17th June 2012, 06:48 PM
Does this even make sense? Are they going to force RP to keep running? Seriously, we have lawyers trying to do the "right" thing. Something doesn't smell right.
PS Hat tip to midnightrambler who pm'ed this story to me.
Press Release for Lawyers for Ron Paul (http://www.dailypaul.com/240845/press-release-lawyers-for-ron-paul-includes-all-pertinent-links)
4Share (http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.libertyusapac.org%2F wordpresspac%2F2012%2F06%2F17%2Fpress-release-for-lawyers-for-ron-paul%2F&t=wordpresspac%20%C2%BB%20Press%20Release%20for%20 Lawyers%20for%20Ron%20Paul&src=sp)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Righteous “Mutiny” in Ron Paul Campaign; Executive Committee for LAWYERS FOR RON PAUL Takes Over the R3VOLUTION Santa Ana, CA, June 15, 2012:
The Executive Committee for LAWYERS FOR RON PAUL launches takeover of the campaign. Refusing to be sold downstream for political or monetary gain, the REAL Ron Paul R3volution without reservation is ‘in it to win it!” They are sending unbound delegates to Tampa under the protection of a federal lawsuit filed on Monday, June 11, 2012.
The Ron Paul Federal Delegates Case was filed at Ronald Reagan Courthouse, Santa Ana, California. Federal Judge David Carter, Ninth Federal Circuit presides over Case Number SACV 12- 00927. This lawsuit serves to protect the civil rights of all delegates to the Republican National Convention, as well as all delegates in any federal, general, or special election regardless of party affiliation. Title 42 USC 1971-1974 protects all delegates and alternates from coercion, intimidation, and threats designed to further a political or social agenda.
The Executive Committee for LAWYERS FOR RON PAUL seeks to obtain a Federal Court order mandating ALL delegates are unbound and free to vote their conscience on the first round of voting at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. LAWYERS FOR RON PAUL, a grassroots community of lawyers, paralegals, and concerned citizens are united to restore liberty to We the People and the Republic.
All delegates and voters experiencing election fraud go to:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkNO90HPaw0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkNO90HPaw0) (from the DailyPaul)
For more information:
contact: Cass Ingram, Porter H. Davis, Pat Jack
5500 Military Trail # 22-192
Jupiter, FL 33458
Executive Committee Lawyers for Ron Paul
850-417-8543, 850-417-8543
Fax 714-667-2388
http://electionfraudremedy.com (http://electionfraudremedy.com/)
# # #
================================================== =========
Click here (http://www.toolsforjustice.com/1_COMPLAINT_SACV-12-00927-DOC%28JPRx%29.pdf) to view and download the entire 84-page federal civil voting fraud complaint filed in the U.S. 9th Circuit with the U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, California on Monday, June 11, 2012 by Attorney Richard Gilbert. The case has been assigned to Federal Judge Hon. David O. Carter.
http://www.toolsforjustice.com/1_COMPLAINT_SACV-12-00927-DOC(JPRx).pdf (http://www.toolsforjustice.com/1_COMPLAINT_SACV-12-00927-DOC%28JPRx%29.pdf)================================ ========================================
This lawsuit “serves to protect the civil rights of all delegates to the Republican National Convention . . .” It will also protect delegates from “coercion, intimidation, and threats . . . ” Election Fraud – Are You A Victim of Voting Fraud? ================================================== ============ http://electionfraudremedy.com/ (http://electionfraudremedy.com/)================================================= ===========
Lawyers For Ron Paul
Civil Rights (Voting Rights) Lawsuit
frequently asked questions – FAQ:
Ron Paul: Lawyers Confirm that All Delegates Are Unbound:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkNO90HPaw0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkNO90HPaw0)
Posted on June 17, 2012 (http://www.libertyusapac.org/wordpresspac/2012/06/17/press-release-for-lawyers-for-ron-paul/) by drkresearch (http://www.libertyusapac.org/wordpresspac/author/drkresearch/). This entry was posted in Uncategorized (http://www.libertyusapac.org/wordpresspac/category/uncategorized/). Bookmark the permalink (http://www.libertyusapac.org/wordpresspac/2012/06/17/press-release-for-lawyers-for-ron-paul/).
