View Full Version : Top Obama EPA Official: Obama Coal Regs Will Be "Painful Every Step of the Way"

General of Darkness
5th June 2012, 06:22 AM
WTF is the Law and Policy?


‘Painful Every Step of the Way’: Top EPA Official Inadvertently Tells The Truth About the White House’s Environmental Agenda

Posted on June 4, 2012 at 9:42pm by http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/mytheosholt.thumbnail.jpg Mytheos Holt (http://www.theblaze.com/blog/author/mytheosholt)

Back in 1992, in his speech to the Republican National Convention, Pat Buchanan railed against the “environmental extremists who put birds and rats and insects ahead of families, workers, and jobs.”
This was widely seen as an unfair caricature of liberal environmental policy in 1992. In 2012, it’s practically a bloodless statement of fact.
The Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has, in fact, been doing its best to validate this description, either through policy of highly revealing slips of the tongue. The most recent of the slips comes from EPA Region 1 Administrator Curt Spalding, who was captured in a video released by the office of Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) (http://nation.foxnews.com/epa/2012/06/04/top-epa-official-obama-coal-regs-will-be-painful-every-step-way-communities) telling an audience at Yale University the following:

But know right now, we are, we are struggling. We are struggling because we are trying to do our jobs. Lisa Jackson has put forth a very powerful message to the country. Just two days ago, the decision on greenhouse gas performance standard and saying basically gas plants are the performance standard which means if you want to build a coal plant you got a big problem. That was a huge decision. You can’t imagine how tough that was. Because you got to remember if you go to West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and all those places, you have coal communities who depend on coal. And to say that we just think those communities should just go away, we can’t do that. But she had to do what the law and policy suggested. And it’s painful. It’s painful every step of the way.

5th June 2012, 06:38 AM
All this policy predicated on the total lie and scam called Global Warming. The Obama Administration is a useful idiot that believes the AGW bullshit. The NWO puppetmasters of course know it's bullshit as they crafted it. This is not about saving the planet. This is about control and enslavement of the people - a tax on energy! All this in a world just bursting with free energy. Coal is the whipping boy, the poster child, the scapegoat. What a disgrace, the neverending story of man fucking over man for a few shekels and control.