View Full Version : What are the risks of buying/holding silver in your name, with a paper trail?

19th June 2012, 12:46 PM
I don't have any reason to hide. But as a hardcore Libertarian, I don't trust government. Government is on record of lying to us way more times than we can count - the feds especially have no credibility. So, I'm kinda wary to say the least, of buying silver or gold in my own name, and creating a paper trail. I suspect there will come a day when the Feds outlaw not only private ownership of gold, but perhaps silver too.

What are your thoughts? How do you feel about buying silver or gold online from any of the larger dealers, using your credit or debit cards? Am I just being paranoid, or do you folks also distrust government?

19th June 2012, 12:55 PM

19th June 2012, 12:58 PM
If you're afraid of a paper trail go buy gold/silver at a gun show. The dealers there usually don't even issue receipts, and you can pay in cash. You can also buy gold/silver with Bitcoins (http://coinabul.com/). You can also meet someone up from Craigslist and pay with cash.

All of these are methods to buy gold/silver without a paper trail, but keep in mind they usually are more expensive typically.

I don't worry about the Feds outlawing Gold/Silver, what I fear more is capital controls where they charge you a 20% VAT tax when you sell. They will confiscate IRAs and 401Ks by then, and if/when that happens it will force a crap load of people into the metals, which is a good time to buy up other things you want (like land, real estate, and so forth.) It's a lot easier for the government to confiscate all the paper assets first before they come after your precious metals.

Just my opinion, I'm not an expert.

19th June 2012, 01:00 PM
Welcome to the forum. Hopefully you are a new member and not a returning agent.

As far as buying PM's from online dealers, etc, it's really a non-issue when you consider how easily you can lose them in a boating accident. But in all seriousness, I bought at $16, sold at $49.
So what silver? It's gone. I may or may not have purchased more since then, but whatever. Buy low, sell high, or just buy and hold and claim to have sold high.

19th June 2012, 01:01 PM

...Or, maybe a guy who just joined making his first post. o)(~

19th June 2012, 01:02 PM
...Or, maybe a guy who just joined making his first post. o)(~

We'll know soon enough. We always "out" the agents.

19th June 2012, 01:12 PM
...Or, maybe a guy who just joined making his first post. o)(~

Then I have a special deal for you!!

Hello Dear, I am Mr. Daniels Nana-Addo,we are small scale miners from Takwa community the gold region of Ghana . I wish to inform you that we have a large quantity of Alluvial Gold Dust and Diamonds for sale belonging to the entail community that is why we are looking for competent buyers or who will help us sale or find buyers for us. And we only deal straight with the buyer that is willing to come down for a face to face business meeting and to have agreement signed on this. Below Is Our Gold Dust Specifications. Diamonds: large quantity Products: Alluvial Gold Dust Quantity: 150 kilos in stock but any quantity of your choice for a start (even 1kilo we can sale) Quality : 23+ Carats Purity : 96.67% Origin : Ghana, West Africa . Price : $38.500 USD per (1) kilo (Negotiable) Our community's Condition is that: Buyer pay no upfront money but buyer help for the documentation's and shipment cost to any refinery of his or her choice. If you are willing to buy from our community, we can send you our FCO for your perusal. If it is ok for you, we can invite you to our mining site in Ghana here. So that you can see things for yourself and also buy as many quantities you desire to buy. Please indicate your interest, So that we can proceed further. Mr. Daniels Nana-Addo. (For the Family)

19th June 2012, 01:29 PM
I don't have any reason to hide. But as a hardcore Libertarian, I don't trust government. Government is on record of lying to us way more times than we can count - the feds especially have no credibility. So, I'm kinda wary to say the least, of buying silver or gold in my own name, and creating a paper trail. I suspect there will come a day when the Feds outlaw not only private ownership of gold, but perhaps silver too.

What are your thoughts? How do you feel about buying silver or gold online from any of the larger dealers, using your credit or debit cards? Am I just being paranoid, or do you folks also distrust government?

I think you are being paranoid for the most part. I am guessing you are a small fry. They will start with mining companies, large volume dealers, and bullion vaults that are held for trusts and such first.

