View Full Version : Question for the PHDs. Ozone treatment.

Errosion Of Accord
2nd June 2012, 08:22 PM
I've had tinea pedis for decades and I was trying to think of a way to disinfect my shoes and actually be cured once and for all. I thought about microwaving them, putting them in the oven, and running them through the dryer in the sanitize mode, then I had an epiphany... OZONE. Why didn't I think of this before? Anyway, along the way to buying an ozone generator I started doing a little research and came across the following page. I hope you guys will take a minute to read the article and comment. While you are here would you also comment on colloidal silver?


willie pete
2nd June 2012, 08:32 PM
why not an anti-fungal?

Errosion Of Accord
2nd June 2012, 08:35 PM
I've been using the crap they sell over the shelves for years on my feet and I'm never cured because my shoes are still infected.

2nd June 2012, 08:44 PM
Cure your feet. Throw out all your shoes. Get new ones. Then infect them. I have hot/sweaty feet and not athletes foot but some kind of bacterias infect my shoes and make me have hot sweaty feet. My doctor 20 years ago had me putting erythromycin lotion on them. It didnt work. His advice, which has helped, was wear leather shoes, different pair every day and let them dry between using them. With two-four pairs of work shoes and a couple pair of sneakers I have been pretty functional since then. For work shoes I go with leather top and leather sole that you can get the soles replaced by a cobbler. If you take care of them you get ten years out of a pair of work shoes, so buy four pairs and rotate em every day.

I have thrown all my shoes out and cleaned up my feet and it just comes back. Let us know if your ozon works.

2nd June 2012, 09:53 PM
I think colloidal silver would work, but the problem is that it's a liquid and you need to use it on your shoes. I wonder if you could just use a spray bottle and spray a mist inside and outside of the shoes after you take them off. The silver particles would build up in the material over time and would help to stop growth.

So I'd try a combination of the two: spray a little bit of colloidal silver in them after you take them off, then place them in your ozone box.

Another thing to do is get a dehumidifier and place the shoes close to the dehumidifier's output. Any moisture allows bacteria to grow. Pulling the moisture out of the shoes is important.

So perhaps a sealed closet would work with a dehumidifier and ozone machine inside it.

3rd June 2012, 05:55 AM
Madison Cavanaugh in his book "The One-Minute Cure" has a chapter on ozone therapy. He describes how it works and the many benefits of using it. He also says using food grade hydrogen peroxide is an equally viable and effective treatment for the same things as ozone and it is easier to use. I've been using food grade HP for a couple of years now as a preventitive.

I don't have a problem with smelly feet but have at times in the past. Since I've been using charcoal pads in my boots it never seems to bother anymore. I've also got a boot dryer that I bought at a farm supply store that uses low heat to dry the inside of my boots that won't damage the leather. Maybe a combination of these things would help.

3rd June 2012, 06:57 AM
if you use ozone, do you have to put toothpicks or blocks between the toes to keep them open so the ozone can circulate ?

list of potential cures -
1. silver
2. ozone
3. pet dog or cat licks between toes.

alright, i know that last one might sound wierd but - don't some animals' saliva have anti-microbial qualities ?

how about just soaking the toes in rubbing alcohol or mouthwash (26.9 percent alcohol) ?

Errosion Of Accord
1st October 2012, 09:44 PM
Time for an update. I put all shoes and socks in a plastic tub with an ozone generator blowing into it. I ozoned my work boots for a week and did the others according to usage. I also had the MD give the the anti fungal pills for two weeks meanwhile I continued usage of the useless OTC cream... End result? My GD feet still itch. Perhaps it is time for the amputation/prosthetic treatment.

1st October 2012, 10:53 PM
There is a trick to soften leather shoes by soaking them in cheap vodka. They come out kit soft. The vodka should kill a lot of what's in there at the same time.

2nd October 2012, 04:20 AM
Time for an update. I put all shoes and socks in a plastic tub with an ozone generator blowing into it. I ozoned my work boots for a week and did the others according to usage. I also had the MD give the the anti fungal pills for two weeks meanwhile I continued usage of the useless OTC cream... End result? My GD feet still itch. Perhaps it is time for the amputation/prosthetic treatment.
Yep, that's it! Before that you can try a radionuclide foot bath (Pools of Fukushima), but it is a shot in the dark.

Errosion Of Accord
2nd October 2012, 04:39 AM
Yep, that's it! Before that you can try a radionuclide foot bath (Pools of Fukushima), but it is a shot in the dark.

That might produce a fungus large enough for consumption.

2nd October 2012, 04:53 AM
I too am cursed with sweaty feet. having worked on offshore platforms 15 years, i was exposed to every kind of foot funk there is by taking showers in common showers. Colloidal silver does help. Cotton socks help the organisms, so change them as soon as they get damp. Wear flip flops when you can. Very hot foot baths kill fungus.

