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10th June 2012, 03:49 PM
Street View snoopers, Google and Apple use planes that can film you sunbathing in your back garden

Software giants will use military-grade cameras to take powerful satellite images

By VANESSA ALLEN (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Vanessa+Allen)
PUBLISHED: 07:04 EST, 10 June 2012 | UPDATED: 16:36 EST, 10 June 2012

Spy planes able to photograph sunbathers in their back gardens are being deployed by Google and Apple.

The U.S. technology giants are racing to produce aerial maps so detailed they can show up objects just four inches wide.

But campaigners say the technology is a sinister development that brings the surveillance society a step closer.

Google will use its spy planes to help create 3D maps with much more detail than its satellite-derived Google Earth images.

‘The next generation of maps is taking us over the garden fence,’ he warned. ‘You won’t be able to sunbathe in your garden without worrying about an Apple or Google plane buzzing overhead taking pictures.’Nick Pickles, director of Big Brother Watch, warned that privacy risked being sacrificed in a commercial ‘race to the bottom’.
He said householders should be asked for their consent before images of their homes go online. Apple is expected to unveil its new mapping applications for its iPhone and other devices today – along with privacy safeguards. Its 3D maps will reportedly show for the first time the sides of tall buildings, such as the Big Ben clock tower

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2157150/Apple-reveal-3D-mapping-service-week-campaigners-say-privacy-window-thanks-high-resolution-images-spy-home.html#ixzz1xQuKdSwq

10th June 2012, 03:50 PM
Might be a market for whole yard tents now.

10th June 2012, 04:32 PM
>>whole yard tents<<

Thought those were being snapped up by TEPCO for covering up Japan after Fukushima's 6 melted down reactors.....

10th June 2012, 06:53 PM
As I recall, Google already caught one naked black woman in their places photographs last year... details were posted on this forum.

11th June 2012, 05:56 AM
As I recall, Google already caught one naked black woman in their places photographs last year... details were posted on this forum.

It must have been during the day.;D