13th June 2012, 01:56 PM
Yesterday, we did an update of the Greek bank jog, when noting that between €100-€500 million per day (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/greek-bank-run-update-%E2%82%AC100-%E2%82%AC500-million-day)was being withdrawn from Greek banks based on Kathimerini reports. 24 hours later the jog has become a trot with the most recent estimate from Reuters (http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFBRE85C0CG20120613)now estimated at nearly double: "Combined daily deposit outflows from the major Greek banks have reached 500-800 million euros over the past few days, with the pace picking up as the election draws closer and rising noticeably on Tuesday, two bankers said." This is roughly $1 billion a day in the upper case, and a number that is approaching 0.5% of the entire documented €170 billion (now likely much less) deposit base.