those feelings with a megaphone.

The posters I enjoy here are the ones who offer interesting idea's, preferably philosophical.

You happen to be one of them.

1st June 2012, 12:42 PM
from what i understand from over the years
Magnes is one of the best at rooting out trolls/shills using new usernames http://www.allemoticons.com/Avatars/thumbsup2.gif

and i enjoy Book's one liner comments and " appropriate " pictures when the need arises http://www.allemoticons.com/Avatars/thumbsup2.gif

1st June 2012, 12:58 PM
Placing your favored members up on pedestals seems like a sort of personality fetishism.

But aside from that, as I recall, AKBILL was one of those neocon "Amerika Fuck Yeah" types.

There were lots of them... glorifying the military and bragging about serving all the time.

They think of themselves as "patriots" you know. Just like cops.

Book loves cops. He's always defending every fucked up thing they do.

You have a proven personality fetish for skyvike.

You seem to be some sort of monitor on here, I very vaguely remember AKBILL.

We were outing the NeoCons and wars on gim, as you were a skyvike cheeleader for
our bans, a skyvike ball licker. I posted a screen of you as RealJack as proof of this.

You joined on here late and from your first thread to troll and divide, never contributing.

DMac has been around, he is a student, knows the NeoCons, has warned people in the
past about not being naive. I always welcomed his critique on history, he got me in PM
long ago at gim and I failed his test, but today I can do better. LOL

We have always warned people to stay anonymous, look at skyvike, he got outed
by FRED through his email, he works for the MIC, his info is all over the net, new
sites he opened since then, he just does not want us to link it to him at gim.

According to Santa, one of his posts, skyvike is calling people on this board terrorists.
Skyvike has his agents on here. Look at mayhem, he is openly posting on gim as mayhem,
he tricked people here as mod to reveal their personal identities, as have other skyvike
agents, FRED was on the phone with mayhem, one of skyvikes greatest enemies.

Stay anonymous and do not be naive about people online, do not post too much about
your personal life, guns, silver, preps, etc, be smart. It is healthy to question and be
skeptical, charlatan's don't like questions or their past and deceits revealed.

GIM is a case study here, a microcosm of society, how everything played out,
caused me to go back to basics on studies, Classics, study the Occult, it was
an eye opening learning experience. Where did all the old posters go, most get
it, when skyvike was outed hundreds disappeared and the new gim was different.

Thanks to everyone here that joined and contributed first summer, we brought
back some memory holed information, especially on skyvike.

Be Smart

If you want to know what someone is about on here, go to their threads opened.
Who contributes to what discussion. Interests, etc .

For those that missed it, save these, post them on goyim in money ii ,
enlighten the new deceived members there, OPERATION AWAKEN II .

You will never see trolls on here tell the truth, but mock us.

Mason Round
warning, huge jpeg, whole forum page
http://img197.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=583445280_EustaceMullinsBANNEDLOL_12 2_417lo.jpg
RichG, Dogman's brother mod at gimii today,
blowout about MarketNeutral and JuristicPerson

Its A Conspiracy :: The Daily Diatribe (http://www.dailydiatribe.net/)


1st June 2012, 01:14 PM
Folks, there are bad guys all over the net. GSUS is special.

Are you implying that there are no CoIntel Pro Agent Provacatuers on GSUS? Of COURSE there is....

If you really step back, this entire place has gone to shit in the past couple months (IMO). Most topics are about mindless CRAP, that cannot be discussed in an intellectual philosophical light. The topics are meant to divide and cause infighting. I used to be able to find credible topics and learn vast amounts of info from them. Those topics seem to be gone and flushed away, and replaced with unimportant dribble focused on seperating instead of uniting.

Just like Cass Sunstien said they would.

1st June 2012, 01:23 PM
Are you implying that there are no CoIntel Pro Agent Provacatuers on GSUS? Of COURSE there is....

If you really step back, this entire place has gone to shit in the past couple months (IMO). Most topics are about mindless CRAP, that cannot be discussed in an intellectual philosophical light. The topics are meant to divide and cause infighting. I used to be able to find credible topics and learn vast amounts of info from them. Those topics seem to be gone and flushed away, and replaced with unimportant dribble focused on seperating instead of uniting.

Just like Cass Sunstien said they would.

I am not implying that at all. Quite the opposite actually.

Cointelpro is here, has been here since day 1. Luckily though we have removed some of their partners from GSUS, GSUS still stands and the posts from day 1 are still available for reading. This is what I meant by the special comment.

