View Full Version : When are you gonna get off the Ron Paul Bandwagon?

5th June 2012, 08:23 AM
So I began responding to a post and it took on a life of its own.

I expect some angry responses - but I'm not busting any balls here.
I'm just confused as to why RP garners continous support when he has a history of bailing out early - and looks like he's going to do it again.



Found this on the RP 2012 website:


Anyone else see the RP message slowly drifting away from its true core? I smell a RAT.

I've been smelling one since 2008.

I'd like to believe in hope as much as the next guy but you people need to come to terms w/ what's happening at some point.

I just can't believe that my position is such a small minority among gsus members. There are some really brilliant minds here.

{For the record - Going back to 2008 and GIM days my position has been that voting in federal elections doesn't work. I appreciate the work that RP has done as a congressman and support his political viewpoints and policies for the most part however I have never given one red worthless zinc penny to the RP or any other campaign.

I will not be a chump for TPTB. I will not play their game nor participate in their farce. I am NOT a sucker.
They will cheat or make him quit by threat or kill him outright. I believe that threats did the job - which is disconcerting in and of itself.

HE is not the one to be placed in office as POTUS and certianly won't be "elected".
I don't participate much in RP discussions because I didn't want to constantly beat everyone to death with a counter-productive viewpoint and quash the upswell of hope that was rising. Actually- I hoped, against my better judgement, that you all were right and I was wrong. The reasons why he won't win don't really matter but for me the cause is America's spiritual sickness. The lot was cast long ago and the nation will reap what it has sown.}

This is over in my opinion. It was over before it started. You all were fooled once - so "shame on them" But TWICE?

flame suit on ... so whatever. :-)

5th June 2012, 08:37 AM
I agree with almost everything you wrote above, but I do think most GSUS'ers has realized they were played. And I do think that threats to him re not only him but also his family played a large part in his dropping out... Maybe Bernanke showed him the unedited Zapruder film at the breakfast...

5th June 2012, 08:39 AM

I've hoped since 2008 he was true. I've told people the closest thing to a politician I would vote for is Paul.

But, ultimately, I agree with you.

DMac, day 1 GSUS (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?22777-Ron-Paul&p=186449&viewfull=1#post186449)

I vote that he is compromised.

5th June 2012, 08:46 AM

I've hoped since 2008 he was true. I've told people the closest thing to a politician I would vote for is Paul.

But, ultimately, I agree with you.

DMac, day 1 GSUS (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?22777-Ron-Paul&p=186449&viewfull=1#post186449)



5th June 2012, 08:52 AM
Well said. It's surprising how much I agree with your post.

old steel
5th June 2012, 09:02 AM
He has supported the official standing on the events of 9/11 from day one.

Just saying.

5th June 2012, 09:15 AM
I reckon I'm one of the most ardent RP'ers here or at least amongst the more hopeful anyway but there are things that bothered me in 08 and they still bother me today. Pauls' election was never very likely if not indeed impossible, between the ignorant masses, MSM, Diebold and fraud and what seems like the ineptitude of the campaign it was likely destined to fail from the git go. There's some positives in it though, lots of folks especially young folks now understand a lot more than they did before about issues like money, credit, The Constitution, the Fed Reserve, etc etc and the lies they've been fed all their lives. The other positive thing I see coming out of it is the monster he's created in amassing the delegates and the freedom movement infiltrating roles with the local and state party and .gov's, not to mention the spectacle to behold in Tampa at the Repub convention. RP can't even control the delegates, they have a mind and will of their own and many couldn't give a rats ass less about the R party, only its destruction or complete takeover. IMO this will be THE convention of our lifetime.

In a way though I'm a little relieved that RP won't be POTUS in the coming years, I know that sounds odd but I can just see the blame game that would take place and how he'd be blamed for the collapse.

As for him throttling back the campaign, IDK, it's all supposition and guessing but things changed right after the Bernanke breakfast. I don't think he ever cared about the threats to himself personally but what about his entire family or even an entire town/city? Maybe he was told of the immenent coming collapse and he'd rather be the one to step in at that point and help rather than be the one who takes the fall for it? Your guess is as good as mine.

5th June 2012, 09:17 AM
So what?

Tools have many uses.

Ron Paul is still valuable for some uses, but was never viable as a President, because the shot-callers don't want him there.

I've supported Ron Paul by word of mouth to others, but I'm not a voting man for political reasons. I never thought he would be President, and if the shot-callers allowed him to be President, it would be because they were setting him up to be some kind of patsy/fall guy.

That being said, I've met the man, and his heart is in the right place. Ron Paul knows the score, but he is doing his part.

5th June 2012, 09:21 AM
He has supported the official standing on the events of 9/11 from day one.

Just saying.

In 08 I saw a YT of a girl who asked him about 9/11 and he didn't refute her claims about it being an inside job but he stated there needed to be another investigation and that he was too busy fighting the Fed etc to take that on. He was clearly taken off guard but he didn't say anything about the scary mooslems.

5th June 2012, 09:36 AM
In 08 I saw a YT of a girl who asked him about 9/11 and he didn't refute her claims about it being an inside job but he stated there needed to be another investigation and that he was too busy fighting the Fed etc to take that on. He was clearly taken off guard but he didn't say anything about the scary mooslems.

Yep. I think Ron Paul's position on 9/11 is one of "choose your battles".

I do believe he knows a good deal more than he lets on.

