View Full Version : What they are saying is to have no opEURn positions into the weekend.

14th June 2012, 06:46 AM
Posted last night at ZH. Sounds like Sunday should be interesting.

"Due To The Extreme Volatility Some Market Analysts Foresee..." (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/due-extreme-volatility-some-market-analysts-foresee)

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 06/13/2012 21:43 -0400

Helmet time.
From Oanda (http://www.oanda.com/)

Due to the extreme volatility some market analysts foresee could result in the coming days, OANDA fxTrade will not accept any trading activity from 6:00 AM EST until approximately 3:00 PM EST, on Sunday, June 17, 2012. OANDA believes the convergence of a major market event during off-market hours represents a potential trading risk and has taken this rare step to protect traders from excessive rate fluctuations.

Please note that during this halt in trading, you can still access your account details but no trading activity will be accepted. For this reason, OANDA strongly recommends that all traders consider minimizing currency exposures prior to the trading halt.

If you do intend to maintain open positions during this period, be aware that OANDA will hold exchange rates steady during the trading halt. However, when trading resumes, rates will immediately adjust to the current market rate and it is possible that the updated rate could result in a margin closeout if the price has moved significantly against your positions.

Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure you have adequate funds in your account to prevent a margin closeout.

OANDA apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause.

For more information, please contact a Customer Service (http://fxtrade.oanda.com/help/customer-service/)representative.

Best regards,

The OANDA team

What do you get when you mix counterparty and agency risk, and throw in some currency collapse fear for good measure? This.

TD then posted this comment. Third one for the article.

Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)

What they are saying is to have no opEURn positions into the weekend. (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/due-extreme-volatility-some-market-analysts-foresee#comment-2524188)

14th June 2012, 08:41 AM
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
FX Markets Bracing For Major Event (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/fx-markets-bracing-major-event)

Last night we noted (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/due-extreme-volatility-some-market-analysts-foresee) that OandA will shut-down trading on Sunday ahead of the market-moving events surrounding the Greek election (as it seems they are unwilling to take the agency risk and potentially counterparty risk on a large gap). Nowhere is this more clearly priced into the market than the short-dated FX option market. EURUSD 1 week implied vol is at its greatest premium to realized vol ahead of this weekend than at any time in the last three-and-a-half years. The last time the level of short-dated vol was near this high (in absolute and relative terms) was December 9th 2011 and EURUSD fell 400 pips in the next few days.

14th June 2012, 11:53 AM
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Here Comes The Herd: "Highly Volatile Trading Conditions Expected Ahead" (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/here-comes-herd-highly-volatile-trading-conditions-expected-ahead)

Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 06/14/2012 - 14:18 Last night we presented (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/due-extreme-volatility-some-market-analysts-foresee)a very disturbing warning from one FX broker, Oanda, on what Sunday's election could mean for FX trading on Sunday (nothing good). And, as often happens in such instances, the idea has now been "incepted" - look for every FX brokerage to follow suit, likely followed by the plain vanilla exchanges to issue comparable warnings ahead of Monday.


14th June 2012, 12:22 PM
Although I watch with great anticipation, knowing the implications of the situation in Europe are historic, I don't expect a black swan event this weekend, simply because they don't occur when everyone's watching for them, as evidenced by these types of notices.

The floor falling out from under Europe will happen on some seemingly random day, after the masses have let up their guard in exhaustion, waiting for it to happen. This will be most beneficial to TPTB who are trying to engineer the timing of the event. Note my Doom Index date is some time in 2014, by which time most people will have dropped their guard from hearing "Wolf!" cried so many times. Of course I don't know when it will really happen, but will likely occur after most people have concluded that it's been averted.

Funny, watching on CNBC they say they look forward to the European debt crisis being "behind us" so that the markets can resume a stable advance. They don't seem to appreciate that it won't be behind us until some hugely disruptive historic event has passed.

old steel
14th June 2012, 01:02 PM
John Galt says this weekend Sparky, we're doomed.;)

This Could be the Go Time Weekend
by John Galt
June 14, 2012 12:00 ET
http://johngaltfla.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/hurricane.jpg (http://johngaltfla.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/hurricane.jpg)

First and foremost, this is just an advisory of what my personal plan of action will be over the next 120 hours and not a recommendation for anyone to repeat or engage in any of these actions, especially if they can not afford to do so. There is not guarantee that this is the weekend where the events in Europe and the Middle East create the ultimate storm of financial disruption which washes over the American seawall like a Tsunami of economic doom, but to watch the events of this week and thus far this morning and to do nothing to protect and prepare my family is foolishness.

