View Full Version : Message from Ron Paul......

15th June 2012, 07:49 PM
whats your alls thoughts , on content, as to .....well, what's going on.


15th June 2012, 07:56 PM
I liked the part where he says to come ready for battle to take out the GOP, fight them with everything we've got...rain hellfire on them!

mick silver
15th June 2012, 08:02 PM
do i need to send any money

15th June 2012, 08:07 PM
Suckers unite!

15th June 2012, 08:20 PM

The Republican National Convention begins on August 27, and you
and I have some critical work to do to get ready.

As I shared last week, my campaign will have as many as 200 bound
delegates and several hundred more on the convention floor who
support our issues.

To stand with my delegates, I will be holding an important rally
in Tampa on Sunday, August 26th. Everyone is welcome to attend.
In fact, I'm hoping we'll have a wonderful crowd.

The goal of this rally is to kick off the week for our delegates,
set the proper respectful and positive tone, and prove to the GOP
establishment that you and I are the future of the Republican
Party - and that we stand behind our beliefs 100%.

Today, I shot a video sharing my thoughts on my campaign's
successes and how we will advance our ideas in Tampa. I do hope
you'll take a moment to watch it.

http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/8913194:12306323921:m:3:340129849:FDD4CD4D938ECB58 91428BC6892875F1:r

Of course, my campaign is still competing in several state
conventions still yet to come. And we have a lot of planning to
do to prepare for the convention.

If you are a delegate, please stay tuned for communications from
my staff laying out our plans and offering assistance.

If you are not a delegate but would like to come celebrate with
us, you will hear more details in the coming weeks.

There is no doubt that you and I can win the future.

Tampa is an important step toward restoring liberty in our
country and setting the stage for victories yet to come.

I hope I can count on you to join us.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee


15th June 2012, 08:32 PM

The Republican National Convention begins on August 27, and you
and I have some critical work to do to get ready.

As I shared last week, my campaign will have as many as 200 bound
delegates and several hundred more on the convention floor who
support our issues.

To stand with my delegates, I will be holding an important rally
in Tampa on Sunday, August 26th. Everyone is welcome to attend.
In fact, I'm hoping we'll have a wonderful crowd.

The goal of this rally is to kick off the week for our delegates,
set the proper respectful and positive tone, and prove to the GOP
establishment that you and I are the future of the Republican
Party - and that we stand behind our beliefs 100%.

Today, I shot a video sharing my thoughts on my campaign's
successes and how we will advance our ideas in Tampa. I do hope
you'll take a moment to watch it.

http://paracom.paramountcommunication.com/ct/8913194:12306323921:m:3:340129849:FDD4CD4D938ECB58 91428BC6892875F1:r

Of course, my campaign is still competing in several state
conventions still yet to come. And we have a lot of planning to
do to prepare for the convention.

If you are a delegate, please stay tuned for communications from
my staff laying out our plans and offering assistance.

If you are not a delegate but would like to come celebrate with
us, you will hear more details in the coming weeks.

There is no doubt that you and I can win the future.

Tampa is an important step toward restoring liberty in our
country and setting the stage for victories yet to come.

I hope I can count on you to join us.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul

Paid for by Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

www.ronpaul2012.com (http://www.ronpaul2012.com)



15th June 2012, 09:24 PM
I don't think his heart is in this speech. The conviction and fire is not in his voice or body language. It sounds scripted to me. This is not the Ron Paul we are used to hearing.

16th June 2012, 03:59 AM
I don't think his heart is in this speech. The conviction and fire is not in his voice or body language. It sounds scripted to me. This is not the Ron Paul we are used to hearing.

kind of like, someone off to the side, off camera, holding Dr. Paul's family pooch in one hand , aiming a large caliber weapon at it with the other saying......."talk or else......"

On a side note.....the ronpaul youtube account was given back......hmmmm


16th June 2012, 07:16 AM
As much as i like RP.......

This sounds like damage control. Not to mention he basically danced around the 800lb question in the room.........

16th June 2012, 07:27 AM
Did Rand Paul Sell Out To The Jews?
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2012

A HUGE LEADERSHIP VACUUM now exists ever since Rand Paul announced his endorsement of Mitt Romney during an appearance on Fox News’ ‘Hannity’ on June 7, 2012.

Many are asking, “Do Rand Paul and Mitt Romney make strange bedfellows?”

For if Rand Paul claims that he is carrying the torch of his father’s legacy then how can he jump in bed with Romney who supports the NDAA, stricter gun control, bank bailouts, global wars for the Jews, and ObamaCare?

Observers of the Ron Paul campaign are maintaining that Rand Paul does not make a move before consulting his father and thus suggesting that Ron Paul was party to his son’s decision.

But some Libertarian insiders like Lew Rockwell argue that Rand Paul is his “own man”—that he is not a libertarian after all—and that by endorsing Romney he acted without his father’s consent.