The small fry stuff, they will try to get you to turn it in long before they knock on your door.

Just remember this phrase. Originally reference to firearms, but it also useful for this subject.


19th June 2012, 01:29 PM

awe, come on ximmy, can't the new guy play with us?

19th June 2012, 01:43 PM
Well it's a good topic and worth discussing. I agree with Shami on this one, in that the bigger targets (401ks, private pension funds, etc) will be nationalized first, before they come after the small potatoes, and even if they do come after precious metals, it will be the paper gold/silver they nationalize first, not physical metal.

I don't think physical metals will ever be outlawed again, because it would require immense manpower to seize physical bullion/coins from private hands, and the payoff would be minimal in these modern times. Remember back when Roosevelt confiscated gold, everyone had it, it was the money in your pocket, the money in your bank. Today hardly anyone holds physical gold and silver.

19th June 2012, 02:20 PM
Today hardly anyone holds physical gold and silver.

Will they be missed...?

With Silver you have nothing to worry about,

it is only ever mentioned in the media when named as a terrorist monetary device.

Bankers hold the most Gold, so if you see them starting to get implicated, imprisoned, or disappearing you can unload then.

19th June 2012, 06:36 PM
What are your thoughts? How do you feel about buying silver or gold online from any of the larger dealers, using your credit or debit cards? Am I just being paranoid, or do you folks also distrust government?

I would advise keeping any given purchase below $5'000, even if one can get better rates and lower shipping overall through larger purchases. Sniping auction is an innocuous way to accumulate metals without arousing suspicion, and the only thing that shows up on one's credit card statement is 'PayPal (something)'. If one wishes to maintain absolute security, pay in cash at a coin shop.

Nothing good can come from the gang of thieves knowing what one buys, so take what precautions one must.

20th June 2012, 02:47 PM
Thanks for the warm and cordial welcome, ximmy. You must work for the government.Actually folks, I haven't had any troubles with government - yet. But we all have known or talked to people who have been hassled or shaken down by government in one way or another. I simply don't like them and don't trust them. I hear what you're saying about being a small fry and government going after the big guys first. That makes sense, but so does my experience of bullies picking on the little guys because its safer for them, and leaving the big guys alone - because they're likely to fight back. Or, they have friends in high places...I see some decent prices from the big online dealers. And there's the companies that advertise constantly on TV. But the problem with every one of them is, they want credit card or debit card information, full name, street address, etc. etc. All that gives me cold chills up my back.I don't have much - yet. But I'm hoping to build a tidy little hoard as fast as I can. For survival in really tough times that surely are ahead.Nice to meet y'all. You too, ximmy.

D sciple
20th June 2012, 03:06 PM
"name calling and borderline blasphemy"

Totally out of line imo.

20th June 2012, 03:49 PM
Well, I thought it was a fair question. I suppose some people can't pass up an opportunity to pounce on others. Must make them feel better about themselves or something. That's okay. I learned something about one individual.

20th June 2012, 03:52 PM
But the problem with every one of them is, they want credit card or debit card information, full name, street address, etc. etc. All that gives me cold chills up my back.

Apmex accepts checks, just gotta wait till it clears, then it ships.

Use your Mother-Inlaw's account... :)

20th June 2012, 04:15 PM
Well, I thought it was a fair question. I suppose some people can't pass up an opportunity to pounce on others. Must make them feel better about themselves or something. That's okay. I learned something about one individual.

watch out for ximmy... :D



20th June 2012, 04:58 PM
watch out for ximmy... :D

I've seen her post during the day, she might only be a taster.

Not an eater...

20th June 2012, 05:13 PM
I've seen her post during the day, she might only be a taster.

Not an eater...

Your fucking with destiny with those kind of comments Horn.

ximmy will find you... :o

20th June 2012, 06:19 PM
Your fucking with destiny with those kind of comments Horn.

ximmy will find you... :o

Boy you certainly are wiley this evening, must be rutting season. ^^^

20th June 2012, 06:22 PM
Boy you certainly are wiley this evening, must be rutting season.

Have you forgot?


20th June 2012, 06:28 PM
Have you forgot?


What are you worrying about?

I got an angle, Charlie :)