5th June 2012, 09:40 AM
First... everybody - Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from and responding with civil feedback.

It just seemed to me that over the course of the campaign that many of you were financially and emotionally invested and I was afraid that I'd be seen as bashing RP supporters.
I'm not - but as to this:

So what?

Here's what: He's running for the freeking presidency. This is what was being represented. If all he was doing is affecting a paradigm shift in politics, then he misrepresented his role (read suckered people) and took campaign contributions (read suckered people x2) knowing full well he'd never be potus.

Tools have many uses.

Tools are how the ELITE view the proles. I cannot consider RP a tool of my agenda. I don't use people. I however have no problem seeing that the elite used him as a tool against Freedom lovers - making them, in my view, suckers. (x3)

Ron Paul is still valuable for some uses, but was never viable as a President, because the shot-callers don't want him there.

I've supported Ron Paul by word of mouth to others, but I'm not a voting man for political reasons. I never thought he would be President, and if the shot-callers allowed him to be President, it would be because they were setting him up to be some kind of patsy/fall guy.

That being said, I've met the man, and his heart is in the right place. Ron Paul knows the score, but he is doing his part.

I understand this in the context of him being a public servant but that kinda gets rolled over when I consider how disingenuous the whole process was.

5th June 2012, 09:47 AM
I agree with you JJ.

I said this years ago on GSUS: History is the TRUTH. History is REALITY.

There is not one example in the entire recorded human history, where an Empire grew to this size and power, and yet was able to be reversed through 'voting'. This is LAUHABLE.

No population has EVER returned their country back to individual freedom without the USE OF FORCE.

Our Republic has degenerated into a Democracy, just like Jefferson said it would.

EVIL CRIMINALS are in power. Do you suppose they operate using morals truth and reality? Not a fucking chance. They operate using FORCE and COERCION. Force and Coersion only understand one thing: A Superior Force and Coercion.

Here is the best part: With all of the control TPTB have over us, WE STILL VOTE WITH OUR DOLLARS. This means that all of America could still; if they werent busy DESTROYING each other; could come together and take down giant industries EASILY. EASILY.

So America gets what it deserves: Tyranny and Despotism.

5th June 2012, 10:23 AM
First... everybody - Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from and responding with civil feedback.

It just seemed to me that over the course of the campaign that many of you were financially and emotionally invested and I was afraid that I'd be seen as bashing RP supporters.
I'm not - but as to this:

I was neither financially nor emotionally invested, buy I did and do support him by word of mouth.

Here's what: He's running for the freeking presidency. This is what was being represented. If all he was doing is affecting a paradigm shift in politics, then he misrepresented his role (read suckered people) and took campaign contributions (read suckered people x2) knowing full well he'd never be potus.

Right. I agree. I don't hold the man up on a pedestal. That being said, he's still leaps and bounds more genuine than the other contenders, right? And his voting record as a congressman is the closest there is to perfect as has been achieved.

Tools are how the ELITE view the proles. I cannot consider RP a tool of my agenda. I don't use people. I however have no problem seeing that the elite used him as a tool against Freedom lovers - making them, in my view, suckers. (x3)

I mean that Ron Paul knows that he is a tool of the elite, but he tries to counter by using himself, his name, and his record for the cause of Liberty, in ways he deems proper or in ways in which he thinks is actually possible. A great deal of supporters knew he had no chance, and many doubted if he were "in it to win it", but you know what? Ron Paul people are gun owners. They are "preppers". They at least know that something is wrong in the "land of the free". I'd rather have "Ron Paul" neighbors than "Obama" neighbors.

I understand this in the context of him being a public servant but that kinda gets rolled over when I consider how disingenuous the whole process was.

But what can little ole Ron Paul do about anything?

5th June 2012, 10:31 AM
Also, I pretty much wholeheartedly agree with your OP/your post from the other thread.

It is what it is.

5th June 2012, 10:41 AM
And his voting record as a congressman is the closest there is to perfect as has been achieved.


5th June 2012, 10:48 AM

Yep, that's a picture, but it doesn't really address his voting record in congress... Try again maybe?

5th June 2012, 11:32 AM
But what can little ole Ron Paul do about anything?

I know.. I guess I just don't like to see people getting taken advantage of - (all the "sucker" ref's ) Especially hate to see the hopes of the "Freedom Movement" (doncha love lables?) misplaced.

Frankly, the Freedom Movement hasn't MOVED anything. All that talk about waking people up and hearts and minds and all that is BS.

Here's what has happened-

The Moneypowers have held us off for just a little longer, while they got a little richer, and lived it up for a little longer, poisoned alot more people, gained MUCH more control and power,

yeah it kinda pisses me off.

eta: to answer the quoted question-

I kind of wish he would have stayed out of the way but that's just me monday morning qb'ing

5th June 2012, 11:56 AM
Yes we saw the same thing in 2008. It was in 2008 that I realized Ron Paul wasn't trying to win the presidency. I mean he really gave up early there.

I'm still not sure that he's trying now, either. However, I appreciate the fact that he's trying to make everyone (in debates) sweat. He's making TPTB uncomfortable even if he isn't doing what I would do to unthrone them.

Yeah, Ron Paul hasn't accomlished EVERYTHING we wanted him to. But he's the only one talking about libertarian concepts at all, so he's good enough.

5th June 2012, 12:01 PM
I don't like what is happening either. I am holding out for the possibility that he is purposely lying low so the Repub. Party does not find some way to disqualify him. I am also aware that a lot of his delegates are going to do what they want, even if Ron Paul asks them to support Romney. So I say let him continue to get delegates, and let them try and vote him in.