1st June 2012, 01:24 PM
I think people sometimes take themselves way too seriously.

Oppression has been going on since single cell life forms.

Prep your shit, take care of mind and body, and enjoy life as much as you can.

Laugh often, focus on the good, or get sick and die early.

That's my game plan, your results may vary.

1st June 2012, 02:25 PM
Hi cupcake.
First, I'd just like to say one thing. :)

I have absolute rock solid proof that you are a lying scumbag. :D

My proof is indisputable.

Why? Because you lie about me and my intentions. There's no one on earth that knows me and my intentions better than myself,
and when someone is lying about me.

Of course I'm not trying to defend myself and never have. It doesn't matter what others think of me. My position or ego isn't on the line here.

I bet yours is, though. Haha.


But here's the dig. What really matters is that GOD KNOWS YOU"RE A SLANDEROUS LIAR TOO.

Ain't that the pits, Magnes? It must really suck being you, cupcake.

Hey, and not only have you lied, you continue to bury your squirming soul in slander and lies.

But you know, everyone lies occasionally. Usually about silly little vanities or perhaps to get out of something,
but you appear to lie in order to manipulate this forums members.

Why is that cupcake? Why do you lie to manipulate others?

What does Jesus say about lying slanderers, Magnes?

What good in the long run is all your lying going to do?

It's weird reading your filth, Magnes. It's as though you can no longer tell whether what you say is merely an opinion about others or whether it's more of your shit storm of lies. You yourself don't seem to even know what or who you are as a human being anymore. You seem to have moved into your Magnes persona permanently, as if it's more real than the fear riddled little flesh body you really are.

See, the thing is, I don't care what you blather on and on about, because I have absolutely zero respect for you, cupcake.

None. Because if you can lie about me and my intentions. Slander me untold times. Then you can and I presume DO lie about others.

Probably all the time. Not only here, but at your job. Not only at your job, but in your home. And to your family.

To your mother and father. Brothers, sisters. Children and wife. Everyone.

I find your lies repulsive. I find YOU repulsive.

And it makes me extremely sad to see you deceive so many on this board.

But, on the bright side, others are becoming aware of your filthy lies, as your lies grow to include more and more posters.

That's the way of liars, after all. It builds and builds, until the weight of your filth crumbles down and sends you to hell in a torrent of your own excrement.

Have fun on your trip down, cupcake. :)

I just pray you don't take anyone with you.

1st June 2012, 02:40 PM
Hi cupcake.

Have fun on your trip down, cupcake. :)


1st June 2012, 03:34 PM
Good reply Dmac.......Im with you.

1st June 2012, 04:29 PM
...Magnes and Book are fine for entertainment, but they offer little beyond that as far as I can tell...The posters I enjoy here are the ones who offer interesting idea's, preferably philosophical.

Your personal attack on DMac and his thread here is, as usual, obvious. Please link your most-proud-of thread started by "Santa" that offered GSUS interesting ideas, preferably philosophical.

:) your most-proud-of thread started by "Santa" here at GSUS

1st June 2012, 04:37 PM
Personally, I don't think this site needs...troll enforcement...


1st June 2012, 04:49 PM
Your personal attack on DMac and his thread here is, as usual, obvious. Please link your most-proud-of thread started by "Santa" that offered GSUS interesting ideas, preferably philosophical.

:) your most-proud-of thread started by "Santa" here at GSUS

youdont understand "santa"...book and magnes mamboni and i and a few select others have been fighting side by side for a decade. sure we are at each others throats from time to time BUT....when trolls show up we band together and kick their ass every time.....so, a personal attack on one of them is not taken lightly
if you KNEW the history of this butch cassidy sundance like gang thats been kicking @ss all these years you would have some respect. I have their back and they have mine come hell-highwater or the feds.

mick silver
1st June 2012, 04:59 PM
thanks jdrock ... well put

1st June 2012, 05:02 PM
A gentle warning to Santa, be careful with philosophical discussion, lest ye be marked an occultist or worse by the resident witch hunters.

1st June 2012, 05:16 PM
someone need a hug?? None of the gang go troll hunting, but...when intelligent discussion of vital issues gets consistently belittled and sidetracked one has to bring into question the motive of such behavior.(if its consitent) freedom REQUIRES CONSTANT VIGILANCE on all our parts. When someone rubs u the wrong way, let it slide...BUT, when they belittle fact and truth and attempt to insert jewish propaganda.....the gang goes into action.

