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8th June 2012, 10:20 AM
OBAMA: "The private sector is doing fine. Where we're seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government."


Hatha Sunahara
8th June 2012, 10:36 AM
Are the 45 million people who are getting food stamps part of the private sector? Or are they unemployed government employees?

The spin Obama puts on things is dizzying.


Old Herb Lady
8th June 2012, 10:54 AM
No surprise. He sounds exactly like what he's supposed to say.

nauseating, very.

8th June 2012, 11:06 AM
Self-serving jackass with myopia living in a gilded bubble. The guy is a moron. The more crap he spews the more people will vote for Mittens.

8th June 2012, 11:12 AM
Please PM me if you would like to offload your silver and gold at discounted prices in light of this new economic revelation.

8th June 2012, 11:33 AM
what a retard. his answer for everything going on 3 years is we need more teachers, police, firemen, bridges, and roads. complete failure fucktard.

8th June 2012, 11:42 AM
what a retard. his answer for everything going on 3 years is we need more teachers, police, firemen, bridges, and roads. complete failure fucktard.

Maybe he should go to Detroit and explain to them how they are doing OK.

8th June 2012, 11:47 AM
Dr. Obama wants to treat the symptoms without any adverse side effects.

The disease itself flourishes.

8th June 2012, 11:48 AM
This president is so ignorant of economics it amazes me. He knows 0% about how the economy works yet tries to explain and direct the whole thing. I can only imagine what sort of progress could be made in this world if idiots like him would simply get out of the way.

8th June 2012, 12:39 PM

Hatha Sunahara
8th June 2012, 02:28 PM
This president is so ignorant of economics it amazes me. He knows 0% about how the economy works yet tries to explain and direct the whole thing. I can only imagine what sort of progress could be made in this world if idiots like him would simply get out of the way.

I've been reading the Protocols of Zion lately, and given the things that are apparent lately, such as what you say about the ignorance of our leader about economics, it makes the Protocols sound like a reasonable plan. I am coming to this conclusion from reading Protocol 20, which is about the 'financial program'. At least the people who wrote the protocols have an understanding of economics, if not a complete mastery of it. They keep referring to the 'goy kings'--the ones who easily have fallen for the 'monthly installment program' and have borrowed far more money than they can ever repay, and squandered it. This was written 100 plus years ago, and it is a perfect description of our current government. I'm pretty sure it was also a good description of the government in place that passed the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve Act. They also seem to understand the destructiveness of usury to an economy. Elsewhere, they make indications that under their government, in order to maintain peace and a semblance of fairness, they will tax the rich much more than we do currently. Also that they will promote small manufacturers because they maintain order in their businesses far better than the large corporations. This may all be the plan--to create so much disorder and allow stupidity to reign in our government that the Protocols will appear to be a reasonable fix for it all. I'm not sure how you can trust the people who create such disorder to be able to fix it without inflicting a lot of pain on everyone.


8th June 2012, 03:35 PM
Im thinking if we all had more money we could by those 'Thing-a-ma-Jig's' we have all been yearning for......Becasue as history has told, it is the mindless consumption of 'Thing-a-ma-Jig's' that can really get any nations economy going.


I would LOVE to debate Soetoro on live television.........Ohhhh one can only dream.....

Old Herb Lady
8th June 2012, 05:04 PM
I thought she said the gubbermint wanted to fix the nation's broken souls ! Remember ?

Michelle Obama Quote :
We have lost the understanding that in a democracy, we have a mutual obligation to one another — that we cannot measure the greatness of our society by the strongest and richest of us, but we have to measure our greatness by the least of these.
That we have to compromise and sacrifice for one another in order to get things done.
That is why I am here, because Barack Obama is the only person in this who understands that.
That before we can work on the problems, we have to fix our souls. Our souls are broken in this nation.

"For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwaukee crowd , “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

BEYOND DELUSIONAL !! Hope was supposed to make a comeback AND I MUSTA MISSED IT !!!
Sometimes I think she has her arm up his arse and it's one great big puppet nightmare & I'm gonna wake up sooooon ! Or NOT !

8th June 2012, 05:37 PM
Obama..... what can one say? He is such a wonderful example of a mind as spacious as the great universe and as empty as a watermelon rind in the ghetto on a hot summer day.