5th June 2012, 12:11 PM
I know.. I guess I just don't like to see people getting taken advantage of - (all the "sucker" ref's ) Especially hate to see the hopes of the "Freedom Movement" (doncha love lables?) misplaced.

Frankly, the Freedom Movement hasn't MOVED anything. All that talk about waking people up and hearts and minds and all that is BS.

Here's what has happened-

The Moneypowers have held us off for just a little longer, while they got a little richer, and lived it up for a little longer, poisoned alot more people, gained MUCH more control and power,

yeah it kinda pisses me off.

eta: to answer the quoted question-

I kind of wish he would have stayed out of the way but that's just me monday morning qb'ing

I hear ya, but by "stayed out of the way", what exactly do you mean? If Ron Paul hadn't run in 2008 and 2012, do you really think the people that eventually turned to support him would have otherwise done anything against the banksters/moneymasters?

I don't see Ron Paul as a "containment vehicle" or something like that, because before he became better known publicly, there wouldn't have been as much of a "movement", real or imagined, to contain. His presidential campaigns precipitate(d) a change in thought in a continually-growing segment of the population, away from not giving a fuck, to at least having their eyes open to some if not all of the many frauds that are being committed against them.

I see Ron Paul as a net gain for Liberty, even though he is by no means a cure-all.

If nothing else, Ron Paul supporters make good neighbors, like Mormons. I don't agree completely with the Mormons either, but there are many bigger problems than Ron Paul or Mormons or whatever.

5th June 2012, 12:21 PM


Do not make this about the Catholic Church in general. This is an Americanist issue. The Church in the US does have its own "special" character in some quarters.


It also includes a modernist issue (which permeates more than just the Catholic Church):


5th June 2012, 01:19 PM
I removed my name from the Voting registration years ago, but i still used word of mouth to show people who RP was. Actually, i have woken up many people over the years who follow RP die hard now. So in that respect, RP and his philosophy have been a great help to wake up the sheople.


At some point guess what has happened? We have all become the most educated prisoners in the concentration camp.

I have wasted a lot of time learning how i got here, instead of doing something to get me out of it. People need to look in the mirror and admit that to themsleves. The problem with the average American, RP and voting, is that somewhere in their subconscious they want some one else to fix this problem. They want some one else to have to do the dirty work, so they dont have to.

Its just another form of limited liability.

5th June 2012, 01:30 PM
I hear ya, but by "stayed out of the way", what exactly do you mean? .

like I said.. monday morning quarterbacking ;)

If Ron Paul hadn't run in 2008 and 2012, do you really think the people that eventually turned to support him would have otherwise done anything against the banksters/moneymasters?

I don't see Ron Paul as a "containment vehicle" or something like that, because before he became better known publicly, there wouldn't have been as much of a "movement", real or imagined, to contain. His presidential campaigns precipitate(d) a change in thought in a continually-growing segment of the population, away from not giving a fuck, to at least having their eyes open to some if not all of the many frauds that are being committed against them.

I see Ron Paul as a net gain for Liberty, even though he is by no means a cure-all.

If nothing else, Ron Paul supporters make good neighbors, like Mormons. I don't agree completely with the Mormons either, but there are many bigger problems than Ron Paul or Mormons or whatever.

Time will tell if it was a net gain or if TPTB used it to buy time. Thats all I got. Not saying you're wrong - just that its too early to tell.

5th June 2012, 01:34 PM
Do not make this about the Catholic Church in general.

I didn't intend to. That pic carried way less weight than my origional post and was a flasback to the post that DMac referenced from 04/01/10.
In fact it had more to do with the masonic symbols and nothing to do with the Church.

5th June 2012, 01:36 PM

At some point guess what has happened? We have all become the most educated prisoners in the concentration camp.

I have wasted a lot of time learning how i got here, instead of doing something to get me out of it. People need to look in the mirror and admit that to themsleves. The problem with the average American, RP and voting, is that somewhere in their subconscious they want some one else to fix this problem. They want some one else to have to do the dirty work, so they dont have to.

Its just another form of limited liability.

THAT is what I'm talking about.

right on.

5th June 2012, 02:00 PM
When am I going to get off the Ron Paul bandwagon...NEVER.

It is the right idea and idea's are all that matter.

5th June 2012, 02:04 PM
The term "idealist" comes to mind and is rarely used affectionately. But hey if it floats your boat...

5th June 2012, 02:17 PM
Nobody in our lifetime has turned people onto the freedom message like Ron Paul has, bar none, and add to the fact that it keeps growing by word of mouth among the people it's a very powerful thing.

I used to preach it 25-30 years ago and now look at what has happened, it would have NEVER happened without RP! Hell, 25-30 years ago most of you would have told me I'm a fucking nut bag.

5th June 2012, 02:24 PM
Nobody in our lifetime has turned people onto the freedom message like Ron Paul has, bar none, and add to the fact that it keeps growing by word of mouth among the people it's a very powerful thing.

not if you ain't free.

.... We have all become the most educated prisoners in the concentration camp.

5th June 2012, 02:27 PM
I don't like what is happening either. I am holding out for the possibility that he is purposely lying low so the Repub. Party does not find some way to disqualify him. I am also aware that a lot of his delegates are going to do what they want, even if Ron Paul asks them to support Romney. So I say let him continue to get delegates, and let them try and vote him in.