1st June 2012, 05:28 PM
.....the gang goes into action.

for some reason that made me think of this...lol


...sorry for the interruption...carry on, gentlemen. ;D

1st June 2012, 05:40 PM

1st June 2012, 06:01 PM
Dmac, I am with you. Magnes is the man. I don't know if he's right all the time, but I know he's been right many many times in the past.

Your personal attack on DMac and his thread here is, as usual, obvious. Please link your most-proud-of thread started by "Santa" that offered GSUS interesting ideas, preferably philosophical.

:) your most-proud-of thread started by "Santa" here at GSUS

Pot, meet Kettle.

1st June 2012, 06:01 PM
for some reason that made me think of this...lol


...sorry for the interruption...carry on, gentlemen. ;D

What? The three jews? LOL.

1st June 2012, 06:18 PM
I've only found them similar in membership to a failed forum.

An Indian's perspective would classify these "troll hunters" as moving like the troll, mirroring the troll.

Until one day he becomes the troll himself.

1st June 2012, 06:22 PM
to all snitches death. i smoke grass and think for myself and follow reason with discernment.

1st June 2012, 06:38 PM
to all snitches death. i smoke grass and think for myself and follow reason with discernment.

Here! here!

damn, i wish there was a "thanks" button!!

1st June 2012, 06:38 PM
What? The three jews? LOL.


I'm still trying to figure out which one is book...lol ;)

1st June 2012, 06:39 PM
I would say it is the most jewish one that is book.

1st June 2012, 06:47 PM
A gentle warning to Santa, be careful with philosophical discussion, lest ye be marked an occultist or worse by the resident witch hunters.

:{y:X!!oO***--H H----)

1st June 2012, 06:55 PM
I would say it is the most jewish one that is book.

...This user agrees with this post! lol ;)

1st June 2012, 07:29 PM
Hi cupcake.
First, I'd just like to say one thing. :)

I have absolute rock solid proof that you are a lying scumbag. :D

My proof is indisputable.

Why? Because you lie about me and my intentions. There's no one on earth that knows me and my intentions better than myself,
and when someone is lying about me.

Of course I'm not trying to defend myself and never have. It doesn't matter what others think of me. My position or ego isn't on the line here.

I bet yours is, though. Haha.


But here's the dig. What really matters is that GOD KNOWS YOU"RE A SLANDEROUS LIAR TOO.

Ain't that the pits, Magnes? It must really suck being you, cupcake.

Hey, and not only have you lied, you continue to bury your squirming soul in slander and lies.

But you know, everyone lies occasionally. Usually about silly little vanities or perhaps to get out of something,
but you appear to lie in order to manipulate this forums members.

Why is that cupcake? Why do you lie to manipulate others?

What does Jesus say about lying slanderers, Magnes?

What good in the long run is all your lying going to do?

It's weird reading your filth, Magnes. It's as though you can no longer tell whether what you say is merely an opinion about others or whether it's more of your shit storm of lies. You yourself don't seem to even know what or who you are as a human being anymore. You seem to have moved into your Magnes persona permanently, as if it's more real than the fear riddled little flesh body you really are.

See, the thing is, I don't care what you blather on and on about, because I have absolutely zero respect for you, cupcake.

None. Because if you can lie about me and my intentions. Slander me untold times. Then you can and I presume DO lie about others.

Probably all the time. Not only here, but at your job. Not only at your job, but in your home. And to your family.

To your mother and father. Brothers, sisters. Children and wife. Everyone.

I find your lies repulsive. I find YOU repulsive.

And it makes me extremely sad to see you deceive so many on this board.

But, on the bright side, others are becoming aware of your filthy lies, as your lies grow to include more and more posters.

That's the way of liars, after all. It builds and builds, until the weight of your filth crumbles down and sends you to hell in a torrent of your own excrement.

Have fun on your trip down, cupcake. :)

I just pray you don't take anyone with you.

I believe everything was made up about you Santa because he has made up stuff about practically everyone including me.

1st June 2012, 07:29 PM
People stand beside someone they have been through this and that with and in so doing blind themselves too truth.

The whole world has bound together in different groups . There is no GROUP, there is only you and your relation ship with TRUTH .

Truth is truth .

My searching s and investigations over 40yrs have shown too me that the truth is not in groups ,institutions,gurus,of any kind , instead the way to the truth lies within ourselves . Depending on some outside belief, or faith is absolutely ludicrous to me but I respect people that hold these beliefs because it shows they have a heart and care.

It is so important to begin living now in the universal energy which is there everyday of our lives and it is something to behold and love.