PS Hat tip to midnightrambler who pm'ed this story to me.
Press Release for Lawyers for Ron Paul (http://www.dailypaul.com/240845/press-release-lawyers-for-ron-paul-includes-all-pertinent-links)
4Share (http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.libertyusapac.org%2F wordpresspac%2F2012%2F06%2F17%2Fpress-release-for-lawyers-for-ron-paul%2F&t=wordpresspac%20%C2%BB%20Press%20Release%20for%20 Lawyers%20for%20Ron%20Paul&src=sp)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Righteous “Mutiny” in Ron Paul Campaign; Executive Committee for LAWYERS FOR RON PAUL Takes Over the R3VOLUTION Santa Ana, CA, June 15, 2012:
The Executive Committee for LAWYERS FOR RON PAUL launches takeover of the campaign. Refusing to be sold downstream for political or monetary gain, the REAL Ron Paul R3volution without reservation is ‘in it to win it!” They are sending unbound delegates to Tampa under the protection of a federal lawsuit filed on Monday, June 11, 2012.
The Ron Paul Federal Delegates Case was filed at Ronald Reagan Courthouse, Santa Ana, California. Federal Judge David Carter, Ninth Federal Circuit presides over Case Number SACV 12- 00927. This lawsuit serves to protect the civil rights of all delegates to the Republican National Convention, as well as all delegates in any federal, general, or special election regardless of party affiliation. Title 42 USC 1971-1974 protects all delegates and alternates from coercion, intimidation, and threats designed to further a political or social agenda.
The Executive Committee for LAWYERS FOR RON PAUL seeks to obtain a Federal Court order mandating ALL delegates are unbound and free to vote their conscience on the first round of voting at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. LAWYERS FOR RON PAUL, a grassroots community of lawyers, paralegals, and concerned citizens are united to restore liberty to We the People and the Republic.
All delegates and voters experiencing election fraud go to:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkNO90HPaw0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkNO90HPaw0) (from the DailyPaul)
For more information:
contact: Cass Ingram, Porter H. Davis, Pat Jack
5500 Military Trail # 22-192
Jupiter, FL 33458
Executive Committee Lawyers for Ron Paul
850-417-8543, 850-417-8543
Fax 714-667-2388
http://electionfraudremedy.com (http://electionfraudremedy.com/)
# # #
================================================== =========
Click here (http://www.toolsforjustice.com/1_COMPLAINT_SACV-12-00927-DOC%28JPRx%29.pdf) to view and download the entire 84-page federal civil voting fraud complaint filed in the U.S. 9th Circuit with the U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, California on Monday, June 11, 2012 by Attorney Richard Gilbert. The case has been assigned to Federal Judge Hon. David O. Carter.
http://www.toolsforjustice.com/1_COMPLAINT_SACV-12-00927-DOC(JPRx).pdf (http://www.toolsforjustice.com/1_COMPLAINT_SACV-12-00927-DOC%28JPRx%29.pdf)================================ ========================================
This lawsuit “serves to protect the civil rights of all delegates to the Republican National Convention . . .” It will also protect delegates from “coercion, intimidation, and threats . . . ” Election Fraud – Are You A Victim of Voting Fraud? ================================================== ============ http://electionfraudremedy.com/ (http://electionfraudremedy.com/)================================================= ===========
Lawyers For Ron Paul
Civil Rights (Voting Rights) Lawsuit
frequently asked questions – FAQ:
Ron Paul: Lawyers Confirm that All Delegates Are Unbound:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkNO90HPaw0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkNO90HPaw0)
Posted on June 17, 2012 (http://www.libertyusapac.org/wordpresspac/2012/06/17/press-release-for-lawyers-for-ron-paul/) by drkresearch (http://www.libertyusapac.org/wordpresspac/author/drkresearch/). This entry was posted in Uncategorized (http://www.libertyusapac.org/wordpresspac/category/uncategorized/). Bookmark the permalink (http://www.libertyusapac.org/wordpresspac/2012/06/17/press-release-for-lawyers-for-ron-paul/).