The summary of events which are prompting my course of action:

1. Greek elections with a distinct possibility of results that plunge the nation into chaos and even civil war. The inherent instability there is already bleeding over throughout the Balkans as other nations in the region are suffering the spillover effects of the rapid economic contraction.

2. Cyprus appears to be on the path to receiving a bailout while unification talks between “North Cyprus” or the Turkish zone appear to have broken down. If the United Nations mediator departs without an agreement and the bailout occurs, the oil and natural gas reserves discovered by the Greeks may well be used as collateral for the loans from the European Central Bank creating more friction between Greece and Turkey; especially if the election results in Greece produce a radical nationalist alliance.

3. Italy and Spain’s sudden and rapid economic collapse is impacting the banking systems throughout Europe and will ultimately hit the U.S. causing a contraction in investment and spending and a much more severe contraction/recession than 2008 as our nation’s structure to deal with this problem is far weaker than the prior collapse.

4. Egypt is on the verge of civil war and/or a military coup d’etat. The stories from the Egypt Independent this morning are alarming at best, terrifying in the implications to the region at worst:

Rights advocates challenge military powers to arrest civilians in court (http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/rights-advocates-challenge-military-powers-arrest-civilians-court)
Court verdict will dissolve People’s Assembly, says elections official (http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/court-verdict-will-dissolve-peoples-assembly-says-elections-official)
All that and the silence of Israel’s potential course of action towards Syria in preventing Islamic radicals OR the Assad regime from launching WMD’s against their tiny nation are of great concern, especially if Hezbollah adopts a use it or lose it approach with the defeat of the regime in Damascus.

5. ZeroHedge posted a cryptic message from the Forex trading company Oanda early this morning (see thread at ZH-”Due To The Extreme Volatility Some Market Analysts Foresee… (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/due-extreme-volatility-some-market-analysts-foresee)“):

Due to the extreme volatility some market analysts foresee could result in the coming days, OANDA fxTrade will not accept any trading activity from 6:00 AM EST until approximately 3:00 PM EST, on Sunday, June 17, 2012. OANDA believes the convergence of a major market event during off-market hours represents a potential trading risk and has taken this rare step to protect traders from excessive rate fluctuations.

Please note that during this halt in trading, you can still access your account details but no trading activity will be accepted. For this reason, OANDA strongly recommends that all traders consider minimizing currency exposures prior to the trading halt.

To say this is disturbing is an understatement, so I am preparing accordingly.

James Wesley Rawles at Survivalblog.com posted an excellent primer yesterday (20 Reasons Why America’s Next Bank Holiday Will Be a Nightmare (http://www.survivalblog.com/2012/06/20-reasons-why-americas-next-bank-holiday-will-be-a-nightmare.html)) but I wish to take this one step further and will discuss want the bank holiday will look like on my radio program tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern on the Just Measures Radio Network.

Thus after analyzing everything that is happening and the disturbing instability in the European and Middle East region, I am doing the following:

1. Leaving a minimum amount in my personal checking account to cover outstanding checks on Friday, June 15 before the close of business at my bank. Same for the business account.

2. Securing an extra year’s worth of prescription medications, contact lenses, and any other supplies for my family’s use.

3. Looking for bargains on fungible supplies that will vanish rapidly for barter: Cigarettes, seed, liquor, etc.

4. Emptying the contents of the family’s safety deposit box (I do not have one, it’s my relatives) and securing in a safe location.

5. Filling all fuel containers to the maximum and placing them in SAFE storage locations.

6. Performing all remaining scheduled maintenance on my vehicles before the weekend is over.

7. Testing (again) all radio equipment and set ups, transmitters and receivers.

8. Verifying that all family members have emergency plan information and contact procedures.

9. Moving some supplies to the alternative bug out location.

10. Testing all electrical generating equipment, charging all batteries, and cleaning solar cells/chargers for use.

Hopefully this is just another financial hurricane which misses us and the course of action I take is by no means a recommendation for my readers or their families. The lies being spun by the mainstream and financial media are disturbing and with the potential for a collapse to occur without warning will only generate more panic in the masses, not less. I just prefer not to be one of those souls trampled by the sheeple in a herd of misdirection and confusion. I shall be posting news updates as time permits throughout the weekend on these pages.