LOVE everything inside of yourself NOW, feel the LOVE part within yourself ,feel it and feel it grow.Its not hard.
Now feeling love think of a thought that really bugs you , and love will show us that even the very worst worst thing in the world is overcome by the power of love.

For people that cannot feel this warm feeling near there heart area,they may have to look a little harder.....hahaha

Love is no big deal its always there, just like truth, insight , awareness , peace ,follow the consciousness of ourselves , and by the way this is eternity.

1st June 2012, 07:36 PM
I never knew about Agora but I lurked a ton at GIM, I learned alot and only started coming out of hiding shortly before its demise, then we migrated here. I followed anti-censorship, freedom and the bulk of folks I had come to trust as bearers of these tenets. I'm no longer a lurker though and I refuse to shirk in my beliefs or opinions and expressing them. IMO this is the best place on the net for self expression and I've had my own battles in the past that split boards up because of free speech/censorship issues so this is a HUGE issue for me and I'm thanfkul to be able to call this my net home, even with all of its other warts.

I have no doubts that are those that are here to sabotage, divide and stir shit..both paid and unpaid but to find demons under every rock is nothing but a witch hunt and often winds up with just regular folks being accused of having another opinion of the supposed required norm. This is wrong, just as what happened in puritan Salem was wrong. I've seen some good people gone after for next to nothin other than supposition and cockeyed extrapolation. That in itself is troubling enough to make one give pause about speaking out lest the hunters go hunting, not to mention even thinking about folks ever wanting to join!

I'm just a regular son of a bitch though, I ain't worth a plug nickel, not a member of academia and only have some knowledge, common sense and my word/honor as anything worth anything, the things I highly prize.

That being said, I respect Magnes for the 'most' part, he's a keen mind for true western/ancient history and is very good at spotting enemies but....not infallible. No ones perfect and to pretend to be is dishonest and can cause problems on errant crusades. Right is right and wrong is wrong. You were dead wrong about about folks I know personally and never apologized to. You baited me and I let it go.

Book...waste of bandwidth. Shit stirrin smartass with an agenda that even Magnes can't see....go figger.

So..whatever happens...happens. I'm my own man and I'll call'em as I see'em in the here and now and with verifiable facts.

I do love it here! I gotta tell ya that! Time for a spiced rum drink?...thought so :)

1st June 2012, 07:43 PM
Thank you Libertytree for that post. Very well said!!

1st June 2012, 07:47 PM
I agree LT great post ! Happy Friday my Friend.

1st June 2012, 07:54 PM
Lt....you were never THERE. there is ,was and continues to be one. You had to be there.

1st June 2012, 08:14 PM
Lt....you were never THERE. there is ,was and continues to be one. You had to be there.

I understand JD and I respect your word and vantage point but in all due honesty many of us have been around for 4-5 years and that gives us plenty of time to observe and gather our own 1st hand opinions. What would you have us do...live by the stories of folklore of times past and disregard what we see in the here and now?

1st June 2012, 09:26 PM
I understand JD and I respect your word and vantage point but in all due honesty many of us have been around for 4-5 years and that gives us plenty of time to observe and gather our own 1st hand opinions. What would you have us do...live by the stories of folklore of times past and disregard what we see in the here and now?

*THANKS* from the resident brewhack!

1st June 2012, 11:16 PM
I believe I am a member, but choose not to piss on the fence. You can try but I wont.

Old Herb Lady
2nd June 2012, 07:20 AM
People stand beside someone they have been through this and that with and in so doing blind themselves too truth.

The whole world has bound together in different groups . There is no GROUP, there is only you and your relation ship with TRUTH .

Truth is truth .

My searching s and investigations over 40yrs have shown too me that the truth is not in groups ,institutions,gurus,of any kind , instead the way to the truth lies within ourselves . Depending on some outside belief, or faith is absolutely ludicrous to me but I respect people that hold these beliefs because it shows they have a heart and care.

It is so important to begin living now in the universal energy which is there everyday of our lives and it is something to behold and love.

LOVE everything inside of yourself NOW, feel the LOVE part within yourself ,feel it and feel it grow.Its not hard.
Now feeling love think of a thought that really bugs you , and love will show us that even the very worst worst thing in the world is overcome by the power of love.

For people that cannot feel this warm feeling near there heart area,they may have to look a little harder.....hahaha

Love is no big deal its always there, just like truth, insight , awareness , peace ,follow the consciousness of ourselves , and by the way this is eternity.

The soul that hasn't received
Peace and love from God,
What a helpless and lost soul that is!