2nd October 2012, 06:05 AM
Has anyone who has this problem ever looked at changing their diet?

2nd October 2012, 06:18 AM
Cure your feet. Throw out all your shoes. Get new ones. Then infect them. I have hot/sweaty feet and not athletes foot but some kind of bacterias infect my shoes and make me have hot sweaty feet. My doctor 20 years ago had me putting erythromycin lotion on them. It didnt work. His advice, which has helped, was wear leather shoes, different pair every day and let them dry between using them. With two-four pairs of work shoes and a couple pair of sneakers I have been pretty functional since then. For work shoes I go with leather top and leather sole that you can get the soles replaced by a cobbler. If you take care of them you get ten years out of a pair of work shoes, so buy four pairs and rotate em every day.

I have thrown all my shoes out and cleaned up my feet and it just comes back. Let us know if your ozon works.

When I was younger for years I had this problem too, super sweaty and stinky feet. I had to buy shoes every month because my shoes would start to smell so bad after a few weeks of wearing them. I went to a podiatrist who told me to throw out my shoes, buy new ones, and for one week use Absorbine Jr on my feet every morning and night, and change socks twice a day. After that week I've never had sweaty or stinky feet ever again in my life. That was over 10 years ago too. I would highly recommend anyone with sweaty, ithcy or stinky feet try this product: http://www.amazon.com/Absorbine-Jr-Relieving-Original-Applicator/dp/B000052WQJ

2nd October 2012, 06:42 AM
Erosion of Accord and Hoarder: Have either of you tried spraying or soaking your feet and shoes with 3% hydrogen peroxide? Other things that are suggested are soaking your feet in white venegar or a diluted clorox solution. Those things kill fungus. I always put a little clorox in the water I mop my flours with and it could be used in the shower to kill fungus. I'm curious about this because in my younger years I had problems with foot odor but I don't anymore.

Errosion Of Accord
2nd October 2012, 08:05 AM
My feet don't stink and they aren't nasty sweaty, just mildly damp between the toes.

I wonder where I could find enough peroxide on the cheap to do such a thing.

2nd October 2012, 09:15 AM
Erosion of Accord and Hoarder: Have either of you tried spraying or soaking your feet and shoes with 3% hydrogen peroxide? Other things that are suggested are soaking your feet in white venegar or a diluted clorox solution. Those things kill fungus. I always put a little clorox in the water I mop my flours with and it could be used in the shower to kill fungus. I'm curious about this because in my younger years I had problems with foot odor but I don't anymore.I haven't tried hydrogen peroxide yet. Thanks for the suggestion. Different people sweat in different places. When I sweat it pours out my scalp and feet. Naturally, I'm more prone to foot-rot. If my brain was in a boot all day I guess I'd have brain-rot, too.

2nd October 2012, 09:39 AM
Has anyone who has this problem ever looked at changing their diet?

I was must about to say. Something ain't right with the level of physical conditioning and or diet.

2nd October 2012, 10:20 AM
Has anyone who has this problem ever looked at changing their diet?

What do you feed the fungus?

Further, think about why a previously healthy tree, gets attacked by parasites, if you restrict the life force to it by tying a metal string around its stem. Parasites find hosts that are weakened physically...

2nd October 2012, 10:40 AM

What do you feed the fungus?

Further, think about why a previously healthy tree, gets attacked by parasites, if you restrict the life force to it by tying a metal string around its stem. Parasites find hosts that are weakened physically...

Almost ALL skin conditions are a direct result from diet. Your skin turns over every 6 weeks. This means you can cure ANY skin problem in 6 weeks. (Not cancer, but maybe)

Your sweat contains all kinds of stuff from your body. It has many minerals including salt and many others.

Going to an MD, or using ANY method from the mainstream will only 'mask' the symptoms BUT THE PROBLEM IS STILL THERE.


Errosion Of Accord
2nd October 2012, 01:22 PM
Any suggestions as to what makes a fungus happy? Carbs? Proteins?

2nd October 2012, 01:26 PM
Any suggestions as to what makes a fungus happy? Carbs? Proteins?

That fungus is an immune system response. See what foods trigger ANY type of immune response. Stop eating complex meals and try and eat only simple stuff for a while. Instead of apple pie, have an apple. Instead of chicken noodle soup, have just chicken. Etc....

Try that and always keep trck of what you last ate. You can even write it down in a food diary, and the next time your feet have issues, go back and see what you ate last. I would be willing to bet you will see a correlation somewhere......

IMO of course......