RP HAS to lay low, he couldn't openly call for mass insurrection within the party! I can't help but think that he knows that he's created hundreds of Patrick Henry's that just don't give a flying shit about "the party" and are very concerned about their country! He can't control them, nor would he if he could, this is free market poliitcs in action! Even if he said support mitty, the vast majority will even tell RP to fuck off, just like they've told Rand to fuck off. It's still a very small movement but it can and will raise 3 kinds of hell in Tampa, bank on it.

5th June 2012, 02:38 PM
The term "idealist" comes to mind and is rarely used affectionately. But hey if it floats your boat...

What do you have, if you don't have ideals?


(edit: for the literary impaired, If you have no ideals you have a person like Romney. It is supposed to be funny, but some people are really thick.)

5th June 2012, 02:54 PM
As long as we're on the topic;)

Brian Doherty, 06/05/12

Ron Paul has stopped actively campaigning in forthcoming primary contests, and after Texas everyone agrees that Romney has the nomination effectively locked up. But Ron Paul’s people are still striving to rack up as many delegates as he can at state Republican Party conventions before the Tampa .

He’s continued to do it too—even after his May announcement that many in media spun as “Paul drops out,” the Texas Congressman cleanly won control of his second state delegation at Minnesota’s state convention.

This past weekend in a chaotic and divided state GOP convention in Louisiana, in which two Paul activists were injured by police, it appears likely that he controls the delegation in that state too. (Since the convention literally split in two, the national party will have to eventually decide between two competing delegations, but the Paulite convention had the majority.)

Paul also previously won Maine, and has strong hope of coming out of the state convention later this month in Iowa controlling their delegation as well.

Still, Paul’s campaign admits they know Romney will win the Republican Party's presidential nomination. This has led many to wonder exactly what Paul’s trying to accomplish at the August GOP convention in Tampa. Prominent speaking slot? Platform influence? Sway over the vice presidential slot?

But what the GOP establishment needs to wonder is: what do his supporters want, and why?

Paul himself will likely not be a political player past 2013, when he leaves the House seat he’s held since 1997. But his supporters skew so young, they’ll be shaping the Party’s future far longer than Romney’s fans will.

Paul can attract over 7,000 students to come hear him speak, a level of enthusiasm no other GOP figure can muster. He’s now got 110,000 signed-up members for his “Youth for Ron Paul” group.

Why are they so passionate about this unlikely political champion? And why is their energy so hard to contain even by Paul’s own campaign, who talk of their desire for more “decorum” on the part of their often rowdy and contentious supporters?

Most politicians sell comfort—that American is the greatest, rich and mighty and right, and what small problems we have can be solved by electing our guy and getting rid of the other guy. Ron Paul wins passionate devotion selling a vision of great discomfort.

He tells us American foreign policy is misguided and understandably earns us enemies. He sees America not on the rise, but in decline because of Federal Reserve-primed booms and busts and a crushing debt burden.

He decries the American government for not protecting our liberties but rather unjustly oppressing its citizens over everything from medical marijuana to raw milk.

Unfortunately for Paul’s fans, the radical solutions the Paul worldview demands—an end to overseas military adventurism, ending government’s ability to manipulate paper currency, severe cuts in spending on all the myriad income-shifting promises Washington makes -- don’t register as “practical solutions” to those who helped create the crises those policies have led us to. And that’s both the Democrats and Paul’s own Republican Party.

Even though Paul’s budget plan, with its three-year glide path to a balanced budget with no tax hikes, was found by U.S. Budget Watch, a non-partisan research group, to be the only budget plan offered by GOP candidates this year that would not balloon the national debt, the Republican Party is scared of him. Even though his supporters continue to win control of delegations (Maine, Minnesota, and Louisiana) or state party structures (in Iowa and Nevada), the Party doesn’t want to embrace him.

Because if Ron Paul is right about the dangers of government overextension both at home and abroad, it means the GOP has to actually be serious about this limited government, living-within-our-means stuff that is supposed to be the very marrow of conservatism.

If they have to swallow some sour apples about returning the U.S. military to its original goal of just actually defending the U.S. and make the government respect citizens’ civil liberties, that should be a small price to pay to attract the loyalty, votes and money of a rising generation of activists.

Paul’s people have given money and rallied in amounts and numbers far exceeding such other GOP hopefuls as Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. Paul’s fans gave nearly as much money to his campaign as those other two candidates combined.

The Goldwater movement in 1960 was seen as too young, too radical and too outside the mainstream by the GOP establishment of its day.

The religious right during the 1988 Pat Robertson campaign was seen as an overly loud and pushy minority.

But just as those minorities grew and dominated the GOP, the libertarian-leaning energy of the Ron Paul movement is primed to shape the future of the Republican Party. With their unique seriousness about reining in a government drowning in debt, neither the Republican Party nor the country can afford to ignore the concerns of Paul’s devotees.

http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/...#ixzz1wxN6yd59 (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/06/05/why-gop-cant-afford-to-ignore-ron-paul-and-his-many-fans/#ixzz1wxN6yd59)

5th June 2012, 03:14 PM
"But what the GOP establishment needs to wonder is: what do his supporters want, and why?"

They know what we want; they're afraid we just might get it.

I have always viewed Paul's national campaigns as educational; getting out the liberty-minded folks to see that they're not alone, and getting out the message of economic liberty is the foundation America was built upon. Madame Liberty clearing her throat, if you will, and libertarians clearing their consciences.