With whom are you going to be in love?
Be thankful to God that your punishment
Came from temporary side of love.
But leave the temporary love,
Because real love is God's Love.

I merged so completely with Love, and
Was so fused, that I became Love
And Love became me.
That way, I was saved
From instigation, trials and tribulations.
Yes, with complete union,
Man becomes strange to himself.

Be a glass for the wine of Love,
In order to deserve the Beloved.
Be pure Soul,
Give your life with the Beloved's love.
A knot cannot be untied without Love.

Love is the light of nights.
For Love, play with your Soul.
If you have fallen into grief,
In the end, with the favor of God,
Whose compassion and justice cover the arch,
You will be helped and relieved.

What do you think about Love?
You haven't heard about Love, even from Lovers.
Love is neither a tale nor a game.
Love is such a torrent
That no one can stand in front of it.
Kings would give away their throne
For the smell of the Wine that Lovers drink
At the assembly of Heart.

Love is a light, exalted,
A secret river to be drunk,
Purified and flowing forever,
A fire burning, never extinguished.
Love goes together with suffering,
But it is the greatest.

Gamble everything for Love,
If you’re a true human being.
If not, leave this gathering.
Halfheartedness doesn’t reach into Majesty.
You set out to find God,
But then you keep stopping for long periods
At mean-spirited roadhouses!

Trust Love. Love is completely
A face and eyes turned this way, watching you.
There is nothing next to Love,
Except face and vision.
He doesn't have a shape,
But all His work is to make shapes and forms!

Those who don't feel this love
Pulling them like a river,
Those who don't drink dawn
Like a cup of spring water
Or take in sunset like supper,
Those who don't want to change,
Let them sleep!
This love is beyond the study of theology,
That old trickery and hypocrisy.
If you want to improve your mind that way,
Sleep on!
I've given up on my brain.
I've torn the cloth to shreds
And thrown it away.
If you're not completely naked,
Wrap your beautiful robe of words
around you,
And go back to sleep!

For lovers, the only lecturer is
The beauty of the Beloved;
Their only book and lecture and lesson is:
The Face.
They are silent outwardly,
But their penetrating remembrance rises
To the high throne of their Friend.
Their only lesson is enthusiasm,
Whirling, and trembling,
Not the fine points of Jurisprudence!

Through love: Darkness becomes clear.
Through love: Bitter things become sweet.
Through love: Pain becomes the healing.
Through love: Dead becomes alive.
Love makes the sea boil like a kettle.
Love crumbles the mountain like a sand.
Love drills hundred holes in the sky.
Love trembles the earth like a quake.

Look at Love
How it tangles
With the one fallen in love.
Look at Spirit
How it fuses with earth
Giving it a new life.
Why are you so busy
With this or that or good or bad?
Pay attention to how things blend
Be like sugarcane sweet yet silent
Don't get mixed up with bitter words.

Love is the whole thing.
We are only pieces.
Love is the sea of no end.
We are a drop of it.
Without Love, even the stars
Are eclipsed, and extinguished.
Don't keep Love away from your Soul,
So that your good deeds may bear fruit,
And keep growing.

Fall in Love. Forget names and titles.
Leave the grains, leave the trap.
Name the stone 'gold.'
Name sugar 'grief and suffering.'
Reason is powerless in the expression of love.
Love alone is capable of revealing the Truth,
And being a lover.
The agony of lovers
Burns with the fire of the passion.
Lovers leave traces of where they've been.
The wailing of a lover's broken heart
Is the doorway to The Beloved.
If you want to live, die in love
Die in love if you want to remain alive.
Love has opened your heart
Start walking towards Love
Your legs will get heavy and tired
Then comes a moment of feeling:
The wings you've grown, lifting...

2nd June 2012, 07:39 AM
Book...waste of bandwidth. Shit stirrin smartass with an agenda that even Magnes can't see....go figger.

I can't believe he has Magnes fooled..

So..whatever happens...happens. I'm my own man and I'll call'em as I see'em in the here and now and with verifiable facts.


2nd June 2012, 09:33 AM
youdont understand "santa"...book and magnes mamboni and i and a few select others have been fighting side by side for a decade. sure we are at each others throats from time to time BUT....when trolls show up we band together and kick their ass every time.....so, a personal attack on one of them is not taken lightly
if you KNEW the history of this butch cassidy sundance like gang thats been kicking @ss all these years you would have some respect. I have their back and they have mine come hell-highwater or the feds.

Awoke you and Libertytree are in the wrong here buddy. JDRock speaks the truth in his post above.

