View Full Version : Forget Romney.... Vote for Merlin Miller, American Third Position Candidate

Stop Making Cents
19th June 2012, 09:17 PM
Now that Romney has admitted he wants amnesty for the illegal invaders and more immigration, it's time to forget about voting for Romney.

Please consider Merlin Miller, A3P candidate:


Q. It seems like immigration is the defining issue of both your campaign and A3P. What, exactly, would you do about the darkening of America?

A. In protecting America’s natural citizens, a moratorium on immigration should be imposed until responsible legislation can be implemented. Immigration should be restricted, especially in difficult economic times, to only satisfy our nation’s true needs – and should not radically alter the existing racial/ethnic demographics.

Illegal immigration should not be tolerated, let alone rewarded with government benefit programs. Those who break our laws should be treated as criminals.

America was 90% European derived as late as the mid-1960′s. That overwhelming majority is now predicted to become a minority within the next 30 years. This is a radical demographic assault that will destroy America, if not stopped. We are already suffering serious economic and cultural effects.


Dr. Adrian H. Krieg | All political parties have candidates and all principled parties should ensure that their candidates are up to the challenges of office. American Third Position has ensured that their candidate is up to the challenge. Merlin Miller is twice the man of both running Republocrats. Merlin served in America’s military, neither of our opponents thought enough of our country to serve it. Merlin is a graduate of the U.S. Military academy at West Point. Merlin wrote a book, not primarily about himself but about America, our situation and what in his estimation can be done to resurrect our greatness. Merlin does not skirt issues, or attack his opposition, Merlin has merit and it is upon that merit that he is running for office. Merlin in his book tells us what he thinks the problems are and what in his view are the best ways are to overcome those problems. The only thing the Republocrats do is sling mud at each other, blame each other, and never offer any real solutions.

Brief outlines of A3P’s and Merlin’s plans for America are
Cancel Obamacare and develop a ten pages or less national Insurance healthcare policy to cut costs and improve service and coverage including tort reform.
The elimination of all of Obama’s 923 odious Executive Orders.
Cancellation of the Patriot Act, which violates the U.S. Constitution and almost the entire Bill of Rights.
Repeal of NDAA that violates the Posse Comitatus act of 1887 and allows indefinite incarceration, torture, and the killing of American citizens based on the president’s word.
Ending all overseas wars of aggression and bring our troops home, develop a strong national military.
Securing our borders if necessary with our military.
Elimination of the IRS with the repeal of the 16th amendment and replacing income taxes with a national consumption tax.
Return the responsibility of money, borrowing and interest to congress where our forefathers had it.
Demanding a balanced budget amendment from congress.
Repeal of the 17th amendment returning the senate to state control.
Withdraw America from participation and membership of the United Nations.
Strong and absolute support of the second amendment.
Total elimination of all foreign aid.
Re-negotiation of NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO, and GATT with participating member states. Elimination of “Free Trade” policies replacing same with “Fair Trade” Policies, America first policies.
Removal and barring of all dual-nationals from public office or participation in our goverment.
Overhauling all law and all regulations to be streamlined and duplications eliminated, and reduce the size of our federal goverment.
Elimination of legislatures and legislative members government pensions and health insurance, placing all elected and all goverment employees in the Social Security fund and turning over any residual funds held, to the Social Security trust fund. No more public pensions, and cancellation of any existing public pensions replacing same with Social Security.
Bring antitrust action against the mainstream media monopolies and diversify media. Restrict single market single source media control.
Eliminate all green energy projects and open public markets to innovation in energy production.
Open all off shore and Alaskan energy fields to exploration and development, open all government owned lands to energy exploration and eventual development.
Allow the re-development of nuclear energy production, foster coal liquefaction development, and encourage the construction of new refineries.

19th June 2012, 09:41 PM
err yearh ok.

Eliminate all green energy projects and open public markets to innovation in energy production.
Open all off shore and Alaskan energy fields to exploration and development, open all government owned lands to energy exploration and eventual development.
Allow the re-development of nuclear energy production, foster coal liquefaction development, and encourage the construction of new refineries.

Stop Making Cents
21st June 2012, 07:34 PM
err yearh ok.

He is the only pro-white candidate.

21st June 2012, 08:27 PM
Voting lends a quantum of legitimacy to the current regime. Therefore, I abstain.

Uncle Salty
21st June 2012, 09:51 PM
Voting lends a quantum of legitimacy to the current regime. Therefore, I abstain.

Exactly. Not voting is the only patriotic thing to do.