5th June 2012, 03:20 PM
"But what the GOP establishment needs to wonder is: what do his supporters want, and why?"

They know what we want; they're afraid we just might get it.

I have always viewed Paul's national campaigns as educational; getting out the liberty-minded folks to see that they're not alone, and getting out the message of economic liberty is the foundation America was built upon. Madame Liberty clearing her throat, if you will, and libertarians clearing their consciences.

This user thanks the hell out of ya SW! X 10!

I wonder how many oz's of gold/silver have been bought because of RP's message of economic liberty?

5th June 2012, 04:42 PM
This user thanks the hell out of ya SW! X 10!

I wonder how many oz's of gold/silver have been bought because of RP's message of economic liberty?

Well..... There wouldn't be any silver eagles or US minted gold coins... If not for the whipping boy Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is not the single greatest ill in the world, au contraire, he is more cure than poison. There are too many people I should despise before I begin to despise Dr Paul.

5th June 2012, 04:54 PM
Well..... There wouldn't be any silver eagles or US minted gold coins... If not for the whipping boy Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is not the single greatest ill in the world, au contraire, he is more cure than poison. There are too many people I should despise before I begin to despise Dr Paul.

Thank you 20X for proving what I inferred Gonzo! I seriously wondered if anyone would chime in about that fact. People say he didn't author any legislation worth a damn during his tenure in Congress but is this not the single best piece of work that has been given us? Most everything else has been against us!

General of Darkness
5th June 2012, 05:22 PM
I voted for RP today here in Cali. With Independents allowed to vote for anyone, I wonder what the results will be.

5th June 2012, 05:23 PM
... he's created hundreds of Patrick Henry's that just don't give a flying shit about "the party"...




Like his boy Republican Rand Paul?



5th June 2012, 05:28 PM
Hell, 25-30 years ago most of you would have told me I'm a fucking nut bag.


5th June 2012, 05:39 PM

2886 2887

5th June 2012, 05:42 PM

5th June 2012, 05:46 PM
I think Ron is/was reflective of the founders, respect as due.

5th June 2012, 06:05 PM
I think Ron is/was reflective of the founders, respect as due.

Ron Paul didn't even run Third Party let alone go the Declaration Of Independence route like the Founders. He is still in the REPUBLICAN PARTY and so is his son.

5th June 2012, 06:22 PM
Ron Paul didn't even run Third Party let alone go the Declaration Of Independence route like the Founders. He is still in the REPUBLICAN PARTY and so is his son.

He left the party in in late 80's and ran for president under the libertarian banner.
He has had more success as a republican. Besides, is platform is what the GOP used to be.

General of Darkness
5th June 2012, 06:30 PM
Ron Paul didn't even run Third Party let alone go the Declaration Of Independence route like the Founders. He is still in the REPUBLICAN PARTY and so is his son.

Book what's your position on this whole thing? Without a picture please.

5th June 2012, 06:31 PM
Booky just wants to mock anything and everything that decent people stand for while (it/he/she) stands for nothing. A truly waste of human skin, if it's really human?

5th June 2012, 06:40 PM
Booky just wants to mock anything and everything that decent people stand for while (it/he/she) stands for nothing. A truly waste of human skin, if it's really human?

Bookie posts from behind his TOR (https://www.torproject.org/) facade from an undisclosed location. He has to hide his real location.

mick silver
5th June 2012, 06:50 PM
Yep. I think Ron Paul's position on 9/11 is one of "choose your battles".

I do believe he knows a good deal more than he lets on.
thats whay i would of like to heard from ron , what he knows . just tell the people to there faces how bad there being fucked an name names . open the worm hole and let it fall were it will . i said this in a post some time ago after i gave a shit load of money to him . if he would just start naming names . being the house down . fuck the house mr ron , you could being it down its the only way this crap can end

5th June 2012, 09:20 PM
Booky just wants to mock anything and everything that decent people stand for...

http://photos.lasvegassun.com/media/img/photos/2008/01/13/scaled.0114_met_gop1_t653.jpg?214bc4f9d9bd7c08c7d0 f6599bb3328710e01e7b

Whoever didn't join the Ron Paul cult is not a "decent person" like Mr. Libertytree.


5th June 2012, 09:35 PM
Book what's your position on this whole thing?


You guys here at GSUS have no more actual "Freedom" then the rest of us in the real world.

:(?? ...just more Patriot tee shirts and bumper stickers.

5th June 2012, 10:06 PM
You guys here at GSUS have no more actual "Freedom" then the rest of us in the real world.
:(?? ...just more Patriot tee shirts and bumper stickers.

I'm willing and have no more free time.. Come to the thunderdome Biatch!

Bring it biatch, I been banned before for good reason but this might be better...

Bring it, I'll be waiting BIATCH!

old steel
5th June 2012, 10:45 PM

You guys here at GSUS have no more actual "Freedom" then the rest of us in the real world.

:(?? ...just more Patriot tee shirts and bumper stickers.

Patriotic to who or what is the question.

old steel
5th June 2012, 10:46 PM
I'm willing and have no more free time.. Come to the thunderdome Biatch!

Bring it biatch, I been banned before for good reason but this might be better...

Bring it, I'll be waiting BIATCH!

Oh FFS all the tough guys are either dead or in jail.