2nd June 2012, 09:54 AM
Awoke you and Libertytree are in the wrong here buddy...

"Awoke" obviously isn't.

"Libertytree" probably smokes these:


:D they apparently hate me for noticing...lol

2nd June 2012, 09:58 AM
:D they apparently hate me for noticing...lol

Why do you hate us for our Freedoms, Book?

2nd June 2012, 10:10 AM
Why do you hate us for our Freedoms, Book?

Thanks for this insightful post.

2nd June 2012, 11:26 AM
"Awoke" obviously isn't.

"Libertytree" probably smokes these:


:D they apparently hate me for noticing...lol

I was referring to Awokes comment in post #43 about you "having Magnes fooled". Have you got him fooled Book?

2nd June 2012, 11:26 AM
Why do you hate us for our Freedoms, Book?

What might those "Freedoms" actually be in the real world Horn?


2nd June 2012, 11:27 AM
Does anyone really give a shit about the opinion of anyone that's spends the majority of their life on Internet forums?

Seriously. Reality check big time.

It's the definition of laughable.

One can only imagine how some people are going to fare over larger issues when times get harder.

2nd June 2012, 12:20 PM
Does anyone really give a shit about the opinion of anyone that's spends the majority of their life on Internet forums?

Seriously. Reality check big time.

It's the definition of laughable.

One can only imagine how some people are going to fare over larger issues when times get harder.

This user Thanks You for your post :)

2nd June 2012, 01:54 PM
This user Thanks You for your post :)

Seconded. ;)

2nd June 2012, 01:58 PM
Seconded. ;)


2nd June 2012, 02:02 PM
I didn't thank DMac because I knew how this thread would turn out,
he is not doing himself or anyone any favors with this thread. There
is a lot of general comments in this thread.

That being said, I respect Magnes for the 'most' part, he's a keen mind for true western/ancient history and is very good at spotting enemies but....not infallible. No ones perfect and to pretend to be is dishonest and can cause problems on errant crusades. Right is right and wrong is wrong. You were dead wrong about about folks I know personally and never apologized to. You baited me and I let it go.

You are going to have to be far more specific than that, you had plenty of opportunity
to speak out, and you claim they were your friends so why didn't you say something,
you know people personally, congratulations, you won the argument, I only know them
from on here, excuse me. Your comments are a general personal attack that cannot be
defended. You are part of the Chat Gang, Cali Gang, there is politics on this forum that
many may miss, and many of these people are taking advantage of it, not everyone but
some there, I was receiving warnings in PM and even saw some screens, I have been
attacked by many for Dogman and Joe King, just for asking questions, I suspected many
supported Joe King, was not wrong, and many attacked me when he got banned, I didn't
ban him, I just supported Gaillo, some one from chat " warned " me about you, I took it as
a threat, because they were going after me in open forums, it ain't Solid, who I was trying
to talk to and understand back then, they told me you are going to get me, I better watch
it, you are living in KOS's house. That's how they roll, I told them to take it to the open
forums. I always found you to be more than fair and wondered, you seemed unbiased.
Tell me why you never stood up against Joe King or Dogman swearing at your friend Zap
who is a part of this group, Cali, Chat, I did, she didn't give a shit, I was in the wrong, LOL .

Go after Ponce instead, then Book, then me, LOL .

You are going to have to be more specific with your attack on me, who the fuck do you
want me to apologize to, someone that supports the biggest trolls here and is in chat with
them, mayhem, dogman, joe king ? That is what it looks like to me, one of their supporters.

Be more specific, and where were you then ?
Where is the link ?

about screen posted above
On another issue of gim, I provided a screen of a cheerleader for our bans, me, Awoke, KingTheoden,
Spectrim, got banned or were threatened in Spectrisms case, and people are cheerleaders for that,
for discussing the " spanish inquisition " . That was RealJack, Dogman as GoldDust has similar behavior,
I have posted that screen a year ago, both these people have a history on here also. We ain't supposed to notice, both are agents for skyvike, and both targetted me, and RealJack targetted Gaillo early, Dogman also targetted the admin here, Gaillo's comments when he banned him, read them, they ain't about me.

Why would anyone thank a skyvike ban post for bullshit ?

You will never see prolific posters on NeoCons thank one of his later ban posts ?

You will never see Awoke or Gaillo do that, they did the opposite, which is why I
went from agora, got them in email, and showed them what was going on.
I saw principled people that stand up for what is right, and I was sick of the deceit
and cowards.

People here do have an agenda, in Awokes " anti gimetic " thread I find Dogman telling Awoke
to get lost from the forums, as GoldDust.