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http://johngaltfla.com/wordpress/2012/06/14/this-could-be-the-go-time-weekend/ (http://johngaltfla.com/wordpress/tag/prepetorial/)

14th June 2012, 02:41 PM
Thus after analyzing everything that is happening and the disturbing instability in the European and Middle East region, I am doing the following:

1. Leaving a minimum amount in my personal checking account to cover outstanding checks on Friday, June 15 before the close of business at my bank. Same for the business account.

2. Securing an extra year’s worth of prescription medications, contact lenses, and any other supplies for my family’s use.

3. Looking for bargains on fungible supplies that will vanish rapidly for barter: Cigarettes, seed, liquor, etc.

4. Emptying the contents of the family’s safety deposit box (I do not have one, it’s my relatives) and securing in a safe location.

5. Filling all fuel containers to the maximum and placing them in SAFE storage locations.

6. Performing all remaining scheduled maintenance on my vehicles before the weekend is over.

7. Testing (again) all radio equipment and set ups, transmitters and receivers.

8. Verifying that all family members have emergency plan information and contact procedures.

9. Moving some supplies to the alternative bug out location.

10. Testing all electrical generating equipment, charging all batteries, and cleaning solar cells/chargers for use.

While I don't think anything major is going to happen, based on the reasoning Sparky discussed above, I don't think the advice given here is overreacting at all. Action must be taken when these types of wake-up reminders come along, otherwise very few would be in the right position with the time actually arrives.

old steel
14th June 2012, 02:48 PM
I wouldn't look at the financial collapse of the economy as a black swan type event as i believe we are already in it for quite some time they are just delaying the inevitable by their debt piling actions.

However when it does pick up speed to the point they have everyone's undivided attention there very well could be an event orchestrated to cover their financial tracks something which would throw us into WW3 virtually overnight or make 9/11 look like a pie eating contest.

All bets are off at this point.

14th June 2012, 02:51 PM
Wall Street loves extreme volatility and may have helped created it?

I think the bankers already know the outcome of this weekend's event and have positioned themselves to profit.

When all the attention (we are told) is on one event, maybe we should be looking elsewhere?

14th June 2012, 04:05 PM
Wall Street loves extreme volatility and may have helped created it?

I think the bankers already know the outcome of this weekend's event and have positioned themselves to profit.

When all the attention (we are told) is on one event, maybe we should be looking elsewhere?

Great points EE. Sometimes we don't see the forest from the trees.

It is Op-Ex tomorrow.

Then we had this from ZH this afternoon.

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Here Comes The Mother Of All Rumors: G-20 Sources Say Central Banks Preparing For Coordinated Action (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/here-comes-mother-all-rumors-g-20-sources-say-central-banks-preparing-coordinated-action)

Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 06/14/2012 - 15:08 Central Banks (http://www.zerohedge.com/category/tags/central-banks) Eurozone (http://www.zerohedge.com/category/tags/eurozone) Greece (http://www.zerohedge.com/category/tags/greece) Jamie Dimon (http://www.zerohedge.com/taxonomy/term/8432) Update 1: and here comes the revision:


So... if Syriza wins, and Greece leave the Eurozone, there will be a response? Unpossible.
* * *
And the mother of all rumors strikes:


One small problem. Central banks NEVER indicate in advance what they will do. This is merely a desperation attempt to ramp markets into the close, and sucker even more retail into stocks ahead of Sunday. Now we wait for the denial because otherwise some pathetic G-20 leak just made central banks everywhere irrelevant and obsolete: remember what happened to Jamie Dimon when in March he front-ran the Fed...

Talking their book?

Could be this.

Google search. osaka bay yellow (http://www.google.com/search?q=osaka+yellow+sea&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Jje&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&q=osaka+bay+yellow&oq=osaka+bay+yellow&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=serp.2...4869.9982.0.10164. 18.2-2j5.7.0...0.0.feiWmT-rZRk&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=ae83a10b641cd06e&biw=1152&bih=728)

Then we have this too.