Now be nice or i'll wipe that smile right off your face. ;)

6th June 2012, 12:10 AM

Ron Paul wants to dismantle the TSA

6th June 2012, 12:30 AM
I think RP could achieve a lot just by endinf the FED and that is a stated goal of his. Without the FED a whole lot of other stuff goes with it.

Also as head honcho he could pick up the phone, call a state or federal attorney and say, "hey, go prosecute so and so". To me that's an easy thing which no POTUS seems to be capable of.

POTUS is very close to PITA(SS). Always comes to mind when I see POTUS.

6th June 2012, 01:22 AM
If Ron Paul even got a chance to do half the things he says he believes in, it would absolutely transform this country.

Even if the only thing he did was a constitutional review of all executive orders, it would change a lot.

6th June 2012, 05:48 AM
because of his age, Ron Paul will get off the RP bandwagon before i do.

surprises yet to come - Tampa & whatever revelations come out in an RP biography about the 2012 (scripted) election race.

6th June 2012, 06:19 AM
What do you have, if you don't have ideals?


Romney? lol As if there was really a choice..... You deny that choices are made FOR us as I stated in the OP?

Ideals are nice obviously - we can all dream can't we. They don't keep you employed - They have not kept money sound - they have not kept the country out of foreign wars and they wont keep a JBT's boot off your neck.
You have to actually do something.

6th June 2012, 06:28 AM
I think Ron is/was reflective of the founders, respect as due.

I respect the man. I respect his ideals as many of them are my own. My point is that this is not working. If my favorite car breaks down- I can wish it fixed all I want. That won't make it go.

Really - that was the entire reason for bringing it up. I can't possibly deny all the accolades that are being are being accredited to the good Dr.

It's easy to be an optimist - but I was trying to get us to address what he hasn't done as opposed to what he has. And he HAS done so much so I don't want to take anything away from that. This is about results. Fact is for the most part things are only geting worse.

Whoever didn't join the Ron Paul cult is not a "decent person" like Mr. Libertytree.

As for Book's posts - I can for once see what he's getting at. I don't think he's just trying to poke you all in the eyes - I think he's trying to get you to open them.

Does that make me indecent LT?

6th June 2012, 06:29 AM
Romney? lol As if there was really a choice..... You deny that choices are made FOR us as I stated in the OP?

Ideals are nice obviously - we can all dream can't we. They don't keep you employed - They have not kept money sound - they have not kept the country out of foreign wars and they wont keep a JBT's boot off your neck.
You have to actually do something.

Hey you stupid jerk, ROMNEY has only one ideal and that is ROMNEY.

Bookie how many sock puppets do you have?

6th June 2012, 06:33 AM
Hey you stupid jerk, ROMNEY has only one ideal and that is ROMNEY.

Nice BJ...

Don't ban him mods.

6th June 2012, 06:35 AM
Book is making a very valid point. We have all quoted many times "If voting changed anything it would be illegal" (paraphrased).

No one digs on PatColo who I think agrees with Book here as well - with electronic voting machines it literally becomes a false hope thinking a vote cast for Paul will count. Yet Ron Paul never mentions the legitimacy of elections (my primary motive for not voting) when electronic machines are involved. Why is that?

Audit the fed! Yeah! Just keep believing in fantasy elections....I want to believe Paul is genuine. Sadly, he really does play a Pied Piper of Hamelin role if you are looking for it.

^This is the point Book makes as I read it.

We are long past the ballot box stage. We are nearing the end of the soap box stage. Next up is the final act, the ammo box, set to begin once Europe begins to burn.

6th June 2012, 06:37 AM
Book implores you to see the state you all live in & take it up a notch to his Stateist's Royal Inquisition.


6th June 2012, 06:38 AM
Nice BJ...

Don't ban him mods.

Why would they ban me for telling the truth?

6th June 2012, 06:53 AM
I respect the man. I respect his ideals as many of them are my own. My point is that this is not working. If my favorite car breaks down- I can wish it fixed all I want. That won't make it go.

Really - that was the entire reason for bringing it up. I can't possibly deny all the accolades that are being are being accredited to the good Dr.

It's easy to be an optimist - but I was trying to get us to address what he hasn't done as opposed to what he has. And he HAS done so much so I don't want to take anything away from that. This is about results. Fact is for the most part things are only geting worse.

As for Book's posts - I can for once see what he's getting at. I don't think he's just trying to poke you all in the eyes - I think he's trying to get you to open them.

Does that make me indecent LT?

Of course not JJ, I certainly hope you didn't take it that way.

6th June 2012, 07:02 AM
You have to do something.

All the people who support Ron Paul are doing something. They are running for delegate positions, they are taking control of the Republican party and turning it to a direction that is much better than the position of nothing but carp, carp carp. You folks are just complaining on the internet and following your leader bookie who loves big gov.

6th June 2012, 07:11 AM
Of course not JJ, I certainly hope you didn't take it that way.

naa man. we're cool. Didn't figure you meant it that way. I just didn't think that Book's post in this particular thread were call for that - Now some of his posts in other threads are fair game.

6th June 2012, 07:12 AM
As Ron says, "Why can't it be both?"

Could he just be running to change the platform, and wanting the Presidency at the same time?

I don't think so.

But I do think he could have Freedom ideals, and be fully unconscious of being played (controlled).

6th June 2012, 07:13 AM
My 2 cents. Ya'll sure are hammering on old Book. Really calling him out and literally calling him any name that suits your fancy.