Hugginator on here who is allied here with these people attacks me, mocks a few people
here, GofD, Me, Ponce, I wonder what we have in common ? Talking about Jews, he has
posts here that mock these forums as a bunch of loons, he came out of nowhere to attack

People here do have an agenda and others back them. Almost all these people right now are in chat.

People in chat still support Dogman, chat is being used as a Site 41 by some,
Joe King is there and so is mayhem, LOL, that was reported on by people here.


@ Serpo, I have always enjoyed and thanked your posts, and been involved in your threads,
you on the other hand from the very beginning of these forums never behaved that way
towards me and others that share the same interests, and you have gone adhominen on me
3 times on here, I won't get into it, if you don't like my comments about some of your threads
and what you post too bad.


@ FORUM, I am not married to Book, we have had our blowouts, the last thing I am going
to do is pile on and join some of the troll lovers on here, Ponce and I had some exchanges too,
so what, I don't want to see him or anyone go, some of the gang I was talking about above
likes to pile on, most of us here don't do that, Awoke put Gonzo on the spot as an example,
I didn't join in, Awoke doesn't join in when I put him on the spot, he seems to be sensitive,
I don't want to blow him out of the water, Gonzo, he is a good example to talk about. ;D

Does anyone need to remind people here that nobody here is in total agreement with anyone ?

Shouldn't be the necessary.


Nobody has anything to say about the screens I posted ? LOL !

2nd June 2012, 02:14 PM
@ FORUM, I am not married to Book, we have had our blowouts, the last thing I am going
to do is pile on and join some of the troll lovers on here, Ponce and I had some exchanges too,
so what, I don't want to see him or anyone go, some of the gang I was talking about above
likes to pile on, most of us here don't do that, Awoke put Gonzo on the spot as an example,
I didn't join in, Awoke doesn't join in when I put him on the spot, he seems to be sensitive,
I don't want to blow him out of the water, Gonzo, he is a good example to talk about. ;D

Does anyone need to remind people here that nobody here is in total agreement with anyone ?

Shouldn't be the necessary.

Your offer does not go unnoticed, but I'd rather you not blow me, in the water or out.


2nd June 2012, 02:36 PM
What might those "Freedoms" actually be in the real world Horn?


You'll have to admit it to yourself, you degrade most anything that doesn't fall into your narrowly acceptable view of the world.

Not that anyone might know what that is, due to the silence.

Even when getting philosophical you tend to stifle anything that has a hint of Freedom in it.

You almost fall completely into the NeoCon definition of a Muslim Terror propagandist...

2nd June 2012, 02:51 PM
Does anyone really give a shit about the opinion of anyone that's spends the majority of their life on Internet forums?

Seriously. Reality check big time.

It's the definition of laughable.

One can only imagine how some people are going to fare over larger issues when times get harder.

I thought it might be a good idea for everyone to read this again. {**}

2nd June 2012, 03:05 PM
I thought it might be a good idea for everyone to read this again. {**}

Even a black sheep must be tended to as part of the flock.

2nd June 2012, 04:04 PM
I thought it might be a good idea for everyone to read this again. {**}
I couldnt agreee more...check the post counts ;)

2nd June 2012, 04:42 PM
I provided a screen of a cheerleader for our bans, me, Awoke, KingTheoden,
Spectrim, got banned or were threatened in Spectrisms case, and people are cheerleaders for that,
for discussing the " spanish inquisition " . That was RealJack,

Lol... The screenshot has absolutely nothing to do with bannings...
which just shows that YOU CONTINUE TO LIE AND SLANDER. :)

2nd June 2012, 06:31 PM
LOL at this bullshit ! So here we are internet commando's HIDING BEHIND THE KEYBOARD whoo hoo, from what I see most people want you to agree with them and if you don't your a troll ,a CIA agent, Mossad, or as Magnes so eloquently puts it that Cali gang.

I am sick of the bullshit. I will say any Damn thing I want to, I will thank anybody I want, I will agree or disagree with anyone I want to, and IF anyone doesn't like it put me on ignore..... or go to hell, take your pick.


2nd June 2012, 07:01 PM
LOL at this bullshit ! So here we are internet commando's HIDING BEHIND THE KEYBOARD whoo hoo, from what I see most people want you to agree with them and if you don't your a troll ,a CIA agent, Mossad, or as Magnes so eloquently puts it that Cali gang.

I am sick of the bullshit. I will say any Damn thing I want to, I will thank anybody I want, I will agree or disagree with anyone I want to, and IF anyone doesn't like it put me on ignore..... or go to hell, take your pick.