2nd October 2012, 01:26 PM
Any suggestions as to what makes a fungus happy? Carbs? Proteins?
I would think they love a wildly swinging blood sugar (so fast carbs!), but your defence needs all kinds of vitamins and minerals to function properly...

Old Herb Lady
2nd October 2012, 01:34 PM
Almost ALL skin conditions are a direct result from diet. Your skin turns over every 6 weeks. This means you can cure ANY skin problem in 6 weeks. (Not cancer, but maybe)

Your sweat contains all kinds of stuff from your body. It has many minerals including salt and many others.

Going to an MD, or using ANY method from the mainstream will only 'mask' the symptoms BUT THE PROBLEM IS STILL THERE.


That fungus is an immune system response. See what foods trigger ANY type of immune response. Stop eating complex meals and try and eat only simple stuff for a while. Instead of apple pie, have an apple. Instead of chicken noodle soup, have just chicken. Etc....

Try that and always keep trck of what you last ate. You can even write it down in a food diary, and the next time your feet have issues, go back and see what you ate last. I would be willing to bet you will see a correlation somewhere......

IMO of course......

What he said.

Then take oil of oregano in liquid or capsules by mouth a couple of times a day and also mix the oregano oil in some olive oil and slather on thy feetsies ! Fungus be gone soon enuff.

Old Herb Lady
2nd October 2012, 01:38 PM
Any suggestions as to what makes a fungus happy? Carbs? Proteins?

It thrives in bodies that consume a lot of refined sugar.

2nd October 2012, 03:52 PM
Your immune system will take care of it if you let it. Get your gut flora balanced, and look into foods that boost the immune system. As mentioned, cut back on the sugar intake including the bad carbs. Pretty much every cell in the body swaps out after time, so start building a new you. Physical exercise that makes you sweat speeds up the entire process in the right direction.

Errosion Of Accord
2nd October 2012, 05:14 PM
I suppose that makes sense because my triglycerides are quite high. I have a metabolism that just consumes them though. BMI is 25.

3rd October 2012, 05:19 AM
My feet don't stink and they aren't nasty sweaty, just mildly damp between the toes.

I wonder where I could find enough peroxide on the cheap to do such a thing.

It doesn't cost to much at walmart. I've bought it in a quart bottle in the pharmacy. Here's a link and a little more information on using it.


Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/germicide) composed only of water and oxygen. Like ozone, it kills disease organisms by oxidation! Hydrogen peroxide is considered the worlds safest all natural effective sanitizer. It kills microorganisms by oxidizing them, which can be best described as a controlled burning process. When hydrogen peroxide reacts with organic material it breaks down into oxygen and water

1. Whiten Clothes – An Alternative to Bleach Add a cup of Peroxide to white clothes in your laundry to whiten them. Peroxide is great to get rid of blood stains on clothes and carpets. If there is blood on clothing, just pour directly on the spot, let it sit for about a minute, then rub and rinse with cold water. Repeat if necessary.

2. HealthYour body makes hydrogen peroxide to fight infection which must be present for our immune system to function correctly. White blood cells are known as Leukocytes. A sub-class of Leukocytes called Neutrophils produce hydrogen peroxide as the first line of defense against toxins, parasites, bacteria, viruses and yeast.

3. Rejuvenating Detoxifying BathUse about 2 quarts 3% hydrogen peroxide to a tub of warm water. Soak at least 1/2 hour, adding hot water as needed to maintain a comfortable water temperature.

4. Foot FungusTo cure a foot fungus, simply spray a 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every night and let dry.

Hatha Sunahara
3rd October 2012, 11:51 AM
I've had some success in ridding my toes of fungus with Tea Tree Oil. Just a few drops on each foot and spread it around with your fingers. Fungus goes away almost immediately.

Also, one of the worst funguses is Candida Albicans, which lives naturally in your gut, and thrives on sugar. You can keep it under control by avoiding sugar and by taking probiotics. Most cancers are accompanied in the late stages by candida infections in the gut. This is not a good fungus.


4th October 2012, 01:20 PM
Externally apply cornstarch, liberally, often. Cheap. Effective.

Toes nor shoes nor socks care if cornstarch is made from GMO corn...........

11th January 2013, 10:43 PM
I read a tip somewhere that you can put your shoes in a plastic ziplock bag, and put them in the freezer for a day or two. This will kill some of the bacteria.

mick silver
12th January 2013, 11:50 AM
have you try soaking you feets in hot salt water it works

Errosion Of Accord
12th January 2013, 05:38 PM
have you try soaking you feets in hot salt water it works

I think I have it under control until summer hits again, but when the time comes I'll give most of the suggestions a try.

12th January 2013, 05:44 PM
Bare feet often, grounding daily outdoors and a LOT of liquor ;-]