Whatever the case may be, Lew Rockwell made it clear that the Ron Paul campaign was “over” and that it’s now time to “move beyond politics.”

And as regards Ron Paul making a deal to create a libertarian-oriented Republican platform, Rockwell suggests that strategies and game plans are “not fully in reality.”

And besides, platforms and party directions, just like campaign promises, are built upon shifting sands if not downright lies.

But one “lie” is being uncovered…and that’s the belief that politicians represent the will of the people rather than the will of the Jews.

Has Rand Paul sold out to the Jews by endorsing Romney? Stay with me as I outline the regression.


RON PAUL HAS BEEN USING cotton-padded gloves in his “attacks” on Romney throughout the entire primary voting process.

Yes, at times Paul tip-toed around labeling Romney as a “flip flopper” on the issues.

But, compared to Paul’s barrage of attacks on Santorum, calling him a “fake” with a “record of betrayal,” and his assaults on Gingrich as a “serial hypocrite” and a “chicken hawk,” Paul’s criticisms of Romney look like marshmallow warfare.

With so-called enemies like this why would Romney need friends?

For by Paul attacking Romney’s two main contenders—Santorum and Gingrich—Paul was actually helping Romney maintain his lead at a time when they most threatened Romney’s candidacy.

In February of 2012, the New York Times reported that a growing friendship between Paul and Romney was developing. “The candidates talk on the phone frequently,” said the Times. And when Paul’s campaign jet broke down last year, Romney offered his jet to take them home to Texas.

Then, in an alarming study at the end of February, a group called Think Progress revealed that Ron Paul never attacked Romney even once in the 20 debates but attacked Romney’s rivals 29 times.

Ron Paul’s campaign manager, Jesse Benton, once rose to Paul’s defense for not aggressively criticizing Romney when saying: “There’s a certain level of mutual respect between Romney and Ron Paul. Both of them want to have a level of adult conversation that goes beyond the typical political attacks.”

IN THE MIDST of all of Paul’s non-aggression towards Romney one has to wonder why he made an agreement with the Romney camp that both he and Romney would decline an invitation for a CNN pre-Super Tuesday Debate scheduled for March 1, 2012.

If Ron Paul’s strategy was not to win the nomination (as some assert) but rather to spread the gospel of Constitutionalism, the CNN Debate would have been a unique opportunity for Ron Paul to reach millions of Americans with his message.

Why then would he walk away from such an opportunity? So as not to embarrass Romney? To be in a position to ask for a political favor later on? A VP slot for Rand?


THE SAME JEWISH NAMES that brought us the LIE of Saddam’s “weapons of mass destruction” are to be seen in Romney’s team of advisors.

Thus, for Rand Paul to endorse Mitt Romney is to support Jewry’s never-ending, interminable wars AND their Jewish police state now oppressing American citizens.

How then can Rand Paul say that he and Mitt Romney have much in common? With Jewish war-mongering associates? Indeed, Rand Paul did hold a secret meeting with the Jewish neocon leader, Bill Kristol, not so long ago.

And the list of Romney’s advisors reads like a neo-con Bar Mitzvah:

Michael Chertoff - Talmudic Jew. Co-chair of Romney’s Intelligence Advisory Committee. Pushing for even more of his Chertoff Strip Machines in TSA lines.

Eliot Cohen - Neocon Jew. Special advisor to Romney, author of Romney’s foreign policy White Paper.

Roger Zakheim - Neocon Jew. Co-chair of Romney’s Defense Committee. Son of Dov Zakheim.

Robert Kagan - Neocon Jew. Special advisor to Romney. Former member of PNAC that brought us Saddam’s WMD. Now heads the Foreign Policy Initiative.

Kristen Silverberg - Warmonger Jew. Co-chairs Romney’s European Affairs Committee. Wants “regime change” in Iran.

Dov Zakheim - Zionist Jew. Special Advisor to Romney. Former comptroller of the Pentagon. Key agent in the 9/11 “inside job.” View Entire Story Here, Here, & Here

Moreover, neocon Jew Bill Kristol boasts that Romney will pick Talmudic Jew, Senator Joseph Lieberman, as his Secretary of State.

Whoopee! We are about to have a Jew-infested Romney administration complete with blood-thirsty Lieberman if this plastic-looking mannequin Romney ever gets elected.

RAND PAUL COULD NOT HAVE PICKED a more wretched alliance to support with his recent endorsement of Mitt Romney.

And if Rand Paul really wants to change the Republican party from within then he’s going to have to contend with the full thrust of the Synagogue of Satan itself.

I grew up as a Jew, and believe me when I tell you, the Synagogue will make mincemeat out of the ‘Goy,’ Rand Paul.

As to the question many are asking, “Did Rand Paul sell out to Romney?” the answer is NO…it’s the wrong question. Paul—by endorsing Romney—sold out to the Jews.
