View Full Version : Dr. Norman Finkelstein Suppression Attempts

15th June 2012, 01:10 PM
If you don't know who Norman Finkelstein is, you will soon. He's been around for a while, he got on my radar when he completely dissected the health care bill here in America. He produced a very thorough report on it.

He generally has a very level head.

This video is one of the few times he loses his cool. This video has recently suffered some censorship (being removed from certain sites) so I decided to post it here.


Earlier in the talk, Dr. Finkelstein referred to Jews in modern-day Israel as Nazis in terms of their crimes against Palestines, and the girl used the Holocaust example and cried and tried gaining sympathy, yet the man firmly explained that that was a cheap ploy and an attempt to emotionally manipulate. He told her that she should be ashamed of herself for trying to exploit the emotional response of the holocaust to re-enforce the current argument.

This is not a new video, but it has recently suffered some massive censorship from larger sites.

15th June 2012, 01:23 PM
GREAT post NE....

Its nice to see a man with the intellectual acumen to address this issue with TRUTH. And the girl who asked the question just cannot believe that somebody isnt buying her line of BULLSHIT about Israel. Incredible.

15th June 2012, 01:32 PM
She really wasn't ready for him to have had lost his entire family in WWII. You can actually see her paradigm shifting at the end - she's crying and her brain is basically breaking. Up until now, anybody who has said these things to her has been "a racist". But here is a man who, according to her own rules, is "incapable of being a racist" making those same comments she's previously dismissed.

His other talks have considerably less angry ownage, but are still very solid.

15th June 2012, 01:33 PM
He really tears them up...............

15th June 2012, 02:16 PM
Damn good vid.

Just started to listening to this. I like the joke at the beginning. I also get the feeling that he and Alan Dershowitz are not the most friendliest terms.



Hatha Sunahara
15th June 2012, 09:55 PM
I first heard about Finkelstein about a dozen years ago in an article by Noam Chomsky critiqueing his scholarly work that debunked From Time Immemorial. He debunked it in his PHD dissertation. I was enthusiastic about Chomsky back then, who gave him high marks for scholarship. But as Chomsky says in this video, He should be aware that he discredits a lot of intellectuals by debunking that book. Finkelstein has suffered the typical fate of a man who values truth and reason more highly than the interests of the money power. I admire his courage. I can also understand a certain spirit of rebelliousness as well. I'm sure he was sensitive to the fact that his family was not an ordinary one with parents who survived a concentration camp.

It's ironic that he has made a career for himself exposing the motives for the holocaust. And not being hateful to the Palestinians. He has a lot in common with Gilad Atzmon--the most visible is his relationship with Alan Dershowitz. It seems that Dershowitz's job is to round up and discredit self hating Jews. Particularly influential ones who write books and are not particularly sympathetic to Zionist behavior. Both Finkelstein and Atzmon have given Dershowitz some major headaches. Finkelstein, like Atzmon deal with jewish identity politics. I presume that seeking any truth in this arena necessarily involves shattering some carefully contrived propaganda campaigns--such as the holocaust, and the war against the Palestinians. If people start to question the truth in these areas, Israel loses legitimacy. These guys are dangerous to Zionism. And most likely vice versa.


16th June 2012, 08:29 PM
It isn't often that I'm buying genuineness these days. This one, I'm buying.


Twisted Titan
17th June 2012, 02:22 AM
Jews make war among themselves ............ and what you have here is a low ranking Jew who is calling out high ranking Jews that sold his family down the river for power and profit.

This is why they should be avoided..... that are absolutely crazy.

I applaued his effort not to back down ........ but I really wish I can just drop them all off on a island and let them hack each other to pieces because they are NEVER satisfied and constanly make trouble for other people.

I just dont want to be party to any of their madness.......

But I must say I did enjoy watching that girls struggle to keep her brain contained in her skull and not explode all over the theater