GODDAMMIT!!!!! where's the "thanks" button!!

this user thanks ZAP for this excellent post! ;)

2nd June 2012, 07:20 PM
or as Magnes so eloquently puts it that Cali gang.

A lot of people in Chat like you are the people that met in Cali,
and many of you have arguments on here " I KNOW IN PERSON ", congratulations,
you won the argument. LOL ! We were friends girl, I supported you on here but
you don't appreciate that, we were in PM many times and very cordial, I figured
your group out the hard way, you people are involved in group think, and you support
each other and pile on every chance you get as a group, and you are for the most
part supporters of Joe King and Dogman, as Dogman was swearing at you I supported
you, I ran into a few of these, some of your REAL LIFE " friends " never did, yet I am
the problem, seems to me you suffer from some sort of battered women syndrome,
in real life what would happen if someone was talking to you like that in front of your
friends and family, instead solid his buddy on here is talking about punching me out. I was
trying to figure things out then and removed his attacks, he knows that, he knows
I acted out of good will, I don't trust any of you supporting Joe King and Dogman.
Look at you all, a few of you pile on every chance you get, I knew what would
happen in this thread. You are very sensitive, many people on this forum may not
understand how you people support each other, all my problems with solid came
from arguments about Joe King and Dogman recently, he seems to be one of the
leaders here. Now the GofD even attacked me and many of you join him in cheerleading.

You made comments on here in the past that alluded to me joining you to get along.
That is never going to happen with the people you support, your friends are always
piling on when ever there is trouble as they hang with the trolls.

Chat/Cali gang is SITE41. Group think. Kiss each others asses. Support trolls.

Give my best to Joe King, Dogman and Mayhem in chat.

Don't take my comments as a personal attack, listen to what I am saying.

Why has Dogman always been going after you ? From the beginnings of this forum ?
I have a really good idea, he crawled back to goyim in money ii, doing what he always
did as a cheerleader for bans, from day one he was swearing at everyone here, and
he targeted you as an agent for skyvike and gim, IMO, because they believe you betrayed
them. Skyvike has similar arguments I saw about posters and how we are poaching
their members who they were banning wholesale. I will leave it at that and I will also
apologize for bringing it up, you are still in chat with this person that makes me sick.
And the people that supported him as he was swearing at you make me sick.
These are not good people, you spit on the good people here like me that supported
you. He apologized, lol, so what, 5 times, lol , why you ? Why not me ? Why you ?
Sorry but you are a very poor judge of character. And don't put words in my mouth,
" mossad " , " satanists " , whatever.

2nd June 2012, 07:29 PM
Didn't R. King say, "Can we all just get a bong" or something like that?


2nd June 2012, 07:37 PM
Magnes I haven't read all of your latest rambling post yet I just skimmed through it, I am in no-ones gang, nobody is my buddy, I am here on my own, at my mountain, all by myself.

I don't need any internet support from you or anybody else, (other then my own rambling on the ladies forum)

I stand on my own two feet, all by-myself, I make my own choices, and when I see something I don't think is right, I will speak up and if you don't like it........... I have already stated your two choices in my prevoius post.

Good Evening

2nd June 2012, 07:40 PM
LOL at this bullshit ! So here we are internet commando's HIDING BEHIND THE KEYBOARD whoo hoo, from what I see most people want you to agree with them and if you don't your a troll ,a CIA agent, Mossad, or as Magnes so eloquently puts it that Cali gang.

I am sick of the bullshit. I will say any Damn thing I want to, I will thank anybody I want, I will agree or disagree with anyone I want to, and IF anyone doesn't like it put me on ignore..... or go to hell, take your pick.



2nd June 2012, 10:13 PM
Did I miss anything?

3rd June 2012, 12:21 PM
Does anyone really give a shit about the opinion of anyone that's spends the majority of their life on Internet forums?

Seriously. Reality check big time.

It's the definition of laughable.

One can only imagine how some people are going to fare over larger issues when times get harder.
Quoted for truth. If they can spellbound us to the Internet, they win. No matter what truths or disinformation we uncover... Drama is a spell. Get real!

3rd June 2012, 12:53 PM
Quoted for truth. If they can spellbound us to the Internet, they win. No matter what truths or disinformation we uncover... Drama is a spell. Get real!

Of course, you're right about spellbinding us to the Internet.
They want the entire world's population to sit down, shut up, drool on our monitors and live tranked out drone lives til we die of prostate cancer.