Egypt's supreme court dissolves parliament and outrages Islamists (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jun/14/egypt-parliament-dissolved-supreme-court)

14th June 2012, 08:17 PM
While I don't think anything major is going to happen, based on the reasoning Sparky discussed above, I don't think the advice given here is overreacting at all. Action must be taken when these types of wake-up reminders come along, otherwise very few would be in the right position with the time actually arrives.
I don't think it's overreacting, either, provided that it's not being done in panic. It becomes problematic when you go through this fire drill over and over again until you become de-sensitized or exhausted, or discouraged from maintaining your routine preparations. I feel for those people who say they have become exhausted from prepping since the 1970s.

If some "event" starts to emerge this weekend, it will likely be met by dramatic government-initiated actions to fend off any bad outcome. And ironically, those actions are what will likely ultimately cause a bad outcome further on down the line when people are paying less attention.

Take for example the whole Lehman/AIG crisis in 2008. The government swooped in and took unprecedented action to avoid some kind of disaster, which they probably did, temporarily. Banks didn't close, ATM's didn't run out of money, the money market didn't "break the buck", companies didn't fail to make payroll. But the cost of the dramatic action got pushed down the road to some future date. I think the worst-case for this weekend is that a similar scenario plays out, and the problems get pushed forward again, to be realized at some future less conspicous date. More likely, the whole weekend will end with most people who are paying attention saying "That's it?", and it will be viewed as another example of crying wolf.

So if you are in a position to shore up some preps this weekend, go ahead. Just don't do it in a panic.

14th June 2012, 08:56 PM
Thus after analyzing everything that is happening and the disturbing instability in the European and Middle East region, I am doing the following:

1. Leaving a minimum amount in my personal checking account to cover outstanding checks on Friday, June 15 before the close of business at my bank. Same for the business account.

2. Securing an extra year’s worth of prescription medications, contact lenses, and any other supplies for my family’s use.

3. Looking for bargains on fungible supplies that will vanish rapidly for barter: Cigarettes, seed, liquor, etc.

4. Emptying the contents of the family’s safety deposit box (I do not have one, it’s my relatives) and securing in a safe location.

5. Filling all fuel containers to the maximum and placing them in SAFE storage locations.

6. Performing all remaining scheduled maintenance on my vehicles before the weekend is over.

7. Testing (again) all radio equipment and set ups, transmitters and receivers.

8. Verifying that all family members have emergency plan information and contact procedures.

9. Moving some supplies to the alternative bug out location.

10. Testing all electrical generating equipment, charging all batteries, and cleaning solar cells/chargers for use.

I dispensed with this checklist, and just bought extra beer for the weekend... this might be the week to "uncork" some good libations! ;D

Got the rest (mostly) covered.

old steel
14th June 2012, 10:59 PM
Oh great John Galts site is red now too.



14th June 2012, 11:39 PM
I was expecting it to be around the first week of June.

Sure seems like Syria is a lynch pin to WWIII claims, not enough answers there.

Twisted Titan
15th June 2012, 02:12 AM
Although I watch with great anticipation, knowing the implications of the situation in Europe are historic, I don't expect a black swan event this weekend, simply because they don't occur when everyone's watching for them, as evidenced by these types of notices.

The floor falling out from under Europe will happen on some seemingly random day, after the masses have let up their guard in exhaustion, waiting for it to happen. This will be most beneficial to TPTB who are trying to engineer the timing of the event. Note my Doom Index date is some time in 2014, by which time most people will have dropped their guard from hearing "Wolf!" cried so many times. Of course I don't know when it will really happen, but will likely occur after most people have concluded that it's been averted.

Funny, watching on CNBC they say they look forward to the European debt crisis being "behind us" so that the markets can resume a stable advance. They don't seem to appreciate that it won't be behind us until some hugely disruptive historic event has passed.

Bingo Sparky.

Because they are hamming it up I absolutely know nothing will come of this in the immediate short term.

we ALWAYS get hit from the blind side Then every economist and Spin Doctor proceeds to "Monday Morning Quarterback" the event is such a way they have you believeing they were just about to make the call but the event broke first.

Bunch of mental midgets.

15th June 2012, 03:14 AM
dang it wrong thread again.