I remember on GIM when Book was khalil Gibran (sp?) and he wouldn't stop with the picture posting crusade and Skyvike banned him again and again.
If some of ya'll had your way you would ban Book and shut him down just like Skyvike did! Skyvike for crying out loud! Frick guys!

Folks shouting him down and ridiculing him for his views and posts kinda remind me of when Ron Paul would be on those debate panels
and all the media and neo cons would ridicule him and try to turn folks against him because he wouldn't rally around the flag. Ron Paul
never resorted to name calling and vitriol and I don't expect he would want his adherents to do so either.

Back in 08 the wife and I gave the maximum allowable contribution to Ron Paul. We went to the meetups, handed out literature and held up signs
tater tot even held a sign, he was 9 then. This time around we kept our fiat and conserved our energy but I still believe in free speech and
liberties, freedom etc.

One more thing I've noticed, about the only time Book actually gives advice is when he's encouraging folks to prep for what's ahead. Everything else
(my opinion of course) is to provoke thought.

Just how I see it...

6th June 2012, 07:16 AM
You have to do something.

All the people who support Ron Paul are doing something. They are running for delegate positions, they are taking control of the Republican party and turning it to a direction that is much better than the position of nothing but carp, carp carp. You folks are just complaining on the internet and following your leader bookie who loves big gov.

I think you're just seeing red man. Book and I have less in common than you think. But we agree on this:

Book is making a very valid point. We have all quoted many times "If voting changed anything it would be illegal" (paraphrased).

6th June 2012, 07:31 AM
So would we be better off without Ron Paul?

It's kinda like duct tape... Duct tape may not be able to fix everything, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist or that it should be scorned because it won't help brain tumors.

6th June 2012, 07:51 AM
So would we be better off without Ron Paul?

It's kinda like duct tape... Duct tape may not be able to fix everything, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist or that it should be scorned because it won't help brain tumors.

What is it with you and tools? lol

Look - if the brain surgeon brings duct tape in the OR I'ma get up off the table and kik his ass. BUT if I gotta patch... say.. some Duct? I love me some Duct tape!

6th June 2012, 09:57 AM
You have to do something.

All the people who support Ron Paul are doing something. They are running for delegate positions, they are taking control of the Republican party and turning it to a direction that is much better than the position of nothing but carp, carp carp. You folks are just complaining on the internet and following your leader bookie who loves big gov.

Bigjon, Can you please comment on my position stated here:

I agree with you JJ.

I said this years ago on GSUS: History is the TRUTH. History is REALITY.

There is not one example in the entire recorded human history, where an Empire grew to this size and power, and yet was able to be reversed through 'voting'. This is LAUHABLE.

No population has EVER returned their country back to individual freedom without the USE OF FORCE.

Our Republic has degenerated into a Democracy, just like Jefferson said it would.

EVIL CRIMINALS are in power. Do you suppose they operate using morals truth and reality? Not a fucking chance. They operate using FORCE and COERCION. Force and Coersion only understand one thing: A Superior Force and Coercion.

Here is the best part: With all of the control TPTB have over us, WE STILL VOTE WITH OUR DOLLARS. This means that all of America could still; if they werent busy DESTROYING each other; could come together and take down giant industries EASILY. EASILY.

So America gets what it deserves: Tyranny and Despotism.

Dont you think RP knows that voting has NEVER set man free? EVER!

Why didnt the founders rally and over take the King's Government? They could have stayed there, and tried their best to reform it. Why didnt they?

6th June 2012, 10:07 AM
Wonder what this guy thinks...


6th June 2012, 10:39 AM
IMO if ron Paul was ever serious about taking the seat of POTUS, I think his strategy should have been to campaign in 2008, then part way through the beginning of the next campaigning for 2012, he should have left the republican party and either joined the Libertarian Party or the Constitution Party.

Continuing in the LRP platform with other LRP contenders vying for the same crown was totally pointless. It turned his "Team-mates" into enemies.

His grassroots followers would have stuck with him if he had have joined another party that was closer to what the founding fathers would have approved of. (Even though a majority of the FF were members of the FMC anyways. It's all by design)

6th June 2012, 10:46 AM
...One more thing I've noticed, about the only time Book actually gives advice is when he's encouraging folks to prep for what's ahead. Everything else (my opinion of course) is to provoke thought.

Just how I see it...

Thank you for your kind words tater.


6th June 2012, 10:50 AM
As for Book's posts - I can for once see what he's getting at. I don't think he's just trying to poke you all in the eyes - I think he's trying to get you to open them.

Exactly. Thanks for noticing JJ.G0ldD0t.


6th June 2012, 11:08 AM
Book is making a very valid point.


Thanks DMac. Those here who go ad hom (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem) on me because I question their cherished delusion are experiencing a profound and painful inner conflict. I understand the anger. My intent in this thread is to disabuse all that any notion of "voting" is gonna improve things. Those Ron Paul and Tea Party and Occupy tee shirts and bumper stickers are embarrassing displays of naivete.

Spend this energy and passion getting your Preps in order.


6th June 2012, 11:23 AM
Jan 23, 2012 10:33am

Rand Paul’s Pat-Down Standoff With TSA in Nashville Ends

Sen. Rand Paul (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/rand-paul.htm) told his communications director this morning he was being detained by TSA at the Nashville airport...

A TSA spokesman disputed that Paul was ever “detained.” But he was not granted access to the secure area of the airport when he tried to board a flight Monday morning. The standoff was short-lived. By late morning, according to TSA, Paul had been booked on another flight and made it through the screening process.

