View Full Version : laughable, yet typical... U.K. police blow up illegally parked car

20th June 2012, 09:14 AM
i bet the next time this guy takes a mini vacay, he'll rent a car!


Hatch exploded open when mis-parked car deemed suspicious

A tourist in London, England had his broken down, illegally parked car's doors exploded open by police — and was then handed a ticket and had his car towed.

Nima Hosseini Razi, a business student from the University of Wales, had headed to London for a 24-hour vacation June 13 when, while driving around Parliament Square, his car started having trouble.

Apparently he thought it'd be alright to park his busted Ford Mondeo right in front of the House of Commons and Westminster Abbey illegallybecause, y'know, he left a note on the windshield, reports the London Evening Standard.

“Dear Sir or Madam, this car is broken. I am just waiting for the AA to arrive. Please do not fine! Thank you, yours sincerely,” he wrote on a slip of paper that he left on the dash while he sauntered off to visit Buckingham Palace, a 15-minute walk away.

That was when anti-terrorism police – on edge, no doubt, with the upcoming summer Olympics and all – discovered the apparently abandoned car and decided it might pose a risk.

They evacuated the area, used a controlled explosion to blow the hatch off of Razi's car and were picking through the wreckage when the tourist returned.

Police didn't end up finding anything suspicious, but Razi wasn't off the hook; when the anti-terrorism unit was through, parking enforcement stepped in and wrote Razi a ticket, then towed his car.

Blowing up a tourist's car because it looked abandoned does seem kind of excessive — but on the other hand he was parked just yards in front of the country's government buildings.

(London Evening Standard (http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/welcome-to-london-2012-tourist-has-illegally-parked-car-blown-upand-then-naturally-hes-given-a-ticket-7850993.html) via Jalopnik (http://jalopnik.com/5918512/london-cops-explode-illegally-parked-car))

Did U.K. police go too far in blowing up this tourist's car?
Is exploding open an abandoned car in front of London's capital buildings overreacting?

...sooo let me get this straight... tourist breaks down, leaves note indicating situation and the fact help is on its way.

...police check out the vehicle, then blow it open rather than verifying the details of the note,

...then once the owner returns, they hand him a ticket and impound his vehicle.

...never let a good training op go to waste, eh?

the only thing i think the car owner did wrong was to abandon his vehicle, had he simply stayed with it till the tow truck arrived, he maybe would have faired better...

20th June 2012, 09:59 AM
the only thing i think the car owner did wrong was to abandon his vehicle, had he simply stayed with it till the tow truck arrived, he maybe would have faired better...

Nah, they would have just considered him a possible suicide bomber and blown him up along with his vehicle.

20th June 2012, 10:56 AM
Are the English afraid of EVERYTHING, or just most things?

20th June 2012, 11:14 AM
I think the English are just stupid. That's probably why my ancestors left there a couple hundred years ago and came to the US. Now, the criminals and dumbed-down masses have taken over the US and it's time to move on. Panama looks good. I've been invited to go to China where they seem to have more rights than here.

20th June 2012, 11:35 AM
I think the English are just stupid. That's probably why my ancestors left there a couple hundred years ago and came to the US. Now, the criminals and dumbed-down masses have taken over the US and it's time to move on. Panama looks good. I've been invited to go to China where they seem to have more rights than here.

i have no intention of leaving canada. i like it here.

20th June 2012, 11:41 AM
i have no intention of leaving canada. i like it here.

Yeah. I'll help right the ship or go down trying to save it. I'm not leaving my home.

20th June 2012, 11:43 AM
Are the English afraid of EVERYTHING, or just most things?

I wish my thread from GIM was still around, "The De-balling of England". It was about the NWO pigs confiscating a BB gun from a kid and arresting him and shit, and the cops were saying that citizens shouldn't "be allowed" to own even BB guns.

Yes, they are afraid of everything. Almost as much as the French. LOL.

20th June 2012, 11:44 AM
Yeah. I'll help right the ship or go down trying to save it. I'm not leaving my home.

There is no safe corner of the globe, from the NWO. Best to say where you're prepped. When the SHTF, you're not going to be wanting to be in a strange country, eating strange foods, etc.

20th June 2012, 11:49 AM
There is no safe corner of the globe, from the NWO. Best to say where you're prepped. When the SHTF, you're not going to be wanting to be in a strange country, eating strange foods, etc.

...that's good advice right there, Awoke!

20th June 2012, 11:51 AM
This is so dumb on many levels.

Good thing it wasn't a terrorist vehicle, they might have caused some real damage that way!

Uncle Salty
20th June 2012, 12:19 PM
Everyone is stupid on this.

The tourist walks away from his car? What an idiot. Stay with the car until help arrives.

As for the gestapo, well, they are just following orders. Ha ha ha.

20th June 2012, 12:59 PM
I struggle with the reasoning on this:

"Hey look, an abandoned car."

"It might be a terrorist's car, with a bomb in it."

"We can't have the bomb go off, let's blow up the car."

If there was a bomb in the car, wouldn't blowing up the car pose a risk that you'd also ignite the bomb? o)(~

20th June 2012, 01:16 PM
Thanks for the LOL, Franks. Good one.


"There might be a bomb!"
"Shit, we better blow it up!"


20th June 2012, 01:22 PM
he should have left a 6 pack of Guinness in the front seat.

then they'd know he was a local.

20th June 2012, 01:27 PM
Are the English afraid of EVERYTHING, or just most things?

They don't seem to be afraid of the one thing they SHOULD fear... excessive unchecked government! :o