The TSA version of events is that Paul triggered an alarm during routine airport screening and refused to complete the screening process (pat-down) in order to resolve the issue. Paul was escorted out of the screening area by local law enforcement. “When an irregularity is found during the TSA screening process, it must be resolved prior to allowing a passenger to proceed to the secure area of the airport,” according to an official statement released by TSA. “Passengers who refuse to complete the screening process cannot be granted access to the secure area in order to ensure the safety of others traveling.”

Paul’s office confirmed he set off an airport security full-body scanner “on a glitch,” according to a spokesman. The Paul staffer said TSA agents would not let Paul walk back through the body scanner and were demanding a full body pat-down. The Paul spokesman said his office called TSA administrator John Pistole about the incident this morning.


http://www.graphicsgrotto.com/emoticons/rolleyes/images/emrolleyes11.gif Would one of the Founding Fathers let TSA grope their balls then later only complain to a government administrator?

6th June 2012, 11:24 AM
Maybe Ron Paul ain't ready to take a bullet for all the gutless cowards in this country who would just watch it happen and do nothing about it. Anybody here willing to take his place and put their life and their family members lives on the line? That's what JFK, RFK and JFK jr. did and look how that worked out for them. Ross Perot was "nutralized" according to Chip Tatum.

I think if we're going to have change the people of this country are going to have to raise some real hell first and then hope for someone like Ron Paul to step in to guide this country back on the right path.

6th June 2012, 12:03 PM
Wonder what this guy thinks...

too bad that's a state congress and not the House of Rep's

6th June 2012, 12:13 PM

I like how he threw the papers up in the air then tried to hit them again on the way back down.

The woman behind him looked like she was more concerned with catching up with her dancing with the stars episodes on pvr later this evening...

6th June 2012, 03:42 PM
Wonder how much energy and enthusiasm was siphoned off that could have been put to a better use? Don't know what that better use might be. I donated about $600 last time, but I donated $0 this time. Felt like I had been had.

6th June 2012, 03:58 PM
Spend this energy and passion getting your Preps in order.


Ps. Don't forget your marching hammers...


6th June 2012, 04:32 PM
I'm not EVER getting off the bandwagon, whether it's RP's or any of your/our anti-BS-establishment bandwagons! I'll admit defeat when I take my last breath. Yeah, I'm probably a total fucking stupid shit, so be it, but I haven't seen anyone in my lifetime wake people up like RP has and he was at it 30 years ago, long before most were anywhere near aware, including the majority here. I was waking people up in the 70's, 80's, 90's, so I'll take your ridicule, I don't give a fuck! I won't apologize or regret any of it.

I will not be made to feel dirty or like a dupe for trying to do the right things, that's what this has devolved to and I will not accept it. Flame suit on.

6th June 2012, 04:50 PM
Bandwagon or ideology...is there a difference?

6th June 2012, 05:02 PM
I was waking people up in the 70's, 80's, 90's, so I'll take your ridicule, I don't give a fuck! I won't apologize or regret any of it.

I will not be made to feel dirty or like a dupe for trying to do the right things, that's what this has devolved to and I will not accept it. Flame suit on.


6th June 2012, 05:31 PM
Just recieved this from my pal Ron.

Dear EE_,

I wanted you to get an update from me personally, since we have some great news!

Due to the smart planning of our campaign and the hard work and diligence of supporters like you, we stand to send nearly 200 bound delegates to the Republican National Convention in Tampa. This number shatters the predictions of the pundits and talking heads and shows the seriousness of our movement.

What's more, we will send several hundred additional supporters to Tampa who, while bound to Romney, believe in our ideas of liberty, constitutional government, and a common-sense foreign policy.

When it is all said and done, we will likely have as many as 500 supporters as delegates on the Convention floor. That is just over 20 percent!

And while this total is not enough to win the nomination, it puts us in a tremendous position to grow our movement and shape the future of the GOP!

I hope every one of you continues the fight we have advanced so well this year. I hope you will finish your local and state conventions, and, if you were selected as a national delegate, that you will head to Tampa in August to force the Republican Party to listen to the voice of liberty.

We have never had this kind of opportunity. There will be hundreds of your fellow supporters in Tampa who will be ready and willing to push the Republican Party back to its limited government, liberty roots.

There are many issues to fight for in Tampa. Also, candidates like Justin Amash, Kurt Bills, and Thomas Massie need your support as we move into the fall. Across the country, supporters of liberty have won local office and leadership positions in the GOP, and we need to keep working.

Our delegates’ presence must be felt both in Tampa and in years to come.

Stand up for what we believe in. Be respectful. And let the establishment know that we are the future of the Party and of the country.

Our Revolution is just getting started. You'll be hearing plenty from me as we approach Tampa and the fall elections. You'll also be hearing of important developments on Audit the Fed and Campaign for Liberty.

I hope you'll continue to stand with me as we go forward. Our Revolution could not have come this far without you.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

6th June 2012, 05:46 PM
My intent in this thread is to disabuse all that any notion of ...

Let us not discount the abuse going on in the others.

6th June 2012, 06:04 PM
Just recieved this from my pal Ron.

What's more, we will send several hundred additional supporters to Tampa who, while bound to Romney, believe in our ideas of liberty, constitutional government, and a common-sense foreign policy.

Oh boy, are they in for a surprise.